ELIA European League of Institutes of the Arts
The European League of Institutes of the Arts – ELIA is the primary independent network organisation for higher arts education. With over 300 members in 47 countries, it represents some 300,000 students in all art disciplines. ELIA advocates for the arts on the European level, creating new opportunities for its members and facilitating the exchange of best practices.The principle mission of ELIA is to represent Higher Arts Education and to be an influential voice and advocate in promoting the interests of its members. In placing emphasis on the value of arts education and artistic research, ELIA is dedicated to enhancing the conditions in which Higher Arts Education can flourish, nationally and internationally.
AUF Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie
The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie is a global network of French-speaking higher-education and research institutions. AUF is a multilateral institution supporting co-operation and solidarity among French-speaking universities and institutions. The AUF has 812 members (public and private universities, institutes of higher education, research centres and institutions, institutional networks, and networks of university administrators) distributed throughout francophone countries. It is active in 104 countries and represented by regional offices and information centres on campuses and in institutes.
UniAdrion is a “Network of Universities” (Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro) established with the purpose to create a permanent connection among Universities and Research centres from the Adriatic-Ionian Region. UniAdrion promotes cooperation among Universities and Research Centres mainly through the realisation of didactic initiatives, such as Master Programmes, Training Courses, Summer Schools, Post Graduate Joint Degree Courses. Courses can also foresee the collection of data and the creation of databases.The main characteristic of the UniAdrion projects is a multidisciplinary approach, and study courses have been organised on several topics concerning cultural heritage, environment, cultural tourism, harbours and trade relations.
ENCATC is a network of more than 100 member institutions and professionals in over 40 countries active in education, training and research within the broad field of cultural management and policy. ENCATC members have an impact on the education of thousands of cultural managers worldwide. ENCATC’s mission is to stimulate the development of cultural management and cultural policy education in Europe and beyond, engaging and responding to new developments in politics, economics, societies and technology.

CILECT International Association of Film and Television Schools
The Faculty of Dramatic Arts is a member of International Association of Film and Television School – CILECT, which includes over 180 audio-visual educational institutions from 65 countries on 6 continents with 9,000+ teachers and staff that annually train 55,000+ students and communicate with an alumni network over 1,330,000+ strong. CILECT believes in the inherent inter-connectivity of humankind and fully supports creativity, diversity, cross-cultural thinking and sustainable development as fundamental prerequisites to human existence and progress. CILECT is committed to developing and promoting the highest standards of education, research and training for film, television and related media through establishing and organizing global and regional forums for the exchange of artistic, pedagogical, methodological and managerial best practices for all its members.
AEC European Association of Conservatoires
The Faculty of Music is a member of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC) is a European cultural and educational network with around 300 member institutions for professional music training in 57 countries. The AEC aims to be the leading voice for European higher music education and a powerful advocate for all that is best in it throughout the world. The AEC works for the advancement of European Higher Music Education and, more generally, of music, the arts and culture in contemporary society and for future generations. It does this through providing support, information and expert advice to the specialist institutions offering Higher Music Education, through engaging in advocacy and partnership-building at European and international levels and through measures to raise understanding and enhance standards of Higher Music Education across the European Higher Education Area and beyond. It sees the discipline of higher music education as combining a quest for excellence in three areas: artistic practice, learning and teaching and research and innovation.
BUN Balkan University Network
The Balkan Universities Network or BUN was created in 2006 with the aim to support cooperation of Balkan Universities. The aim of the network is the exchange of know-how and experience in research and education, mutual acceptance of certificates, encouragement of professors and students for more mobility between the universities and the use of support programs for student exchange. Besides bilateral meetings, conferences rotating between the member universities take place.