Strategic Management in Culture
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management
Code: UIB50 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Dr. Milena Dragićević Šešić, University of Arts in Belgrade; Dr. Lidia Varbanova, McGill University, Montreal
Obligatory course aimed to get students acquainted with knowledge and skills of strategic management, organisation development, strategic planning, methods of strategic analysis and evaluation in culture; to develop consciousness about importance of strategic approach to decision making in cultural institutions and about the need for generating and implementing specific strategies for cultural organisations. A special emphasis is put on strategic management in turbulent circumstances in transition countries.
Learning outcomes:
Students develop consciousness about necessity for strategic thinking and learn about possible strategies that a cultural organisation applies in its development. They learn how to define vision, mission and goals of a cultural institution and methods of their implementation, to position organisation in its environment, as well as develop skills of strategic analysis and of strategic plan making.
Obligatory course aimed to get students acquainted with knowledge and skills of strategic management, organisation development, strategic planning, methods of strategic analysis and evaluation in culture; to develop consciousness about importance of strategic approach to decision making in cultural institutions and about the need for generating and implementing specific strategies for cultural organisations. A special emphasis is put on strategic management in turbulent circumstances in transition countries.
Learning outcomes:
Students develop consciousness about necessity for strategic thinking and learn about possible strategies that a cultural organisation applies in its development. They learn how to define vision, mission and goals of a cultural institution and methods of their implementation, to position organisation in its environment, as well as develop skills of strategic analysis and of strategic plan making.
Entry requirements: 240 ECTS, fluent English
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: ENG
Cultural Policy and Cultural Rights
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management
Code: UIB51 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Dr. Predrag Cvetičanin, University of Niš; Dr. Philippe Teillet, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Grenoble, Université Pierre Mendès-France
Obligatory course aimed to get students acquainted with necessary knowledge and skills for understanding cultural policy models and instruments, as well as to enable them to get involved into cultural policy debates and processes of lobbying and advocacy, to introduce an overview of legal frames for culture on European level and on national level of SEE countries. Course gives an insight into mutual relations of cultural policy, law, and economics, as well as knowledge about authors' rights and international and national laws, necessary for running art projects and for management of cultural organisations and institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students gain necessary skills and knowledge for undertaking an active role in the decision-making process in cultural development and design of cultural policies on national, regional and local level.
Obligatory course aimed to get students acquainted with necessary knowledge and skills for understanding cultural policy models and instruments, as well as to enable them to get involved into cultural policy debates and processes of lobbying and advocacy, to introduce an overview of legal frames for culture on European level and on national level of SEE countries. Course gives an insight into mutual relations of cultural policy, law, and economics, as well as knowledge about authors' rights and international and national laws, necessary for running art projects and for management of cultural organisations and institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students gain necessary skills and knowledge for undertaking an active role in the decision-making process in cultural development and design of cultural policies on national, regional and local level.
Entry requirements: 240 ECTS, fluent English
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: ENG
Management of Intercultural Art Projects
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management
Code: UIB52 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Dr. Milena Dragićević Šešić, University of Arts in Belgrade; Dr. Camille Jutant, Université Lumière Lyon 2
Obligatory course aimed to enable students understand the need and importance to enhance intercultural art projects in a multicultural environment and contemporary European context; to get them acquainted with project methodology and project management: from an idea to conceptualisation, project proposal design, team building and team work, budget making, fundraising, monitoring and evaluation. The goal of the course is that students master their presentation and advocacy skills, as well as the skills necessary for intercultural dialogue.
Learning outcomes:
The course enables students to conceive and conceptualise an intercultural project with clear implementation, fundraising, and evaluation methodology.
Obligatory course aimed to enable students understand the need and importance to enhance intercultural art projects in a multicultural environment and contemporary European context; to get them acquainted with project methodology and project management: from an idea to conceptualisation, project proposal design, team building and team work, budget making, fundraising, monitoring and evaluation. The goal of the course is that students master their presentation and advocacy skills, as well as the skills necessary for intercultural dialogue.
Learning outcomes:
The course enables students to conceive and conceptualise an intercultural project with clear implementation, fundraising, and evaluation methodology.
Entry requirements: 240 ECTS, fluent English
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: ENG
Marketing in Culture
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management
Code: UIB53 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Dr. Ana Martinoli, University of Arts in Belgrade; Dr. Dominique Sagot-Duvauroux, Université d’Angers; Dr. Lidia Varbanova, McGill University, Montreal; Dr. Ivan Stanković, University of Arts in Belgrade
Obligatory course aimed to present key theories, practices, instruments, and techniques behind successful marketing campaigns and activities in cultural institutions, as well as art projects and events. The focus is also on public relations strategies, interconnections between programming and marketing strategies, audience development, as well as international promotion of art works and projects.
Learning outcomes:
Students gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills to make marketing, fundraising and PR plans, to define appropriate instruments for their implementation, to define corporate identity of a cultural organisation and its promotion.
Obligatory course aimed to present key theories, practices, instruments, and techniques behind successful marketing campaigns and activities in cultural institutions, as well as art projects and events. The focus is also on public relations strategies, interconnections between programming and marketing strategies, audience development, as well as international promotion of art works and projects.
Learning outcomes:
Students gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills to make marketing, fundraising and PR plans, to define appropriate instruments for their implementation, to define corporate identity of a cultural organisation and its promotion.
Entry requirements: 240 ECTS, fluent English
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: ENG
Human Resources Management in Culture
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management
Code: UIB54 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Dr. Irena Ristić; Dr. Milena Dragićević Šešić
Obligatory course aimed at getting knowledge and skills in the field of human resource management in cultural institutions, as well as understanding basic concepts of HR development and sociology of organisation.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to make human resource development plan in cultural and art organisations.
Obligatory course aimed at getting knowledge and skills in the field of human resource management in cultural institutions, as well as understanding basic concepts of HR development and sociology of organisation.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to make human resource development plan in cultural and art organisations.
Entry requirements: 240 ECTS, fluent English
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: ENG
Reading the Image of the Balkans
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management
Code: UIB55 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Dr. Nevena Daković
Elective course aimed to open questions of culture, society and history of the Balkans through the analysis of texts of representations – as a set of interconnected systems of codes, complicated by over context.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to participate in critical debates about Balkan cultures, cultural studies, cultural identity and their particularity and dependance on historical and ideological changes, to analyze texts and evalute theoretical premises.
Elective course aimed to open questions of culture, society and history of the Balkans through the analysis of texts of representations – as a set of interconnected systems of codes, complicated by over context.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to participate in critical debates about Balkan cultures, cultural studies, cultural identity and their particularity and dependance on historical and ideological changes, to analyze texts and evalute theoretical premises.
Entry requirements: 240 ECTS, fluent English
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: ENG
European Culture – Past, Present and Future
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management
Code: UIB56 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Dr. Jelena Todorović; Dr. Nikola Šuica
Elective course aimed to answer numerous questions fundamental for European culture such as: How do we differentiate between history and the past? What is memory, how it is created and how manipulated? Can there be a space without time? How do we imagine and how do we explain spaces? Students learn about some of the universal concepts that are current in European history that equally mark its past, present and future.
Learning outcomes:
The main aim of the course is to enable students to grasp the concepts of time and space in European cultural history; and to gain a deeper knowledge of these ideas, that are of such importance for the perception of our present, but also for the envisioning of the future.
Elective course aimed to answer numerous questions fundamental for European culture such as: How do we differentiate between history and the past? What is memory, how it is created and how manipulated? Can there be a space without time? How do we imagine and how do we explain spaces? Students learn about some of the universal concepts that are current in European history that equally mark its past, present and future.
Learning outcomes:
The main aim of the course is to enable students to grasp the concepts of time and space in European cultural history; and to gain a deeper knowledge of these ideas, that are of such importance for the perception of our present, but also for the envisioning of the future.
Entry requirements: 240 ECTS, fluent English
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: ENG
Methodology of Research
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management
Code: UIB5 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Dr. Slobodan Cvejić, University of Belgrade; Dr. Pierre Le Queau, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Grenoble, Université Pierre Mendès-France
Obligatory course aimed at getting students acquainted with scientific work and basic methods of theoretical and empirical research.
Learning outcomes:
Students are prepared for scientific approach to research of cultural phenomena in the frames of cultural policy and cultural management (audience research, comparative research of cultural policy instruments etc). They are able to design scientific projects, working plan, formulate research instruments (questionnaires etc).
Obligatory course aimed at getting students acquainted with scientific work and basic methods of theoretical and empirical research.
Learning outcomes:
Students are prepared for scientific approach to research of cultural phenomena in the frames of cultural policy and cultural management (audience research, comparative research of cultural policy instruments etc). They are able to design scientific projects, working plan, formulate research instruments (questionnaires etc).
Entry requirements: 240 ECTS, fluent English
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: ENG
Management of Cultural Heritage
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management
Code: UIB5 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Dr. Branislav Dimitrijević, New Academy of Arts, European University
Elective course aimed to get students acquainted with necessary knowledge for application of instruments and models of cultural heritage, as well as to make them develop methods of management directed towards future cultural heritage development. In the same time, the goal is to get them to know about marketing, cultural heritage audience development, and programming and services adapted for the visitors/audience needs and expectations.
Learning outcomes:
Students get theoretical knowledge in the field of cultural heritage and curatorial studies, related to national cultural policy instruments, but also to those of UNESCO, the Council of Europe and European Union. In the same time, they get practical skills for active participation, conceptualisation and realisation of projects in cultural heritage, with specific accent on inter-sectorial cooperation, and using effective and efficient management techniques.
Elective course aimed to get students acquainted with necessary knowledge for application of instruments and models of cultural heritage, as well as to make them develop methods of management directed towards future cultural heritage development. In the same time, the goal is to get them to know about marketing, cultural heritage audience development, and programming and services adapted for the visitors/audience needs and expectations.
Learning outcomes:
Students get theoretical knowledge in the field of cultural heritage and curatorial studies, related to national cultural policy instruments, but also to those of UNESCO, the Council of Europe and European Union. In the same time, they get practical skills for active participation, conceptualisation and realisation of projects in cultural heritage, with specific accent on inter-sectorial cooperation, and using effective and efficient management techniques.
Entry requirements: 240 ECTS, fluent English
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: ENG
Policy of Performing Arts Festivals
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management
Code: UIB5 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Dr. Milena Dragićević Šešić; Dr. Ivan Medenica; Dr. Silvija Jestrović, University of Warwick; Dr. Aleksandra Jovićević, University La Sapienza
Elective course aimed to get students acquainted with the history of festivals, their status, function and importance in different contexts. Development of critical thinking when discussing and analyzing specific concepts through case studies. Emphasis on various instruments in conception, realization and evaluation of important festival projects in Serbia and abroad.
Learning outcomes:
Students gain capacities for autonomous conception of a festival project, its planning and realization, evaluation and critical analysis of its results.
Elective course aimed to get students acquainted with the history of festivals, their status, function and importance in different contexts. Development of critical thinking when discussing and analyzing specific concepts through case studies. Emphasis on various instruments in conception, realization and evaluation of important festival projects in Serbia and abroad.
Learning outcomes:
Students gain capacities for autonomous conception of a festival project, its planning and realization, evaluation and critical analysis of its results.
Entry requirements: 240 ECTS, fluent English
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: ENG
Comparative Theory of Media: Holocaust and Memory
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Theory of Arts And Media
Code: UIB23 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Dr Nevena Daković
The course explores the representation and narrativisation of the Shoah in art and media texts of Cultural (and Visual) Memory. The overview of the theories of the ethics of representation, memory politics, aesthetic strategies, trauma and testimony is developed through national and international art and media texts taken as the case studies.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to master the theoretical problematisation of the memory and history texts of Shoah, develop the methods of interpretation and articulate own stance about the issues related with the topic.
The course explores the representation and narrativisation of the Shoah in art and media texts of Cultural (and Visual) Memory. The overview of the theories of the ethics of representation, memory politics, aesthetic strategies, trauma and testimony is developed through national and international art and media texts taken as the case studies.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to master the theoretical problematisation of the memory and history texts of Shoah, develop the methods of interpretation and articulate own stance about the issues related with the topic.
Entry requirements: MA in Cultural and Media Studies, as well as in Arts & Humanities, Drama Arts, Comparative Literature, Film and Media Studies.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Postcolonial Theories of Art and Culture
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Theory of Arts and Media
Code: UIB29 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Dr Nevena Daković
The aim of the course is to explore the postcolonial theories- from orientalism to Balkanism - for the analysis, problematisation, theoretisation and interpretation of the art, media and cultural texts. The case studies involve both traditional texts of the III world but also of the (Disappeared) II world and the relams of cultural imperialism.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to research and identify the key notions of the vast range of postcolonial theories and the follow the changes through the texts of different chronotopes and origins.
The aim of the course is to explore the postcolonial theories- from orientalism to Balkanism - for the analysis, problematisation, theoretisation and interpretation of the art, media and cultural texts. The case studies involve both traditional texts of the III world but also of the (Disappeared) II world and the relams of cultural imperialism.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to research and identify the key notions of the vast range of postcolonial theories and the follow the changes through the texts of different chronotopes and origins.
Entry requirements: MA in Cultural and Media Studies, as well as in Arts & Humanities, Drama Arts, Comparative Literature, Film and Media Studies.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Theories of Experimental Film and Video Arts
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Theory of Arts and Media
Code: UIB27 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Dr Nikola Šuica
Overview of variety of artistic experience in moving imagery related to social and historical contexts in theoretical approach. Explored are the aesthetic, technical, and theoretical reverberations of avant-garde film and video, of filmmakers and as well as experimental media artists. Ellective Course for 2nd year of PhD studies.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to inspect key notions of moving images in vast array of experimental procedures and interpretative potentials, both in historical framework and within quest for causes and theoretical outcomes.
Overview of variety of artistic experience in moving imagery related to social and historical contexts in theoretical approach. Explored are the aesthetic, technical, and theoretical reverberations of avant-garde film and video, of filmmakers and as well as experimental media artists. Ellective Course for 2nd year of PhD studies.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to inspect key notions of moving images in vast array of experimental procedures and interpretative potentials, both in historical framework and within quest for causes and theoretical outcomes.
Entry requirements: MA in Cultural and Media Studies, as well as in Arts & Humanities, Drama and Film and Visual Arts.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Creation of Polimedia Artwork 1
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Polymedia Art
Code: UIA07 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Ana Gnjatović
After elaborating preliminary design, up to the realization of the final work, student individually creates under mentorship aiming at connecting variety of media and sences in deterministic way with authentic meanings and artistic excellence - through advanced process of relating two different expressive media that operate in different senses.
Learning outcomes:
Crafting the process of individually relating the simple circuits with two or more different media lines into polymedia artwork.
Outcome consists of realized higher level in the artistic awareness and expressiveness, experience in wokring in polymedia art models and of articulated theoretical reflection.
After elaborating preliminary design, up to the realization of the final work, student individually creates under mentorship aiming at connecting variety of media and sences in deterministic way with authentic meanings and artistic excellence - through advanced process of relating two different expressive media that operate in different senses.
Learning outcomes:
Crafting the process of individually relating the simple circuits with two or more different media lines into polymedia artwork.
Outcome consists of realized higher level in the artistic awareness and expressiveness, experience in wokring in polymedia art models and of articulated theoretical reflection.
Entry requirements: Interdisciplinary and artistic doctoral studies from variety of multidisciplinary fields.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Creation of Polymedia Artwork 2
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Polymedia Art
Code: UIA08 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: DA Ivan Pravdić
Students select topics and contents themselves. Students develop, elaborate and present their ideas as a preliminary design, work collectivelly with other collegues and in consultation with teacher during each phase. for the artwork. Different team models and possitions in a complex artistic production are to be tried out.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the process of collective creation of relating complex circuits with two or more different media lines into polymedia artwork.
Outcome consists of realized higher level in the formulation and creation of artwork, as well as of training for theoretical explanation and ability to work in artistic teams.
Students select topics and contents themselves. Students develop, elaborate and present their ideas as a preliminary design, work collectivelly with other collegues and in consultation with teacher during each phase. for the artwork. Different team models and possitions in a complex artistic production are to be tried out.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the process of collective creation of relating complex circuits with two or more different media lines into polymedia artwork.
Outcome consists of realized higher level in the formulation and creation of artwork, as well as of training for theoretical explanation and ability to work in artistic teams.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Creation of Polymedia Artwork 3
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Polymedia Art
Code: UIA12 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: DA Ivan Pravdić, Ana Gnjatović
Students show and elaborate their own ideas and concepts for artistic work combining live performance with digital media, possibly with teleprezence. Through collaboration with teacher and fallow studens, ideas are developed and compositions differentely tried out. Artwork has to adress multiple senses by creatively using digital and live media.
Learning outcomes:
Expertising the process of individual creation of relating complex circuits with two or more different media lines into polymedia artwork, combining live and digital art.
Outcome consists of realized exceptional level in the formulation and creation of an artwork, understanding and expressing contradictions in the worlds of arts, media, culture.
Students show and elaborate their own ideas and concepts for artistic work combining live performance with digital media, possibly with teleprezence. Through collaboration with teacher and fallow studens, ideas are developed and compositions differentely tried out. Artwork has to adress multiple senses by creatively using digital and live media.
Learning outcomes:
Expertising the process of individual creation of relating complex circuits with two or more different media lines into polymedia artwork, combining live and digital art.
Outcome consists of realized exceptional level in the formulation and creation of an artwork, understanding and expressing contradictions in the worlds of arts, media, culture.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Animation 1 (Animation Kinematics and Digital Modeling)
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA22 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Rastko Ćirić (Animation Kinematics) and Ljuba Brkić (Digital Modelling)
The first segment ANIMATION KINEMATICS has a goal to get students acquainted with knowledge and skills of thinking and creating in the spirit of animation - to move and give life to still pictures or objects, to put them in a certain relation, to understand the mechanics of movements, to develop a sense of timing.
The second course DIGITAL MODELLING has a goal to get students acquainted with different ways of creating simple virtual forms.
Learning outcomes:
Finishing the segment of Animation Kinematics, students are enabled to understand and apply to arts different basic sorts of movements from the nature.
After the finishing the segment of Digital Modelling, students learned to create 3D models of simple structure.
The first segment ANIMATION KINEMATICS has a goal to get students acquainted with knowledge and skills of thinking and creating in the spirit of animation - to move and give life to still pictures or objects, to put them in a certain relation, to understand the mechanics of movements, to develop a sense of timing.
The second course DIGITAL MODELLING has a goal to get students acquainted with different ways of creating simple virtual forms.
Learning outcomes:
Finishing the segment of Animation Kinematics, students are enabled to understand and apply to arts different basic sorts of movements from the nature.
After the finishing the segment of Digital Modelling, students learned to create 3D models of simple structure.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Animation 2 (Animation Directing and Digital Animating)
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA28 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Rastko Ćirić (Animation Directing) and Ljuba Brkić (Digital Animating)
"Segment 1 - ANIMATION DIRECTING: 1. During the process of creation of a short animated film in duration of 1 minute, students are introduced with the process of making of a short animation whole, with the techniques of animation, design of character and background, and learn the elements of animation directing within the treatment of articulation of the animated whole.
Segment 2 - DIGITAL ANIMATING: Students learn how to control moving of dynamic objects which were modelled during the Digital Animation 1 course, applying the principles of living creatures cynematics."
Learning outcomes:
Segment 1 - Animation Directing: Student is enabled to articulate and realize a short animated whole.
Segment 2 - Digital Animating: After finishing the course and creating exercizes, students learn to move simple modelled objects and figures made within the subject of Digital Animation 1.
"Segment 1 - ANIMATION DIRECTING: 1. During the process of creation of a short animated film in duration of 1 minute, students are introduced with the process of making of a short animation whole, with the techniques of animation, design of character and background, and learn the elements of animation directing within the treatment of articulation of the animated whole.
Segment 2 - DIGITAL ANIMATING: Students learn how to control moving of dynamic objects which were modelled during the Digital Animation 1 course, applying the principles of living creatures cynematics."
Learning outcomes:
Segment 1 - Animation Directing: Student is enabled to articulate and realize a short animated whole.
Segment 2 - Digital Animating: After finishing the course and creating exercizes, students learn to move simple modelled objects and figures made within the subject of Digital Animation 1.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Animation 3 (Animation Directing and Digital Animating
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA35 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Professor: Rastko Ćirić (Animation Directing 2) and Ljuba Brkić (Digital Animating 2)
Segment 1 - ANIMATION DIRECTING 2: 1. The student should imagine and perform the preparatory part of his digital animated film in duration of up to 4 minutes, by combining knowledge and experience from this subject and other media. It is a complex interdisciplinary work (naration, design, animation, sound).
Segment 2 - DIGITAL ANIMATING 2: Students advances their knowledge of digital animation field within their preparations for the making of more complex animated form, analysing the advanced CGI techniques.
Learning outcomes:
Student is enabled to learn and experience the preparatory phase of making a complex interdisciplinary project - narative animated whole in a 3D computer application. The final task is to make a maquette of the film (animatic) in which the film is defined from the directing point of view.
Segment 1 - ANIMATION DIRECTING 2: 1. The student should imagine and perform the preparatory part of his digital animated film in duration of up to 4 minutes, by combining knowledge and experience from this subject and other media. It is a complex interdisciplinary work (naration, design, animation, sound).
Segment 2 - DIGITAL ANIMATING 2: Students advances their knowledge of digital animation field within their preparations for the making of more complex animated form, analysing the advanced CGI techniques.
Learning outcomes:
Student is enabled to learn and experience the preparatory phase of making a complex interdisciplinary project - narative animated whole in a 3D computer application. The final task is to make a maquette of the film (animatic) in which the film is defined from the directing point of view.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Animation 4 (Animation Directing and Digital Animating
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA40 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Professor: Rastko Ćirić (Animation Directing 2) and Ljuba Brkić (Digital Animating 2)
Segment 1 - ANIMATION DIRECTING 3: A student should animate, to perform the final soundtrack and to postproduce his personal art animated film which was defined by the animatic (maquette of the film).
Segment 2 - DIGITAL ANIMATING 3: A student keeps to advance his knowledge and skills in the field of digital animation and advanced CGI techniques.
Learning outcomes:
Student is enabled to articulate and realize a complex interdisciplinary project – an animated whole up to 4 minutes in 3D computer applications.
Segment 1 - ANIMATION DIRECTING 3: A student should animate, to perform the final soundtrack and to postproduce his personal art animated film which was defined by the animatic (maquette of the film).
Segment 2 - DIGITAL ANIMATING 3: A student keeps to advance his knowledge and skills in the field of digital animation and advanced CGI techniques.
Learning outcomes:
Student is enabled to articulate and realize a complex interdisciplinary project – an animated whole up to 4 minutes in 3D computer applications.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Image 1
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA23 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Ivan Šijak
The goal of the course is to sublime practical and aesthetic approach to creating moving or still Digital images. By combining two or more layers of different origins (digital capture, digital video, scanned samples computer generated images etc.) student is introduced to ways of creating Digital images. Getting more elements to construct single image students get basic knowledge in image manipulation technics.
These technics include basic manipulation in means of perspective, color and light.
Study of methodology, creative approach, problems and various aspects of creation and capturing moving and still Digital images.
Learning outcomes:
The outcome of the course - after the lectures and practical work performed student is able to record and composite simple Digital images and short video form (clips) based on the fundamental principles of perspective, colors and lighting. During the semester students are introduced to the history and contemporary production in the field of Digital images in contemporary digital Art and moving pictures industry.
The goal of the course is to sublime practical and aesthetic approach to creating moving or still Digital images. By combining two or more layers of different origins (digital capture, digital video, scanned samples computer generated images etc.) student is introduced to ways of creating Digital images. Getting more elements to construct single image students get basic knowledge in image manipulation technics.
These technics include basic manipulation in means of perspective, color and light.
Study of methodology, creative approach, problems and various aspects of creation and capturing moving and still Digital images.
Learning outcomes:
The outcome of the course - after the lectures and practical work performed student is able to record and composite simple Digital images and short video form (clips) based on the fundamental principles of perspective, colors and lighting. During the semester students are introduced to the history and contemporary production in the field of Digital images in contemporary digital Art and moving pictures industry.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Image 2
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA29 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Ivan Šijak
The aim of the course - analysis and detailed explication of procedures used to record and composite actual digital image from contemporary digital Art imagery or contemporary moving picture industry.
During the preparation of practical work, students acquire knowledge about making digital images in which they combine different source materials to create unique complex final image.
Learning outcomes:
The outcome of the course - after the lectures and practical work performed student is able to record and composite more complex Digital images and short video form (clips) based on the fundamental principles of perspective, colors and lighting.
The aim of the course - analysis and detailed explication of procedures used to record and composite actual digital image from contemporary digital Art imagery or contemporary moving picture industry.
During the preparation of practical work, students acquire knowledge about making digital images in which they combine different source materials to create unique complex final image.
Learning outcomes:
The outcome of the course - after the lectures and practical work performed student is able to record and composite more complex Digital images and short video form (clips) based on the fundamental principles of perspective, colors and lighting.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Image 3
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA36 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Ivan Šijak
The goal of course - by combining the knowledge and practice student is obliged to devise and carry out preparation of his/her own digital artwork, which is a complex art work with Digital images as a primary means of expression. Student improve their knowledge in the field of digital imaging with a focus on the creation of a digital image as an art form.
Learning outcomes:
The outcome of the course - The process of conceiving and preparing a complex artwork based on personal concepts, students are trained to start a production of a personal project. Through a series of consultations and presentations of concepts and methods in the realization of the work, students are expected to anticipate the possible outcomes of applied procedures and to fully present the concept and process on the sample. Student at the end of the semester can fully anticipate all aspects and possible problems in the development of the final work.
The goal of course - by combining the knowledge and practice student is obliged to devise and carry out preparation of his/her own digital artwork, which is a complex art work with Digital images as a primary means of expression. Student improve their knowledge in the field of digital imaging with a focus on the creation of a digital image as an art form.
Learning outcomes:
The outcome of the course - The process of conceiving and preparing a complex artwork based on personal concepts, students are trained to start a production of a personal project. Through a series of consultations and presentations of concepts and methods in the realization of the work, students are expected to anticipate the possible outcomes of applied procedures and to fully present the concept and process on the sample. Student at the end of the semester can fully anticipate all aspects and possible problems in the development of the final work.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Image 4
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA41 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Professor: Ivan Šijak
Objectives - Student implements and finalizes his/her work of art with a digital image as the main means of expression.
Learning outcomes:
The outcome of the course - Student finalizes all phases of creating or shooting the artwork and finalises the post-production and mastering. The student acquires the necessary experience in the implementation of complex Digital art work through the process of creating or shooting and the the stage of post-production and final mastering. The final exhibition of art work to individual concepts in a particular area, portal or projection of certain characteristics of the final outcome of the work on the course Digital Image 4.
Objectives - Student implements and finalizes his/her work of art with a digital image as the main means of expression.
Learning outcomes:
The outcome of the course - Student finalizes all phases of creating or shooting the artwork and finalises the post-production and mastering. The student acquires the necessary experience in the implementation of complex Digital art work through the process of creating or shooting and the the stage of post-production and final mastering. The final exhibition of art work to individual concepts in a particular area, portal or projection of certain characteristics of the final outcome of the work on the course Digital Image 4.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Sound 1
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA26 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Đorđe Petrović
The goal is to get students acquainted with aspects of use of synthesized sound in audio projects. By getting acquainted with various methods of sound synthesis, they are encouraged to use sound as an independent medium. Associating parameters of sound image to parameters of visual image helps in transferring creative ideas from visual to abstract domain of synthesized sound.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding and mastering the techniques of basic sound synthesis in software synthesizers. Students are able to create and use synthesized sound in simple multilayer audio projects in MIDI software environment.
The goal is to get students acquainted with aspects of use of synthesized sound in audio projects. By getting acquainted with various methods of sound synthesis, they are encouraged to use sound as an independent medium. Associating parameters of sound image to parameters of visual image helps in transferring creative ideas from visual to abstract domain of synthesized sound.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding and mastering the techniques of basic sound synthesis in software synthesizers. Students are able to create and use synthesized sound in simple multilayer audio projects in MIDI software environment.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Sound 2
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA31 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Đorđe Petrović
Usage of sound as an independent medium as well as part of a digital art project. Students are introduced to sound sampling and sample manipulation. Microphone recording techniques are explained. Artistic and technical aspects of preparing samples and creating sampler instruments are explained and used in practice.
Learning outcomes:
Students master the process of creating digital sound projects using real, sampled sound combined with synthesized sound. In addition, learnt and applied sound production techniques make the project complete.
Usage of sound as an independent medium as well as part of a digital art project. Students are introduced to sound sampling and sample manipulation. Microphone recording techniques are explained. Artistic and technical aspects of preparing samples and creating sampler instruments are explained and used in practice.
Learning outcomes:
Students master the process of creating digital sound projects using real, sampled sound combined with synthesized sound. In addition, learnt and applied sound production techniques make the project complete.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Sound 3
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA38 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Đorđe Petrović
Mastering the methods of modular audio processing in a graphical environment of MaxMSP software. During the work, students get familiar with interactive sound synthesis and control capabilities of the generated sound in real-time. The aim of the course is to adopt the principles of the software: everything can be represented by numbers (digitized) and interactively controlled.
Learning outcomes:
Students are trained to create universal interactive objects, " patches " which includes generation and control of sound and graphics . Students become familiar with the way of thinking and working in the specific environment of Max MSP .
Mastering the methods of modular audio processing in a graphical environment of MaxMSP software. During the work, students get familiar with interactive sound synthesis and control capabilities of the generated sound in real-time. The aim of the course is to adopt the principles of the software: everything can be represented by numbers (digitized) and interactively controlled.
Learning outcomes:
Students are trained to create universal interactive objects, " patches " which includes generation and control of sound and graphics . Students become familiar with the way of thinking and working in the specific environment of Max MSP .
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Sound 4
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA41 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Professor: Đorđe Petrović
Extension of work in Max MSP programming environment by introducing elements of fixed and moving images. Students will explore the possibilities of image-generated sound and sound-generated image, and the interaction of image and sound. Introduction of human control devices and live performances using Max software.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn and experience the final stage of making a complex interdisciplinary project in Max. They are trained to create interactive audiovisual projects and live performances.
Extension of work in Max MSP programming environment by introducing elements of fixed and moving images. Students will explore the possibilities of image-generated sound and sound-generated image, and the interaction of image and sound. Introduction of human control devices and live performances using Max software.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn and experience the final stage of making a complex interdisciplinary project in Max. They are trained to create interactive audiovisual projects and live performances.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Technology
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA24 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Đorđe Petrović
Introduction to digital technology adapted for students who do not have any, or almost any technical background.. The course gives a brief overview of the development of digital technology to concentrate later on the critical processes of A/D and D/A conversion, digital compression and essential digital tools.
Learning outcomes:
To make students aware of the possibilities and limitations of their new artistic tools and equipped with knowledge and skills to use them in the most efficient way.
Introduction to digital technology adapted for students who do not have any, or almost any technical background.. The course gives a brief overview of the development of digital technology to concentrate later on the critical processes of A/D and D/A conversion, digital compression and essential digital tools.
Learning outcomes:
To make students aware of the possibilities and limitations of their new artistic tools and equipped with knowledge and skills to use them in the most efficient way.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Video 1
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA25 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: UIA25
Professor: Aleksandar Davić
Goal of the subject Digital Video 1 is to get students acquainted with conventions and creative possibilities of motion pictures and with terminology used in the field. Students should also get acquainted with the role of director, cinematographer and editor in construction of filmic space.
Learning outcomes:
Students are enabled to understand and use professional terminology, understand conventions and techniques of motion pictures. Students can recognize these techniques in films and videos of other artists and learned to apply that knowledge while preparing storyboards for their projects.
Goal of the subject Digital Video 1 is to get students acquainted with conventions and creative possibilities of motion pictures and with terminology used in the field. Students should also get acquainted with the role of director, cinematographer and editor in construction of filmic space.
Learning outcomes:
Students are enabled to understand and use professional terminology, understand conventions and techniques of motion pictures. Students can recognize these techniques in films and videos of other artists and learned to apply that knowledge while preparing storyboards for their projects.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Video 2
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA30 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Aleksandar Davić
Goal of Digital Video 2 is to get students acquainted with: construction of time in motion pictures, audio segment of motion pictures, basics of dramaturgy in narrative film and practice of editing.
Learning outcomes:
Students are enabled : to understand specifics of motion pictures, to manipulate time in motion pictures, to creatively use sound, to edit sound and picture for their projects.
Goal of Digital Video 2 is to get students acquainted with: construction of time in motion pictures, audio segment of motion pictures, basics of dramaturgy in narrative film and practice of editing.
Learning outcomes:
Students are enabled : to understand specifics of motion pictures, to manipulate time in motion pictures, to creatively use sound, to edit sound and picture for their projects.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Video 3
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA37 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Aleksandar Davić
Goal of Digital Video 3 is to get students acquainted with: use of motion pictures in different multimedia forms and genres, technological stages of pre-production of motion pictures.
Learning outcomes:
Students are enabled to understand techniques used in different multimedia forms and genres of motion pictures, as well as in multimedia art. Students are enabled to prepare their projects for production.
Goal of Digital Video 3 is to get students acquainted with: use of motion pictures in different multimedia forms and genres, technological stages of pre-production of motion pictures.
Learning outcomes:
Students are enabled to understand techniques used in different multimedia forms and genres of motion pictures, as well as in multimedia art. Students are enabled to prepare their projects for production.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Video 4
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA42 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Professor: Aleksandar Davić
Goal of Digital Video 4 is to get student acquainted with: use of motion pictures in different multimedia forms and genres, technological stages of production and post-production of motion pictures.
Learning outcomes:
Students are enabled to understand techniques used in different multimedia forms and genres of motion pictures, as well as in multimedia art. Students are enabled to complete their projects.
Goal of Digital Video 4 is to get student acquainted with: use of motion pictures in different multimedia forms and genres, technological stages of production and post-production of motion pictures.
Learning outcomes:
Students are enabled to understand techniques used in different multimedia forms and genres of motion pictures, as well as in multimedia art. Students are enabled to complete their projects.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Interactive Multimedia 1
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA27 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Aleksandra Jovanić
Introduction to interactive multimedia. Web coding. Internet as a medium. Overview and anatomy of HTML. Text, images and multimedia. Links, lists, tables. Content and design separation. CSS syntax. Selectors. Element positioning. Text properties. Values, relative and pixel. Positions. Colors. Box model. Project – web site setup. Workshop.
Learning outcomes:
Gained knowledge about creating web content, working knowledge of basic languages for creating web content.. Functional knowledge of HTML and CSS.
Introduction to interactive multimedia. Web coding. Internet as a medium. Overview and anatomy of HTML. Text, images and multimedia. Links, lists, tables. Content and design separation. CSS syntax. Selectors. Element positioning. Text properties. Values, relative and pixel. Positions. Colors. Box model. Project – web site setup. Workshop.
Learning outcomes:
Gained knowledge about creating web content, working knowledge of basic languages for creating web content.. Functional knowledge of HTML and CSS.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Interactive Multimedia 2
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: Code UIA32 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Aleksandra Jovanić
Introduction to creative programming in interactive multimedia Basic commands. Event and input handling. Data types and flow control (if, else, while). Functions. Random. Math. Media import, images, fonts. Trigonometry. Project – interactive quiz. Sprites. Advanced movement. Matrix.
Learning outcomes:
Gained knowledge about creating advanced and creative online interactive content, with appropriate application of programming skills, creative thinking, interactive projects conception and understanding of up-to-date multimedia techniques.
Introduction to creative programming in interactive multimedia Basic commands. Event and input handling. Data types and flow control (if, else, while). Functions. Random. Math. Media import, images, fonts. Trigonometry. Project – interactive quiz. Sprites. Advanced movement. Matrix.
Learning outcomes:
Gained knowledge about creating advanced and creative online interactive content, with appropriate application of programming skills, creative thinking, interactive projects conception and understanding of up-to-date multimedia techniques.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Interactive Multimedia 3
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA39 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Aleksandra Jovanić
Creative combinations of different programming techniques, with focus on Processing. Development of small art projects in form of simple interactive pieces or art game.
Learning outcomes:
Gained knowledge for creating interactive standalone application. Upgraded programming techniques and getting acquainted with object oriented programming. Advanced usage of design and interactive animation in process of designing art piece or art game.
Creative combinations of different programming techniques, with focus on Processing. Development of small art projects in form of simple interactive pieces or art game.
Learning outcomes:
Gained knowledge for creating interactive standalone application. Upgraded programming techniques and getting acquainted with object oriented programming. Advanced usage of design and interactive animation in process of designing art piece or art game.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Interactive Multimedia 4
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA44 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Professor: Aleksandra Jovanić
Complete production of complex interdisciplinary and interactive multimedia project. Practical and artistic usage of Arduino platform, various sensors and Processing language. Testing and experimental development.
Learning outcomes:
Acquiring advanced knowledge based on concepts, principles and practical interactive multimedia usage for production of complex interactive project.
Complete production of complex interdisciplinary and interactive multimedia project. Practical and artistic usage of Arduino platform, various sensors and Processing language. Testing and experimental development.
Learning outcomes:
Acquiring advanced knowledge based on concepts, principles and practical interactive multimedia usage for production of complex interactive project.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Poetics of Digital Arts 1
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA21 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Dejan Grba
Poetics of Digital Art seminar provides a platform for critical examination of the creative factors in digital art and culture from the conceptual, formal, technological and broader social aspects. It enables the students to integrate a layered research in digital art and culture with the preparation and production of their doctoral art projects.
Learning outcomes:
- Enhanced research methodology and critical assessment of the poetic aspects of digital art and culture.
- Creative integration of the acquired knowledge and skills with the current art production.
- Systematization and communication of the acquired knowledge in clear and comprehensive verbal, written and multimedia presentations
Poetics of Digital Art seminar provides a platform for critical examination of the creative factors in digital art and culture from the conceptual, formal, technological and broader social aspects. It enables the students to integrate a layered research in digital art and culture with the preparation and production of their doctoral art projects.
Learning outcomes:
- Enhanced research methodology and critical assessment of the poetic aspects of digital art and culture.
- Creative integration of the acquired knowledge and skills with the current art production.
- Systematization and communication of the acquired knowledge in clear and comprehensive verbal, written and multimedia presentations
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Poetics of Digital Arts 2
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Digital Arts
Code: UIA33 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Dejan Grba
Poetics of Digital Art seminar provides a platform for critical examination of the creative factors in digital art and culture from the conceptual, formal, technological and broader social aspects. It enables the students to integrate a layered research in digital art and culture with the preparation and production of their doctoral art projects.
Learning outcomes:
- Enhanced research methodology and critical assessment of the poetic aspects of digital art and culture.
- Creative integration of the acquired knowledge and skills with the current art production.
- Systematization and communication of the acquired knowledge in clear and comprehensive verbal, written and multimedia presentations.
Poetics of Digital Art seminar provides a platform for critical examination of the creative factors in digital art and culture from the conceptual, formal, technological and broader social aspects. It enables the students to integrate a layered research in digital art and culture with the preparation and production of their doctoral art projects.
Learning outcomes:
- Enhanced research methodology and critical assessment of the poetic aspects of digital art and culture.
- Creative integration of the acquired knowledge and skills with the current art production.
- Systematization and communication of the acquired knowledge in clear and comprehensive verbal, written and multimedia presentations.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Drawing – Study 1/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA51 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Professor: Jasmina Kalić-Kumanudi, Biljana Đurđević, Milan Antić, Svetlana Volic, Nemanja Nikolić, Đurđa Sivački
Drawing human figure, (portrait, nude); charcoal drawing on paper in natural human size, still life with human figure in the ambience
Learning outcomes:
Drawing skills (proportions and character of human figure, portrait, nude, etc.)
Drawing human figure, (portrait, nude); charcoal drawing on paper in natural human size, still life with human figure in the ambience
Learning outcomes:
Drawing skills (proportions and character of human figure, portrait, nude, etc.)
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing – Study 1/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA52 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Jasmina Kalić-Kumanudi, Biljana Đurđević, Milan Antić, Svetlana Volic, Nemanja Nikolić, Đurđa Sivački
Drawing human figure (portrait, nude); charcoal drawing on paper in natural human size, still life with human figure in the ambience
Learning outcomes:
Drawing skills (proportions and character of human figure, portrait, nude, etc.)
Drawing human figure (portrait, nude); charcoal drawing on paper in natural human size, still life with human figure in the ambience
Learning outcomes:
Drawing skills (proportions and character of human figure, portrait, nude, etc.)
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting – Study 2/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA30 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Professor: Jasmina Kalić-Kumanudi, Biljana Đurđević, Milan Antić, Svetlana Volic, Nemanja Nikolić, Đurđa Sivački
Painting human figure (portrait, nude); acrylique and crayons on paper in natural human size, still life with human figure in the ambience
Learning outcomes:
Painting skills (proportions and character of human figure, portrait, nude, etc.)
Painting human figure (portrait, nude); acrylique and crayons on paper in natural human size, still life with human figure in the ambience
Learning outcomes:
Painting skills (proportions and character of human figure, portrait, nude, etc.)
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 6
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting – Study 2/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA31 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Professor: Jasmina Kalić-Kumanudi, Biljana Đurđević, Milan Antić, Svetlana Volic, Nemanja Nikolić, Đurđa Sivački
Painting human figure (portrait, nude); acrylique and crayons on paper in natural human size, still life with human figure in the ambience
Learning outcomes:
Painting skills (proportions and character of human figure, portrait, nude, etc.)
Painting human figure (portrait, nude); acrylique and crayons on paper in natural human size, still life with human figure in the ambience
Learning outcomes:
Painting skills (proportions and character of human figure, portrait, nude, etc.)
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting Technology 1/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA48 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Stefan Tasić
The purpose of this course is for students to become acquainted with theoretical and practical knowledge on the preparation of painting materials, as well as on the characteristics of specific painting techniques. Students have the opportunity to learn about, among other things, the origin and characteristics of pigments, to prepare pastels and watercolours on their own, or to stretch, impregnate and prepare the canvas, as well as to try themselves in fresco technique. The skills acquired within this course were summed up by modern technologists by including scientific knowledge to improve the accumulated experience of generations of painters, which had already stood the test of time.
The purpose of this course is for students to become acquainted with theoretical and practical knowledge on the preparation of painting materials, as well as on the characteristics of specific painting techniques. Students have the opportunity to learn about, among other things, the origin and characteristics of pigments, to prepare pastels and watercolours on their own, or to stretch, impregnate and prepare the canvas, as well as to try themselves in fresco technique. The skills acquired within this course were summed up by modern technologists by including scientific knowledge to improve the accumulated experience of generations of painters, which had already stood the test of time.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting Technology 1/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA49 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Stefan Tasić
The purpose of this course is for students to become acquainted with theoretical and practical knowledge on the preparation of painting materials, as well as on the characteristics of specific painting techniques. Students have the opportunity to learn about, among other things, the origin and characteristics of pigments, to prepare pastels and watercolours on their own, or to stretch, impregnate and prepare the canvas, as well as to try themselves in fresco technique. The skills acquired within this course were summed up by modern technologists by including scientific knowledge to improve the accumulated experience of generations of painters, which had already stood the test of time.
The purpose of this course is for students to become acquainted with theoretical and practical knowledge on the preparation of painting materials, as well as on the characteristics of specific painting techniques. Students have the opportunity to learn about, among other things, the origin and characteristics of pigments, to prepare pastels and watercolours on their own, or to stretch, impregnate and prepare the canvas, as well as to try themselves in fresco technique. The skills acquired within this course were summed up by modern technologists by including scientific knowledge to improve the accumulated experience of generations of painters, which had already stood the test of time.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 12
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting 3/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA36 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 9
Professor: Dimitrije Pecić, Dobrica Bisenić, Branko Raković, Zoran Dimovski, Vesna Knežević, Simonida Rajčević, Miško Pavlović
Painting is the main subject taught at the Painting Department. It is also taught as an elective subject for the students of sculpture, printmaking and intermedia students. In the third year of studies students can select to work in the studio of one of the eight supervisors. Painting as a subject is based on studio work and it includes mentorial approach – individual contact between a professor and a student is the basis of instruction.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to develop skills in the field of painting and to advance the individual poetics of each student. Students may choose to paint from live models in the studio, although this is not obligatory.
Painting is the main subject taught at the Painting Department. It is also taught as an elective subject for the students of sculpture, printmaking and intermedia students. In the third year of studies students can select to work in the studio of one of the eight supervisors. Painting as a subject is based on studio work and it includes mentorial approach – individual contact between a professor and a student is the basis of instruction.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to develop skills in the field of painting and to advance the individual poetics of each student. Students may choose to paint from live models in the studio, although this is not obligatory.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: SER/ENG
Painting 3/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA37 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 9
Professor: Dimitrije Pecić, Dobrica Bisenić, Branko Raković, Zoran Dimovski, Vesna Knežević, Simonida Rajčević, Miško Pavlović
Painting is the main subject taught at the Painting Department. It is also taught as an elective subject for the students of sculpture, printmaking and intermedia students. In the third year of studies students can select to work in the studio of one of the eight supervisors. Painting as a subject is based on studio work and it includes mentorial approach – individual contact between a professor and a student is the basis of instruction.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to develop skills in the field of painting and to advance the individual poetics of each student. Students may choose to paint from live models in the studio, although this is not obligatory.
Painting is the main subject taught at the Painting Department. It is also taught as an elective subject for the students of sculpture, printmaking and intermedia students. In the third year of studies students can select to work in the studio of one of the eight supervisors. Painting as a subject is based on studio work and it includes mentorial approach – individual contact between a professor and a student is the basis of instruction.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to develop skills in the field of painting and to advance the individual poetics of each student. Students may choose to paint from live models in the studio, although this is not obligatory.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting 4/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA38 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 9
Professor: Dimitrije Pecić, Dobrica Bisenić, Branko Raković, Zoran Dimovski, Vesna Knežević, Simonida Rajčević, Miško Pavlović
Painting is the main subject taught at the Painting Department. It is also taught as an elective subject for the students of sculpture, printmaking and intermedia students. In the third year of studies students can select to work in the studio of one of the eight supervisors. Painting as a subject is based on studio work and it includes mentorial approach – individual contact between a professor and a student is the basis of instruction.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to develop skills in the field of painting and to advance the individual poetics of each student. Students may choose to paint from live models in the studio, although this is not obligatory.
Painting is the main subject taught at the Painting Department. It is also taught as an elective subject for the students of sculpture, printmaking and intermedia students. In the third year of studies students can select to work in the studio of one of the eight supervisors. Painting as a subject is based on studio work and it includes mentorial approach – individual contact between a professor and a student is the basis of instruction.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to develop skills in the field of painting and to advance the individual poetics of each student. Students may choose to paint from live models in the studio, although this is not obligatory.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting 4/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA39 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 9
Professor: Dimitrije Pecić, Dobrica Bisenić, Branko Raković, Zoran Dimovski, Vesna Knežević, Simonida Rajčević, Miško Pavlović
Painting is the main subject taught at the Painting Department. It is also taught as an elective subject for the students of sculpture, printmaking and intermedia students. In the third year of studies students can select to work in the studio of one of the eight supervisors. Painting as a subject is based on studio work and it includes mentoring approach – individual contact between a professor and a student is the basis of instruction.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to develop skills in the field of painting and to advance the individual poetics of each student. Students may choose to paint from live models in the studio, although this is not obligatory.
Painting is the main subject taught at the Painting Department. It is also taught as an elective subject for the students of sculpture, printmaking and intermedia students. In the third year of studies students can select to work in the studio of one of the eight supervisors. Painting as a subject is based on studio work and it includes mentoring approach – individual contact between a professor and a student is the basis of instruction.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to develop skills in the field of painting and to advance the individual poetics of each student. Students may choose to paint from live models in the studio, although this is not obligatory.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing 3/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA55 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Dimitrije Pecić, Dobrica Bisenić, Branko Raković, Zoran Dimovski, Vesna Knežević, Simonida Rajčević, Miško Pavlović
Drawing is the second important subject at the Painting Department. Students can select a professor. Drawing as a subject in the third and fourth year of studies is the continuation of the process started in the first years of studies. It is absolutely open for all poetics and drawing techniques. The teaching approach is individual/ mentorial. Live models are available in the studio.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to develop skills in the field of painting and to advance the individual poetics of each student.
Drawing is the second important subject at the Painting Department. Students can select a professor. Drawing as a subject in the third and fourth year of studies is the continuation of the process started in the first years of studies. It is absolutely open for all poetics and drawing techniques. The teaching approach is individual/ mentorial. Live models are available in the studio.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to develop skills in the field of painting and to advance the individual poetics of each student.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing 3/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA56 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Dimitrije Pecić, Dobrica Bisenić, Branko Raković, Zoran Dimovski, Vesna Knežević, Simonida Rajčević, Miško Pavlović
Drawing is the second important subject at the Painting Department. Students can select a professor. Drawing as a subject in the third and fourth year of studies is the continuation of the process started in the first years of studies. It is absolutely open for all poetics and drawing techniques. The teaching approach is individual/ mentorial. Live models are available in the studio.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to develop skills in the field of painting and to advance the individual poetics of each student.
Drawing is the second important subject at the Painting Department. Students can select a professor. Drawing as a subject in the third and fourth year of studies is the continuation of the process started in the first years of studies. It is absolutely open for all poetics and drawing techniques. The teaching approach is individual/ mentorial. Live models are available in the studio.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to develop skills in the field of painting and to advance the individual poetics of each student.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: SER/ENG
Drawing 4/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA57 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Dimitrije Pecić, Dobrica Bisenić, Branko Raković, Zoran Dimovski, Vesna Knežević, Simonida Rajčević, Miško Pavlović
Drawing is the second important subject at the Painting Department. Students can select a professor. Drawing as a subject in the third and fourth year of studies is the continuation of the process started in the first years of studies. It is absolutely open for all poetics and drawing techniques. The teaching approach is individual/ mentorial. Live models are available in the studio.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to develop skills in the field of painting and to advance the individual poetics of each student.
Drawing is the second important subject at the Painting Department. Students can select a professor. Drawing as a subject in the third and fourth year of studies is the continuation of the process started in the first years of studies. It is absolutely open for all poetics and drawing techniques. The teaching approach is individual/ mentorial. Live models are available in the studio.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to develop skills in the field of painting and to advance the individual poetics of each student.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: SER/ENG
Drawing 4/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA58 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Dimitrije Pecić, Dobrica Bisenić, Branko Raković, Zoran Dimovski, Vesna Knežević, Simonida Rajčević, Miško Pavlović
Drawing is the second important subject at the Painting Department. Students can select a professor. Drawing as a subject in the third and fourth year of studies is the continuation of the process started in the first years of studies. It is absolutely open for all poetics and drawing techniques. The teaching approach is individual/ mentorial. Live models are available in the studio.
Learning outcomes:
Drawing is the second important subject at the Painting Department. Students can select a professor. Drawing as a subject in the third and fourth year of studies is the continuation of the process started in the first years of studies. It is absolutely open for all poetics and drawing techniques. The teaching approach is individual/ mentorial. Live models are available in the studio.
Drawing is the second important subject at the Painting Department. Students can select a professor. Drawing as a subject in the third and fourth year of studies is the continuation of the process started in the first years of studies. It is absolutely open for all poetics and drawing techniques. The teaching approach is individual/ mentorial. Live models are available in the studio.
Learning outcomes:
Drawing is the second important subject at the Painting Department. Students can select a professor. Drawing as a subject in the third and fourth year of studies is the continuation of the process started in the first years of studies. It is absolutely open for all poetics and drawing techniques. The teaching approach is individual/ mentorial. Live models are available in the studio.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: SER/ENG
Wall Painting – Mosaic 3/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Zoran Graovac, Snežana Jovčić Olđa, Goran Jović
The curriculum of this course is focused on acquiring theoretical knowledge of the techniques of wall painting, fresco and secco painting, as well as complete practical, artistic and technological knowledge of mosaic making techniques, using natural stone and applying the indirect method.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing this course, students are fully trained to execute their or other people’s works in the mosaic technique, independently or with a group of authors, to execute a mosaic or a wall painting indoors and outdoors, and to carry out the complex tasks of executing wall paintings of larger formats.
The curriculum of this course is focused on acquiring theoretical knowledge of the techniques of wall painting, fresco and secco painting, as well as complete practical, artistic and technological knowledge of mosaic making techniques, using natural stone and applying the indirect method.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing this course, students are fully trained to execute their or other people’s works in the mosaic technique, independently or with a group of authors, to execute a mosaic or a wall painting indoors and outdoors, and to carry out the complex tasks of executing wall paintings of larger formats.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies of painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Wall Painting – Mosaic 3/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Zoran Graovac, Snežana Jovčić Olđa, Goran Jović
The curriculum of this course is focused on acquiring theoretical knowledge of the techniques of wall painting, fresco and secco painting, as well as complete practical, artistic and technological knowledge of mosaic making techniques, using natural stone and applying the indirect method.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing this course, students are fully trained to execute their or other people’s works in the mosaic technique, independently or with a group of authors, to execute a mosaic or a wall painting indoors and outdoors, and to carry out the complex tasks of executing wall paintings of larger formats.
The curriculum of this course is focused on acquiring theoretical knowledge of the techniques of wall painting, fresco and secco painting, as well as complete practical, artistic and technological knowledge of mosaic making techniques, using natural stone and applying the indirect method.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing this course, students are fully trained to execute their or other people’s works in the mosaic technique, independently or with a group of authors, to execute a mosaic or a wall painting indoors and outdoors, and to carry out the complex tasks of executing wall paintings of larger formats.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies of painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Wall Painting – Mosaic 4/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: UIB4/1A | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Zoran Graovac, Snežana Jovčić Olđa, Goran Jović
The curriculum of this course is focused on acquiring theoretical knowledge of the techniques of wall painting, fresco and secco painting, as well as complete practical, artistic and technological knowledge of mosaic making techniques, using natural stone and applying the indirect method.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing this course, students are fully trained to execute their or other people’s works in the mosaic technique, independently or with a group of authors, to execute a mosaic or a wall painting indoors and outdoors, and to carry out the complex tasks of executing wall paintings of larger formats.
The curriculum of this course is focused on acquiring theoretical knowledge of the techniques of wall painting, fresco and secco painting, as well as complete practical, artistic and technological knowledge of mosaic making techniques, using natural stone and applying the indirect method.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing this course, students are fully trained to execute their or other people’s works in the mosaic technique, independently or with a group of authors, to execute a mosaic or a wall painting indoors and outdoors, and to carry out the complex tasks of executing wall paintings of larger formats.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies of painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Wall Painting – Mosaic 4/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: UIB4/2A | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Zoran Graovac, Snežana Jovčić Olđa, Goran Jović
The curriculum of this course is focused on acquiring theoretical knowledge of the techniques of wall painting, fresco and secco painting, as well as complete practical, artistic and technological knowledge of mosaic making techniques, using natural stone and applying the indirect method.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing this course, students are fully trained to execute their or other people’s works in the mosaic technique, independently or with a group of authors, to execute a mosaic or a wall painting indoors and outdoors, and to carry out the complex tasks of executing wall paintings of larger formats.
The curriculum of this course is focused on acquiring theoretical knowledge of the techniques of wall painting, fresco and secco painting, as well as complete practical, artistic and technological knowledge of mosaic making techniques, using natural stone and applying the indirect method.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing this course, students are fully trained to execute their or other people’s works in the mosaic technique, independently or with a group of authors, to execute a mosaic or a wall painting indoors and outdoors, and to carry out the complex tasks of executing wall paintings of larger formats.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies of painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Plastic Anatomy 1/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA25 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Petar Đorđević
Student line model by drawing muscles and bones in the context of perceived forms usingskeleton, literature and illustrations as a starting point. Studying symmetry, joints point, characteristic traits of shape and their connections in order to build a continent.
Student line model by drawing muscles and bones in the context of perceived forms usingskeleton, literature and illustrations as a starting point. Studying symmetry, joints point, characteristic traits of shape and their connections in order to build a continent.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Plastic Anatomy 1/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA26 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Petar Đorđević
Student line model by drawing muscles and bones in the context of perceived forms usingskeleton, literature and illustrations as a starting point. Studying symmetry, joints point, characteristic traits of shape and their connections in order to build a continent.
Student line model by drawing muscles and bones in the context of perceived forms usingskeleton, literature and illustrations as a starting point. Studying symmetry, joints point, characteristic traits of shape and their connections in order to build a continent.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Plastic Anatomy 2/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA27 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Petar Đorđević
Student line model by drawing muscles and bones in the context of perceived forms usingskeleton, literature and illustrations as a starting point. Studying symmetry, joints point, characteristic traits of shape and their connections in order to build a continent.
Student line model by drawing muscles and bones in the context of perceived forms usingskeleton, literature and illustrations as a starting point. Studying symmetry, joints point, characteristic traits of shape and their connections in order to build a continent.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Plastic Anatomy 2/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA28 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Petar Đorđević
Student line model by drawing muscles and bones in the context of perceived forms usingskeleton, literature and illustrations as a starting point. Studying symmetry, joints point, characteristic traits of shape and their connections in order to build a continent.
Student line model by drawing muscles and bones in the context of perceived forms usingskeleton, literature and illustrations as a starting point. Studying symmetry, joints point, characteristic traits of shape and their connections in order to build a continent.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Sculpture 1/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC08 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Gabriel Glid, Milica Murgić, Davor Dukić
This course primarily focuses on practice.
Students are asked to work with live models, making portraits and small-sized figures in clay, paying particular attention to identifying the model's proportions, providing an insight into the character and movement, understanding the three-dimensionality of form in space and the role of light and shade on the sculpture surface.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn to observe and sharpen their observation skills by sculpting the human form, which is the main focus of this course.
This course primarily focuses on practice.
Students are asked to work with live models, making portraits and small-sized figures in clay, paying particular attention to identifying the model's proportions, providing an insight into the character and movement, understanding the three-dimensionality of form in space and the role of light and shade on the sculpture surface.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn to observe and sharpen their observation skills by sculpting the human form, which is the main focus of this course.
Entry requirements: Basic sculpting knowledge
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sculpture 2/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC11 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 9
Professor: Sculpture 2/2
The goal of this course is to develop visual perception, observation of the observed forms, and artistic transposition of such forms.
Students sculpt from a live model: portraits, medium-sized sculptures/ figures (up to 1m high) and relief - arbitrary format.
Moreover, students explore their intrinsic artistic poetry through drawing analysis, experimental sculpting work and conversation, which eventually culminates in independent sculpting work, which can be executed in any material and form, depending on the nature of the idea.
Learning outcomes:
Students develop basic sculpting knowledge about proportion, movement, construction, mass allocation, surface passages and planning. Students learn how to control direct perception through shape abstraction and the knowledge of anatomy, subjecting both to the general rules of composition, and applying these skills in expressing their personal creative ideas.
The goal of this course is to develop visual perception, observation of the observed forms, and artistic transposition of such forms.
Students sculpt from a live model: portraits, medium-sized sculptures/ figures (up to 1m high) and relief - arbitrary format.
Moreover, students explore their intrinsic artistic poetry through drawing analysis, experimental sculpting work and conversation, which eventually culminates in independent sculpting work, which can be executed in any material and form, depending on the nature of the idea.
Learning outcomes:
Students develop basic sculpting knowledge about proportion, movement, construction, mass allocation, surface passages and planning. Students learn how to control direct perception through shape abstraction and the knowledge of anatomy, subjecting both to the general rules of composition, and applying these skills in expressing their personal creative ideas.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sculpture 3/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC12 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Radoš Antonijević, Zdravko Joksimović, Olivera Parlić
Students develop their potential for perception and the observation of form through different tasks, in order to elaborate and make complex real size figure forms, modelled in clay. Students build on their previous experience by understanding shape dimensions, character and spatial organization, thus becoming capable of creative interpretation of the observed forms. Parallel individual tasks open up the field of their own individual research.
Learning outcomes:
Building on their previous education by acquiring advanced knowledge through self-reflection and the recognition of their skills, students are able to identify the field of their personal stylistic approach and future development.
Students develop their potential for perception and the observation of form through different tasks, in order to elaborate and make complex real size figure forms, modelled in clay. Students build on their previous experience by understanding shape dimensions, character and spatial organization, thus becoming capable of creative interpretation of the observed forms. Parallel individual tasks open up the field of their own individual research.
Learning outcomes:
Building on their previous education by acquiring advanced knowledge through self-reflection and the recognition of their skills, students are able to identify the field of their personal stylistic approach and future development.
Entry requirements: Basic two-year experience through sculpture practice
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sculpture 3/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC13 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Radoš Antonijević, Zdravko Joksimović, Olivera Parlić
Students develop their potential for perception and the observation of form through different tasks, in order to elaborate and make complex real size figure forms, modelled in clay. Students build on their previous experience by understanding shape dimensions, character and spatial organization, thus becoming capable of creative interpretation of the observed forms. Parallel individual tasks open up the field of their own individual research.
Learning outcomes:
Building on their previous education by acquiring advanced knowledge through self-reflection and the recognition of their skills, students are able to identify the field of their personal stylistic approach and future development.
Students develop their potential for perception and the observation of form through different tasks, in order to elaborate and make complex real size figure forms, modelled in clay. Students build on their previous experience by understanding shape dimensions, character and spatial organization, thus becoming capable of creative interpretation of the observed forms. Parallel individual tasks open up the field of their own individual research.
Learning outcomes:
Building on their previous education by acquiring advanced knowledge through self-reflection and the recognition of their skills, students are able to identify the field of their personal stylistic approach and future development.
Entry requirements: Basic two-year experience through sculpture practice
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing 1/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC44 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Davor Dukić, Dunja Trutin
The objective of this course is to assist students in understanding the basic principles of the study approach to the problem of drawing. Students use large formats and draw by nature (human figure).
Learning outcomes:
Students are qualified to execute large-format drawings of the human figure, character, body positions, gestures and proportions.
The objective of this course is to assist students in understanding the basic principles of the study approach to the problem of drawing. Students use large formats and draw by nature (human figure).
Learning outcomes:
Students are qualified to execute large-format drawings of the human figure, character, body positions, gestures and proportions.
Entry requirements: Basic drawing knowledge
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing 1/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC45 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Davor Dukić, Dunja Trutin
Students use large formats and draw by nature (human figure); they are introduced to space representation in the paper format. During the drawing exercises students learn about brightness, contrast, textures, proportions, etc. in academic drawing.
Learning outcomes:
Students are qualified to execute large-format drawings of the human figure in proportion and space, and to apply the basic drawing techniques.
Students use large formats and draw by nature (human figure); they are introduced to space representation in the paper format. During the drawing exercises students learn about brightness, contrast, textures, proportions, etc. in academic drawing.
Learning outcomes:
Students are qualified to execute large-format drawings of the human figure in proportion and space, and to apply the basic drawing techniques.
Entry requirements: Basic drawing knowledge
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Stone sculpture 2/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC30 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Đorđe Čpajak
In the second year of study, the form of the study programme is free and students execute sculptures (models included- usually 1: 1). The Faculty of Fine Arts provides: material (stone) of gallery format, the tools (hand and machine- pneumatic machines, cutting and grinding discs and other tools necessary for work).
Learning outcomes:
Basic stonecutting skills
In the second year of study, the form of the study programme is free and students execute sculptures (models included- usually 1: 1). The Faculty of Fine Arts provides: material (stone) of gallery format, the tools (hand and machine- pneumatic machines, cutting and grinding discs and other tools necessary for work).
Learning outcomes:
Basic stonecutting skills
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Stone sculpture 2/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC31 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Đorđe Čpajak
In the second year of study, the form of the study programme is free and students execute sculptures (models included- usually 1: 1). The Faculty of Fine Arts provides: material (stone) of gallery format, the tools (hand and machine- pneumatic machines, cutting and grinding discs and other tools necessary for work).
Learning outcomes:
Basic stonecutting skills
In the second year of study, the form of the study programme is free and students execute sculptures (models included- usually 1: 1). The Faculty of Fine Arts provides: material (stone) of gallery format, the tools (hand and machine- pneumatic machines, cutting and grinding discs and other tools necessary for work).
Learning outcomes:
Basic stonecutting skills
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Stone sculpture 4/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC34 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Đorđe Čpajak
Sculpture in stone is an optional subject in the fourth year. Students are welcome to execute sculptures in their own way, to freely choose the theme and format of work.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced stonecutting skills
Sculpture in stone is an optional subject in the fourth year. Students are welcome to execute sculptures in their own way, to freely choose the theme and format of work.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced stonecutting skills
Entry requirements: To have experience in basic stonecutting
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Stone sculpture 4/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC35 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Đorđe Čpajak
Sculpture in stone is an optional subject in the fourth year. Students are welcome to execute sculptures in their own way, to freely choose the theme and format of work.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced stonecutting skills
Sculpture in stone is an optional subject in the fourth year. Students are welcome to execute sculptures in their own way, to freely choose the theme and format of work.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced stonecutting skills
Entry requirements: To have experience in basic stonecutting
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sculpture in Wood 3/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC59 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Dušan Petrović
Students gradually move from smaller to larger formats – up to 1 m sculptures in plastic and relief sculptures. Students are acquainted with the possibilities of fitting the sculpture into the wood mass and forming a wood block by gluing several wooden pieces. Students significantly broaden their knowledge of different kinds of wood, their technical properties, including their knowledge of the very being of wood, as perceived in today’s world of modern sculpture.
Examples from the history of art are analyzed.
Enhanced technical skill in handling tools is also required. Students learn how to apply electrical tools and wood processing machines. Students are warned against dangers of injury and instructed how to properly handle the tools, as well as to use protective equipment in their work.
Students learn about the final processing of a wooden surface, possibility of colouring, impregnation and wood protection.
The final rigging of the work and its presentation.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced woodworking skills
Students gradually move from smaller to larger formats – up to 1 m sculptures in plastic and relief sculptures. Students are acquainted with the possibilities of fitting the sculpture into the wood mass and forming a wood block by gluing several wooden pieces. Students significantly broaden their knowledge of different kinds of wood, their technical properties, including their knowledge of the very being of wood, as perceived in today’s world of modern sculpture.
Examples from the history of art are analyzed.
Enhanced technical skill in handling tools is also required. Students learn how to apply electrical tools and wood processing machines. Students are warned against dangers of injury and instructed how to properly handle the tools, as well as to use protective equipment in their work.
Students learn about the final processing of a wooden surface, possibility of colouring, impregnation and wood protection.
The final rigging of the work and its presentation.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced woodworking skills
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Printmaking 1/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB01 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Vladimir Veljašević
The aim is to acquaint students with the meaning of the concept of printmaking. This course explores the basic principles and process of relief printmaking (linocut, woodcut).
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to conceive, develop and produce print independently in relief printmaking techniques, according to professional standards.
The aim is to acquaint students with the meaning of the concept of printmaking. This course explores the basic principles and process of relief printmaking (linocut, woodcut).
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to conceive, develop and produce print independently in relief printmaking techniques, according to professional standards.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Printmaking 1/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB02 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
Professor: Vladimir Veljašević
The aim is to acquaint students with the meaning of the concept of printmaking and to enable them to develop awareness of the elements of composition within the spatial organization of a graphic sheet. This course explores the basic principles and process of relief printmaking (linocut, woodcut).
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to conceive, develop and produce print independently in relief printmaking techniques, according to professional standards.
The aim is to acquaint students with the meaning of the concept of printmaking and to enable them to develop awareness of the elements of composition within the spatial organization of a graphic sheet. This course explores the basic principles and process of relief printmaking (linocut, woodcut).
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to conceive, develop and produce print independently in relief printmaking techniques, according to professional standards.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Printmaking 2/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB03 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Katarina Zarić, Aleksandar Mladenović
This course comprises modules, such as: line, hatching, surface, line and surface, colour. Students learn the basic visual elements of intaglio printing (engraving, aquatint, soft coating, dry point, mezzotint), and how to understand and solve the problems of composition, light and form as the fundamental elements.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn the skills of the aforementioned individual techniques of intaglio printing and their combinations as well. They master the possibilities of combining the newly acquired skills of intaglio printing with the previously obtained knowledge about relief printing, in order to develop an adequate cognitive process and the logic of the prerequisites of this particular, complex and broad discipline, including the use and application of the experience acquired in other related subjects and media.
This course comprises modules, such as: line, hatching, surface, line and surface, colour. Students learn the basic visual elements of intaglio printing (engraving, aquatint, soft coating, dry point, mezzotint), and how to understand and solve the problems of composition, light and form as the fundamental elements.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn the skills of the aforementioned individual techniques of intaglio printing and their combinations as well. They master the possibilities of combining the newly acquired skills of intaglio printing with the previously obtained knowledge about relief printing, in order to develop an adequate cognitive process and the logic of the prerequisites of this particular, complex and broad discipline, including the use and application of the experience acquired in other related subjects and media.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Printmaking 2/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB04 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Katarina Zarić, Aleksandar Mladenović
This course comprises modules, such as: line, hatching, surface, line and surface, colour. Students learn the basic visual elements of intaglio printing (engraving, aquatint, soft coating, dry point, mezzotint), and how to understand and solve the problems of composition, light and form as the fundamental elements.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn the skills of the aforementioned individual techniques of intaglio printing and their combinations as well. They master the possibilities of combining the newly acquired skills of intaglio printing with the previously obtained knowledge about relief printing, in order to develop an adequate cognitive process and the logic of the prerequisites of this particular, complex and broad discipline, including the use and application of the experience acquired in other related subjects and media.
This course comprises modules, such as: line, hatching, surface, line and surface, colour. Students learn the basic visual elements of intaglio printing (engraving, aquatint, soft coating, dry point, mezzotint), and how to understand and solve the problems of composition, light and form as the fundamental elements.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn the skills of the aforementioned individual techniques of intaglio printing and their combinations as well. They master the possibilities of combining the newly acquired skills of intaglio printing with the previously obtained knowledge about relief printing, in order to develop an adequate cognitive process and the logic of the prerequisites of this particular, complex and broad discipline, including the use and application of the experience acquired in other related subjects and media.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Printmaking and Drawing 3/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB79 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Žarko Smiljanić, Miodrag Mlađović, Dragan Momirov, Katarina Zarić, Aleksandar Mladenović, Vladimir Veljašević, Adam Pantić, Vladimir Milanović
Based on the experience gathered in the previous two years of study and the application of new graphic techniques, students continue to improve their proficiency in the art of relief and intaglio printing. Particular attention is paid to the line, halftone and texture, and emphasis is put on the use of colour and its adequate application in graphic art.
Learning outcomes:
The goal of this course is to use the broad spectrum of graphic possibilities in order to direct students towards a greater creative sensibility.
Based on the experience gathered in the previous two years of study and the application of new graphic techniques, students continue to improve their proficiency in the art of relief and intaglio printing. Particular attention is paid to the line, halftone and texture, and emphasis is put on the use of colour and its adequate application in graphic art.
Learning outcomes:
The goal of this course is to use the broad spectrum of graphic possibilities in order to direct students towards a greater creative sensibility.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Printmaking and Drawing 3/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB80 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Žarko Smiljanić, Miodrag Mlađović, Dragan Momirov, Katarina Zarić, Aleksandar Mladenović, Vladimir Veljašević, Adam Pantić, Vladimir Milanović
Based on the experience gathered in the previous two years of study and the application of new graphic techniques, students continue to improve their proficiency in the art of relief and intaglio printing. Particular attention is paid to the line, halftone and texture, and emphasis is put on the use of colour and its adequate application in graphic art.
Learning outcomes:
The goal of this course is to use the broad spectrum of graphic possibilities in order to direct students towards a greater creative sensibility.
Based on the experience gathered in the previous two years of study and the application of new graphic techniques, students continue to improve their proficiency in the art of relief and intaglio printing. Particular attention is paid to the line, halftone and texture, and emphasis is put on the use of colour and its adequate application in graphic art.
Learning outcomes:
The goal of this course is to use the broad spectrum of graphic possibilities in order to direct students towards a greater creative sensibility.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Intaglio Printmaking 3/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB27 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Katarina Zarić
Students are taught the techniques of intaglio printing (engraving, aquatint, soft coating, dry point and mezzotint), the history of these techniques, their characteristics and differences in relation to relief or plane printing, and silk-screen printing or serigraphy; students also get acquainted with the necessary materials and tools.
Learning outcomes:
Students will master the possibilities of combining the newly acquired skills of intaglio printing and develop personal artistic approach to this medium.
Students are taught the techniques of intaglio printing (engraving, aquatint, soft coating, dry point and mezzotint), the history of these techniques, their characteristics and differences in relation to relief or plane printing, and silk-screen printing or serigraphy; students also get acquainted with the necessary materials and tools.
Learning outcomes:
Students will master the possibilities of combining the newly acquired skills of intaglio printing and develop personal artistic approach to this medium.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Intaglio Printmaking 3/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB28 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Katarina Zarić
Students are taught the techniques of intaglio printing (engraving, aquatint, soft coating, dry point and mezzotint), the history of these techniques, their characteristics and differences in relation to relief or plane printing, and silk-screen printing or serigraphy; students also get acquainted with the necessary materials and tools.
Learning outcomes:
Students will master the possibilities of combining the newly acquired skills of intaglio printing and develop personal artistic approach to this medium.
Students are taught the techniques of intaglio printing (engraving, aquatint, soft coating, dry point and mezzotint), the history of these techniques, their characteristics and differences in relation to relief or plane printing, and silk-screen printing or serigraphy; students also get acquainted with the necessary materials and tools.
Learning outcomes:
Students will master the possibilities of combining the newly acquired skills of intaglio printing and develop personal artistic approach to this medium.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Lithography 3/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB31 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Adam Pantić
Systematic study of complex organization in lithography printmaking; articulating artistic expression according to the specifics of this discipline; achieving the required level of professional production.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to apply the basic lithography process in his own work on professional production level. Individual work and teamwork within the framework of a professional workshop organization.
Systematic study of complex organization in lithography printmaking; articulating artistic expression according to the specifics of this discipline; achieving the required level of professional production.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to apply the basic lithography process in his own work on professional production level. Individual work and teamwork within the framework of a professional workshop organization.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Lithography 3/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB32 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Adam Pantić
Systematic study of complex organization in lithography printmaking; articulating artistic expression according to the specifics of this discipline; achieving the required level of professional production.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to apply the basic lithography process in his own work on professional production level. Individual work and teamwork within the framework of a professional workshop organization.
Systematic study of complex organization in lithography printmaking; articulating artistic expression according to the specifics of this discipline; achieving the required level of professional production.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to apply the basic lithography process in his own work on professional production level. Individual work and teamwork within the framework of a professional workshop organization.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Silk Screen 3/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB33 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Dragan Momirov
This course develops creative sensitivity and expression in different disciplines of drawing and its application in graphics. Students will learn the chemical and technological processes of silk screen printing (serigraphy) and the creative potential of this medium.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to properly use all visual elements and produce silk screen print according to professional standards.
This course develops creative sensitivity and expression in different disciplines of drawing and its application in graphics. Students will learn the chemical and technological processes of silk screen printing (serigraphy) and the creative potential of this medium.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to properly use all visual elements and produce silk screen print according to professional standards.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Silk Screen 3/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB34 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Dragan Momirov
This course develops creative sensitivity and expression in different disciplines of drawing and its application in graphics. Students will learn the chemical and technological processes of silk screen printing (serigraphy) and the creative potential of this medium.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to properly use all visual elements and produce silk screen print according to professional standards.
This course develops creative sensitivity and expression in different disciplines of drawing and its application in graphics. Students will learn the chemical and technological processes of silk screen printing (serigraphy) and the creative potential of this medium.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to properly use all visual elements and produce silk screen print according to professional standards.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Printmaking and Drawing 4/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB81 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Miodrag Mlađović, Dragan Momirov, Katarina Zarić, Aleksandar Mladenović, Vladimir Veljašević, Adam Pantić, Vladimir Milanović
The subject is a complex combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, leading to the development of individual visual expression. Each student systematically practices all the acquired printmaking techniques of relief, intaglio, lithography and silk-screen printing, with the introduction of new technologies (digital printing, contemporary photo procedures).
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to combine printmaking techniques freely in order to open up possibilities of personal innovation. All this enriches, deepens and purifies the acquired knowledge and skills.
The subject is a complex combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, leading to the development of individual visual expression. Each student systematically practices all the acquired printmaking techniques of relief, intaglio, lithography and silk-screen printing, with the introduction of new technologies (digital printing, contemporary photo procedures).
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to combine printmaking techniques freely in order to open up possibilities of personal innovation. All this enriches, deepens and purifies the acquired knowledge and skills.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Printmaking and Drawing 4/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB82 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Žarko Smiljanić, Miodrag Mlađović, Dragan Momirov, Katarina Zarić, Aleksandar Mladenović, Vladimir Veljašević, Adam Pantić, Vladimir Milanović
The subject is a complex combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills leading to the development of individual visual expressions. Each student systematically practices all of the learned printmaking techniques of relief, intaglio, lithography and silk-screen printing with the introduction of new technologies (digital printing, contemporary photo procedures).
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to combine printmaking techniques freely in order to open up possibilities of personal innovation. All this enriches, deepens and purifies the acquired knowledge and skills.
The subject is a complex combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills leading to the development of individual visual expressions. Each student systematically practices all of the learned printmaking techniques of relief, intaglio, lithography and silk-screen printing with the introduction of new technologies (digital printing, contemporary photo procedures).
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to combine printmaking techniques freely in order to open up possibilities of personal innovation. All this enriches, deepens and purifies the acquired knowledge and skills.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Digital Printmaking 4/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB77 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Vladimir Milanović
This course explores the use of new technologies in the wide range of expressive possibilities of modern graphics and printmaking. The course is based on developing ideas and defining concepts, creating images in a digital medium, on the final production (printed or screen images) and the presentation of the produced work.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to use computer programmes for raster graphics (Adobe Photoshop) and vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator), using a scanned photo or other materials, processing the source material according to specific requirements. The basic knowledge of pre-press and digital printing process.
This course explores the use of new technologies in the wide range of expressive possibilities of modern graphics and printmaking. The course is based on developing ideas and defining concepts, creating images in a digital medium, on the final production (printed or screen images) and the presentation of the produced work.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to use computer programmes for raster graphics (Adobe Photoshop) and vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator), using a scanned photo or other materials, processing the source material according to specific requirements. The basic knowledge of pre-press and digital printing process.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Digital Printmaking 4/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB78 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Vladimir Milanović
This course explores the use of new technologies in the wide range of expressive possibilities of modern graphics and printmaking. The course is based on developing ideas and defining concepts, creating images in a digital medium, on the final production (printed or screen images) and the presentation of the produced work.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to use computer programmes for raster graphics (Adobe Photoshop) and vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator), using a scanned photo or other materials, processing the source material according to specific requirements. The basic knowledge of pre-press and digital printing process.
This course explores the use of new technologies in the wide range of expressive possibilities of modern graphics and printmaking. The course is based on developing ideas and defining concepts, creating images in a digital medium, on the final production (printed or screen images) and the presentation of the produced work.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to use computer programmes for raster graphics (Adobe Photoshop) and vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator), using a scanned photo or other materials, processing the source material according to specific requirements. The basic knowledge of pre-press and digital printing process.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Sculpture 1/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC09 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Zdravko Joksimovic, Gabriel Glid
This course primarily focuses on practice.
Students are asked to work with live models, making portraits and small-sized figures in clay, paying particular attention to identifying the model's proportions, providing an insight into the character and movement, understanding the three-dimensionality of form in space and the role of light and shade on the sculpture surface.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn to observe and sharpen their observation skills by sculpting the human form, which is the main focus of this course.
This course primarily focuses on practice.
Students are asked to work with live models, making portraits and small-sized figures in clay, paying particular attention to identifying the model's proportions, providing an insight into the character and movement, understanding the three-dimensionality of form in space and the role of light and shade on the sculpture surface.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn to observe and sharpen their observation skills by sculpting the human form, which is the main focus of this course.
Entry requirements: Basic sculpting knowledge
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sculpture 2/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC10 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Professor: Gabriel Glid, Milica Murgić, Davor Dukić
The goal of this course is to develop visual perception, observation of the observed forms, and the artistic transposition of such forms.
Students sculpt from a live model: portraits, medium-sized sculptures/ figures (up to 1m high) and relief - arbitrary format.
Moreover, students explore their intrinsic artistic poetry through drawing analysis, experimental sculpting work and conversation, which eventually culminates in independent sculpting work, which can be executed in any material and form, depending on the nature of the idea.
Learning outcomes:
Students develop basic sculpting knowledge about proportion, movement, construction, mass allocation, surface passages and planning. Students learn how to control direct perception through shape abstraction and the knowledge of anatomy, subjecting both to the general rules of composition, and applying these skills in expressing their personal creative ideas.
The goal of this course is to develop visual perception, observation of the observed forms, and the artistic transposition of such forms.
Students sculpt from a live model: portraits, medium-sized sculptures/ figures (up to 1m high) and relief - arbitrary format.
Moreover, students explore their intrinsic artistic poetry through drawing analysis, experimental sculpting work and conversation, which eventually culminates in independent sculpting work, which can be executed in any material and form, depending on the nature of the idea.
Learning outcomes:
Students develop basic sculpting knowledge about proportion, movement, construction, mass allocation, surface passages and planning. Students learn how to control direct perception through shape abstraction and the knowledge of anatomy, subjecting both to the general rules of composition, and applying these skills in expressing their personal creative ideas.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sculpture 4/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC40 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Radoš Antonijević, Zdravko Joksimović, Olivera Parlić
Students develop their potential for perception and the observation of form through different tasks, in order to elaborate and make complex real size figure forms, modelled in clay. Students build on their previous experience by understanding shape dimensions, character and spatial organization, thus becoming capable of creative interpretation of the observed forms. Parallel individual tasks open up the field of their own individual research.
Learning outcomes:
Building on their previous education by acquiring advanced knowledge through self-reflection and the recognition of their skills, students are able to identify the field of their personal stylistic approach and future development.
Students develop their potential for perception and the observation of form through different tasks, in order to elaborate and make complex real size figure forms, modelled in clay. Students build on their previous experience by understanding shape dimensions, character and spatial organization, thus becoming capable of creative interpretation of the observed forms. Parallel individual tasks open up the field of their own individual research.
Learning outcomes:
Building on their previous education by acquiring advanced knowledge through self-reflection and the recognition of their skills, students are able to identify the field of their personal stylistic approach and future development.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sculpture 4/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC41 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Radoš Antonijević, Zdravko Joksimović, Olivera Parlić
Students develop their potential for perception and the observation of form through different tasks, in order to elaborate and make complex real size figure forms, modelled in clay. Students build on their previous experience by understanding shape dimensions, character and spatial organization, thus becoming capable of creative interpretation of the observed forms. Parallel individual tasks open up the field of their own individual research.
Learning outcomes:
Building on their previous education by acquiring advanced knowledge through self-reflection and the recognition of their skills, students are able to identify the field of their personal stylistic approach and future development.
Students develop their potential for perception and the observation of form through different tasks, in order to elaborate and make complex real size figure forms, modelled in clay. Students build on their previous experience by understanding shape dimensions, character and spatial organization, thus becoming capable of creative interpretation of the observed forms. Parallel individual tasks open up the field of their own individual research.
Learning outcomes:
Building on their previous education by acquiring advanced knowledge through self-reflection and the recognition of their skills, students are able to identify the field of their personal stylistic approach and future development.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Transmedia Research 3/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE05 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Zoran Todorović, Vladimir Nikolić
The course provides mentored education in new media art production combined with gaining an active insight into the conceptual, technological, theoretical, cultural and political features of new media art. It emphasizes the integration of multidisciplinary research with technical mastery for the creation of inventive, innovative and socially relevant artwork.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering a complex process of conceptualization, research, testing, production, presentation and placement of a new media art project. Students are trained for individual and team realization of new media art projects.
The course provides mentored education in new media art production combined with gaining an active insight into the conceptual, technological, theoretical, cultural and political features of new media art. It emphasizes the integration of multidisciplinary research with technical mastery for the creation of inventive, innovative and socially relevant artwork.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering a complex process of conceptualization, research, testing, production, presentation and placement of a new media art project. Students are trained for individual and team realization of new media art projects.
Entry requirements: Intermediate experience in new media art
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Transmedia Research 3/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE06 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Zoran Todorović, Vladimir Nikolić
The course provides a mentored education in new media art production combined with gaining an active insight into the conceptual, technological, theoretical, cultural and political features of new media art. It emphasizes the integration of multidisciplinary research with technical mastery for the creation of inventive, innovative and socially relevant artwork.
Learning outcomes:
The course motivates an active engagement and development of conceptual thinking, technical skills, technological understanding and theoretical knowledge, critical discourse and professional responsibility.
The course provides a mentored education in new media art production combined with gaining an active insight into the conceptual, technological, theoretical, cultural and political features of new media art. It emphasizes the integration of multidisciplinary research with technical mastery for the creation of inventive, innovative and socially relevant artwork.
Learning outcomes:
The course motivates an active engagement and development of conceptual thinking, technical skills, technological understanding and theoretical knowledge, critical discourse and professional responsibility.
Entry requirements: Intermediate experience in new media art
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Transmedia Research 4/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE07 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Professor: Zoran Todorović, Vladimir Nikolić
Detailed understanding and further development of poetic, production-technological, theoretical, historical and cultural aspects of new media art. Rounding up the educational process of BA studies through realization of complex, clearly profiled diploma projects.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering a complex process of conceptualization, research, testing, production, presentation and placement of a new media art project. Students are trained for individual and team realization of new media art projects.
Detailed understanding and further development of poetic, production-technological, theoretical, historical and cultural aspects of new media art. Rounding up the educational process of BA studies through realization of complex, clearly profiled diploma projects.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering a complex process of conceptualization, research, testing, production, presentation and placement of a new media art project. Students are trained for individual and team realization of new media art projects.
Entry requirements: Intermediate experience in new media art
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Transmedia Research 4/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE08 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Professor: Zoran Todorović, Vladimir Nikolić
Detailed understanding and further development of poetic, production-technological, theoretical, historical and cultural aspects of new media art. Rounding up the educational process of BA studies through realization of complex, clearly profiled diploma projects.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering a complex process of conceptualization, research, testing, production, presentation and placement of a new media art project. Students are trained for individual and team realization of new media art projects.
Detailed understanding and further development of poetic, production-technological, theoretical, historical and cultural aspects of new media art. Rounding up the educational process of BA studies through realization of complex, clearly profiled diploma projects.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering a complex process of conceptualization, research, testing, production, presentation and placement of a new media art project. Students are trained for individual and team realization of new media art projects.
Entry requirements: Intermediate experience in new media art
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Technology of New Media 3/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE21 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Aleksandra Jovanić
This tutorial seminar provides theoretical understanding and hands-on experience in 3D modelling: from the idea, sketching, sculpting and transforming to finalizing and rendering.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the conceptual and methodological aspects of 3D modelling.
This tutorial seminar provides theoretical understanding and hands-on experience in 3D modelling: from the idea, sketching, sculpting and transforming to finalizing and rendering.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the conceptual and methodological aspects of 3D modelling.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of 3D modelling
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Technology of New Media 3/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE22 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Aleksandra Jovanić
This tutorial seminar provides theoretical understanding and hands-on experience in 3D animation from the idea, design and transforming to finalizing and rendering.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the conceptual and methodological aspects of 3D animation.
This tutorial seminar provides theoretical understanding and hands-on experience in 3D animation from the idea, design and transforming to finalizing and rendering.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the conceptual and methodological aspects of 3D animation.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of 3D animation
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Technology of New Media 4/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE23 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Aleksandra Jovanić
This tutorial seminar provides theoretical understanding and hands-on experience in contemporary materials and techniques for modelling, prototyping, building complex objects and installations, with an introduction to physical computing and 3D printing
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the conceptual and methodological aspects of maker techniques, physical computing and 3D printing.
This tutorial seminar provides theoretical understanding and hands-on experience in contemporary materials and techniques for modelling, prototyping, building complex objects and installations, with an introduction to physical computing and 3D printing
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the conceptual and methodological aspects of maker techniques, physical computing and 3D printing.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of maker techniques and programming experience
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Technology of New Media 4/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE24 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Aleksandra Jovanić
This tutorial seminar provides theoretical understanding and hands-on experience in computer networking and communication protocols. Creative use of WWW protocol: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and scripting libraries.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the conceptual and methodological aspects of modern web techniques.
This tutorial seminar provides theoretical understanding and hands-on experience in computer networking and communication protocols. Creative use of WWW protocol: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and scripting libraries.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the conceptual and methodological aspects of modern web techniques.
Entry requirements: Basic skills in web development
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Discursive Practices in Art and Media 3/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE32 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Bojana Matejić
Relations and reflections between contemporary art and art theory. Art in the context of poly-genre writings and texts of culture.
Learning outcomes:
Systematic integration of theoretical studies and creative research with art practice.
Relations and reflections between contemporary art and art theory. Art in the context of poly-genre writings and texts of culture.
Learning outcomes:
Systematic integration of theoretical studies and creative research with art practice.
Entry requirements: Basic to intermediary experience in new media art theory
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Discursive Practices in Art and Media 3/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE32 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Bojana Matejić
Models and theories of performative arts in the art studies, theories of culture, media and performance.
Learning outcomes:
Systematic integration of theoretical studies and creative research with art practice.
Models and theories of performative arts in the art studies, theories of culture, media and performance.
Learning outcomes:
Systematic integration of theoretical studies and creative research with art practice.
Entry requirements: Basic to intermediary experience in new media art theory
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Discursive Practices in Art and Media 4/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE33 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Bojana Matejić
Relations between art and politics. Positions, functions and roles of the arts in various political and economic contexts.
Learning outcomes:
Systematic integration of theoretical studies and creative research with art practice.
Relations between art and politics. Positions, functions and roles of the arts in various political and economic contexts.
Learning outcomes:
Systematic integration of theoretical studies and creative research with art practice.
Entry requirements: Intermediary experience in new media art theory
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Discursive Practices in Art and Media 4/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE34 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Bojana Matejić
Criticism of the text-based media theory. Cognitive sciences and contemporary art.
Learning outcomes:
Systematic integration of theoretical studies and creative research with art practice.
Criticism of the text-based media theory. Cognitive sciences and contemporary art.
Learning outcomes:
Systematic integration of theoretical studies and creative research with art practice.
Entry requirements: Intermediary experience in new media art theory
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Art History from Prehistory to the End of the Antique – examples and phenomena
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD01 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Aleksandra Kučeković
This course presents the most significant examples and phenomena in the visual arts from the early prehistoric development up to the end of the classical antiquity. Students are encouraged to perceive and understand this vast historical period through its broad and changing cultural spectrums. Special emphasis is put upon understanding the concept of „art“ in diverse cultures and epochs. The problems of its applicability in prehistory and early history, and its emergence and development in the antique are particularly studied.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to be able to recognize the impact of the period in question on later developments in European culture and arts.
This course presents the most significant examples and phenomena in the visual arts from the early prehistoric development up to the end of the classical antiquity. Students are encouraged to perceive and understand this vast historical period through its broad and changing cultural spectrums. Special emphasis is put upon understanding the concept of „art“ in diverse cultures and epochs. The problems of its applicability in prehistory and early history, and its emergence and development in the antique are particularly studied.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to be able to recognize the impact of the period in question on later developments in European culture and arts.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of art history
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
European Art in the Middle Ages
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD02 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Aleksandra Kučeković
The course presents the developments in European visual culture and gives their historical backgrounds from the time of the dissolution of the Roman Empire and the emergence of Christianity, through the formation of Medieval European culture in the East and the West respectively, up to the fall of Byzantium and the birth of the Renaissance. The underlying theme of the course could be summarized in the question put by Jacques le Goff– L’Europe est-elle née au Moyen age?
Learning outcomes:
Students should be able to understand the spatial, temporal and socio-cultural context of medieval European artistic production, as well as its modern interpretation.
The course presents the developments in European visual culture and gives their historical backgrounds from the time of the dissolution of the Roman Empire and the emergence of Christianity, through the formation of Medieval European culture in the East and the West respectively, up to the fall of Byzantium and the birth of the Renaissance. The underlying theme of the course could be summarized in the question put by Jacques le Goff– L’Europe est-elle née au Moyen age?
Learning outcomes:
Students should be able to understand the spatial, temporal and socio-cultural context of medieval European artistic production, as well as its modern interpretation.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of art history
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Between East and West – Serbian Art of the Middle Ages
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD03 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Aleksandra Kučeković
The course introduces and interprets the fundamental developmental and ideological context of arts in the lands inhabited by Serbs in the Middle Ages. The broader historical, religious and cultural context of the Balkans is also explored, with special attention paid to the impact of the cultural exchange between East and West.
Learning outcomes:
Proceeding from recently established scientific facts, students are encouraged to understand and contextualize artefacts of the “glorious” national past and visual culture of the Serbian medieval states. Students should be able to recognize historical and functional aspects of medieval arts in the specific territory of the medieval Serbia, and to understand its visual culture as a result of an intensive and ongoing East-West exchange.
The course introduces and interprets the fundamental developmental and ideological context of arts in the lands inhabited by Serbs in the Middle Ages. The broader historical, religious and cultural context of the Balkans is also explored, with special attention paid to the impact of the cultural exchange between East and West.
Learning outcomes:
Proceeding from recently established scientific facts, students are encouraged to understand and contextualize artefacts of the “glorious” national past and visual culture of the Serbian medieval states. Students should be able to recognize historical and functional aspects of medieval arts in the specific territory of the medieval Serbia, and to understand its visual culture as a result of an intensive and ongoing East-West exchange.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of medieval art history
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Serbian Art of the Early Modern Period
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD06 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Jelena Todorović, Aleksandra Kučeković
During the course students are introduced to artistic developments within the Serbian entity in the Austrian and Turkish monarchies from 17th up to the late 19th century. The course focuses on viewing the period in two ways: 1. through the processes of rapid Europeanization of the Serbian visual culture and its incorporation into mid-European baroque cultural contexts and the hybridity of Baroque culture, supported by intensive bourgeois social development, and 2. through the transformation of post-Byzantine cultural heritage and the birth of modern national ideas in the 18th and 19th centuries, in full accordance with the European national movements and philosophies.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the knowledge of key concepts of Serbian art in the early modern period.
During the course students are introduced to artistic developments within the Serbian entity in the Austrian and Turkish monarchies from 17th up to the late 19th century. The course focuses on viewing the period in two ways: 1. through the processes of rapid Europeanization of the Serbian visual culture and its incorporation into mid-European baroque cultural contexts and the hybridity of Baroque culture, supported by intensive bourgeois social development, and 2. through the transformation of post-Byzantine cultural heritage and the birth of modern national ideas in the 18th and 19th centuries, in full accordance with the European national movements and philosophies.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the knowledge of key concepts of Serbian art in the early modern period.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of early modern art history
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Early Modern History of Art 1400-1600
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULA03 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Jelena Todorović
The aim of this course is to offer the students an overview of Renaissance Art with special emphasis on the cultural history approach. Students would examine the issues of individuals, space and time, patronage, artistic status, classical heritage, which all greatly contribute to understanding this key period of art history.
Learning outcomes:
After the course the students would obtain general knowledge of the key concepts of European Renaissance art.
The aim of this course is to offer the students an overview of Renaissance Art with special emphasis on the cultural history approach. Students would examine the issues of individuals, space and time, patronage, artistic status, classical heritage, which all greatly contribute to understanding this key period of art history.
Learning outcomes:
After the course the students would obtain general knowledge of the key concepts of European Renaissance art.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of the history of art
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Early Modern History of Art 1600-1830
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULA04 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Jelena Todorović
The aim of this course is to present to the students the development of art history over two important centuries- 17th and 18th century. From the beginnings of Baroque, through the art of Rococo, to the concepts of Neoclassicism and Romanticism, some key periods of art history would be examined.
Learning outcomes:
After the course the students would obtain general knowledge of the key concepts of European early modern art.
The aim of this course is to present to the students the development of art history over two important centuries- 17th and 18th century. From the beginnings of Baroque, through the art of Rococo, to the concepts of Neoclassicism and Romanticism, some key periods of art history would be examined.
Learning outcomes:
After the course the students would obtain general knowledge of the key concepts of European early modern art.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of art history
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
History of Modern & Contemporary Art
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD07 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Nikola Šuica
This course offers a thorough overview of modern art and a reliable and crucial insight into the practice of visual arts. It includes the related fields of humanities, presenting a variety of examples and relations in the realm of both modern and contemporary art. Students have the opportunity examine a number of key movements, expressions, contexts and processes.
Learning outcomes:
Students will obtain general knowledge of the key concepts of modern art in relation to changing societies and historical events.
This course offers a thorough overview of modern art and a reliable and crucial insight into the practice of visual arts. It includes the related fields of humanities, presenting a variety of examples and relations in the realm of both modern and contemporary art. Students have the opportunity examine a number of key movements, expressions, contexts and processes.
Learning outcomes:
Students will obtain general knowledge of the key concepts of modern art in relation to changing societies and historical events.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of art history up to Modernism
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
History of South Slavic Modern & Contemporary Art
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD08 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Nikola Šuica
The course encompasses the phases and changes in visual arts within the geopolitical framework of South Slavic regions. It includes research into 20th century imagery and culture, as compared to European movements, and into their changes up to contemporary times.
Learning outcomes:
The themes provide a challenging set of artistic examples and heritage, with a parallel being drawn with the key concepts of European modern art, in relation to societies and historical events.
The course encompasses the phases and changes in visual arts within the geopolitical framework of South Slavic regions. It includes research into 20th century imagery and culture, as compared to European movements, and into their changes up to contemporary times.
Learning outcomes:
The themes provide a challenging set of artistic examples and heritage, with a parallel being drawn with the key concepts of European modern art, in relation to societies and historical events.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of art history up to Modernism.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Pedagogy 2/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD15 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Aleksandra Joksimović
The aim of this course is to provide an overview of some basic problems of education, schools, school systems, teaching and aesthetic education. Students will become familiar with the role, position and work of art teachers.
Learning outcomes:
After the course the students would obtain general knowledge of the school system in our country, of some basic theories and laws related to education and the characteristics of the teaching profession.
The aim of this course is to provide an overview of some basic problems of education, schools, school systems, teaching and aesthetic education. Students will become familiar with the role, position and work of art teachers.
Learning outcomes:
After the course the students would obtain general knowledge of the school system in our country, of some basic theories and laws related to education and the characteristics of the teaching profession.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies in painting, sculpture, graphics or new media.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Pedagogy 2/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD16 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Aleksandra Joksimović
Students gain knowledge on how to organize classes and other school activities and learn the skills that allow them to be thoughtful practitioners in the classroom and to have a good basis for continuing their professional development.
Learning outcomes:
After the course the students would obtain general knowledge on how to make adequate choices of teaching methods and to prepare annual, periodic and daily plans.
Students gain knowledge on how to organize classes and other school activities and learn the skills that allow them to be thoughtful practitioners in the classroom and to have a good basis for continuing their professional development.
Learning outcomes:
After the course the students would obtain general knowledge on how to make adequate choices of teaching methods and to prepare annual, periodic and daily plans.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies in painting, sculpture, graphics or new media.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Art as a Problem of Philosophy
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD23 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Saša Radojčić
The course is focused on the predominant conceptual articulation of art and its change throughout the history of (western) thought. To obtain an understanding of philosophical approach to art, students have to analyze some basic concepts like techne, mimesis, beauty, value, creation, reception, aesthetical autonomy, world of arts, etc.
Learning outcomes:
After the course students would have the knowledge of the basic concepts of the philosophy of art and could apply their knowledge regarding the question of arts in the historical context.
The course is focused on the predominant conceptual articulation of art and its change throughout the history of (western) thought. To obtain an understanding of philosophical approach to art, students have to analyze some basic concepts like techne, mimesis, beauty, value, creation, reception, aesthetical autonomy, world of arts, etc.
Learning outcomes:
After the course students would have the knowledge of the basic concepts of the philosophy of art and could apply their knowledge regarding the question of arts in the historical context.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of the history of philosophy and the history of art.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Philosophical Aspects of Modern and Postmodern Art
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD24 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Saša Radojčić
The course deals with the philosophical background of modern and postmodern art. Students would examine the concepts of modern, modernism, tradition, avant-garde and postmodernism, and their social and technological aspects in the transformation of art from late 19th to early 21st century.
Learning outcomes:
After the course students would have general knowledge of the philosophical background of modern, postmodern and contemporary art.
The course deals with the philosophical background of modern and postmodern art. Students would examine the concepts of modern, modernism, tradition, avant-garde and postmodernism, and their social and technological aspects in the transformation of art from late 19th to early 21st century.
Learning outcomes:
After the course students would have general knowledge of the philosophical background of modern, postmodern and contemporary art.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of the history of philosophy and the history of art
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Historical Positions in the Philosophy of Art
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD25 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Saša Radojčić
The course briefly introduces students to the main positions in the history of the philosophy of art: Plato, Aristotle, Hellenistic and Roman thought, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance conceptions of art, the theory of taste, German idealism (Kant, Hegel, Schiller), Nietzsche, “scientific aesthetics“, phenomenology and hermeneutics, critical theory and contemporary aesthetics.
Learning outcomes:
After the course students would have general knowledge of the main positions in the history of the philosophy of art.
The course briefly introduces students to the main positions in the history of the philosophy of art: Plato, Aristotle, Hellenistic and Roman thought, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance conceptions of art, the theory of taste, German idealism (Kant, Hegel, Schiller), Nietzsche, “scientific aesthetics“, phenomenology and hermeneutics, critical theory and contemporary aesthetics.
Learning outcomes:
After the course students would have general knowledge of the main positions in the history of the philosophy of art.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of the history of philosophy and basic concepts of the philosophy of arts
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Ontology of the Work of Art
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD26 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Saša Radojčić
The course explores the ontological questions of the work of art. Students have to read and discuss selected texts by N. Hartmann, M. Heidegger, G. Genette, R. Wollheim and A. Danto, with the common aim to give the sustainable definition of the work of art.
Learning outcomes:
After the course students would have the basic knowledge of the contemporary definitions of the work of art and could read the philosophical texts about art with understanding.
The course explores the ontological questions of the work of art. Students have to read and discuss selected texts by N. Hartmann, M. Heidegger, G. Genette, R. Wollheim and A. Danto, with the common aim to give the sustainable definition of the work of art.
Learning outcomes:
After the course students would have the basic knowledge of the contemporary definitions of the work of art and could read the philosophical texts about art with understanding.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of the history of philosophy of art and of the basic concepts of the philosophy of arts
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Methodology of Art Education 3/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD13 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Maja Bosnar
The aim of this course is to offer students an overview of different concepts and approaches developing creativity of preschool children, students in elementary and secondary schools, including through various forms of education outside the institutions.
Learning outcomes:
After the course students would obtain general knowledge of the key concepts and approaches of the methods of art education.
The aim of this course is to offer students an overview of different concepts and approaches developing creativity of preschool children, students in elementary and secondary schools, including through various forms of education outside the institutions.
Learning outcomes:
After the course students would obtain general knowledge of the key concepts and approaches of the methods of art education.
Entry requirements: No entry requirements for visiting students.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Methodology of Art Education 3/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD14 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Maja Bosnar
The aim of this course is to offer students an overview of different concepts and approaches developing creativity of preschool children, students in elementary and secondary schools, including through various forms of education outside the institutions.
Learning outcomes:
After the course students would obtain general knowledge of the key concepts and approaches of the methods of art education.
The aim of this course is to offer students an overview of different concepts and approaches developing creativity of preschool children, students in elementary and secondary schools, including through various forms of education outside the institutions.
Learning outcomes:
After the course students would obtain general knowledge of the key concepts and approaches of the methods of art education.
Entry requirements: No entry requirements for visiting students.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting 5/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA40 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 12
Professor: Dimitrije Pecić, Dobrica Bisenić, Branko Raković, Zoran Dimovski, Vesna Knežević, Simonida Rajčević, Miško Pavlović
Allowing graduate students to develop their strengths pertaining to their own aesthetic and choices of materials, this course also enables them to work toward an advanced cohesive body of work. Students choose to work in the studio of one of the supervisors. An individual contact between a professor and a student and strong individual approach are basis of the instruction.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is advancement of students’ painting skills and to further development their individual poetics.
Allowing graduate students to develop their strengths pertaining to their own aesthetic and choices of materials, this course also enables them to work toward an advanced cohesive body of work. Students choose to work in the studio of one of the supervisors. An individual contact between a professor and a student and strong individual approach are basis of the instruction.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is advancement of students’ painting skills and to further development their individual poetics.
Entry requirements: Enrolled master studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting 5/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA41 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 7
Professor: Dimitrije Pecić, Dobrica Bisenić, Branko Raković, Zoran Dimovski, Vesna Knežević, Simonida Rajčević, Miško Pavlović
Allowing graduate students to develop their strengths pertaining to their own aesthetic and choices of materials, this course also enables them to work toward an advanced cohesive body of work. Students choose to work in the studio of one of the supervisors. An individual contact between a professor and a student and strong individual approach are basis of the instruction.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is advancement of students’ painting skills and to further development their individual poetics.
Allowing graduate students to develop their strengths pertaining to their own aesthetic and choices of materials, this course also enables them to work toward an advanced cohesive body of work. Students choose to work in the studio of one of the supervisors. An individual contact between a professor and a student and strong individual approach are basis of the instruction.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is advancement of students’ painting skills and to further development their individual poetics.
Entry requirements: Enrolled master studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing 5/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA59 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Dimitrije Pecić, Dobrica Bisenić, Branko Raković, Zoran Dimovski, Vesna Knežević, Simonida Rajčević, Miško Pavlović
This drawing course covers wide range of considerations of drawing as a form of expression. The objective is to enhance students' awareness of and skill with technique, materials, composition and aesthetics. On master level students continue the process started on the undergraduate studies, with strong support of their chosen mentors.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to accelerate drawing skills and to advance the individual poetics of each student.
This drawing course covers wide range of considerations of drawing as a form of expression. The objective is to enhance students' awareness of and skill with technique, materials, composition and aesthetics. On master level students continue the process started on the undergraduate studies, with strong support of their chosen mentors.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to accelerate drawing skills and to advance the individual poetics of each student.
Entry requirements: Enrolled master studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: SER/ENG
Drawing 5/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA60 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Dimitrije Pecić, Dobrica Bisenić, Branko Raković, Zoran Dimovski, Vesna Knežević, Simonida Rajčević, Miško Pavlović
This drawing course covers wide range of considerations of drawing as a form of expression. The objective is to enhance students' awareness of and skill with technique, materials, composition and aesthetics. On master level students continue the process started on the undergraduate studies, with strong support of their chosen mentors.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to accelerate drawing skills and to advance the individual poetics of each student.
This drawing course covers wide range of considerations of drawing as a form of expression. The objective is to enhance students' awareness of and skill with technique, materials, composition and aesthetics. On master level students continue the process started on the undergraduate studies, with strong support of their chosen mentors.
Learning outcomes:
The main outcome of this course is to accelerate drawing skills and to advance the individual poetics of each student.
Entry requirements: Enroled master studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: SER/ENG
Wall Painting – Mosaic 5/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: UIB/1A | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Zoran Graovac, Snežana Jovčić Olđa, Goran Jović
The curriculum of this course is focused on acquiring theoretical knowledge of the techniques of wall painting, fresco and secco painting, as well as complete practical, artistic and technological knowledge of mosaic making techniques, using natural stone and applying the indirect method.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing this course, students are fully trained to execute their or other people’s works in the mosaic technique, independently or with a group of authors, to execute a mosaic or a wall painting indoors and outdoors, and to carry out the complex tasks of executing wall paintings of larger formats.
The curriculum of this course is focused on acquiring theoretical knowledge of the techniques of wall painting, fresco and secco painting, as well as complete practical, artistic and technological knowledge of mosaic making techniques, using natural stone and applying the indirect method.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing this course, students are fully trained to execute their or other people’s works in the mosaic technique, independently or with a group of authors, to execute a mosaic or a wall painting indoors and outdoors, and to carry out the complex tasks of executing wall paintings of larger formats.
Entry requirements: Enrolled master studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Wall Painting – Mosaic 5/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: UIB/2A | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Zoran Graovac, Snežana Jovčić Olđa, Goran Jović
The curriculum of this course is focused on acquiring theoretical knowledge of the techniques of wall painting, fresco and secco painting, as well as complete practical, artistic and technological knowledge of mosaic making techniques, using natural stone and applying the indirect method.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing this course, students are fully trained to execute their or other people’s works in the mosaic technique, independently or with a group of authors, to execute a mosaic or a wall painting indoors and outdoors, and to carry out the complex tasks of executing wall paintings of larger formats.
The curriculum of this course is focused on acquiring theoretical knowledge of the techniques of wall painting, fresco and secco painting, as well as complete practical, artistic and technological knowledge of mosaic making techniques, using natural stone and applying the indirect method.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing this course, students are fully trained to execute their or other people’s works in the mosaic technique, independently or with a group of authors, to execute a mosaic or a wall painting indoors and outdoors, and to carry out the complex tasks of executing wall paintings of larger formats.
Entry requirements: Enrolled master studies in painting, sculpture or graphics
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sculpture 5/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC42 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 9
Professor: Radoš Antonijević, Zdravko Joksimović, Olivera Parlić
Students develop their potential for perception and the observation of form through different tasks, in order to elaborate and make complex real size figure forms, modelled in clay. Students build on their previous experience by understanding shape dimensions, character and spatial organization, thus becoming capable of creative interpretation of the observed forms. Parallel individual tasks open up the field of their own individual research.
Learning outcomes:
Building on their previous education by acquiring advanced knowledge through self-reflection and the recognition of their skills, students are able to identify the field of their personal stylistic approach and future development.
Students develop their potential for perception and the observation of form through different tasks, in order to elaborate and make complex real size figure forms, modelled in clay. Students build on their previous experience by understanding shape dimensions, character and spatial organization, thus becoming capable of creative interpretation of the observed forms. Parallel individual tasks open up the field of their own individual research.
Learning outcomes:
Building on their previous education by acquiring advanced knowledge through self-reflection and the recognition of their skills, students are able to identify the field of their personal stylistic approach and future development.
Entry requirements: Solid experience in sculpture practice
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sculpture 5/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC43 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 9
Professor: Radoš Antonijević, Zdravko Joksimović, Olivera Parlić
Students develop their potential for perception and the observation of form through different tasks, in order to elaborate and make complex real size figure forms, modelled in clay. Students build on their previous experience by understanding shape dimensions, character and spatial organization, thus becoming capable of creative interpretation of the observed forms. Parallel individual tasks open up the field of their own individual research.
Learning outcomes:
Building on their previous education by acquiring advanced knowledge through self-reflection and the recognition of their skills, students are able to identify the field of their personal stylistic approach and future development.
Students develop their potential for perception and the observation of form through different tasks, in order to elaborate and make complex real size figure forms, modelled in clay. Students build on their previous experience by understanding shape dimensions, character and spatial organization, thus becoming capable of creative interpretation of the observed forms. Parallel individual tasks open up the field of their own individual research.
Learning outcomes:
Building on their previous education by acquiring advanced knowledge through self-reflection and the recognition of their skills, students are able to identify the field of their personal stylistic approach and future development.
Entry requirements: Solid experience in sculpture practice
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Stone sculpture 1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: IB5/1B | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Đorđe Čpajak
On the master level Sculpture in stone is an elective subject. Students are welcome to execute sculptures in their own way and to freely choose the theme and format of work.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced stonecutting skills
On the master level Sculpture in stone is an elective subject. Students are welcome to execute sculptures in their own way and to freely choose the theme and format of work.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced stonecutting skills
Entry requirements: Experience in stonecutting
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Stone sculpture 2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: IB5/2B | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Đorđe Čpajak
On the master level Sculpture in stone is an elective subject. Students are welcome to execute sculptures in their own way and to freely choose the theme and format of work.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced stonecutting skills
On the master level Sculpture in stone is an elective subject. Students are welcome to execute sculptures in their own way and to freely choose the theme and format of work.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced stonecutting skills
Entry requirements: Experience in stonecutting
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sculpture in Wood 4/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC60 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Dušan Petrović
Students gradually move from smaller to larger formats – up to 1 m sculptures in plastic and relief sculptures. Students are acquainted with the possibilities of fitting the sculpture into the wood mass and forming a woodblock by gluing several wooden pieces. Students significantly broaden their knowledge of different kinds of wood, their technical properties, including their knowledge of the very being of wood, as perceived in today’s world of modern sculpture.
Examples from the history of art are analyzed.
Enhanced technical skill in handling tools is also required. Students learn how to apply electrical tools and wood processing machines. Students are warned against the dangers of injury and instructed how to properly handle the tools, as well as to use protective equipment in their work.
Students learn about the final processing of a wooden surface, the possibility of colouring, impregnation and wood protection.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced woodworking skills
Students gradually move from smaller to larger formats – up to 1 m sculptures in plastic and relief sculptures. Students are acquainted with the possibilities of fitting the sculpture into the wood mass and forming a woodblock by gluing several wooden pieces. Students significantly broaden their knowledge of different kinds of wood, their technical properties, including their knowledge of the very being of wood, as perceived in today’s world of modern sculpture.
Examples from the history of art are analyzed.
Enhanced technical skill in handling tools is also required. Students learn how to apply electrical tools and wood processing machines. Students are warned against the dangers of injury and instructed how to properly handle the tools, as well as to use protective equipment in their work.
Students learn about the final processing of a wooden surface, the possibility of colouring, impregnation and wood protection.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced woodworking skills
Entry requirements: Three-year experience through sculpture practice, one-year experience in wood-working.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sculpture in Wood 4/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC61 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Dušan Petrović
Students gradually move from smaller to larger formats – up to 1 m sculptures in plastic and relief sculptures. Students are acquainted with the possibilities of fitting the sculpture into the wood mass and forming a woodblock by gluing several wooden pieces. Students significantly broaden their knowledge of different kinds of wood, their technical properties, including their knowledge of the very being of wood, as perceived in today’s world of modern sculpture.
Examples from the history of art are analyzed.
Enhanced technical skill in handling tools is also required. Students learn how to apply electrical tools and wood processing machines. Students are warned against the dangers of injury and instructed how to properly handle the tools, as well as to use protective equipment in their work.
Students learn about the final processing of a wooden surface, the possibility of colouring, impregnation and wood protection.
The final rigging of the work and its presentation.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced woodworking skills.
Students gradually move from smaller to larger formats – up to 1 m sculptures in plastic and relief sculptures. Students are acquainted with the possibilities of fitting the sculpture into the wood mass and forming a woodblock by gluing several wooden pieces. Students significantly broaden their knowledge of different kinds of wood, their technical properties, including their knowledge of the very being of wood, as perceived in today’s world of modern sculpture.
Examples from the history of art are analyzed.
Enhanced technical skill in handling tools is also required. Students learn how to apply electrical tools and wood processing machines. Students are warned against the dangers of injury and instructed how to properly handle the tools, as well as to use protective equipment in their work.
Students learn about the final processing of a wooden surface, the possibility of colouring, impregnation and wood protection.
The final rigging of the work and its presentation.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced woodworking skills.
Entry requirements: Three-year experience through sculpture practice, one-year experience in wood-working.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Printmaking and Drawing 5/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB83 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 16
Professor: Žarko Smiljanić, Miodrag Mlađović, Dragan Momirov, Katarina Zarić, Aleksandar Mladenović, Vladimir Veljašević, Adam Pantić, Vladimir Milanović
This course is focused on further developing individual visual articulation. Special emphasis is accorded to further mastering all printmaking techniques and to building a professional attitude towards the material and technology. Each student chooses the medium that best suits his or her visual expression, and produces a complex project.
Learning outcomes:
Forming a professionally creative and socially responsible personality, with good visual and technical knowledge, capable of teamwork and ready to independently step into the contemporary art world.
This course is focused on further developing individual visual articulation. Special emphasis is accorded to further mastering all printmaking techniques and to building a professional attitude towards the material and technology. Each student chooses the medium that best suits his or her visual expression, and produces a complex project.
Learning outcomes:
Forming a professionally creative and socially responsible personality, with good visual and technical knowledge, capable of teamwork and ready to independently step into the contemporary art world.
Entry requirements: Completing undergraduate studies, enrolment in the first semester of master studies.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Printmaking and Drawing 5/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking
Code: ULB84 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 16
Professor: Žarko Smiljanić, Miodrag Mlađović, Dragan Momirov, Katarina Zarić, Aleksandar Mladenović, Vladimir Veljašević, Adam Pantić, Vladimir Milanović
This course is focused on further developing individual visual articulation. Special emphasis is accorded to further mastering all printmaking techniques and to building a professional attitude towards the material and technology. Each student chooses the medium that best suits his or her visual expression, and produces a complex project.
Learning outcomes:
Forming a professionally creative and socially responsible personality, with good visual and technical knowledge, capable of teamwork and ready to independently step into the contemporary art world.
This course is focused on further developing individual visual articulation. Special emphasis is accorded to further mastering all printmaking techniques and to building a professional attitude towards the material and technology. Each student chooses the medium that best suits his or her visual expression, and produces a complex project.
Learning outcomes:
Forming a professionally creative and socially responsible personality, with good visual and technical knowledge, capable of teamwork and ready to independently step into the contemporary art world.
Entry requirements: Completing undergraduate studies, enrolment in the first semester of master studies.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Transmedia Research 5/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE09 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 11
Professor: Zoran Todorović, Vladimir Nikolić
The course provides a mentored education in new media art production combined with gaining an active insight into the conceptual, technological, theoretical, cultural and political features of new media art. It emphasizes the integration of multidisciplinary research with technical mastery for the creation of inventive, innovative and socially relevant artwork.
Learning outcomes:
The course motivates an active engagement and development of conceptual thinking, technical skills, technological understanding and theoretical knowledge, critical discourse and professional responsibility.
The course provides a mentored education in new media art production combined with gaining an active insight into the conceptual, technological, theoretical, cultural and political features of new media art. It emphasizes the integration of multidisciplinary research with technical mastery for the creation of inventive, innovative and socially relevant artwork.
Learning outcomes:
The course motivates an active engagement and development of conceptual thinking, technical skills, technological understanding and theoretical knowledge, critical discourse and professional responsibility.
Entry requirements: BA degree in new media art, digital art or related field
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Transmedia Research 5/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE10 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 11
Professor: Zoran Todorovic
The course provides a mentored education in new media art production combined with gaining an active insight into the conceptual, technological, theoretical, cultural and political features of new media art. It emphasizes the integration of multidisciplinary research with technical mastery for the creation of inventive, innovative and socially relevant artwork.
Learning outcomes:
The course motivates an active engagement and development of conceptual thinking, technical skills, technological understanding and theoretical knowledge, critical discourse and professional responsibility.
The course provides a mentored education in new media art production combined with gaining an active insight into the conceptual, technological, theoretical, cultural and political features of new media art. It emphasizes the integration of multidisciplinary research with technical mastery for the creation of inventive, innovative and socially relevant artwork.
Learning outcomes:
The course motivates an active engagement and development of conceptual thinking, technical skills, technological understanding and theoretical knowledge, critical discourse and professional responsibility.
Entry requirements: BA degree in new media art, digital art or related field
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Technology of New Media 5/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE25 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Aleksandra Jovanić
This tutorial seminar provides theoretical understanding and hands-on experience in creative coding and procedurality, using Processing PDE.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the conceptual and methodological aspects of creative coding and procedurality.
This tutorial seminar provides theoretical understanding and hands-on experience in creative coding and procedurality, using Processing PDE.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the conceptual and methodological aspects of creative coding and procedurality.
Entry requirements: BA degree in new media art, digital art or related field. Basic experience in creative coding.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Technology of New Media 5/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: New Media
Code: ULE26 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Aleksandra Jovanić
This tutorial seminar provides theoretical understanding and hands-on experience in computer-controlled interactivity, physical computing and physical interaction using Processing, Arduino and external devices.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the conceptual and methodological aspects of creative coding and procedurality.
This tutorial seminar provides theoretical understanding and hands-on experience in computer-controlled interactivity, physical computing and physical interaction using Processing, Arduino and external devices.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the conceptual and methodological aspects of creative coding and procedurality.
Entry requirements: BA degree in new media art, digital art or related field. Intermediate experience in creative coding and physical computing.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Theories and Poetics of Modern and Contemporary Arts 5/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD21 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Nikola Šuica
The courses represent an emerging field of inquiry. They take an interdisciplinary approach, addressing social and psychological issues within visual arts and cultural history. A range of theoretical perspectives relate to diverse artistic practises and representations in contemporary arts and culture. The courses examine the origin of processes, effects and relations.
Learning outcomes:
The course provides an opportunity to intersect and recognise the depth of visual arts in the theoretical framework of politics, gender, crisis, technology and redefinitions of art in the most recent outcomes.
The courses represent an emerging field of inquiry. They take an interdisciplinary approach, addressing social and psychological issues within visual arts and cultural history. A range of theoretical perspectives relate to diverse artistic practises and representations in contemporary arts and culture. The courses examine the origin of processes, effects and relations.
Learning outcomes:
The course provides an opportunity to intersect and recognise the depth of visual arts in the theoretical framework of politics, gender, crisis, technology and redefinitions of art in the most recent outcomes.
Entry requirements: Knowledge of modern art history and the aspects of contemporary culture
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
History of South Slavic Modern & Contemporary Art and Culture
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD09 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Nikola Šuica
The course raises the awareness of some specific positions in visual arts in the cultural framework of South Slavic and Serbian culture. The issues of aesthetics, style and historical relations are analyzed and documented in corresponding and challenging contemporary accounts. It is possible to carry out an interdisciplinary examination of gathered details.
Learning outcomes:
The themes provide a challenging set of artistic examples and heritage, with a parallel being drawn with the key concepts of European modern art, in relation to societies, historical events, global politics and changes up to the present time.
The course raises the awareness of some specific positions in visual arts in the cultural framework of South Slavic and Serbian culture. The issues of aesthetics, style and historical relations are analyzed and documented in corresponding and challenging contemporary accounts. It is possible to carry out an interdisciplinary examination of gathered details.
Learning outcomes:
The themes provide a challenging set of artistic examples and heritage, with a parallel being drawn with the key concepts of European modern art, in relation to societies, historical events, global politics and changes up to the present time.
Entry requirements: Knowledge of modern art history and cultural issues within historical overviews
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Writing Academic Papers
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: 000 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 00
Professor: Saša Radojčić
The course is focused on learning standard methods and procedures for writing academic papers and using common tools in this process. Students have to write at least one review article regarding a book about art.
Learning outcomes:
After the course students would have general knowledge of the aims and techniques of academic writing.
The course is focused on learning standard methods and procedures for writing academic papers and using common tools in this process. Students have to write at least one review article regarding a book about art.
Learning outcomes:
After the course students would have general knowledge of the aims and techniques of academic writing.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Theories and Poetics of Modern and Contemporary Arts 5/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History of Arts
Code: ULD22 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Nikola Šuica
Lectures include the course previously chosen by students, applying an analytical perspective of presentation: Dissent in Contemporary Arts and Performance; Temporalities and Visual Arts; Transitory Ideologies of Modernism; Representations of Holocaust in Arts and Culture.
Learning outcomes:
The themes of each chosen course provide a challenging set of artistic examples and heritage, with parallel being drawn with the key concepts of European modern art, in relation to societies, historical events, global politics and changes up to the present time.
Lectures include the course previously chosen by students, applying an analytical perspective of presentation: Dissent in Contemporary Arts and Performance; Temporalities and Visual Arts; Transitory Ideologies of Modernism; Representations of Holocaust in Arts and Culture.
Learning outcomes:
The themes of each chosen course provide a challenging set of artistic examples and heritage, with parallel being drawn with the key concepts of European modern art, in relation to societies, historical events, global politics and changes up to the present time.
Entry requirements: Knowledge of modern art history and cultural issues within historical overviews.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Voice Technique
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Acting
Code: UDA21 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Teodora Anastasija Stanković
Lectures and tutorials should motivate the students to think about Voice as the expression of the personality and vocal expression as the basic communicational tool. The aim is to accomplish acting and other tasks using natural features of the voice.
A model of voice training. Technique (trade) + Imagination
- Warming up
- Breathing
- Articulation
- Voice Placement
- Listening
- Resonance and Resonators
- Voice Dynamics
- Voice and Movement
- The Use of Voice
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the processes of respiration and phonation.
Accomplishing the balance between articulated body and consciously guided vocal apparatus: vocal expression, vocal range, volume and dynamics.
Student feels confident to spontaneously fulfil acting and other tasks (various public performances).
Lectures and tutorials should motivate the students to think about Voice as the expression of the personality and vocal expression as the basic communicational tool. The aim is to accomplish acting and other tasks using natural features of the voice.
A model of voice training. Technique (trade) + Imagination
- Warming up
- Breathing
- Articulation
- Voice Placement
- Listening
- Resonance and Resonators
- Voice Dynamics
- Voice and Movement
- The Use of Voice
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the processes of respiration and phonation.
Accomplishing the balance between articulated body and consciously guided vocal apparatus: vocal expression, vocal range, volume and dynamics.
Student feels confident to spontaneously fulfil acting and other tasks (various public performances).
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Theatre Dance
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Acting
Code: 000 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 00
Professor: Branka Pujić
Theater Dance makes a distinctive contribution to the education of all drama students, through using movement, which is one of the fundamental modes of human expression. It offers a range of learning opportunities and enables students to develop physical ability to communicate through movement in an expressive and artistic way. Through the study of diverse dance genres, students develop a sense of well coordinated movements; acquiring musicality and rhythmic awareness; develop sense of performance; develop awareness of dance as dramatic element.
Learning outcomes:
The Course introduces students to the historical dances (branle, pavana, menuet, polonaise, polka, quadrille, waltz, gallop); dances of XX century (tango, charleston, twist, rock'n'roll, ca ca ca, samba, salsa); serbian folcloric dances and dances of other nations (Russian, Spanish, tarantela).
Through course students learn about the basics of modern dance, the history of musicals, and specially methodology of creating coregraphies in drama, musical and choreography drama.
Theater Dance makes a distinctive contribution to the education of all drama students, through using movement, which is one of the fundamental modes of human expression. It offers a range of learning opportunities and enables students to develop physical ability to communicate through movement in an expressive and artistic way. Through the study of diverse dance genres, students develop a sense of well coordinated movements; acquiring musicality and rhythmic awareness; develop sense of performance; develop awareness of dance as dramatic element.
Learning outcomes:
The Course introduces students to the historical dances (branle, pavana, menuet, polonaise, polka, quadrille, waltz, gallop); dances of XX century (tango, charleston, twist, rock'n'roll, ca ca ca, samba, salsa); serbian folcloric dances and dances of other nations (Russian, Spanish, tarantela).
Through course students learn about the basics of modern dance, the history of musicals, and specially methodology of creating coregraphies in drama, musical and choreography drama.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Film productions – Stages in process of producing a film
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Film and Television Production
Code: 23OFP02 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Milan Todorović
Introducing students to the basic tasks and problems during production of a feature length film. From finding a successful script to releasing a successful finished film, the study programme covers every step from development and financing to sales and distribution.
Learning outcomes:
The ability to consolidate all key methods for producing a feature film in various stages of production.
Introducing students to the basic tasks and problems during production of a feature length film. From finding a successful script to releasing a successful finished film, the study programme covers every step from development and financing to sales and distribution.
Learning outcomes:
The ability to consolidate all key methods for producing a feature film in various stages of production.
Entry requirements: 60 ECTS in audio visual or similar art studies
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Film production – Creative Film Production
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Film and Television Production
Code: 23OFP11 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Jelena Mitrović
Introducing students to specialized knowledge of a creative producer in the area of financing the film, from the idea until final festival and distribution strategy.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn about the latest developments in financing and packaging trends in film industry as well as the final placement of the film projects, through specific models of contemporary creative production and distribution of feature films.
Introducing students to specialized knowledge of a creative producer in the area of financing the film, from the idea until final festival and distribution strategy.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn about the latest developments in financing and packaging trends in film industry as well as the final placement of the film projects, through specific models of contemporary creative production and distribution of feature films.
Entry requirements: 60 ETCS in audio visual or similar studies
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Television Basics
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Film and Television Production
Code: 23OFP10 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Vanja Šibalić
Defining television medium from multiple viewpoints - historical, cultural and technological. Analysing specific programme functions in order to establish the firm base for acquiring necessary production mechanisms. Reviewing a complex relation between constant technological improvement and corresponding change of the production models. Introduction to basic production and technical stations within a television centre.
Learning outcomes:
Generating necessary basic knowledge as a prerequisite for professional engagement in the field of television and audiovisual.
Defining television medium from multiple viewpoints - historical, cultural and technological. Analysing specific programme functions in order to establish the firm base for acquiring necessary production mechanisms. Reviewing a complex relation between constant technological improvement and corresponding change of the production models. Introduction to basic production and technical stations within a television centre.
Learning outcomes:
Generating necessary basic knowledge as a prerequisite for professional engagement in the field of television and audiovisual.
Entry requirements: 60 ETCS in audio visual or similar studies
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Television program production
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Film and Television Production
Code: 23OFP12 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Zorana Popović
Introductory course to the field of television program production, with the specific focus on phases and processes of the TV production, the technical-technologic points in the television center, and the application of this information on contemporary television shows. Exercises include work in Faculty’s TV studio and visits to major TV stations and productions.
Learning outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- Explain television production process behind a television program
- Identify production-technical points in a TV center
- Explain the roles of members of television crew
- Make a production schedule and budget
- Perform simple tasks in a television studio production
- Perform the role of the producer/production manager on a simple production
Introductory course to the field of television program production, with the specific focus on phases and processes of the TV production, the technical-technologic points in the television center, and the application of this information on contemporary television shows. Exercises include work in Faculty’s TV studio and visits to major TV stations and productions.
Learning outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:
- Explain television production process behind a television program
- Identify production-technical points in a TV center
- Explain the roles of members of television crew
- Make a production schedule and budget
- Perform simple tasks in a television studio production
- Perform the role of the producer/production manager on a simple production
Entry requirements: 60 ETCS in audio visual or similar studies
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Introduction to Performance Studies
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Theatre and Radio Directing
Code: UDB47 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Ivana Vujić
The aim of this course is introducing students to one of the latest methodologies and theories of performance studies, a young academic (post)discipline which represents an extension, critical examination and redefining of other academic disciplines and their discourses, like culture studies, gender studies, aesthetics, anthropology and theatrology etc.
Content of the course:
1. Introduction to performance studies
2. Performance and/as research or production of knowledge;
3. Performance in the age of culture and pop-culture „terror“;
4. Intercultural performance and postcolonial perspectives;
5. Performance and/as communication;
6. Society of spectacle, social games and public performances;
7. New presentations of body;
8. Performance and/as identity representation, and production of phanstasms;
9. Performance and/as politics;
10. Performance and new market logic ;
Performance in mediatised society; digital and cyber performance;
Learning outcomes:
The course’s outcome is multiple: not only that it trains students for research and theoretical thinking and writing, but it also contributes to the creation of a distinctive school of thought, significant for local context, and capable of following and connecting with latest global trends and literature in the humanities.
The aim of this course is introducing students to one of the latest methodologies and theories of performance studies, a young academic (post)discipline which represents an extension, critical examination and redefining of other academic disciplines and their discourses, like culture studies, gender studies, aesthetics, anthropology and theatrology etc.
Content of the course:
1. Introduction to performance studies
2. Performance and/as research or production of knowledge;
3. Performance in the age of culture and pop-culture „terror“;
4. Intercultural performance and postcolonial perspectives;
5. Performance and/as communication;
6. Society of spectacle, social games and public performances;
7. New presentations of body;
8. Performance and/as identity representation, and production of phanstasms;
9. Performance and/as politics;
10. Performance and new market logic ;
Performance in mediatised society; digital and cyber performance;
Learning outcomes:
The course’s outcome is multiple: not only that it trains students for research and theoretical thinking and writing, but it also contributes to the creation of a distinctive school of thought, significant for local context, and capable of following and connecting with latest global trends and literature in the humanities.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Philosophy of Media
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Culture and Media Management
Code: UDL46A | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Divna Vuksanović; Vlatko Ilić
The course introduces the core issues in the philosophy of media, in particular the debates about the possibilities of combining various media and artistic texts, especially in regard to their mutual creative and critically oriented mediation. Participants will be introduced to the key thinkers in philosophy of media.
Learning outcomes:
This course will enable students to engage with the central debates in the philosophy of media and to understand the terminology and concepts presupposed by the advanced literature in the area. They will also be enabled to critically evaluate the phenomena of media culture, and to apply their knowledge of the subject to the contemporary debates about media policies, culture, arts and present times.
The course introduces the core issues in the philosophy of media, in particular the debates about the possibilities of combining various media and artistic texts, especially in regard to their mutual creative and critically oriented mediation. Participants will be introduced to the key thinkers in philosophy of media.
Learning outcomes:
This course will enable students to engage with the central debates in the philosophy of media and to understand the terminology and concepts presupposed by the advanced literature in the area. They will also be enabled to critically evaluate the phenomena of media culture, and to apply their knowledge of the subject to the contemporary debates about media policies, culture, arts and present times.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sound design 1
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Drama and audiovisual arts
Code: DUM04 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Zoran Maksimović
Physics, physiology and psychology of sound, Audio system as an artistic tool, Perception of sound, Descriptional and expressional use of sound, Sound as a perceptual guide, Subconscious sound, Evaluating quality of sound.
Learning outcomes:
Uderstanding nature of sound and introducing advanced theoretical and practical methods , as well as innovative and creative ways of thinking about sound in media.
Physics, physiology and psychology of sound, Audio system as an artistic tool, Perception of sound, Descriptional and expressional use of sound, Sound as a perceptual guide, Subconscious sound, Evaluating quality of sound.
Learning outcomes:
Uderstanding nature of sound and introducing advanced theoretical and practical methods , as well as innovative and creative ways of thinking about sound in media.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sound design 2
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Drama and audiovisual arts
Code: DUM14 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Zoran Maksimović
Spatial dimensions of sound, Sound space: immanent, transcedent, diegetic, Architecture of sound, Scenic sound and scenic space, Interaction trough sound, Staged sound, Sound installations and sound sculptures, Multimedial sound.
Learning outcomes:
Introducing advanced creative concepts of sound design in staged arts, as well as exploring innovative ways of thinking about sound as a performing art.
Spatial dimensions of sound, Sound space: immanent, transcedent, diegetic, Architecture of sound, Scenic sound and scenic space, Interaction trough sound, Staged sound, Sound installations and sound sculptures, Multimedial sound.
Learning outcomes:
Introducing advanced creative concepts of sound design in staged arts, as well as exploring innovative ways of thinking about sound as a performing art.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sound design 3
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Drama and audiovisual arts
Code: DUM25 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Zoran Maksimović
Sound as a subject of film language, Theoretical aspect of sound design in audiovisual arts, Sinestetic parameters of sound, Sound symbols, Sound reconstruction, Dramaturgy of sound.
Learning outcomes:
Exploring advanced theoretical and practical concepts of use of sound in audiovisual arts, as well as innovative ways of creative thinking about sound as a mean of film expression.
Sound as a subject of film language, Theoretical aspect of sound design in audiovisual arts, Sinestetic parameters of sound, Sound symbols, Sound reconstruction, Dramaturgy of sound.
Learning outcomes:
Exploring advanced theoretical and practical concepts of use of sound in audiovisual arts, as well as innovative ways of creative thinking about sound as a mean of film expression.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Book Design
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Printmaking & Book Design
Code: O020 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Professor: Mirjana Živković, Olivera Batajić Sretenović
The aim of the course is acquisition of artistic, professional and technical knowledge and skills for the purposes of publishing and publication design. Use of illustration and typography in publications design in general. Elaboration and implementation of complex tasks in the field of book design in a variety of printing techniques /typesetting, screen printing, offset and digital printing/ is the key role of this subject
Learning outcomes:
The students master the processes in pre-press and printing processes themselves. Students develop a graphic culture, creative approach to copyright and teamwork, as well as knowledge about the functionality and aesthetic values of the final product in Publication Design
The aim of the course is acquisition of artistic, professional and technical knowledge and skills for the purposes of publishing and publication design. Use of illustration and typography in publications design in general. Elaboration and implementation of complex tasks in the field of book design in a variety of printing techniques /typesetting, screen printing, offset and digital printing/ is the key role of this subject
Learning outcomes:
The students master the processes in pre-press and printing processes themselves. Students develop a graphic culture, creative approach to copyright and teamwork, as well as knowledge about the functionality and aesthetic values of the final product in Publication Design
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge in Typography, and knowing of computer programs for Publication design
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: SRB/ENG
Shape Design
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Arts, Design and Conservation and Restoration
Code: O114 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Marijana Paunović
The lectures are with joint exercises, according to the methodological lecture units. The lectures are interactive with an emphasis on a creative and experimental approach to geometric problems.
Subject content
Learning outcomes:
Developing spatial perceptions utilising the adoption and application of constructive-geometric methods of 3D-object depiction on a two-dimensional drawing plane. An analytical approach to an artistic problem. An ability to apply geometric forms in planes and space in an optimal way during professional practice. Knowledge and application of perspective methods for depicting space. Synthesis of acquired knowledge in applied geometry and theories of proportion, form and colour.
The lectures are with joint exercises, according to the methodological lecture units. The lectures are interactive with an emphasis on a creative and experimental approach to geometric problems.
Subject content
Learning outcomes:
Developing spatial perceptions utilising the adoption and application of constructive-geometric methods of 3D-object depiction on a two-dimensional drawing plane. An analytical approach to an artistic problem. An ability to apply geometric forms in planes and space in an optimal way during professional practice. Knowledge and application of perspective methods for depicting space. Synthesis of acquired knowledge in applied geometry and theories of proportion, form and colour.
Entry requirements: Enrolment in the study program based on evaluation of the portfolio
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: SRB/ENG
Conservation and Restauration Basics
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Conservation and Restoration
Code: O093 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Sanja Dragutinović Komatina
Theoretical basics of conservation: History and theory of conservation; Definition of, and education in, the profession; Principles of conservation; Modern theories, Ethical principles of conservation; Legal aspects in protection of cultural heritage.
Preventive conservation of cultural property: Causes and mechanisms of decay, Measurements, control and protection processes and recommended preservation treatments
Learning outcomes:
students provided with introductory knowledge about the historical development of the conservation and restoration principles, basic theory and the legal principles dealing with cultural heritage, and critical attitude towards the cultural heritage. full knowledge about constituent materials of the cultural heritage and causes of their deterioration, preventive measures that can significantly slow down the deterioration processes thus ensuring that the future restoration works are reduced to a much lower level
Theoretical basics of conservation: History and theory of conservation; Definition of, and education in, the profession; Principles of conservation; Modern theories, Ethical principles of conservation; Legal aspects in protection of cultural heritage.
Preventive conservation of cultural property: Causes and mechanisms of decay, Measurements, control and protection processes and recommended preservation treatments
Learning outcomes:
students provided with introductory knowledge about the historical development of the conservation and restoration principles, basic theory and the legal principles dealing with cultural heritage, and critical attitude towards the cultural heritage. full knowledge about constituent materials of the cultural heritage and causes of their deterioration, preventive measures that can significantly slow down the deterioration processes thus ensuring that the future restoration works are reduced to a much lower level
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: SRB/ENG
Digital Models 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Industrial design
Code: O028 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Vladimir Zagorac
Learning the techniques of creating 3D models intended for production. Expanding the knowledge of technical requirements needed for fabrication of simple designed objects (emphasis is on objects planned to be produced in plastics). Execution of CAD/CAM models from design projects created during previous years of study.
Learning outcomes:
Students perfect their techniques of 3D modeling and acquire knowledge in parametric modeling. They are able to execute their designs using a suitable method as a production - ready 3D model or to prepare it for prototyping. They are able to create and form a design solution according to requirements of fabrication and characteristics of a particular material
Learning the techniques of creating 3D models intended for production. Expanding the knowledge of technical requirements needed for fabrication of simple designed objects (emphasis is on objects planned to be produced in plastics). Execution of CAD/CAM models from design projects created during previous years of study.
Learning outcomes:
Students perfect their techniques of 3D modeling and acquire knowledge in parametric modeling. They are able to execute their designs using a suitable method as a production - ready 3D model or to prepare it for prototyping. They are able to create and form a design solution according to requirements of fabrication and characteristics of a particular material
Entry requirements: Passed exam in the course Digital Models 1 or equivalent
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: SRB/ENG
Industrial design 3
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Industrial Design
Code: O185 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 9
Professor: Nikola Knežević
The course encourages and develops curiosity and analytical approach to searching and creating specific form of industrial design products. The goal of the course is to develop imaginative way of thinking inspired by and based on flora and fauna.
Learning outcomes:
A student will be able to recognize and understand principles of becoming and growth of natural forms as functional, constructive and rational structures. According to those a student will be able to create original, aesthetically articulated forms for new designs.
Abilities to integrate original and imaginative forms with functional, constructive, technological and technical content aimed to be transformed into a mass produced industrial product
The course encourages and develops curiosity and analytical approach to searching and creating specific form of industrial design products. The goal of the course is to develop imaginative way of thinking inspired by and based on flora and fauna.
Learning outcomes:
A student will be able to recognize and understand principles of becoming and growth of natural forms as functional, constructive and rational structures. According to those a student will be able to create original, aesthetically articulated forms for new designs.
Abilities to integrate original and imaginative forms with functional, constructive, technological and technical content aimed to be transformed into a mass produced industrial product
Entry requirements: Basic knowladge in working with computers, previous 2D and 3D software skils are welcome as well as the good portfolio
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Public and corporate spaces
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Interior and Furniture design
Code: O075 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 14
Professor: Milan Novaković
Designing Public Buildings; Spatial Organizations; Zoning and Multifunctionality; Materialization; Modern Technologies; Artistic elements in the shaping of the interior; Movement and visualization; Accents in the interior; Space within space, transformations and multiplications; Adaptations; Interpolations; Public and business premises for special purposes; Relationship between the external and the internal; Interior details
All topics are treated through the aesthetics of the interior: art, colour range, materialization, different processing, textures and structures and interior character.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to apply the mastered methodology of the design process in the design of public and business spaces, in the analysis and design of the interior at the level of the preliminary design, and in certain segments of the main design. They recognize the good quality artistic-functional solutions and are able to intervene in solving functional and aesthetic problems of standard public and business spaces.
Designing Public Buildings; Spatial Organizations; Zoning and Multifunctionality; Materialization; Modern Technologies; Artistic elements in the shaping of the interior; Movement and visualization; Accents in the interior; Space within space, transformations and multiplications; Adaptations; Interpolations; Public and business premises for special purposes; Relationship between the external and the internal; Interior details
All topics are treated through the aesthetics of the interior: art, colour range, materialization, different processing, textures and structures and interior character.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to apply the mastered methodology of the design process in the design of public and business spaces, in the analysis and design of the interior at the level of the preliminary design, and in certain segments of the main design. They recognize the good quality artistic-functional solutions and are able to intervene in solving functional and aesthetic problems of standard public and business spaces.
Entry requirements: Students are introduced into to the fundamentals of the theory of form and are familiar with the basic principles of the process of space design. Students are introduced into proper analysis and creation of architectural spaces related to housing with appropriate technical documentation and visual presentation at the level of the concept and preliminary design.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Complex spatial structures
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Interior and Furniture design
Code: O077 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 15
Professor: Milan Novaković
Mastering problem with spaces in which different functions, spatially and formally differently treated contents occur or overlap by analysing the existing architectural spaces, newly designed buildings. Special attention is paid to the adaptation of objects, whether it is only necessary to reshape the space for the same purpose, or complete change of purpose is necessary.
Themes are: Shopping-trade centre, bus stations, hotel with diverse facilities, cultural and sports centre...
Learning outcomes:
Students are using the acquired knowledge, research methods and skills, in order to get to know and understand the natural laws of building a spatial architectural form of complex functions, recognizing the importance of aesthetics of visual elements in the architecture of interior spaces and personal artistic (creative) affinities. They can formulate their own preferences in the process of creation of author’s solutions of an interior assembly. They can master the spatial relations of more complex functions and make properly visual interventions on identified problems.
Mastering problem with spaces in which different functions, spatially and formally differently treated contents occur or overlap by analysing the existing architectural spaces, newly designed buildings. Special attention is paid to the adaptation of objects, whether it is only necessary to reshape the space for the same purpose, or complete change of purpose is necessary.
Themes are: Shopping-trade centre, bus stations, hotel with diverse facilities, cultural and sports centre...
Learning outcomes:
Students are using the acquired knowledge, research methods and skills, in order to get to know and understand the natural laws of building a spatial architectural form of complex functions, recognizing the importance of aesthetics of visual elements in the architecture of interior spaces and personal artistic (creative) affinities. They can formulate their own preferences in the process of creation of author’s solutions of an interior assembly. They can master the spatial relations of more complex functions and make properly visual interventions on identified problems.
Entry requirements: Students are able to apply the methodology of the design process in space design, in the analysis and design of the interior at the level of the preliminary design and certain segments of the main design. They recognize high-quality visual-functional solutions and are able to intervene in solving functional and aesthetic problems of residential, public and commercial content.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Furniture typology and systems
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Interior and Furniture Design
Code: O295 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Mladen Vračarević
Tables – analysis of the existing systems; Dining tables with an expansion of useful area. The concept of slider and telescope, rotation. Mechanics, disassembly, packaging. Systems, Kitchen – organization technology, function. Kitchen – materials, maintenance, hygiene, safety, security. Installations and appliances; Door types and drawers; Chairs without backrest; Crossing, passing, knitting. Crossing of elements in the orthogonal order; Angles of nodes of various elements. Spatial diagonal; Chair, families of general purpose objects with over structures, armrests, easily upholstered, Ability to disassemble or assemble materials, structures linings
Learning outcomes:
Ability to realize complex combinatorial tasks of the most diverse functional systems: systems for furnishing of office, kitchen, promotional and sales spaces, storage and warehousing systems. The student has mastered the development process of furniture design and has the ability to follow all phases of the design and supervision in the development of a spatial model or prototype.
Tables – analysis of the existing systems; Dining tables with an expansion of useful area. The concept of slider and telescope, rotation. Mechanics, disassembly, packaging. Systems, Kitchen – organization technology, function. Kitchen – materials, maintenance, hygiene, safety, security. Installations and appliances; Door types and drawers; Chairs without backrest; Crossing, passing, knitting. Crossing of elements in the orthogonal order; Angles of nodes of various elements. Spatial diagonal; Chair, families of general purpose objects with over structures, armrests, easily upholstered, Ability to disassemble or assemble materials, structures linings
Learning outcomes:
Ability to realize complex combinatorial tasks of the most diverse functional systems: systems for furnishing of office, kitchen, promotional and sales spaces, storage and warehousing systems. The student has mastered the development process of furniture design and has the ability to follow all phases of the design and supervision in the development of a spatial model or prototype.
Entry requirements: Ability to analyze, synthesize and evaluate solutions in the process of searching and building aesthetically articulated functional form, respecting the functional, structural and technical and technological requirements of furniture design. The acquired competences for all phases of designing furniture with two or more functions. Ability to design dedicated pieces of furniture within an interior design project.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Urban design
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Interior and Furniture design
Code: O030 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Biljana Branković
Through theoretical and practical course, the students will face, for the first time during the course of the studies, the problems and challenges of design in the open, public urban space.
Theoretical teaching involves a active participation of all students in the discussion in order to examine various aspects of the covered topics.
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired skills and tools for reflecting the needs of unknown users, designing smaller spatial units – lounge area, parklets, playgrounds, as well as the materialization of paces exposed to weather elements and public exploitation.
Through theoretical and practical course, the students will face, for the first time during the course of the studies, the problems and challenges of design in the open, public urban space.
Theoretical teaching involves a active participation of all students in the discussion in order to examine various aspects of the covered topics.
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired skills and tools for reflecting the needs of unknown users, designing smaller spatial units – lounge area, parklets, playgrounds, as well as the materialization of paces exposed to weather elements and public exploitation.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge on the theory of form, on basic principles of the beginning of the design process, recognizing the importance of dimensioning, modules and ergonomics. to be able to define and dimension simple spatial settings and shape them according to the principles of architectural design and to recognize the artistic values of forms and spatial relationships.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: SRB/ENG
Film Editing 2
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Editing
Code: 216 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 14
Professor: Aleksandar Jaćić
Theory: whole process of film making from preproduction to postproduction, giving students detail insight into all film departments and their workflow. Theoretical approach and defining film language from basic structure (shot, scene, sequence) to different types of editing and film genres. Analyzing and researching film stereotypes through editing sequence using materials Practice: 1) editing of one movie scene with emphasis on relation between sound, music and picture. 2) changing narrative meaning of short scene using different sound or music.from different films.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding of film workflow as important know-how for all filmmakers being a part of one team working together for best professional and artistic goals. Developing editing skills from dialog editing to using of music and sound effects in the process of editing. Gaining wide perspective of film language through theory and film analysis. Emphasis is on non-dialogue storytelling using visual and sound tools, by comparing film with other arts. Learning and practicing film editing rhythm and tempo, climax and anticlimax.
Theory: whole process of film making from preproduction to postproduction, giving students detail insight into all film departments and their workflow. Theoretical approach and defining film language from basic structure (shot, scene, sequence) to different types of editing and film genres. Analyzing and researching film stereotypes through editing sequence using materials Practice: 1) editing of one movie scene with emphasis on relation between sound, music and picture. 2) changing narrative meaning of short scene using different sound or music.from different films.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding of film workflow as important know-how for all filmmakers being a part of one team working together for best professional and artistic goals. Developing editing skills from dialog editing to using of music and sound effects in the process of editing. Gaining wide perspective of film language through theory and film analysis. Emphasis is on non-dialogue storytelling using visual and sound tools, by comparing film with other arts. Learning and practicing film editing rhythm and tempo, climax and anticlimax.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge and practice of film editing. Practical knowledge of Adobe Premeire.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Electronic editing 5 (Multi-camera Television Editing)
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Editing
Code: UDH07 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
Professor: Dragan Dimčić
Course is based mainly on practical exercise in a real life conditions. In this semester students goes through training in a multi-camera editing of live events in a various TV genres: musical concert, sitcom, talent show programs. Students works in a small teams which is made in collaboration with students of directing, camera, sound and production. Number of class hours is 3+3 per week.
Learning outcomes:
Students will be able to work competently and efficiently in a productions of live TV events and multi-camera editing environments. Also, they will be able to analyze aesthetically and technically all aspects of this kind of TV productions.
Course is based mainly on practical exercise in a real life conditions. In this semester students goes through training in a multi-camera editing of live events in a various TV genres: musical concert, sitcom, talent show programs. Students works in a small teams which is made in collaboration with students of directing, camera, sound and production. Number of class hours is 3+3 per week.
Learning outcomes:
Students will be able to work competently and efficiently in a productions of live TV events and multi-camera editing environments. Also, they will be able to analyze aesthetically and technically all aspects of this kind of TV productions.
Entry requirements: Basic skills and knowledge of editing
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Electronic editing 6 (Multi-camera Television Editing)
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Editing
Code: UDH08 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
Professor: Dragan Dimčić
Course is based mainly on practical exercise in a real life conditions. In this semester students goes through training in a multi-camera editing of live events in a various TV genres: theater production, TV drama, corporate events. Students works in a small teams which is made in collaboration with students of directing, camera, sound and production. Number of class hours is 3+3 per week.
Learning outcomes:
Students will be able to work competently and efficiently in a productions of live TV events and multi-camera editing environments. Also, they will be able to analyze aesthetically and technically all aspects of this kind of TV productions.
Course is based mainly on practical exercise in a real life conditions. In this semester students goes through training in a multi-camera editing of live events in a various TV genres: theater production, TV drama, corporate events. Students works in a small teams which is made in collaboration with students of directing, camera, sound and production. Number of class hours is 3+3 per week.
Learning outcomes:
Students will be able to work competently and efficiently in a productions of live TV events and multi-camera editing environments. Also, they will be able to analyze aesthetically and technically all aspects of this kind of TV productions.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian - available for international students
Management and Marketing in Culture
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Management and production in theatre, radio and culture
Code: 118 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Nina Mihaljinac
Students understand the importance and the logic of strategic approach to organizational development of cultural organizations, and the basics of strategic analysis. They learn to apply the methods of organizational diagnosis and to plan and lead the development of cultural organizations.
Learning outcomes:
Students will gain competence in strategic thinking and analysis, in organizations development management, in the process of raising the capacity and organization development through the selection and application of appropriate strategies; they will learn how to plan and manage resources and the process of organizational learning; they will acquire the knowledge and skills of research and management of marketing and public relations in culture; they will be familiar with the process of developing marketing, PR and fundraising plan, and know how to apply for funding and evaluate the success of marketing and PR activities.
Students understand the importance and the logic of strategic approach to organizational development of cultural organizations, and the basics of strategic analysis. They learn to apply the methods of organizational diagnosis and to plan and lead the development of cultural organizations.
Learning outcomes:
Students will gain competence in strategic thinking and analysis, in organizations development management, in the process of raising the capacity and organization development through the selection and application of appropriate strategies; they will learn how to plan and manage resources and the process of organizational learning; they will acquire the knowledge and skills of research and management of marketing and public relations in culture; they will be familiar with the process of developing marketing, PR and fundraising plan, and know how to apply for funding and evaluate the success of marketing and PR activities.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Project – Management in Culture
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Management and production in theatre, radio and culture
Code: 132 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
Professor: Nina Mihaljinac
Students should apply the knowledge in the field of project management, strategic management, PR and marketing in culture, cultural policies and international cultural cooperation, by designing the whole concept of promotion of their country of origin on the international cultural or artistic event at their own choice.
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired insight into the current forms and results of international cooperation in Serbia and the world, and noted the key potential for its development; they have acquired the skills for positioning and project management in culture at the international level and they understand the importance of such projects in the process of creating a cultural identity of the city/state/region, etc.
Students should apply the knowledge in the field of project management, strategic management, PR and marketing in culture, cultural policies and international cultural cooperation, by designing the whole concept of promotion of their country of origin on the international cultural or artistic event at their own choice.
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired insight into the current forms and results of international cooperation in Serbia and the world, and noted the key potential for its development; they have acquired the skills for positioning and project management in culture at the international level and they understand the importance of such projects in the process of creating a cultural identity of the city/state/region, etc.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Documentary Filmmaking III
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Film and TV Directing
Code: 17O152 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
Professor: Andrijana Stojković
Through examples and analyzes of documentaries, students gain insight into the richness of genres and author approaches to documentary. The objective of the course is to train students to work on the production of an author's documentary in a team, preparing and developing the script and budgeting.
Learning outcomes:
The student gained basic knowledge of the genres of documentary film and the historical interaction of TV media and documentary form. It recognizes the specifics of this relationship and creatively reflects on the future of this relationship in the context of new technology development.
Through examples and analyzes of documentaries, students gain insight into the richness of genres and author approaches to documentary. The objective of the course is to train students to work on the production of an author's documentary in a team, preparing and developing the script and budgeting.
Learning outcomes:
The student gained basic knowledge of the genres of documentary film and the historical interaction of TV media and documentary form. It recognizes the specifics of this relationship and creatively reflects on the future of this relationship in the context of new technology development.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of documentary methods, history of cinema, preferably one short documentary made
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Russian themes: Film and Theater
Interdisciplinary studiesStudy Programme: Theory and History Department
Code: D17 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Enisa Uspenski
Introduction to the most important topics of theatre and film in Russian culture, who made a strong impact on the world theatre and film art.
Learning outcomes:
Students a) are introduced to the most important topics of theatre and film art of Russian culture, b) apply the acquired knowledge in their basic scientific research.
Introduction to the most important topics of theatre and film in Russian culture, who made a strong impact on the world theatre and film art.
Learning outcomes:
Students a) are introduced to the most important topics of theatre and film art of Russian culture, b) apply the acquired knowledge in their basic scientific research.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Stage Combat 1
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Acting
Code: 020 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Aleksandar Tasković
Basic stage falls, basic stage hits, stage wrestling in the conflicts on the scene, the movement as a means of inflicting pain (levers, pressures ...). Content of the course: Methodical training of students for bio-mechanical and stage movement adaptation through basic falls.
Training students for cooperation and coordination during stage hits, with the non-verbal covering the plot.
Methodical training of students for bio-mechanical and stage movement adaptation through wrestling.
Training students for cooperation and coordination between the partners during pain infliction and posture in pain with the non-verbal covering the plot.
Learning outcomes:
Outcome of the course: Students are qualified for stage use of basic falls, hits and for resolving combat dynamics (stage combat) with and without the use of props.
Basic stage falls, basic stage hits, stage wrestling in the conflicts on the scene, the movement as a means of inflicting pain (levers, pressures ...). Content of the course: Methodical training of students for bio-mechanical and stage movement adaptation through basic falls.
Training students for cooperation and coordination during stage hits, with the non-verbal covering the plot.
Methodical training of students for bio-mechanical and stage movement adaptation through wrestling.
Training students for cooperation and coordination between the partners during pain infliction and posture in pain with the non-verbal covering the plot.
Learning outcomes:
Outcome of the course: Students are qualified for stage use of basic falls, hits and for resolving combat dynamics (stage combat) with and without the use of props.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Theatre directing
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Theatre directing
Code: 044 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 9
Professor: Alisa Stojanović
The goal of the course is a creative synthesis of elements of a directing expression within the complex tasks of directing.
Content of the course:
Design of the structure of complex theatre plays from the project to reception.
Design and process of working on the implementation of complex tasks of directing.
The plot, space, time and their interactions in directing structure of the play.
Specific genre approach in directing the complex theatre units. Contemporary styles. Genre – stylistic innovations.
Developing personal manner of directing. Director’s approach to plan, structure and rehearsal process.
Elements of director's composition in settings of complex directing tasks. Mass performances. Specific genres. Spectacle. Ambient and site-specific theatre. New forms in contemporary theatre.
Merging elements in the design of complex directing concept through the development of the play project. Director’s concept in correlation with conditions of production, budget and cast. Creation, composition and realization of all elements of complex theatre units in adequate organization model.
Learning outcomes:
Training students for creative professionals work on setting up complex directing tasks.
The goal of the course is a creative synthesis of elements of a directing expression within the complex tasks of directing.
Content of the course:
Design of the structure of complex theatre plays from the project to reception.
Design and process of working on the implementation of complex tasks of directing.
The plot, space, time and their interactions in directing structure of the play.
Specific genre approach in directing the complex theatre units. Contemporary styles. Genre – stylistic innovations.
Developing personal manner of directing. Director’s approach to plan, structure and rehearsal process.
Elements of director's composition in settings of complex directing tasks. Mass performances. Specific genres. Spectacle. Ambient and site-specific theatre. New forms in contemporary theatre.
Merging elements in the design of complex directing concept through the development of the play project. Director’s concept in correlation with conditions of production, budget and cast. Creation, composition and realization of all elements of complex theatre units in adequate organization model.
Learning outcomes:
Training students for creative professionals work on setting up complex directing tasks.
Entry requirements: Undergraduate studies from similar artistic fields.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Conceptual design 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Industrial Design
Code: 0301 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Marko Luković
The student learns to elaborate a written and visual description of the proposed system in terms of a set of integrated ideas and concepts about what a newly created product should do, how it is handled during use, how it will look, whether and how it will be understood and used by the final user.
The typical development cycle on a new conceptual design solution as well as product redesign is systematically covered. Projects vary in size and complexity: technical audio and video equipment, small home electrical / electronic appliances and tools, lighting fixtures, sports and recreational equipment, furniture elements, transportation vehicle ...
Learning outcomes:
Developing the creative and technical ability to independently identify, analyze and define a project task and problem in the process of designing (conceptualizing) a new product. Developing the ability to sublimate analytical research as well as ultimately focusing on meeting the specific needs and expectations of end-users with the mandatory implementation of modern technical and technological tendencies and innovations.
The student learns to elaborate a written and visual description of the proposed system in terms of a set of integrated ideas and concepts about what a newly created product should do, how it is handled during use, how it will look, whether and how it will be understood and used by the final user.
The typical development cycle on a new conceptual design solution as well as product redesign is systematically covered. Projects vary in size and complexity: technical audio and video equipment, small home electrical / electronic appliances and tools, lighting fixtures, sports and recreational equipment, furniture elements, transportation vehicle ...
Learning outcomes:
Developing the creative and technical ability to independently identify, analyze and define a project task and problem in the process of designing (conceptualizing) a new product. Developing the ability to sublimate analytical research as well as ultimately focusing on meeting the specific needs and expectations of end-users with the mandatory implementation of modern technical and technological tendencies and innovations.
Entry requirements: Knowledge of working with traditional drawing techniques. (markers, color pens, pastels ...) Computer skills (2D graphic and 3D modeling and visual software skills). Portfolio of previous design projects is also required.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: SER/ENG
Conceptual design 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Industrial design
Code: 0302 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Marko Luković
Introduction to terminology, problems and correspondence in the work in interdisciplinary teams of experts for the development of new products with special emphasis on advanced thinking and conceptual setting and solving a given design problem. It is about developing divergent creative thinking (Set of different ideas or solutions on a specific topic, ie problematic) in the service of designing new products that exist to a lesser extent or do not already exist on the market.
Learning outcomes:
Ability to work in teamwork with experts in different fields and to accept different constructive inputs. The ability to come up with an articulated idea concept based on all the information collected from the team that will underpin the development of some future serial product.
Introduction to terminology, problems and correspondence in the work in interdisciplinary teams of experts for the development of new products with special emphasis on advanced thinking and conceptual setting and solving a given design problem. It is about developing divergent creative thinking (Set of different ideas or solutions on a specific topic, ie problematic) in the service of designing new products that exist to a lesser extent or do not already exist on the market.
Learning outcomes:
Ability to work in teamwork with experts in different fields and to accept different constructive inputs. The ability to come up with an articulated idea concept based on all the information collected from the team that will underpin the development of some future serial product.
Entry requirements: Knowledge of working with traditional drawing techniques. (markers, color pens, pastels ...) Computer skills (2D graphic and 3D modeling and visual software skills). Portfolio of previous design projects is also required.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: SER/ENG
Public and Commercial Spaces Design
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Interior and Furniture Design
Code: O294 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Milan Novaković
Designing Public Buildings; Spatial Organizations; Zoning and Multifunctionality; Materialization; Modern Technologies; Artistic elements in the shaping of the interior; Movement and visualization; Accents in the interior; Space within space, transformations and multiplications; Adaptations; Interpolations; Public and business premises for special purposes; Relationship between the external and the internal; Interior details
All topics are treated through the aesthetics of the interior: art, colour range, materialization, different processing, textures and structures and interior character.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to apply the mastered methodology of the design process in the design of public and business spaces, in the analysis and design of the interior at the level of the preliminary design, and in certain segments of the main design. They recognize the good quality artistic-functional solutions and are able to intervene in solving functional and aesthetic problems of standard public and business spaces
Designing Public Buildings; Spatial Organizations; Zoning and Multifunctionality; Materialization; Modern Technologies; Artistic elements in the shaping of the interior; Movement and visualization; Accents in the interior; Space within space, transformations and multiplications; Adaptations; Interpolations; Public and business premises for special purposes; Relationship between the external and the internal; Interior details
All topics are treated through the aesthetics of the interior: art, colour range, materialization, different processing, textures and structures and interior character.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to apply the mastered methodology of the design process in the design of public and business spaces, in the analysis and design of the interior at the level of the preliminary design, and in certain segments of the main design. They recognize the good quality artistic-functional solutions and are able to intervene in solving functional and aesthetic problems of standard public and business spaces
Entry requirements: Students are introduced into to the fundamentals of the theory of form and are familiar with the basic principles of the process of space design. Students are introduced into proper analysis and creation of architectural spaces related to housing with appropriate technical documentation and visual presentation at the level of the concept and preliminary design.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Spatial Design
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Interior and Furniture Design
Code: O303 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Milan Novaković
Students from other departments are introduced to the basicc on cepts and methods of evaluating design of the interior, interior elements and urban public space. They learn to recognise interdependency of different visual art fields and the irsignificance in interior design, as well as to explore the options of engaging their own creative potential when treating an architectural space.
Learning outcomes:
Students can examine the space in which they are supposed to intervene and can recognise the laws and inspirations our ces which conditioned its design. They can properly determine their position as a designer and adequately intervene in the said spaceu sing th eknowledg eacquired at their academic study departments.
Students from other departments are introduced to the basicc on cepts and methods of evaluating design of the interior, interior elements and urban public space. They learn to recognise interdependency of different visual art fields and the irsignificance in interior design, as well as to explore the options of engaging their own creative potential when treating an architectural space.
Learning outcomes:
Students can examine the space in which they are supposed to intervene and can recognise the laws and inspirations our ces which conditioned its design. They can properly determine their position as a designer and adequately intervene in the said spaceu sing th eknowledg eacquired at their academic study departments.
Entry requirements: /
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Complex Spatial Structures Design
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Interior and Furniture Design
Code: O294 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Milan Novaković
Mastering problem with spaces in which different functions, spatially and formally differently treated contents occur or overlap by analysing the existing architectural spaces, newly designed buildings. Special attention is paid to the adaptation of objects, whether it is only necessary to reshape the space for the same purpose, or complete change of purpose is necessary.
Themes are: Shopping-trade centre, bus stations, hotel with diverse facilities, cultural and sports centre..
Learning outcomes:
Students are using the acquired knowledge, research methods and skills, in order to get to know and understand the natural laws of building a spatial architectural form of complex functions, recognizing the importance of aesthetics of visual elements in the architecture of interior spaces and personal artistic (creative) affinities. They can formulate their own preferences in the process of creation of author’s solutions of an interior assembly. They can master the spatial relations of more complex functions and make properly visual interventions on identified problems.
Mastering problem with spaces in which different functions, spatially and formally differently treated contents occur or overlap by analysing the existing architectural spaces, newly designed buildings. Special attention is paid to the adaptation of objects, whether it is only necessary to reshape the space for the same purpose, or complete change of purpose is necessary.
Themes are: Shopping-trade centre, bus stations, hotel with diverse facilities, cultural and sports centre..
Learning outcomes:
Students are using the acquired knowledge, research methods and skills, in order to get to know and understand the natural laws of building a spatial architectural form of complex functions, recognizing the importance of aesthetics of visual elements in the architecture of interior spaces and personal artistic (creative) affinities. They can formulate their own preferences in the process of creation of author’s solutions of an interior assembly. They can master the spatial relations of more complex functions and make properly visual interventions on identified problems.
Entry requirements: Students are able to apply the methodology of the design process in space design, in the analysis and design of the interior at the level of the preliminary design and certain segments of the main design. They recognize high-quality visual-functional solutions and are able to intervene in solving functional and aesthetic problems of residential, public and commercial content
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing After Live Model 2/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA01 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Nataša Kokić, Luka Tripković
Life drawing of the nude human figure on paper up to B2 in size. The course continues to explore the relationship between the proportions and character of a figure and to cultivate small-scale drawings as an independent art discipline. Understanding the problem of composition and the phenomena of light and form (the elements of visual art: line, colour, shape or form, value, texture, direction and scale). Capturing the atmosphere and creative visual relationship between the figure and the surrounding space.
Learning outcomes:
Improving students' technique of rendering of the proportions and character of the human figure as a basis for visual study. Rapid comprehension of form and its rendering through articulated drawing. Developing manual skills through the selection and effective use of drawing materials.
Life drawing of the nude human figure on paper up to B2 in size. The course continues to explore the relationship between the proportions and character of a figure and to cultivate small-scale drawings as an independent art discipline. Understanding the problem of composition and the phenomena of light and form (the elements of visual art: line, colour, shape or form, value, texture, direction and scale). Capturing the atmosphere and creative visual relationship between the figure and the surrounding space.
Learning outcomes:
Improving students' technique of rendering of the proportions and character of the human figure as a basis for visual study. Rapid comprehension of form and its rendering through articulated drawing. Developing manual skills through the selection and effective use of drawing materials.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies in painting, sculpture, graphics and new media
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing After Live Model 2/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Painting
Code: ULA02 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Nataša Kokić, Luka Tripković
Life drawing of the nude human figure on paper up to B2 in size. The course continues to explore the relationship between the proportions and character of a figure, and to cultivate small-scale drawings as an independent art discipline. Understanding the problem of composition and the phenomena of light and form (the elements of visual art: line, colour, shape or form, value, texture, direction and scale). Capturing the atmosphere and creative visual relationship between the figure and the surrounding space.
Learning outcomes:
Improving students' technique of rendering of the proportions and character of the human figure as a basis for visual study. Rapid comprehension of form and its rendering through articulated drawing. Developing manual skills through the selection and effective use of drawing materials.
Life drawing of the nude human figure on paper up to B2 in size. The course continues to explore the relationship between the proportions and character of a figure, and to cultivate small-scale drawings as an independent art discipline. Understanding the problem of composition and the phenomena of light and form (the elements of visual art: line, colour, shape or form, value, texture, direction and scale). Capturing the atmosphere and creative visual relationship between the figure and the surrounding space.
Learning outcomes:
Improving students' technique of rendering of the proportions and character of the human figure as a basis for visual study. Rapid comprehension of form and its rendering through articulated drawing. Developing manual skills through the selection and effective use of drawing materials.
Entry requirements: Enroled undergraduate studies in painting, sculpture, graphics and new media
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing 2/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC46 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Davor Dukić, Dunja Trutin
Live model, nude or portrait drawing, as well as still life and interior drawings on large or medium format, applying various techniques, in order to practice visual perception, observation and image transposition of the observed objects. Drawing is conceived as an independent art subject, aimed at preparing students for the design and production of sculptures or reliefs.
Learning outcomes:
Students are capable of making drawings, applying the knowledge of proportion, movement, composition, construction, structure and perception of light and space
Live model, nude or portrait drawing, as well as still life and interior drawings on large or medium format, applying various techniques, in order to practice visual perception, observation and image transposition of the observed objects. Drawing is conceived as an independent art subject, aimed at preparing students for the design and production of sculptures or reliefs.
Learning outcomes:
Students are capable of making drawings, applying the knowledge of proportion, movement, composition, construction, structure and perception of light and space
Entry requirements: To complete the first year of the basic academic studies.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing 2/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC47 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Davor Dukić, Dunja Trutin
Live model, nude or portrait drawing, as well as still life and interior drawings on large or medium format, applying various techniques, in order to practice visual perception, observation and image transposition of the observed objects. Drawing is conceived as an independent art subject, aimed at preparing students for the design and production of sculptures or reliefs.
Learning outcomes:
Students are capable of making drawings, applying the knowledge of proportion, movement, composition, construction, structure and perception of light and space.
Live model, nude or portrait drawing, as well as still life and interior drawings on large or medium format, applying various techniques, in order to practice visual perception, observation and image transposition of the observed objects. Drawing is conceived as an independent art subject, aimed at preparing students for the design and production of sculptures or reliefs.
Learning outcomes:
Students are capable of making drawings, applying the knowledge of proportion, movement, composition, construction, structure and perception of light and space.
Entry requirements: To complete the first year of the basic academic studies.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sculpture in Wood 5/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC66 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Dusan Petrovic
Executing large-scale sculptures in the material. The course points to a wide range of possibilities of composing and using different types of wood while respecting its expressive values. Students are acquainted with the possibilities of forming the constructions of wooden elements and their perception in space.
The course requires greater technical skills and precision in woodworking, using modern tools and instruments for cutting and working wood, applying protection measures at all times.
Students develop a personal creative attitude to wood.
Students analyze examples from art history, focusing on differences in understanding the role of material in sculpture in general, and wood sculpture in particular, throughout centuries to this day.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to execute large-scale works in wood.
They have mastered composing wooden elements and mass in space.
They know how to use adequate tools for woodworking and to apply proper protection measures.
Through the prism of their own individuality and critical thinking, students know how to assess and analyze the works of their peers.
Students are able to execute and present their works at the annual exhibition.
Executing large-scale sculptures in the material. The course points to a wide range of possibilities of composing and using different types of wood while respecting its expressive values. Students are acquainted with the possibilities of forming the constructions of wooden elements and their perception in space.
The course requires greater technical skills and precision in woodworking, using modern tools and instruments for cutting and working wood, applying protection measures at all times.
Students develop a personal creative attitude to wood.
Students analyze examples from art history, focusing on differences in understanding the role of material in sculpture in general, and wood sculpture in particular, throughout centuries to this day.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to execute large-scale works in wood.
They have mastered composing wooden elements and mass in space.
They know how to use adequate tools for woodworking and to apply proper protection measures.
Through the prism of their own individuality and critical thinking, students know how to assess and analyze the works of their peers.
Students are able to execute and present their works at the annual exhibition.
Entry requirements: Three-year experience through sculpture practice, one-year experience in wood-working.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Sculpture in Wood 5/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC71 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Dusan Petrovic
Executing large-scale sculptures in the material. The course points to a wide range of possibilities of composing and using different types of wood while respecting its expressive values. Students are acquainted with the possibilities of forming the constructions of wooden elements and their perception in space.
The course requires greater technical skills and precision in woodworking, using modern tools and instruments for cutting and working wood, applying protection measures at all times.
Students develop a personal creative attitude to wood.
Students analyze examples from art history, focusing on differences in understanding the role of material in sculpture in general, and wood sculpture in particular, throughout centuries to this day.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to execute large-scale works in wood.
They have mastered composing wooden elements and mass in space.
They know how to use adequate tools for woodworking and to apply proper protection measures.
Through the prism of their own individuality and critical thinking, students know how to assess and analyze the works of their peers.
Students are able to execute and present their works at the annual exhibition.
Executing large-scale sculptures in the material. The course points to a wide range of possibilities of composing and using different types of wood while respecting its expressive values. Students are acquainted with the possibilities of forming the constructions of wooden elements and their perception in space.
The course requires greater technical skills and precision in woodworking, using modern tools and instruments for cutting and working wood, applying protection measures at all times.
Students develop a personal creative attitude to wood.
Students analyze examples from art history, focusing on differences in understanding the role of material in sculpture in general, and wood sculpture in particular, throughout centuries to this day.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to execute large-scale works in wood.
They have mastered composing wooden elements and mass in space.
They know how to use adequate tools for woodworking and to apply proper protection measures.
Through the prism of their own individuality and critical thinking, students know how to assess and analyze the works of their peers.
Students are able to execute and present their works at the annual exhibition.
Entry requirements: Three-year experience through sculpture practice, one-year experience in wood-working.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Stone Sculpture 5/1
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC66 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Djordje Cpajak
Sculpture in stone is an optional subject. Students are welcome to execute sculptures in their own way and to freely choose the theme and format of work. The objective of the course is to professionally master stone sculpture techniques, taking into account and further developing students’ poetics. Executing sculptures after a model which is magnified; working with manual, electrical and pneumatic tools; using new technologies for executing stone sculptures; CNC based on vector models.
Students learn how to protect themselves, and to assemble and install sculptures in space.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced stonecutting skills
Sculpture in stone is an optional subject. Students are welcome to execute sculptures in their own way and to freely choose the theme and format of work. The objective of the course is to professionally master stone sculpture techniques, taking into account and further developing students’ poetics. Executing sculptures after a model which is magnified; working with manual, electrical and pneumatic tools; using new technologies for executing stone sculptures; CNC based on vector models.
Students learn how to protect themselves, and to assemble and install sculptures in space.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced stonecutting skills
Entry requirements: To complete the basic academic studies of sculpture and to have two-year experience in basic stonecutting.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Stone Sculpture 5/2
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC67 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Djordje Cpajak
Sculpture in stone is an optional subject. Students are welcome to execute sculptures in their own way and to freely choose the theme and format of work. The objective of the course is to professionally master stone sculpture techniques, taking into account and further developing students’ poetics. Executing sculptures after a model which is magnified; working with manual, electrical and pneumatic tools; using new technologies for executing stone sculptures; CNC based on vector models.
Students learn how to protect themselves, and to assemble and install sculptures in space.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced stonecutting skills
Sculpture in stone is an optional subject. Students are welcome to execute sculptures in their own way and to freely choose the theme and format of work. The objective of the course is to professionally master stone sculpture techniques, taking into account and further developing students’ poetics. Executing sculptures after a model which is magnified; working with manual, electrical and pneumatic tools; using new technologies for executing stone sculptures; CNC based on vector models.
Students learn how to protect themselves, and to assemble and install sculptures in space.
Learning outcomes:
Advanced stonecutting skills
Entry requirements: To complete the basic academic studies of sculpture and to have two-year experience in basic stonecutting.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIGT1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical elements.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical elements.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her performance
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIGT2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical elements.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical elements.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her performance
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIGT3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical elements.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical elements.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her performance
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIGT4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her performance
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIGT5 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIGT6 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical elements.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical elements.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her performance
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIGT7 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical elements.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical elements.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her performance
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIGT8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for guitar and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her performance
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OKKM1 - Chamber Music1, OKKM 2 - Chamber Music2, OKKM3 - Chamber Music 3, OKKM4 - Chamber Music 4, OKKM5 - Chamber Music 5, OKKM6 - Chamber Music6, OKKM7 - Chamber Music 7, OKKM8 - Chamber Music 8 2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
The aim of chamber music course is mastering the technique and skills of joint playing and artistic expression. Students gain the experience of playing or singing in various instrumental or vocal-instrumental ensembles. Ensembles introduce a repertoire of significant pieces of chamber literature, of all stylistic epochs. Students gain the ability to participate in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools, media and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements in relation to the individual's unique personality, developing personal performance possibilities of the student, acquiring artistic confidence through comprehensive research and studying repertoire. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expend the repertoire and expand their knowledge in the field of repertoire, Students are capable of taking the lead roles in ensembles, mastering the overall knowledge of the chamber music repertoire, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and can use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, cooperation and organization.
The aim of chamber music course is mastering the technique and skills of joint playing and artistic expression. Students gain the experience of playing or singing in various instrumental or vocal-instrumental ensembles. Ensembles introduce a repertoire of significant pieces of chamber literature, of all stylistic epochs. Students gain the ability to participate in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools, media and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements in relation to the individual's unique personality, developing personal performance possibilities of the student, acquiring artistic confidence through comprehensive research and studying repertoire. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expend the repertoire and expand their knowledge in the field of repertoire, Students are capable of taking the lead roles in ensembles, mastering the overall knowledge of the chamber music repertoire, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and can use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, cooperation and organization.
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMJA1, OMJA2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Students acquire knowledge, techniques and skills for artistic and professional arranging and orchestrating for rhythm section or smaller ensemble with stylistic features of jazz and popular music.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire basic knowledge about techniques and stylistic features necessary for arranging parts for instruments of the rhythm section. Students gain theoretical and practical knowledge and are capable to use gained skills in his/her creative work on an analytical and professional level.
Students acquire knowledge, techniques and skills for artistic and professional arranging and orchestrating for rhythm section or smaller ensemble with stylistic features of jazz and popular music.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire basic knowledge about techniques and stylistic features necessary for arranging parts for instruments of the rhythm section. Students gain theoretical and practical knowledge and are capable to use gained skills in his/her creative work on an analytical and professional level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMHR1, OMHR2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Vladimir Nikolov
Theoretical and practical enhancement, improvement and upgrade of previously gained knowledge towards horizontal and vertical use of knowledge including creative analytical approach.
Learning outcomes:
Developed skills in theoretical and creative sense that are laying the basis for improvised and written music with features of jazz and modern poo music. Students gain the ability to analyze, adapt and appropriately adjust some music content, to upgrade the given content with inventive horizontal solutions in terms of jazz improvisations. Use of vertical structures and creative approach when arranging and orchestrating.
Theoretical and practical enhancement, improvement and upgrade of previously gained knowledge towards horizontal and vertical use of knowledge including creative analytical approach.
Learning outcomes:
Developed skills in theoretical and creative sense that are laying the basis for improvised and written music with features of jazz and modern poo music. Students gain the ability to analyze, adapt and appropriately adjust some music content, to upgrade the given content with inventive horizontal solutions in terms of jazz improvisations. Use of vertical structures and creative approach when arranging and orchestrating.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMOR1, OMOR 2, OMOR 3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Vladimir Nikolov
Students are enabled to become members of Big Bands and other professional jazz ensembles and larger popular music ensembles. Students are introduced to particular orchestral requests and demands by playing wide jazz music repertoire.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire skills for artistic expression, playing in jazz and popular music ensembles, public performances, rehearsals. Students gain theoretical knowledge, independence when performing, psychological understanding of the piece, critical thinking and communicational skills. Students are able to analyze music content, make fast adjustments of the given content and to creatively contribute to the artistic level of the performed repertoire.
Students are enabled to become members of Big Bands and other professional jazz ensembles and larger popular music ensembles. Students are introduced to particular orchestral requests and demands by playing wide jazz music repertoire.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire skills for artistic expression, playing in jazz and popular music ensembles, public performances, rehearsals. Students gain theoretical knowledge, independence when performing, psychological understanding of the piece, critical thinking and communicational skills. Students are able to analyze music content, make fast adjustments of the given content and to creatively contribute to the artistic level of the performed repertoire.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OADN1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OCSP1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical element. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical element. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OCSP2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical element. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical element. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OCSP3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical element. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical element. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OCSP4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical elements. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical elements. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OCSP5 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical element. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical element. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OCSP6 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical element. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical element. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OCSP7 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical element. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical element. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OCSP8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical element. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Achieving a high professional singing level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature in the field of opera and concert singing and building individuality of the personality of the singer through the unity of the technical and musical element. Preparing students for pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, exercises and maintenance of the rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIOR1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
The direct objective of the course is further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for the successful continuation of studies.
The direct objective of the course is further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for the successful continuation of studies.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIOR2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
The direct objective of the course is further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for successful continuation of studies.
The direct objective of the course is further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for successful continuation of studies.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIOR3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
The direct objective of the course is further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for the successful continuation of studies.
The direct objective of the course is further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for the successful continuation of studies.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIOR4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
The direct objective of the course is a further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for the successful continuation of studies.
The direct objective of the course is a further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for the successful continuation of studies.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIOR5 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
The direct objective of the course is further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for the successful continuation of studies.
The direct objective of the course is further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for the successful continuation of studies.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIOR6 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
The direct objective of the course is further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for the successful continuation of studies.
The direct objective of the course is further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for the successful continuation of studies.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIOR7 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
The direct objective of the course is further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for a successful continuation of studies.
The direct objective of the course is further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for a successful continuation of studies.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIOR8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
The direct objective of the course is further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for a successful continuation of studies.
The direct objective of the course is further development of acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in order to achieve an authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional organist level through the technical-interpretative work on musical literature for the organ and the development of the individuality of the personality of the organist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements stipulated for this course, development of individual performance possibilities of the student, training for a successful continuation of studies.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: ODKL1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 16
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: ODKL2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 16
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: ODKL3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: ODKL4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: ODKL5 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: ODKL6 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: ODKL7 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: ODKL8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical work. Development of critical thinking, communication skills and autonomy in work.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Mastery of the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OECB1, OECB2, OECB3, OECB4, OECB5, OECB6, OECB7, OECB8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Professor: Slobodan Gerić
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for double bass and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for double bass and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OEVC1, OEVC2, OEVC3, OEVC4, OEVC5, OEVC6, OEVC7, OEVC8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMJB1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMJB2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of musical piece. Development of a critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of musical piece. Development of a critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMJB3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMJB4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMJB5 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of a student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of a student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMJB6 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of musical piece. Development of a critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of musical piece. Development of a critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMJB7 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMJB8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OEVN 1, OEVN 2, OEVN3, OEVN4, OEVN5, OEVN6, OEVN7, OEVN8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for violin and building the violinist's individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for violin and building the violinist's individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OEVL 1, OEVL 2, OEVL3, OEVL4, OEVL5, OEVL6, OEVL7, OEVL8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for viola and building the violist's individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for viola and building the violist's individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFCL1, OFCL2, OFCL3, OFCL4, OFCL5, OFCL6, OFCL7, OFCL8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of Clarinet playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of Clarinet playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFTR1, OFTR2, OFTR3, OFTR4, OFTR5, OFTR6, OFTR7, OFTR8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of trumpet playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Within practice students are trained for musical communication, processing artistic problems on actual works.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of trumpet playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Within practice students are trained for musical communication, processing artistic problems on actual works.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMSX1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMSX2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMSX3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMSX4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMSX5 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMSX6 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMSX7 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMAN1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMAN2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMAN3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMAN4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Improving playing technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence to conduct pedagogical and creative work in music schools and institutions of music.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMIP1, OMIP2, OMIP3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Understanding jazz improvisations. Improvement of motivation and skills necessary for independent and mutually improvised performing.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to use the usual methods of jazz improvisations, to use their theoretical concepts and develop high levels of their artistic realizations.
Understanding jazz improvisations. Improvement of motivation and skills necessary for independent and mutually improvised performing.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to use the usual methods of jazz improvisations, to use their theoretical concepts and develop high levels of their artistic realizations.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMKP1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Acquiring abilities for independent artistic activity and public performance. Development of critical thinking skills.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills (artistic expression skills - independent plan and realization of their own musical concepts by repertoire skills - experience in different styles. Theoretical learning outcomes (knowledge-based) are the comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and music material - good knowledge of the repertoire within the main subject and partial knowledge of a specialized repertoire. Generic outcomes of course are providing the development of independence (information collection, analysis and synthesis, critical development of ideas and self-motivation). The discussion part of concert practice develops critical awareness and communication skills
Acquiring abilities for independent artistic activity and public performance. Development of critical thinking skills.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills (artistic expression skills - independent plan and realization of their own musical concepts by repertoire skills - experience in different styles. Theoretical learning outcomes (knowledge-based) are the comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and music material - good knowledge of the repertoire within the main subject and partial knowledge of a specialized repertoire. Generic outcomes of course are providing the development of independence (information collection, analysis and synthesis, critical development of ideas and self-motivation). The discussion part of concert practice develops critical awareness and communication skills
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMGT1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMGT2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Mastering a jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Mastering a jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMGT3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMGT4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMGT5 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMGT6 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMGT7 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMGT8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Mastering of jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms, good “timing” in jazz interpretation. Work on harmonic examples, jazz harmony – modal and tonal language. Important examples for the history of jazz guitar; different jazz styles. Making and analysis of simple transcriptions of jazz solos
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMBS1, OMBS2, OMBS3, OMBS4, OMBS5, OMBS6, OMBS7, OMBS8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Improving playing technique; familiarizing with jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms. Work on technique and tonal exercises. Harmonic jazz language and jazz repertoire of different styles. Important examples from the history of jazz double bass; different styles. Program and work plan depends on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities.
Improving playing technique; familiarizing with jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas. Work on jazz idioms. Work on technique and tonal exercises. Harmonic jazz language and jazz repertoire of different styles. Important examples from the history of jazz double bass; different styles. Program and work plan depends on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMTR1, OMTR2, OMTR3, OMTR4, OMTR5, OMTR6, OMTR7, OMTR8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Improving playing technique; familiarizing with jazz language and repertoire. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in music ensembles and orchestras at a high professional level. Special attention is paid to getting advanced skills in terms of rhythm, melody and harmony. Gaining a high professional level and building musician’s individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element; creative dealing with particular jazz techniques, improvisations and composing in the context of diverse repertoire.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas
Improving playing technique; familiarizing with jazz language and repertoire. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in music ensembles and orchestras at a high professional level. Special attention is paid to getting advanced skills in terms of rhythm, melody and harmony. Gaining a high professional level and building musician’s individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element; creative dealing with particular jazz techniques, improvisations and composing in the context of diverse repertoire.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMJR1, OMJR2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Understanding complex rhythmic jazz concepts. Ability to implement complex rhythmic jazz concepts when performing.
Learning outcomes:
Students are enabled to make analysis and sight-read complex rhythmical patterns and relations and to interpret them using his/ her voice, individually or in a group. Mastering rhythmic concepts in jazz music. Particular rhythmic phrasing in jazz. Analytical understanding of rhythmical relations. Auditory exercises – identification of rhythmical figures. Work on the pace of rhythmical patterns sight-reading. Rapid observation of complex horizontal rhythmic figures. Analysis of specific examples from practice, vocal interpretation of scores. Auditory exercises – identification of rhythmical figures. Rapid observation of complex vertical rhythmic figures. Mastering complex rhythmic concepts in jazz music. Rapid observation of complex vertical rhythmical relations. Analysis of specific examples from practice, vocal interpretation of scores.
Understanding complex rhythmic jazz concepts. Ability to implement complex rhythmic jazz concepts when performing.
Learning outcomes:
Students are enabled to make analysis and sight-read complex rhythmical patterns and relations and to interpret them using his/ her voice, individually or in a group. Mastering rhythmic concepts in jazz music. Particular rhythmic phrasing in jazz. Analytical understanding of rhythmical relations. Auditory exercises – identification of rhythmical figures. Work on the pace of rhythmical patterns sight-reading. Rapid observation of complex horizontal rhythmic figures. Analysis of specific examples from practice, vocal interpretation of scores. Auditory exercises – identification of rhythmical figures. Rapid observation of complex vertical rhythmic figures. Mastering complex rhythmic concepts in jazz music. Rapid observation of complex vertical rhythmical relations. Analysis of specific examples from practice, vocal interpretation of scores.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMTB1, OMTB2, OMTB3, OMTB4, OMTB5, OMTB6, OMTB7, OMTB8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Professor: IVAN ILIC
Improving playing technique; familiarizing with jazz language and repertoire. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in music ensembles and orchestras at a high professional level. Special attention is paid to getting advanced skills in terms of rhythm, melody and harmony. Gaining a high professional level and building musician’s individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element; creative dealing with particular jazz techniques, improvisations and composing in the context of diverse repertoire.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas
Improving playing technique; familiarizing with jazz language and repertoire. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in music ensembles and orchestras at a high professional level. Special attention is paid to getting advanced skills in terms of rhythm, melody and harmony. Gaining a high professional level and building musician’s individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element; creative dealing with particular jazz techniques, improvisations and composing in the context of diverse repertoire.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles and to actualize their artistic ideas
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMIP1, OMIP2, OMIP3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: IVAN ILIC
Understanding jazz improvisations. Improvement of motivation and skills necessary for independent and mutually improvised performing. Melody: Analysis and coding system. Functional harmony: steps in main harmonic rotations and cadence. Functional analysis and interpretation of chords – triads, seventh-chords. Vertically performance planning: arpeggio, inversions, permutations, different rhythms. Leading tones and lines of leading tones. Making of simple thematic patterns for performance and rhythmisation. “On”/”Off” concept, Notes Per Bar concept. Blues, rhythm changes. Discussion on selected examples and problematic situations and their practical use on instrument or voice. Performance of the program based on jazz standards. Harmonic patterns with dimished chordes. Functional analysis and reharmonisation with dimished chordes. Transposition of lines of leading tones with harmonization. Concept of melodic changes in improvisation.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to use the usual methods of jazz improvisations, to use their theoretical concepts and develop high level of their artistic realizations.
Understanding jazz improvisations. Improvement of motivation and skills necessary for independent and mutually improvised performing. Melody: Analysis and coding system. Functional harmony: steps in main harmonic rotations and cadence. Functional analysis and interpretation of chords – triads, seventh-chords. Vertically performance planning: arpeggio, inversions, permutations, different rhythms. Leading tones and lines of leading tones. Making of simple thematic patterns for performance and rhythmisation. “On”/”Off” concept, Notes Per Bar concept. Blues, rhythm changes. Discussion on selected examples and problematic situations and their practical use on instrument or voice. Performance of the program based on jazz standards. Harmonic patterns with dimished chordes. Functional analysis and reharmonisation with dimished chordes. Transposition of lines of leading tones with harmonization. Concept of melodic changes in improvisation.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to use the usual methods of jazz improvisations, to use their theoretical concepts and develop high level of their artistic realizations.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OAPC1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: IVAN ILIC
Introduction to Cubase program
Learning outcomes:
Introduction to Cubase program
Learning outcomes:
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OICB1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and the ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and the ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OICB2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student. D
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student. D
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OICB3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OICB4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OICB5 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OICB6 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student. D
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student. D
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OICB7 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OICB8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student. D
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Acquiring skills for independent artistic activity, participation in ensembles and ability for pedagogic and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Practical work on harpsichord soloist literature, depending on the musical-technical readiness and ability of the student. D
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and performing at concerts. Mastering the theoretical knowledge which implies comprehension and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the musical pieces. Acquiring autonomy in work, the abilities of psychological understanding of performing, critical thinking, and creative abilities.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIPC1, OIPC2, OIPC3, OIPC4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Acquisition of extra-curricular knowledge from the artistic areas related to the harpsichord (knowledge of the instrument, history of development and literature) and their incorporation into the field of the main subject; mastering disciplines in the field of harpsichord practice (basso continuo and improvisation), as inseparable components in the formation of professional musician - harpsichordist; referring to the methodical processes of the organization of harpsichord teaching process in elementary and secondary music education, with the aim of forming competences in the interpretative and pedagogical fields. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, as well as pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Application of various theoretical and practical knowledge to artistic work; encouragement of critical thinking and independent research. Development of student affinity towards expert fields and disciplines within the harpsichord practice and education. Training students for professional engagement in the interpretative and pedagogical fields within the harpsichord artistic area
Acquisition of extra-curricular knowledge from the artistic areas related to the harpsichord (knowledge of the instrument, history of development and literature) and their incorporation into the field of the main subject; mastering disciplines in the field of harpsichord practice (basso continuo and improvisation), as inseparable components in the formation of professional musician - harpsichordist; referring to the methodical processes of the organization of harpsichord teaching process in elementary and secondary music education, with the aim of forming competences in the interpretative and pedagogical fields. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, as well as pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Application of various theoretical and practical knowledge to artistic work; encouragement of critical thinking and independent research. Development of student affinity towards expert fields and disciplines within the harpsichord practice and education. Training students for professional engagement in the interpretative and pedagogical fields within the harpsichord artistic area
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: ODRL1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Introduction to the historical development of piano performances
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding of the essences of piano performance as well as the instrument's repertoire. Ability to critically observe and understand the characteristics of the performance of a certain historical period, and transposing them into the context of contemporary pianistic practice.
Introduction to the historical development of piano performances
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding of the essences of piano performance as well as the instrument's repertoire. Ability to critically observe and understand the characteristics of the performance of a certain historical period, and transposing them into the context of contemporary pianistic practice.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMPV1, OMPV2, OMPV3, OMPV4, OMPV5, OMPV6, OMPV7, OMPV8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Improving vocal technique; familiarizing with jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Jazz idioms. Vocal technique. Harmonic jazz language and jazz repertoire of different styles. Development of harmonic hearing. Important examples from the history of jazz; different styles. Program and work plan depends on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles.
Improving vocal technique; familiarizing with jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of student's musical personality through the process of acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and actualization of the musical piece. Development of critical thinking. Jazz idioms. Vocal technique. Harmonic jazz language and jazz repertoire of different styles. Development of harmonic hearing. Important examples from the history of jazz; different styles. Program and work plan depends on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills from the field of artistic expression, participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: ODRL2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Getting acquainted with the historical development of the art of piano performance, as well as the repertoire of the given period.
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding of the essences of piano performance as well as the instrument's repertoire. Ability to critically observe and understand the characteristics of the performance of a certain historical period, and transposing them into the context of contemporary pianistic practice. Comprehensive knowledge of the oeuvre of the important composers of the time.
Getting acquainted with the historical development of the art of piano performance, as well as the repertoire of the given period.
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding of the essences of piano performance as well as the instrument's repertoire. Ability to critically observe and understand the characteristics of the performance of a certain historical period, and transposing them into the context of contemporary pianistic practice. Comprehensive knowledge of the oeuvre of the important composers of the time.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: ODRL3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Introduction to the piano repertoire and performance style of the 20th and 21st century. Introducing the contemporary piano repertoire through playing certain pieces and listening to existing recordings. Mastering the non-standard ways of using the keyboard and the piano in total. Researching new approaches to piano sound and liberty in interpretation. Due to the nature of the subject and the programme requirements, the lectures are theoretical as well as practical. The need for artistic dialogue and idea exchange asks for group type of course, but still aiming to preserve an individual approach to each student
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge concerning repertoire and performance style of the 20th and 21st century. Mastering the practical skills required for performing contemporary music for piano.
Introduction to the piano repertoire and performance style of the 20th and 21st century. Introducing the contemporary piano repertoire through playing certain pieces and listening to existing recordings. Mastering the non-standard ways of using the keyboard and the piano in total. Researching new approaches to piano sound and liberty in interpretation. Due to the nature of the subject and the programme requirements, the lectures are theoretical as well as practical. The need for artistic dialogue and idea exchange asks for group type of course, but still aiming to preserve an individual approach to each student
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge concerning repertoire and performance style of the 20th and 21st century. Mastering the practical skills required for performing contemporary music for piano.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: ODKC2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Students gain the ability to quickly and skillfully navigate into unknown material, as well as the ability to technically reliable, stylish and interpretively adequate piano accompaniment of all types of soloists.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills in artistic expression in the field of the piano accompaniment, communication with all types of soloists and instantaneous navigation in unknown material.
Students gain the ability to quickly and skillfully navigate into unknown material, as well as the ability to technically reliable, stylish and interpretively adequate piano accompaniment of all types of soloists.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills in artistic expression in the field of the piano accompaniment, communication with all types of soloists and instantaneous navigation in unknown material.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OBHO1, OBHO2, OBHO3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
The subject is directed towards introduction, development and mastering elements of choral singing, first of all, harmonic hearing and vocal technique. The aim is to train a student to apply his theoretical knowledge (Solfeggio, Counterpoint, Harmony, structural and stylistic analysis) in practice.) Course Choir is designed as a basis for introducing students to all the essential elements of the musical work. In addition to the necessary analytical part of teaching, priority and focus is on practical work. Technical practice is dedicated to the development of the vocal abilities of students and the composition of all the leading stylistic periods are represented, from Renaissance to contemporary music. Selected works can be vocal or vocal-instrumental, spiritual or worldwide, and used as instructive literature or a program for public performance. The teaching is of a collective type, and the student chooses to be attending a female or mixed choir. FoM Mixed Choir and Academic Choir "Collegium musicum" are available.
Learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to practically apply the acquired knowledge in this discipline, which sums up the knowledge of theoretical and practical music subjects. Knowledge of vocal technique, musical stylistics, ways and organization of work with different vocal ensembles must train students to sing in the choir, active participation in the preparation and realization of performances with the ensemble. Also, it is expected that in future work, students will be able to lead a choir ensemble (children, women, men, or mixed)
Maximum number of visiting students 2
Entry requirements for visiting students /
The subject is directed towards introduction, development and mastering elements of choral singing, first of all, harmonic hearing and vocal technique. The aim is to train a student to apply his theoretical knowledge (Solfeggio, Counterpoint, Harmony, structural and stylistic analysis) in practice.) Course Choir is designed as a basis for introducing students to all the essential elements of the musical work. In addition to the necessary analytical part of teaching, priority and focus is on practical work. Technical practice is dedicated to the development of the vocal abilities of students and the composition of all the leading stylistic periods are represented, from Renaissance to contemporary music. Selected works can be vocal or vocal-instrumental, spiritual or worldwide, and used as instructive literature or a program for public performance. The teaching is of a collective type, and the student chooses to be attending a female or mixed choir. FoM Mixed Choir and Academic Choir "Collegium musicum" are available.
Learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to practically apply the acquired knowledge in this discipline, which sums up the knowledge of theoretical and practical music subjects. Knowledge of vocal technique, musical stylistics, ways and organization of work with different vocal ensembles must train students to sing in the choir, active participation in the preparation and realization of performances with the ensemble. Also, it is expected that in future work, students will be able to lead a choir ensemble (children, women, men, or mixed)
Maximum number of visiting students 2
Entry requirements for visiting students /
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIHF1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture the distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical elements. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture the distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical elements. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIHF2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIHF3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIHF4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIHF5 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIHF6 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIHF7 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIHF8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The main objective of the subject is to develop aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research aiming to achieve authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a level of professional harpist through technical-interpretative work on music literature for the harp and to nurture distinctive personality of the soloist and orchestra musician, through the unity of the technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, for performing in ensembles, and the proficiency for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIMH1, OIMH 2, OIMH3, OIMH4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Thorough mastering of the learning process, the acquisition of knowledge from the artistic field of the harp and the practical application of acquired experiences in artistic and pedagogical work. Theoretical lessons Introducing various theoretical approaches to the technique of harp playing. Various historical, sociological, artistic and technological aspects of the development of creativity, as well as distinguishing of the role of instrumental music in society. The student is able, theoretically and practically, to understand and apply the basic technique on the instrument, to distinguish the appropriate stages of the preparation of the work, to introduce the pupil to different types of memory, to prepare a pupil for public performance, and to achieve appropriate teaching approaches. Practical lessons Practical exercises (fingering, articulation, memorization, pedalization), as well as the application of acquired knowledge by giving lesson to junior student and discussion of pedagogical procedures of all other students.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding of the pedagogical process, knowledge of different techniques of playing the harp, the stages in the teaching, the practice of memorizing and organization of the lesson (30 or 45 minutes). Application of diverse knowledge and interpretative experience in order to create a creative personality of a music pedagogue.
Thorough mastering of the learning process, the acquisition of knowledge from the artistic field of the harp and the practical application of acquired experiences in artistic and pedagogical work. Theoretical lessons Introducing various theoretical approaches to the technique of harp playing. Various historical, sociological, artistic and technological aspects of the development of creativity, as well as distinguishing of the role of instrumental music in society. The student is able, theoretically and practically, to understand and apply the basic technique on the instrument, to distinguish the appropriate stages of the preparation of the work, to introduce the pupil to different types of memory, to prepare a pupil for public performance, and to achieve appropriate teaching approaches. Practical lessons Practical exercises (fingering, articulation, memorization, pedalization), as well as the application of acquired knowledge by giving lesson to junior student and discussion of pedagogical procedures of all other students.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding of the pedagogical process, knowledge of different techniques of playing the harp, the stages in the teaching, the practice of memorizing and organization of the lesson (30 or 45 minutes). Application of diverse knowledge and interpretative experience in order to create a creative personality of a music pedagogue.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIRH1, OIRH 2, OIRH 3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity in this instrument, as well as for participating in the work of the ensemble. Also, the goal is to acquire the skills for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. harp is studied on selected examples of literature for this instrument. Literature for this instrument is primarily found in the early music pieces and in the traditional music of various countries. Students get acquainted with the technique of playing of this instrument, as well as the technique of using levers. Different variants of tuning are learned.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity in this instrument, as well as for participating in the work of the ensemble. Also, the goal is to acquire the skills for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. harp is studied on selected examples of literature for this instrument. Literature for this instrument is primarily found in the early music pieces and in the traditional music of various countries. Students get acquainted with the technique of playing of this instrument, as well as the technique of using levers. Different variants of tuning are learned.
Learning outcomes:
Students learn practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and participating in rehearsal), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the work), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIDH1 , OIDH2, OIDH3, OIDH4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Students gain the ability for independent artistic activity and performance in various ensembles. Training for working in the orchestra. Introduction to symphonic, ballet and opera orchestra literature, gaining skills of reading and playing Orchestra sections. Use of various instruments in different orchestral compositions. Work on various orchestral materials.
Skillful reading and playing the scores, as well as direct application of learned techniques to specific spots in Orchestra literature. Practical work on Orchestra literature with special emphasis on technique and method of performance. Because of the small number of students per year (up to 2), and due to the economics of teaching and the nature of the subjects that emphasize interpersonal performance communication within the same course, all students of harp will be integrated due to meticulous work on all curricula units
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, quick sight reading, practicing and performing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of work), gaining autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills. Mastering the curricula. Ability to apply acquired knowledge within the orchestra.
Students gain the ability for independent artistic activity and performance in various ensembles. Training for working in the orchestra. Introduction to symphonic, ballet and opera orchestra literature, gaining skills of reading and playing Orchestra sections. Use of various instruments in different orchestral compositions. Work on various orchestral materials.
Skillful reading and playing the scores, as well as direct application of learned techniques to specific spots in Orchestra literature. Practical work on Orchestra literature with special emphasis on technique and method of performance. Because of the small number of students per year (up to 2), and due to the economics of teaching and the nature of the subjects that emphasize interpersonal performance communication within the same course, all students of harp will be integrated due to meticulous work on all curricula units
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, quick sight reading, practicing and performing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of work), gaining autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills. Mastering the curricula. Ability to apply acquired knowledge within the orchestra.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIKP1 , OIKP2, OIKP3, OIKP4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
The main goal of the course is mastering the skills necessary for the successful realization of concert activities. The ultimate goal is to reach a high professional level of a concert musician. Teaching lessons: Topics: preparation for concert performance, self-confidence, expression, style, body language, appearance, environment, spatial positioning, creation of concert program, creation and management of digital portfolio, creative thinking, basics of music entrepreneurship. Practical lessons: The student has to perform a minimum of 3 compositions during the year. She/he has to watch a video of one of his performances and has to write a review - in the length of two to three pages. The student has an obligation to visit two concerts of different genres and to write a review for both concerts (in volume of two pages.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of the concert performance. Students acquire knowledge in the field of creating concert program, physical and psychological preparation for music competition and concert performance, writing of art biography, creation of digital portfolio, basis of music entrepreneurship, acquire a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and are able to use this knowledge in further artistic development. They are capable of innovative thinking, and independent realization of complex artistic activities.
The main goal of the course is mastering the skills necessary for the successful realization of concert activities. The ultimate goal is to reach a high professional level of a concert musician. Teaching lessons: Topics: preparation for concert performance, self-confidence, expression, style, body language, appearance, environment, spatial positioning, creation of concert program, creation and management of digital portfolio, creative thinking, basics of music entrepreneurship. Practical lessons: The student has to perform a minimum of 3 compositions during the year. She/he has to watch a video of one of his performances and has to write a review - in the length of two to three pages. The student has an obligation to visit two concerts of different genres and to write a review for both concerts (in volume of two pages.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of the concert performance. Students acquire knowledge in the field of creating concert program, physical and psychological preparation for music competition and concert performance, writing of art biography, creation of digital portfolio, basis of music entrepreneurship, acquire a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and are able to use this knowledge in further artistic development. They are capable of innovative thinking, and independent realization of complex artistic activities.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MIGT1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 11
Achieving a high professional guitarist level, through the technical-interpretative processing of musical literature for the guitar and building individuality of the personality of the guitarist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Achieving a high level of originality and independence in the approach to the interpretation of music for guitar
Achieving a high professional guitarist level, through the technical-interpretative processing of musical literature for the guitar and building individuality of the personality of the guitarist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Achieving a high level of originality and independence in the approach to the interpretation of music for guitar
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MKKM 1, MKKM2 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Mastering the techniques and skills in joint playing and artistic expression. Students acquire experience of playing/ singing in various instrumental or vocalinstrumental ensembles. The ensembles are being familiarized with the repertoire of notable pieces of chamber music literature of all stylistic epochs. Students gain competencies for working in an ensemble, as well pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general schools, media and cultural institutions
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements depending on the individual artistic personality, development of student individual performing capacities, acquirement of artistic self-esteem through thorough repertoire research and knowledge. Students gain acquire high professional level of competencies for realization and expression of personal artistic concepts, widen the repertoire and deepen repertoire knowledge, become capable for taking the leadership in ensembles, acquire an exhaustive knowledge on chamber music repertoire, have profound understanding of practical and theoretical studies with ability to transfer put that knowledge to practice in further artistic development. They gain competences for completely individual learning and completing complex tasks, develop critical thinking and competencies for initiating and managing joint projects, as well as team work, cooperation and organization.
Mastering the techniques and skills in joint playing and artistic expression. Students acquire experience of playing/ singing in various instrumental or vocalinstrumental ensembles. The ensembles are being familiarized with the repertoire of notable pieces of chamber music literature of all stylistic epochs. Students gain competencies for working in an ensemble, as well pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general schools, media and cultural institutions
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements depending on the individual artistic personality, development of student individual performing capacities, acquirement of artistic self-esteem through thorough repertoire research and knowledge. Students gain acquire high professional level of competencies for realization and expression of personal artistic concepts, widen the repertoire and deepen repertoire knowledge, become capable for taking the leadership in ensembles, acquire an exhaustive knowledge on chamber music repertoire, have profound understanding of practical and theoretical studies with ability to transfer put that knowledge to practice in further artistic development. They gain competences for completely individual learning and completing complex tasks, develop critical thinking and competencies for initiating and managing joint projects, as well as team work, cooperation and organization.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MMOR1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Vladimir Nikolov
Students gain the ability and experience to work in Big Bands and professional jazz ensembles, popular and revue music of a larger formation. They are introduced to the specific requirements of playing in orchestra, as well as the process of working in the professional orchestra playing a wide repertoire of the Big Band for a wide range of jazz styles.
Learning outcomes:
Students are mastering skills in the field of artistic expression, playing in ensembles with stylistic features of jazz and contemporary popular music, public performance, practicing and maintenance of the rehearsal, theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and context of piece), independence in work, psychological understanding of the work, critical awareness and communication skills. The student is able to analyze given piece, adapt and adopt the musical text in the best way, as well as to contribute to the artistic quality of the performed repertoire by creative approach.
Students gain the ability and experience to work in Big Bands and professional jazz ensembles, popular and revue music of a larger formation. They are introduced to the specific requirements of playing in orchestra, as well as the process of working in the professional orchestra playing a wide repertoire of the Big Band for a wide range of jazz styles.
Learning outcomes:
Students are mastering skills in the field of artistic expression, playing in ensembles with stylistic features of jazz and contemporary popular music, public performance, practicing and maintenance of the rehearsal, theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and context of piece), independence in work, psychological understanding of the work, critical awareness and communication skills. The student is able to analyze given piece, adapt and adopt the musical text in the best way, as well as to contribute to the artistic quality of the performed repertoire by creative approach.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MCSP1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 9
Achieving a highly professional performance level, with stylistic and technically rounded interpretations through different styles and epochs. Also, students are trained for independent artistic expression at the opera, theater or concert scene. Students are trained to work together in different vocal and instrumental ensembles, gain competences for work in music and pedagogical institutions at the level of secondary schools, and work in the media and cultural institutions
Learning outcomes:
Students gain a high professional level and ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand the repertoire and deepen their knowledge in the field of repertoire, stage and concert activities, are capable of taking on leading roles in ensembles, mastering the comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, having a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, negotiation and organization.
Achieving a highly professional performance level, with stylistic and technically rounded interpretations through different styles and epochs. Also, students are trained for independent artistic expression at the opera, theater or concert scene. Students are trained to work together in different vocal and instrumental ensembles, gain competences for work in music and pedagogical institutions at the level of secondary schools, and work in the media and cultural institutions
Learning outcomes:
Students gain a high professional level and ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand the repertoire and deepen their knowledge in the field of repertoire, stage and concert activities, are capable of taking on leading roles in ensembles, mastering the comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, having a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, negotiation and organization.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MIOR1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 8
The achievement of higher standards of professional interpretation of the work organ virtuosic literature through the study of the complex and interpreting the top part of the organ literature, of various ages and styles.
Learning outcomes:
Achieving the musical and technical requirements predicted for this program, the development of individual performing able students, as well as the acquisition of competencies for teachers working in secondary music schools, concert activities (solo, orchestral, chamber), the ability to work in high schools, the possibility of further artistic and interpretive training.
The achievement of higher standards of professional interpretation of the work organ virtuosic literature through the study of the complex and interpreting the top part of the organ literature, of various ages and styles.
Learning outcomes:
Achieving the musical and technical requirements predicted for this program, the development of individual performing able students, as well as the acquisition of competencies for teachers working in secondary music schools, concert activities (solo, orchestral, chamber), the ability to work in high schools, the possibility of further artistic and interpretive training.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MDKL1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional performance level, through the technical interpretative production of musical literature for piano and building individuality of the student through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Steering the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand the repertoire and deepen their knowledge in the field of repertoire, are able to take on leading roles in ensembles, master the comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and can use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, negotiation and organization.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional performance level, through the technical interpretative production of musical literature for piano and building individuality of the student through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Steering the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand the repertoire and deepen their knowledge in the field of repertoire, are able to take on leading roles in ensembles, master the comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and can use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, negotiation and organization.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MECB1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 13
Professor: Slobodan Gerić
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional double bassist level, through the technical-interpretative reading of music literature for double bass and building the double bassist’s individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression. Students gain a high professional level of abilities to realize and express their own artistic concepts, students expand the repertoire and extend their knowledge in the field of repertoire, are capable of taking the leading roles in ensembles, mastering comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and can use this knowledge in further artistic development. Students acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, in negotiation and organization.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional double bassist level, through the technical-interpretative reading of music literature for double bass and building the double bassist’s individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression. Students gain a high professional level of abilities to realize and express their own artistic concepts, students expand the repertoire and extend their knowledge in the field of repertoire, are capable of taking the leading roles in ensembles, mastering comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and can use this knowledge in further artistic development. Students acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, in negotiation and organization.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MEVC1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 13
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The goal is also to reach a high professional violoncellist level, through the technicalinterpretative work on music literature for violoncello and building the violoncellist's individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering instrument, knowing the styles and forms, understanding the musical content, individuality in expression. Students: gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand their work and extend their knowledge in the field of repertoire, are capable of taking on leading roles in ensembles, mastering the comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, having a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, negotiation and organization.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The goal is also to reach a high professional violoncellist level, through the technicalinterpretative work on music literature for violoncello and building the violoncellist's individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering instrument, knowing the styles and forms, understanding the musical content, individuality in expression. Students: gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand their work and extend their knowledge in the field of repertoire, are capable of taking on leading roles in ensembles, mastering the comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, having a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, negotiation and organization.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MMJB1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 9
Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. . Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and realization of musical piece, attaining a high professional level and building musician’s individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element. Development of a critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work: participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts
Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. . Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and realization of musical piece, attaining a high professional level and building musician’s individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element. Development of a critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work: participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MEVN1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 13
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The goal is also to reach a high professional violinist level, through the technicalinterpretative work on music literature for violin and building the violinist's individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering instrument, knowing the styles and forms, understanding the musical content, individuality in expression. Students: gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand their work and extend their knowledge in the field of repertoire, are capable of taking on leading roles in ensembles, mastering the comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, having a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, negotiation and organization
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The goal is also to reach a high professional violinist level, through the technicalinterpretative work on music literature for violin and building the violinist's individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering instrument, knowing the styles and forms, understanding the musical content, individuality in expression. Students: gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand their work and extend their knowledge in the field of repertoire, are capable of taking on leading roles in ensembles, mastering the comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, having a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, negotiation and organization
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MEVL1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 13
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional violist level, through the technical interpretative reading of music literature for viola and building the violist's individuality through the unity of the technical and musical elements.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand the repertoire and enlarge their knowledge in the field of repertoire, are capable of taking the leading roles in ensembles, mastering with a comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and can use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, negotiation and organization.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional violist level, through the technical interpretative reading of music literature for viola and building the violist's individuality through the unity of the technical and musical elements.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand the repertoire and enlarge their knowledge in the field of repertoire, are capable of taking the leading roles in ensembles, mastering with a comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and can use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, negotiation and organization.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MFCL1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 11
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical piece, reaching a high professional performance level and building individuality of the student through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Controlling the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of music content. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, extend the repertoire and expand their knowledge in the field of repertoire, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and are able to use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully independently learn and perform complex tasks by defending the final thesis, the students confirm that they have achieved the basic goals of the graduate study program Performing arts - the Clarinet module, the ability to independently engage in artistic activity, as well as the ability to work in music and pedagogical institutions at the level of secondary schools.
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical piece, reaching a high professional performance level and building individuality of the student through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Controlling the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of music content. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, extend the repertoire and expand their knowledge in the field of repertoire, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and are able to use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully independently learn and perform complex tasks by defending the final thesis, the students confirm that they have achieved the basic goals of the graduate study program Performing arts - the Clarinet module, the ability to independently engage in artistic activity, as well as the ability to work in music and pedagogical institutions at the level of secondary schools.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MFTR1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 11
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical piece, reaching a high professional performance level and building individuality of the student through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Controlling the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of music content. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, extend the repertoire and expand their knowledge in the field of repertoire, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and are able to use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully independently learn and perform complex tasks. By defending the final thesis, the students confirm that they have achieved the basic goals of the graduate study program Performing arts - the Trumpet module, the ability to independently engage in artistic activity, as well as the ability to work in music and pedagogical institutions at the level of secondary schools.
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical piece, reaching a high professional performance level and building individuality of the student through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Controlling the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of music content. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, extend the repertoire and expand their knowledge in the field of repertoire, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and are able to use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully independently learn and perform complex tasks. By defending the final thesis, the students confirm that they have achieved the basic goals of the graduate study program Performing arts - the Trumpet module, the ability to independently engage in artistic activity, as well as the ability to work in music and pedagogical institutions at the level of secondary schools.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MMSX1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 9
Mastering performance technique, jazz language and repertoire. Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of the musical piece, attaining a high professional level and building individuality of the musician through the unity of the technical and musical elements. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence for work in music and pedagogical institutions at the level of secondary schools.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work: participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts.
Mastering performance technique, jazz language and repertoire. Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of the musical piece, attaining a high professional level and building individuality of the musician through the unity of the technical and musical elements. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence for work in music and pedagogical institutions at the level of secondary schools.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work: participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MMAN1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 9
Mastering performance in jazz ensembles.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work: participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts.
Mastering performance in jazz ensembles.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work: participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MMGT1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 9
Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. . Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and realization of musical piece, attaining a high professional level and building musician’s individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element. Development of a critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work: participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts. Development of personal interpretative style. Understanding of different jazz styles, content and forms; research in the field of tonal shaping and dynamic capacities of the instrument. Phrasing, jazz improvisations. Making, analysis and interpretation of transcriptions of different examples. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities
Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. . Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and realization of musical piece, attaining a high professional level and building musician’s individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element. Development of a critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work: participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts. Development of personal interpretative style. Understanding of different jazz styles, content and forms; research in the field of tonal shaping and dynamic capacities of the instrument. Phrasing, jazz improvisations. Making, analysis and interpretation of transcriptions of different examples. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MMBS1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 9
Mastering jazz double bass technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and realization of musical piece, attaining a high professional level and building musician’s individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element. Development of a critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work: participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts.
Mastering jazz double bass technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and realization of musical piece, attaining a high professional level and building musician’s individuality through the unity of the technical and musical element. Development of a critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work: participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MMTR1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 9
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical piece, attaining a high professional guitar level and building individuality of the guitarist through the unity of the technical and musical element. Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. With final thesis students confirm that they have achieved the basic goals of the graduate study program Performing arts – Jazz trumpet, the ability to independently engage in artistic activity, as well as the ability to work in music and pedagogical institutions at the level of secondary schools.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Controlling the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of music content.
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical piece, attaining a high professional guitar level and building individuality of the guitarist through the unity of the technical and musical element. Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. With final thesis students confirm that they have achieved the basic goals of the graduate study program Performing arts – Jazz trumpet, the ability to independently engage in artistic activity, as well as the ability to work in music and pedagogical institutions at the level of secondary schools.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Controlling the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of music content.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MMTB1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 9
Professor: IVAN ILIĆ
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical piece, attaining a high professional guitar level and building individuality of the guitarist through the unity of the technical and musical element. Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. With final thesis students confirm that they have achieved the basic goals of the graduate study program Performing arts – Jazz trombone, the ability to independently engage in artistic activity, as well as the ability to work in music and pedagogical institutions at the level of secondary school.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Controlling the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of music content.
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical piece, attaining a high professional guitar level and building individuality of the guitarist through the unity of the technical and musical element. Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. With final thesis students confirm that they have achieved the basic goals of the graduate study program Performing arts – Jazz trombone, the ability to independently engage in artistic activity, as well as the ability to work in music and pedagogical institutions at the level of secondary school.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Controlling the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of music content.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MICB1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 11
Achieving a high professional and artistic level in the interpretation of the capital works of literature for harpsichord. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence for work in music and pedagogical institutions at the secondary school level. Students gain the ability to work in the media and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand the repertoire and deepen their knowledge in the harpsichord repertoire. They are capable of taking the leading role in the ensemble, mastering the overall knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, with a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and the ability to use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, possess critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, manage joint projects through teamwork, negotiation and organization
Achieving a high professional and artistic level in the interpretation of the capital works of literature for harpsichord. Students gain the capacity for independent concert activity and participation in the music ensembles and orchestras, as well as the competence for work in music and pedagogical institutions at the secondary school level. Students gain the ability to work in the media and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand the repertoire and deepen their knowledge in the harpsichord repertoire. They are capable of taking the leading role in the ensemble, mastering the overall knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, with a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and the ability to use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, possess critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, manage joint projects through teamwork, negotiation and organization
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MIPC1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Acquiring knowledge from the field of harpsichord (knowledge of the instrument, history of development and literature) and their incorporation into the field of the main subject; mastering disciplines in the field of harpsichord practice (basso continuo and improvisation), as inseparable components in the formation of professional musician - harpsichordist; introduction to the methodical processes of teaching of harpsichord in elementary and secondary music education, with the aim of forming competences in the interpretative and pedagogical field. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, as well as pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Application of various theoretical and practical knowledge in artistic work; encouraging critical thinking and independent research work. Development of student affinity towards expert fields and disciplines within the harpsichord practice and education. Training students for professional engagement in the area of harpsichord in the interpretative and pedagogical profession.
Acquiring knowledge from the field of harpsichord (knowledge of the instrument, history of development and literature) and their incorporation into the field of the main subject; mastering disciplines in the field of harpsichord practice (basso continuo and improvisation), as inseparable components in the formation of professional musician - harpsichordist; introduction to the methodical processes of teaching of harpsichord in elementary and secondary music education, with the aim of forming competences in the interpretative and pedagogical field. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity, as well as pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Application of various theoretical and practical knowledge in artistic work; encouraging critical thinking and independent research work. Development of student affinity towards expert fields and disciplines within the harpsichord practice and education. Training students for professional engagement in the area of harpsichord in the interpretative and pedagogical profession.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MMPV1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 9
Mastering vocal technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. . Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and realization of the musical piece, attaining a high professional level and building musician’s individuality through the unity of the technical and musical elements. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work: participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts. Development of unique interpretative style. Technique practice, tonal exercises, mastering harmonic jazz language and repertoire. Transcription. Phrasing. Performances with big ensembles. Program and work plan depends on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities.
Mastering vocal technique, jazz language and repertoire. Mastering jazz language in structurally connected frames. . Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for a layered understanding and realization of the musical piece, attaining a high professional level and building musician’s individuality through the unity of the technical and musical elements. Development of critical thinking.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work: participation in different ensembles, public performances, rehearsals, concerts, etc. Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts. Development of unique interpretative style. Technique practice, tonal exercises, mastering harmonic jazz language and repertoire. Transcription. Phrasing. Performances with big ensembles. Program and work plan depends on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MIHF1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 8
The course objective is to develop acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in achieving authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of musical literature for harp and building personalities of soloists and orchestra musicians, through the unity of technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Sublimation of acquired knowledge in the field of knowledge of instruments, geographical specifics, differences in interpretation and articulation, characteristics of styles. Work on the program: meticulous introduction and mastering of the text, through technical-melodic and formal-structural analysis. Resolving performance problems. Research and experimentation with style and interpretation, with particular emphasis on individual expression.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the musical and technical requirements for this Study program, developing individual performance ability, as well as acquiring competencies for teaching in secondary music schools, concert activity (solo, orchestral, chamber), the possibility of teaching at higher education institutions, and the possibility of further artistic and interpretative training.
The course objective is to develop acquired aesthetic and artistic-technical knowledge through continuous research in achieving authentic artistic interpretation. The ultimate goal is to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of musical literature for harp and building personalities of soloists and orchestra musicians, through the unity of technical and musical element. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Sublimation of acquired knowledge in the field of knowledge of instruments, geographical specifics, differences in interpretation and articulation, characteristics of styles. Work on the program: meticulous introduction and mastering of the text, through technical-melodic and formal-structural analysis. Resolving performance problems. Research and experimentation with style and interpretation, with particular emphasis on individual expression.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the musical and technical requirements for this Study program, developing individual performance ability, as well as acquiring competencies for teaching in secondary music schools, concert activity (solo, orchestral, chamber), the possibility of teaching at higher education institutions, and the possibility of further artistic and interpretative training.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MIDH1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Students gain the ability for independent artistic activity and performance in various ensembles. Training for working in the orchestra.. Introduction to symphonic, ballet and opera orchestra literature, gaining skills of reading and playing Orchestra sections. Use of various instruments in different orchestral compositions. Work on various orchestral materials. Skillful reading and playing the scores, as well as direct application of learned techniques to specific spots in Orchestra literature. Practical work on Orchestra literature with special emphasis on technique and method of performance. Because of the small number of students per year (up to 2), and due to the economics of teaching and the nature of the subjects that emphasize interpersonal performance communication within the same course, all students of the harp will be integrated due to meticulous work on all curricula units.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, quick sight-reading, practicing and performing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of work), gaining autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills. Mastering the curricula. Ability to apply acquired knowledge within the orchestra
Students gain the ability for independent artistic activity and performance in various ensembles. Training for working in the orchestra.. Introduction to symphonic, ballet and opera orchestra literature, gaining skills of reading and playing Orchestra sections. Use of various instruments in different orchestral compositions. Work on various orchestral materials. Skillful reading and playing the scores, as well as direct application of learned techniques to specific spots in Orchestra literature. Practical work on Orchestra literature with special emphasis on technique and method of performance. Because of the small number of students per year (up to 2), and due to the economics of teaching and the nature of the subjects that emphasize interpersonal performance communication within the same course, all students of the harp will be integrated due to meticulous work on all curricula units.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, quick sight-reading, practicing and performing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of work), gaining autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills. Mastering the curricula. Ability to apply acquired knowledge within the orchestra
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MIRH1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 2
Students acquire the ability for independent artistic activity in this, for us a non-specific instrument, as well as participation in the ensembles. The goal is the achieving skills for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, schools of general education and cultural institution. During a first module, processed by the technique of playing on selected examples literature for renaissance harp (Celtic, small or harp with the hooks). References for this instrument are primarily found in the works of old masters, as well as traditional music from different countries. Students learn about the technique of playing on this instrument, as well as the technique of tuning using hooks. They learn the different variants of the instrument, tuning.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire practical skills (in areas of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, exercise and maintaining test), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of repertoire and the context of work), gained independence in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills
Students acquire the ability for independent artistic activity in this, for us a non-specific instrument, as well as participation in the ensembles. The goal is the achieving skills for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, schools of general education and cultural institution. During a first module, processed by the technique of playing on selected examples literature for renaissance harp (Celtic, small or harp with the hooks). References for this instrument are primarily found in the works of old masters, as well as traditional music from different countries. Students learn about the technique of playing on this instrument, as well as the technique of tuning using hooks. They learn the different variants of the instrument, tuning.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire practical skills (in areas of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, exercise and maintaining test), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of repertoire and the context of work), gained independence in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MIKP1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
The immediate course objective is mastering skills essential for the successful realization of concert activity. The ultimate objective is achieving the high professional level of a concert musician. Theory Topics treated: preparation for concert performance, self-confidence, expression, style, body language, personality, surroundings, positioning in concert space, concert program outlining, creation and leading of digital portfolio, creative thinking, and music entrepreneurship basics. Practice Concert performance of at least 3 compositions throughout the academic year.
Learning outcomes:
Watching the recording of one of his/hers performance and writing a concert review of two to three pages in length. Attendance of two concerts of different genres and writing the reviews of those concerts (about two pages in length).
Mastering all segments of professional demands essential for the successful realization of concert activity. Students gain knowledge in the field of concert program outlining, psycho-physical preparation for a music competition and concert performance, writing of a professional biography, digital portfolio making, basics of music entrepreneurship, acquire high professional level of competencies for realization and expression of personal artistic concepts, have a deep understanding of practical and theory studies and are able to apply it in their further artistic development. They acquire the ability for innovative thinking and individual realization of complex artistic endeavors.
The immediate course objective is mastering skills essential for the successful realization of concert activity. The ultimate objective is achieving the high professional level of a concert musician. Theory Topics treated: preparation for concert performance, self-confidence, expression, style, body language, personality, surroundings, positioning in concert space, concert program outlining, creation and leading of digital portfolio, creative thinking, and music entrepreneurship basics. Practice Concert performance of at least 3 compositions throughout the academic year.
Learning outcomes:
Watching the recording of one of his/hers performance and writing a concert review of two to three pages in length. Attendance of two concerts of different genres and writing the reviews of those concerts (about two pages in length).
Mastering all segments of professional demands essential for the successful realization of concert activity. Students gain knowledge in the field of concert program outlining, psycho-physical preparation for a music competition and concert performance, writing of a professional biography, digital portfolio making, basics of music entrepreneurship, acquire high professional level of competencies for realization and expression of personal artistic concepts, have a deep understanding of practical and theory studies and are able to apply it in their further artistic development. They acquire the ability for innovative thinking and individual realization of complex artistic endeavors.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DGPE1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
The objective of the course is to introduce Ph.D. students with research work on analysis, interpretation, and discussion of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary studies of art through comparative research of the theory of art, applied aesthetics, philosophy of art, and art sciences.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge and learn about methods of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary studies of art.
The objective of the course is to introduce Ph.D. students with research work on analysis, interpretation, and discussion of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary studies of art through comparative research of the theory of art, applied aesthetics, philosophy of art, and art sciences.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge and learn about methods of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary studies of art.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DGPE2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
The objective of the course is to introduce Ph.D. students with research work on analysis, interpretation and discussion of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary relations of music, other arts, and culture.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge and learn about methods of analyzing the relations between music and other arts.
The objective of the course is to introduce Ph.D. students with research work on analysis, interpretation and discussion of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary relations of music, other arts, and culture.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge and learn about methods of analyzing the relations between music and other arts.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DUGPS2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
The objective of the course is to introduce Ph.D. students with research work on analysis, interpretation and discussion of disciplinary and interdisciplinary aesthetic, poetic, and stylistic approaches to contemporary art music.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge and methods of analyzing the discourse of aesthetics, poetics, and stylistics of contemporary art music.
The objective of the course is to introduce Ph.D. students with research work on analysis, interpretation and discussion of disciplinary and interdisciplinary aesthetic, poetic, and stylistic approaches to contemporary art music.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge and methods of analyzing the discourse of aesthetics, poetics, and stylistics of contemporary art music.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DULEI1, DULEI2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Introduction to the methodology of research (quantitative and qualitative) in any field of student’s scientific, artistic and/or applied research interest.
Learning outcomes:
The student should be able to plan, organize and realize individual and/or group research projects independently and accomplish critical collaboration within the student group. To process and interpret the data, write and present the report/paper.
Introduction to the methodology of research (quantitative and qualitative) in any field of student’s scientific, artistic and/or applied research interest.
Learning outcomes:
The student should be able to plan, organize and realize individual and/or group research projects independently and accomplish critical collaboration within the student group. To process and interpret the data, write and present the report/paper.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DDRI1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Introduction to the problems of interpretation of musical pieces in the context of current artistic styles and aesthetic theories from the Baroque to the present.
Learning outcomes:
Knowing and understanding the possibilities of interpreting music from a given period. Creation of critical thinking and tendencies towards research work in the field of music performance.
Introduction to the problems of interpretation of musical pieces in the context of current artistic styles and aesthetic theories from the Baroque to the present.
Learning outcomes:
Knowing and understanding the possibilities of interpreting music from a given period. Creation of critical thinking and tendencies towards research work in the field of music performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DIGT1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in the interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams.
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in the interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DIGT2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in the interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in the interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DKKI1, DKKI2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 10
Students are enabled to conduct independent artistic research work; students enhance their repertoire with the most complex pieces; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Detailed study of pieces from different epochs depending on the type of ensemble and students’ abilities. Reviewing and studying scores of one chamber music piece is done through structural analysis and analysis of basic stylistic features which conclude in making decisions about basic interpretative parameters. Emphasis is put on tuning the tonal balance of an ensemble. The final segment of the course requires the compact tonal appearance of the chamber ensemble, consistency of conception and persuasiveness of music expression.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Students are enabled to conduct independent artistic research work; students enhance their repertoire with the most complex pieces; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Detailed study of pieces from different epochs depending on the type of ensemble and students’ abilities. Reviewing and studying scores of one chamber music piece is done through structural analysis and analysis of basic stylistic features which conclude in making decisions about basic interpretative parameters. Emphasis is put on tuning the tonal balance of an ensemble. The final segment of the course requires the compact tonal appearance of the chamber ensemble, consistency of conception and persuasiveness of music expression.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DKSK1, DKSK2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 10
The goal of teaching modern chamber music is mastering the techniques and skills of joint playing and artistic expression through acquaintance with a wide variety of contemporary literature, various stylistic orientations in the XX and XXI centuries, new forms of notation and unconventional combinations of instruments and voices in ensembles. Students gain the experience of playing or singing in various instrumental or vocal-instrumental ensembles. Ensembles introduce the repertoire of Serbian and foreign contemporary composers who belong to different stylistic directions. Students gain the ability to participate in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools, media and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements in relation to the individual's personality, developing individual performance possibilities of a student, gaining artistic self-confidence through comprehensive research and studying knowledge of contemporary music and artistic expression. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand the repertoire, are capable of taking the leading roles in ensembles, master the knowledge of the repertoire of contemporary chamber music, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and can use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, negotiation and organization.
The goal of teaching modern chamber music is mastering the techniques and skills of joint playing and artistic expression through acquaintance with a wide variety of contemporary literature, various stylistic orientations in the XX and XXI centuries, new forms of notation and unconventional combinations of instruments and voices in ensembles. Students gain the experience of playing or singing in various instrumental or vocal-instrumental ensembles. Ensembles introduce the repertoire of Serbian and foreign contemporary composers who belong to different stylistic directions. Students gain the ability to participate in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools, media and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering musical and technical requirements in relation to the individual's personality, developing individual performance possibilities of a student, gaining artistic self-confidence through comprehensive research and studying knowledge of contemporary music and artistic expression. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand the repertoire, are capable of taking the leading roles in ensembles, master the knowledge of the repertoire of contemporary chamber music, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and can use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, negotiation and organization.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 9
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DCSP1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation by performing diverse repertoire.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation by performing diverse repertoire.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DCSP2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation by performing diverse repertoire.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation by performing diverse repertoire.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DDKL1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university leve
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university leve
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DDKL2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DECB1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Professor: Slobodan Gerić
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level.. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs. Program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentor. Compulsory pieces guarantee requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level.. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs. Program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentor. Compulsory pieces guarantee requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DECB2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Slobodan Gerić
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level.. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs. Program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentor. Compulsory pieces guarantee requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level.. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs. Program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentor. Compulsory pieces guarantee requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DEVC1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs. Program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentor. Compulsory pieces guarantee requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs. Program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentor. Compulsory pieces guarantee requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DEVC 2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs. Program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentor. Compulsory pieces guarantee requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs. Program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentor. Compulsory pieces guarantee requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DEVN1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs. Program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentor. Compulsory pieces guarantee requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs. Program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentor. Compulsory pieces guarantee requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DEVN2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs. Program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentor. Compulsory pieces guarantee requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs. Program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentor. Compulsory pieces guarantee requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DEVL1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in the interpretation of pieces from all epochs. The program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentors. Compulsory pieces guarantee the requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in the interpretation of pieces from all epochs. The program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentors. Compulsory pieces guarantee the requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DEVL2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs. Program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentor. Compulsory pieces guarantee requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs. Program consists of compulsory pieces and pieces chosen by student and mentor. Compulsory pieces guarantee requested level of students’ ability to interpret the most demanding compositions. Freely-chosen pieces assure harmonic development of individual artistic aspirations.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DFCL1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in the interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level.
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in the interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DFCL2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in the interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in the interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DFTR1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DFTR2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level.
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DICB1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level.
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DICB2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DIHF1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in the interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level.
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in the interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DIHF2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in the interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Achieving the highest quality in the interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at the university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OLOM1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Nada O Brajen
The aim of the study program is to form teaching staff in the field of music pedagogy according to the needs of the educational process in general education primary schools.
Learning outcomes:
The student has acquired theoretical knowledge and is able to reasonably problematize the topics from the field, demonstrating analytical and critical thinking. Students can create and make time-based on any teaching unit from music art materials within the pre-school and elementary school system. The student has an insight into the possibilities of realization of music teaching in the framework of cooperation with the cultural institutions The student understands and can apply criteria for evaluating knowledge The student can create and perform various activities that enrich and deepen the musical experience of pupils in elementary school.
The aim of the study program is to form teaching staff in the field of music pedagogy according to the needs of the educational process in general education primary schools.
Learning outcomes:
The student has acquired theoretical knowledge and is able to reasonably problematize the topics from the field, demonstrating analytical and critical thinking. Students can create and make time-based on any teaching unit from music art materials within the pre-school and elementary school system. The student has an insight into the possibilities of realization of music teaching in the framework of cooperation with the cultural institutions The student understands and can apply criteria for evaluating knowledge The student can create and perform various activities that enrich and deepen the musical experience of pupils in elementary school.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OHAS1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
The aim of the study program is to form teaching staff in the field of music pedagogy according to the needs of the educational process in general education primary schools.
Learning outcomes:
The student has acquired theoretical knowledge and is able to reasonably problematize the topics from the field, demonstrating analytical and critical thinking. Students can create and make time-based on any teaching unit from music art materials within the pre-school and elementary school system. The student has an insight into the possibilities of realization of music teaching in the framework of cooperation with the cultural institutions The student understands and can apply criteria for evaluating knowledge The student can create and perform various activities that enrich and deepen the musical experience of pupils in elementary school.
The aim of the study program is to form teaching staff in the field of music pedagogy according to the needs of the educational process in general education primary schools.
Learning outcomes:
The student has acquired theoretical knowledge and is able to reasonably problematize the topics from the field, demonstrating analytical and critical thinking. Students can create and make time-based on any teaching unit from music art materials within the pre-school and elementary school system. The student has an insight into the possibilities of realization of music teaching in the framework of cooperation with the cultural institutions The student understands and can apply criteria for evaluating knowledge The student can create and perform various activities that enrich and deepen the musical experience of pupils in elementary school.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OHIT4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Acquiring basic knowledge about the historical stages of the development of music theory and insight into the works and concepts of the most important theoreticians.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students are expected to have knowledge of the main stages of the development of music theory and the basic theoretical concepts and methodological approaches.
Acquiring basic knowledge about the historical stages of the development of music theory and insight into the works and concepts of the most important theoreticians.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students are expected to have knowledge of the main stages of the development of music theory and the basic theoretical concepts and methodological approaches.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OHMO1, OHMO2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Understanding the typology of the musical form.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to be able to independently analyze the form of the song and the sonat form from different styles and genres. The ability to critically reflect on and outline the obtained analytical results is expected.
Understanding the typology of the musical form.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to be able to independently analyze the form of the song and the sonat form from different styles and genres. The ability to critically reflect on and outline the obtained analytical results is expected.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OHAR1, OHAR2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Having in mind a final goal which should be realized through studying on Music Pedagogy module (teachers in elementary music schools, in future) this course should enable students to overmaster the simplest one-part and two-part music textures and also enable creative use of the most important melodic instruments as a solo or duo. Development of creative abilities and overmastering the practical skills which are necessary for arrangement, for functional and purposeful using of the melodic instruments.
Learning outcomes:
Ability of students to independently and inventively use the most important melodic instruments that can be met in school (and other) practice. Competence for using them as a solo (by composing short melodic fragments or adaptation - arranging already finished musical fragments), as a duo or as accompanied by one harmonic instrument (piano). Development of critical and self-critical thinking; using of knowledge in practice; development of communication skills with the aim of cooperation with a closer social and international environment; basic knowledge and understanding of music pedagogy; linking and using knowledge from different pedagogical fields; solving problems in practice by monitoring and applying newness using scientific methods and processes; development of skills in the using of knowledge in the field of music pedagogy and music in general
Having in mind a final goal which should be realized through studying on Music Pedagogy module (teachers in elementary music schools, in future) this course should enable students to overmaster the simplest one-part and two-part music textures and also enable creative use of the most important melodic instruments as a solo or duo. Development of creative abilities and overmastering the practical skills which are necessary for arrangement, for functional and purposeful using of the melodic instruments.
Learning outcomes:
Ability of students to independently and inventively use the most important melodic instruments that can be met in school (and other) practice. Competence for using them as a solo (by composing short melodic fragments or adaptation - arranging already finished musical fragments), as a duo or as accompanied by one harmonic instrument (piano). Development of critical and self-critical thinking; using of knowledge in practice; development of communication skills with the aim of cooperation with a closer social and international environment; basic knowledge and understanding of music pedagogy; linking and using knowledge from different pedagogical fields; solving problems in practice by monitoring and applying newness using scientific methods and processes; development of skills in the using of knowledge in the field of music pedagogy and music in general
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 8
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Elective Courses
Code: OGIT1, OGIT2, OGIT3, OGIT4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Comprehension of texts about Italian society and culture. Use of tenses: present (presente), future, (futuro semplice, futuro composto), past tense (passato prossimo, imperfetto). Comprehension of basic terms of the music terminology. Introduction of the professional terminology. Reading of simple articles from the journals, newspapers and articles published at specialized websites. Comprehension of brochures, catalogs, announcements of cultural events and competitions. Acquirement of the essential vocabulary of lyrics (in sung music). Pronunciation.
Learning outcomes:
Student uses basic linguistic and grammatical terms and can describe events, express agreement or disagreement. Student discusses about subjects elaborated in units. Student can write the letter in short form and an e mail. Active use of basic terms of music terminology. Comprehends simple texts that treat musical events. Solo singing students interpret with comprehension texts of antique arias and opera arias currently performed.
Comprehension of texts about Italian society and culture. Use of tenses: present (presente), future, (futuro semplice, futuro composto), past tense (passato prossimo, imperfetto). Comprehension of basic terms of the music terminology. Introduction of the professional terminology. Reading of simple articles from the journals, newspapers and articles published at specialized websites. Comprehension of brochures, catalogs, announcements of cultural events and competitions. Acquirement of the essential vocabulary of lyrics (in sung music). Pronunciation.
Learning outcomes:
Student uses basic linguistic and grammatical terms and can describe events, express agreement or disagreement. Student discusses about subjects elaborated in units. Student can write the letter in short form and an e mail. Active use of basic terms of music terminology. Comprehends simple texts that treat musical events. Solo singing students interpret with comprehension texts of antique arias and opera arias currently performed.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OULPS1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Gaining basic psychological knowledge in the field of ability, motivation, and personality.
Acquiring knowledge about basic approaches to the psychological study of music (psychometric, cognitive, developmental, social-psychological) Understanding basic psychological principles within receptive, performing and creative musical activities and psychological aspects of musical skills
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge of basic psychological terms and concepts of psychology of music
Understanding and applying psychological principles in the framework of their own musical activities (performance and creation) and in the practice of music education
Development of critical thinking and ability to evaluate music experiences
Gaining basic psychological knowledge in the field of ability, motivation, and personality.
Acquiring knowledge about basic approaches to the psychological study of music (psychometric, cognitive, developmental, social-psychological) Understanding basic psychological principles within receptive, performing and creative musical activities and psychological aspects of musical skills
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge of basic psychological terms and concepts of psychology of music
Understanding and applying psychological principles in the framework of their own musical activities (performance and creation) and in the practice of music education
Development of critical thinking and ability to evaluate music experiences
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OULPE1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Introduction to the basic problems of learning and teaching, especially those that are present in the current musical activity of the individual and his future work in teaching.
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge of the basic principles of the learning process. Knowledge of basic didactic principles and methods. Understanding and applying the principles of learning within their own musical activities and in the practice of music education. Knowledge of the principle of formulating adequate strategies in student progress guidance. Creating critical thinking and developing the ability to evaluate the results of the teaching process.
Introduction to the basic problems of learning and teaching, especially those that are present in the current musical activity of the individual and his future work in teaching.
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge of the basic principles of the learning process. Knowledge of basic didactic principles and methods. Understanding and applying the principles of learning within their own musical activities and in the practice of music education. Knowledge of the principle of formulating adequate strategies in student progress guidance. Creating critical thinking and developing the ability to evaluate the results of the teaching process.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OJEK1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
Ethnocoreology is a scholarly discipline that has developed in Western academia: from the first folkloristicaly based dance collections published in the early 20th century and the development of dance notation system (Labanotation) since 1928 (which enabled a more precise dance analysis), through semiotic-oriented research influenced by linguistics and anthropology, to contemporary dance studies. The objective of the course is to enable students to familiarize themselves with all tendencies in the development of this scholarly discipline.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to understand the basic trends in the development of ethnocoreological research and to be able to apply the basics of Labanotation.
Ethnocoreology is a scholarly discipline that has developed in Western academia: from the first folkloristicaly based dance collections published in the early 20th century and the development of dance notation system (Labanotation) since 1928 (which enabled a more precise dance analysis), through semiotic-oriented research influenced by linguistics and anthropology, to contemporary dance studies. The objective of the course is to enable students to familiarize themselves with all tendencies in the development of this scholarly discipline.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to understand the basic trends in the development of ethnocoreological research and to be able to apply the basics of Labanotation.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OJEK2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
The course deals with the directions of the study of rituals from an ethnological, ethnocoreological, and anthropological point of view. In the first semester, students will first get acquainted with ritual/rituals in the traditional culture of Balkan societies as well as basic theoretical study directions. The focus will further be put on comparative studies of trance rituals in ethnology and anthropology with a special reference to the traditional culture of the Balkans and Mediterranean societies. The aim of the course in the second semester is to introduce students to dance-related life rituals in the traditional culture of Serbia and the region.
Learning outcomes:
Students will gain basic knowledge of the theoretical directions of studying rituals in different research traditions as well as basic knowledge about dance-related and trance rituals in Serbia, the Balkans and Mediterranean societies.
The course deals with the directions of the study of rituals from an ethnological, ethnocoreological, and anthropological point of view. In the first semester, students will first get acquainted with ritual/rituals in the traditional culture of Balkan societies as well as basic theoretical study directions. The focus will further be put on comparative studies of trance rituals in ethnology and anthropology with a special reference to the traditional culture of the Balkans and Mediterranean societies. The aim of the course in the second semester is to introduce students to dance-related life rituals in the traditional culture of Serbia and the region.
Learning outcomes:
Students will gain basic knowledge of the theoretical directions of studying rituals in different research traditions as well as basic knowledge about dance-related and trance rituals in Serbia, the Balkans and Mediterranean societies.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OJEK4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Introduction to students the history and practice of transposing traditional (folk) dance and music on stage, training students for recording, analyzing and critical evaluation of choreographed work, training students for creating shorter choreographed units.
Learning outcomes:
Competent and argued analysis of the appropriate choreographed work.
Introduction to students the history and practice of transposing traditional (folk) dance and music on stage, training students for recording, analyzing and critical evaluation of choreographed work, training students for creating shorter choreographed units.
Learning outcomes:
Competent and argued analysis of the appropriate choreographed work.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OGUE1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the basic topics, methods, and results of contemporary aesthetics, philosophy of art, art sciences, and art theory.
Learning outcomes:
The students are able to critically and analytically apply the basic procedures of aesthetic, philosophical, scientific, and theoretical interpretation of arts in their research work.
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the basic topics, methods, and results of contemporary aesthetics, philosophy of art, art sciences, and art theory.
Learning outcomes:
The students are able to critically and analytically apply the basic procedures of aesthetic, philosophical, scientific, and theoretical interpretation of arts in their research work.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OGUE2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
The aim of the course is meta-theoretical study and research of aesthetics, poetics, art theory, art sciences, new humanities, and digital humanities from the platform of applied aesthetics as the critical history and theory of the humanities.
Learning outcomes:
The students adopt concepts and methodologies of various disciplines of the contemporary humanities and master the possibilities of their application in the field of their research work.
The aim of the course is meta-theoretical study and research of aesthetics, poetics, art theory, art sciences, new humanities, and digital humanities from the platform of applied aesthetics as the critical history and theory of the humanities.
Learning outcomes:
The students adopt concepts and methodologies of various disciplines of the contemporary humanities and master the possibilities of their application in the field of their research work.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OGOS1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
The course objective is to provide musicological insight in fundamental styles, directions and creative endeavors of the 20th and 21st-century music.
1) Expressionism – socio-historical and art context, definition, manifestations forms;
2) Atonality, athematism, abstraction;
3) The Second Viennese School – Arnold Schoenberg, Anton Webern, Alban Berg;
4) Dodecaphony and the road to the integral serialism;
5) Folklore-conditioned expressionism – Bela Bartok, Igor Stravinsky;
6) Neoclassicism – context, notion, methods;
7) French neoclassicism – Satie and The Six (Milhaud, Honegger, Poulenc);
8) I. Stravinsky’s neoclassicism;
9) Sergei Prokofiev;
10) Weimar context – Paul Hindemith and Kurt Weill;
11) Postwar European avant-garde (general overview, Darmstadt, compositional techniques and directions); 1
2) Integral serialism and aleatoric music.
Learning outcomes:
The course outcome is that students master fundamental analytic and theoretic knowledge on composition tendencies of the 20th and 21st-century music
The course objective is to provide musicological insight in fundamental styles, directions and creative endeavors of the 20th and 21st-century music.
1) Expressionism – socio-historical and art context, definition, manifestations forms;
2) Atonality, athematism, abstraction;
3) The Second Viennese School – Arnold Schoenberg, Anton Webern, Alban Berg;
4) Dodecaphony and the road to the integral serialism;
5) Folklore-conditioned expressionism – Bela Bartok, Igor Stravinsky;
6) Neoclassicism – context, notion, methods;
7) French neoclassicism – Satie and The Six (Milhaud, Honegger, Poulenc);
8) I. Stravinsky’s neoclassicism;
9) Sergei Prokofiev;
10) Weimar context – Paul Hindemith and Kurt Weill;
11) Postwar European avant-garde (general overview, Darmstadt, compositional techniques and directions); 1
2) Integral serialism and aleatoric music.
Learning outcomes:
The course outcome is that students master fundamental analytic and theoretic knowledge on composition tendencies of the 20th and 21st-century music
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OGOS2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
The course objective is to provide musicological insight in fundamental styles, directions and creative endeavors of the 20th and 21st century music.
1) Avant-garde in music – socio-historical and artistic assumptions, theoretical views;
2) Darmstadt circle – K. Stockhausen, P. Boulez, G. Ligeti;
3) Polish school – K. Penderecki, W. Lutoslawski;
4) Postmodernism – definition, theory, origin, characteristics;
5) Characteristics of music postmodernism – K. Stockhausen, G. Ligeti, K. Penderecki;
6)Electroacoustic music – from electric instruments to the network – technical aspect;
7) Paris, Cologne, USA – The diagrams of studio electroacoustics (L. Berio, L. Nono, K. Stockhausen, P. Boulez and others);
8) Tape music;
9) Live electroacoustics;
10) Digital era;
11) Renowned representatives of European avantgarde and experimental music (Edgar Varese, Olivier Messiaen, Pierre Boulez, Iannis Xenakis, Vinko Globokar);
12) American music in the 20th century – aleatoric music.
Learning outcomes:
The course outcome is that students master fundamental analytic and theoretic knowledge on composition tendencies of 20th and 21st-century music.
The course objective is to provide musicological insight in fundamental styles, directions and creative endeavors of the 20th and 21st century music.
1) Avant-garde in music – socio-historical and artistic assumptions, theoretical views;
2) Darmstadt circle – K. Stockhausen, P. Boulez, G. Ligeti;
3) Polish school – K. Penderecki, W. Lutoslawski;
4) Postmodernism – definition, theory, origin, characteristics;
5) Characteristics of music postmodernism – K. Stockhausen, G. Ligeti, K. Penderecki;
6)Electroacoustic music – from electric instruments to the network – technical aspect;
7) Paris, Cologne, USA – The diagrams of studio electroacoustics (L. Berio, L. Nono, K. Stockhausen, P. Boulez and others);
8) Tape music;
9) Live electroacoustics;
10) Digital era;
11) Renowned representatives of European avantgarde and experimental music (Edgar Varese, Olivier Messiaen, Pierre Boulez, Iannis Xenakis, Vinko Globokar);
12) American music in the 20th century – aleatoric music.
Learning outcomes:
The course outcome is that students master fundamental analytic and theoretic knowledge on composition tendencies of 20th and 21st-century music.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OGNS1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
The course objective is to provide musicological insight in fundamental styles, directions and creative endeavors in Serbian music of 20th and 21st century.
1) Avant-garde in Serbian music – socio-historical and artistic context;
2) Theoretical approaches; the notion of avant-garde of local type;
3)-4) Polish school reception in Serbian music: Petar Ozgijan, Vladan Radovanović; Rajko Maksimović;
5) Reception of minimalism – The group Opus 4 (Vladimir Tošić);
6) Art and culture in Serbian during fifties of 20th century;
7) Neo-classical art practices – Stanojlo Rajičić, Milan Ristić, Ljubica Marić; 8) The opus of Ljubica Marić during 1950s;
9) Dušan Radić;
10) Dejan Despić;
11) The Second World War and Serbian music;
12) Socialist realism and Serbian music.
Learning outcomes:
The course outcome is that students master fundamental analytic and theoretic knowledge on composition tendencies in Serbian music of the 20th and 21st century.
The course objective is to provide musicological insight in fundamental styles, directions and creative endeavors in Serbian music of 20th and 21st century.
1) Avant-garde in Serbian music – socio-historical and artistic context;
2) Theoretical approaches; the notion of avant-garde of local type;
3)-4) Polish school reception in Serbian music: Petar Ozgijan, Vladan Radovanović; Rajko Maksimović;
5) Reception of minimalism – The group Opus 4 (Vladimir Tošić);
6) Art and culture in Serbian during fifties of 20th century;
7) Neo-classical art practices – Stanojlo Rajičić, Milan Ristić, Ljubica Marić; 8) The opus of Ljubica Marić during 1950s;
9) Dušan Radić;
10) Dejan Despić;
11) The Second World War and Serbian music;
12) Socialist realism and Serbian music.
Learning outcomes:
The course outcome is that students master fundamental analytic and theoretic knowledge on composition tendencies in Serbian music of the 20th and 21st century.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OGSO4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Students are enabled to conduct scientific research work through practical mastering of methodology and technique of writing scientific paper.
Learning outcomes:
Students will develop skills for understanding the subject of his/her research, functional shaping of a musicological text and clear formulation of ideas.
Students are enabled to conduct scientific research work through practical mastering of methodology and technique of writing scientific paper.
Learning outcomes:
Students will develop skills for understanding the subject of his/her research, functional shaping of a musicological text and clear formulation of ideas.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OGIU1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
History of Art 1 within the mentioned study programs should introduce students to the development of art and visual culture, different models of representation depending on the dominant ideological matrices in a certain historical epoch. The intention is to provide students with a broad insight into movements in the field of painting, sculpture and architecture, and thus enrich/supplement the knowledge of historical epochs.
Learning outcomes:
The ability of recognition and location of artwork in time and space; understanding the work of art in the context of the social and political characteristics of the epoch in which the piece was created and the recognition and understanding of the epoch through the analysis and interpretation of the work; developing the possibilities for a comparative conclusion on the main characteristics of music and fine arts of given historical epochs.
History of Art 1 within the mentioned study programs should introduce students to the development of art and visual culture, different models of representation depending on the dominant ideological matrices in a certain historical epoch. The intention is to provide students with a broad insight into movements in the field of painting, sculpture and architecture, and thus enrich/supplement the knowledge of historical epochs.
Learning outcomes:
The ability of recognition and location of artwork in time and space; understanding the work of art in the context of the social and political characteristics of the epoch in which the piece was created and the recognition and understanding of the epoch through the analysis and interpretation of the work; developing the possibilities for a comparative conclusion on the main characteristics of music and fine arts of given historical epochs.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OGIU2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
History of Art 2 within the mentioned study programs should introduce students to the development of art and visual culture, different models of representation depending on the dominant ideological matrices in a certain historical epoch. The intention is to provide students with a broad insight into movements in the field of painting, sculpture and architecture, and thus enrich/supplement the knowledge of historical epochs.
Learning outcomes:
The ability of recognition and location of artwork in time and space; understanding the work of art in the context of the social and political characteristics of the epoch in which the piece was created and the recognition and understanding of the epoch through the analysis and interpretation of the work; developing the possibilities for a comparative conclusion on the main characteristics of music and fine arts of given historical epochs.
History of Art 2 within the mentioned study programs should introduce students to the development of art and visual culture, different models of representation depending on the dominant ideological matrices in a certain historical epoch. The intention is to provide students with a broad insight into movements in the field of painting, sculpture and architecture, and thus enrich/supplement the knowledge of historical epochs.
Learning outcomes:
The ability of recognition and location of artwork in time and space; understanding the work of art in the context of the social and political characteristics of the epoch in which the piece was created and the recognition and understanding of the epoch through the analysis and interpretation of the work; developing the possibilities for a comparative conclusion on the main characteristics of music and fine arts of given historical epochs.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OUGOU1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
General overview of History of Arts within the mentioned study programs should introduce students to the development of art and visual culture, different models of representation depending on the dominant ideological matrices in a certain historical epoch. The intention is to provide students with a broad insight into movements in the field of painting, sculpture and architecture and thus enrich/supplement the knowledge of historical epochs.
Historical, religious and philosophical foundations of ancient Greek art; Crete(Minoan)-Mycenaean culture; Archaean and Classic Era of Greek art; Hellenistic period of Greek art; Ancient Roman art; Early Christianity and Byzantine art; Romanesque art; Gothic art; Early Renaissance; High Renaissance; Renaissance outside Italy; Mannerism; Baroque in Italy; Baroque in France; Baroque in Spain, the Netherlands and England; Modernity and Modernism: definition of the term; Neoclassicism; Romanticism; Realism; Impressionism and Post-Impressionism; Avant-garde; Neo- Avantgarde; Conceptual art; Postmodern and Postmodernism: the definition of the concept
Learning outcomes:
The ability of recognition and location of artwork in time and space; understanding the work of art in the context of the social and political characteristics of the epoch in which the piece was created and the recognition and understanding of the epoch through the analysis and interpretation of the work; developing the possibilities for a comparative conclusion on the main characteristics of music and fine arts of given historical epochs.
General overview of History of Arts within the mentioned study programs should introduce students to the development of art and visual culture, different models of representation depending on the dominant ideological matrices in a certain historical epoch. The intention is to provide students with a broad insight into movements in the field of painting, sculpture and architecture and thus enrich/supplement the knowledge of historical epochs.
Historical, religious and philosophical foundations of ancient Greek art; Crete(Minoan)-Mycenaean culture; Archaean and Classic Era of Greek art; Hellenistic period of Greek art; Ancient Roman art; Early Christianity and Byzantine art; Romanesque art; Gothic art; Early Renaissance; High Renaissance; Renaissance outside Italy; Mannerism; Baroque in Italy; Baroque in France; Baroque in Spain, the Netherlands and England; Modernity and Modernism: definition of the term; Neoclassicism; Romanticism; Realism; Impressionism and Post-Impressionism; Avant-garde; Neo- Avantgarde; Conceptual art; Postmodern and Postmodernism: the definition of the concept
Learning outcomes:
The ability of recognition and location of artwork in time and space; understanding the work of art in the context of the social and political characteristics of the epoch in which the piece was created and the recognition and understanding of the epoch through the analysis and interpretation of the work; developing the possibilities for a comparative conclusion on the main characteristics of music and fine arts of given historical epochs.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OJNP1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Vocal practice in Kosovo and Metohija, South, Southeast and Eastern Serbia is distinguished from the rest of Serbian music corpus by its unique melody models, manners of embellishment tones performance, the relation between rural and urban practice, various influences, etc. The course objective is to introduce the students to the fundamental characteristics of vocal practice in the areas prior mentioned, the repertoire of certain areas, paradigmatic melodic models and specifics of melody embellishments. Aside from this, the course objective is to teach the students essentials of pipe playing by practical work on tone production, performing scales and simple melodic examples.
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the module, students are expected to know the essential characteristic of vocal practice in Kosovo and Metohija, South, Southeast and Eastern Serbia through the performance of the learned songs, theoretical knowledge and distinguishing stylistic traits during listening to the music texts. Students will be able to perform simple melodic examples on pipe.
Vocal practice in Kosovo and Metohija, South, Southeast and Eastern Serbia is distinguished from the rest of Serbian music corpus by its unique melody models, manners of embellishment tones performance, the relation between rural and urban practice, various influences, etc. The course objective is to introduce the students to the fundamental characteristics of vocal practice in the areas prior mentioned, the repertoire of certain areas, paradigmatic melodic models and specifics of melody embellishments. Aside from this, the course objective is to teach the students essentials of pipe playing by practical work on tone production, performing scales and simple melodic examples.
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the module, students are expected to know the essential characteristic of vocal practice in Kosovo and Metohija, South, Southeast and Eastern Serbia through the performance of the learned songs, theoretical knowledge and distinguishing stylistic traits during listening to the music texts. Students will be able to perform simple melodic examples on pipe.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OJNP2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
The main objective is mastering urban songs topical in Serbian urban centers from the end of the 19th century up till now, as well as knowledge on musical folklore heritage of Vojvodina and Serbian music practice in Slavonia and Bela Krajina. Aside from the songs students will be mastering pipe performance and work on the more complex elements of it (embellishment tones).
Learning outcomes:
Based on the acquired knowledge students will be able to interpret, evaluate and recognize vocal and instrumental urban practice in Serbia along with the traditional musical heritage of Vojvodina, Slavonia, and Bela Krajina. Aside from it, they will be able to individually perform on pipe instrumental numbers (folk kolo dances and songs) with embellishment tones.
The main objective is mastering urban songs topical in Serbian urban centers from the end of the 19th century up till now, as well as knowledge on musical folklore heritage of Vojvodina and Serbian music practice in Slavonia and Bela Krajina. Aside from the songs students will be mastering pipe performance and work on the more complex elements of it (embellishment tones).
Learning outcomes:
Based on the acquired knowledge students will be able to interpret, evaluate and recognize vocal and instrumental urban practice in Serbia along with the traditional musical heritage of Vojvodina, Slavonia, and Bela Krajina. Aside from it, they will be able to individually perform on pipe instrumental numbers (folk kolo dances and songs) with embellishment tones.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OJNP3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
The main objective is mastering traditional songs from Central, Western and Southeastern Serbia and introduction to their musical characteristics. During the coursework students will learn songs and agogically demanding instrumental melodies – musically paradigmatic for certain areas of Central, Western and Southeastern Serbia.
Learning outcomes:
Based on the acquired knowledge students will be able to interpret, evaluate and recognize traditional songs and playing from Central, Western and Southeastern Serbia.
The main objective is mastering traditional songs from Central, Western and Southeastern Serbia and introduction to their musical characteristics. During the coursework students will learn songs and agogically demanding instrumental melodies – musically paradigmatic for certain areas of Central, Western and Southeastern Serbia.
Learning outcomes:
Based on the acquired knowledge students will be able to interpret, evaluate and recognize traditional songs and playing from Central, Western and Southeastern Serbia.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OJNP4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
The main objective is introduction to and performance of various vocal forms present in the Serbian vocal practice of the Dinara region (Montenegro, Herzegovina, Bosnia, Lika, Dalmatia, Banija and Kordun) and of the Balkans people. Along with it, students will learn the most typical traditional music forms and singing techniques performed by the people of these regions. Pipe playing will imply work on the instrumental numbers of virtuoso characters.
Learning outcomes:
Students will be able, based on the acquired knowledge, to individually perform traditional songs and singing techniques from the Dinara region (Montenegro, Herzegovina, Bosnia, Lika, Dalmatia, Banija and Kordun), as well as typical examples of traditional music of other Balkan people. Upon learning singing techniques, students will be able to evaluate and recognize characteristic music forms typical for these regions, as well as perform complex instrumental (pipe) numbers.
The main objective is introduction to and performance of various vocal forms present in the Serbian vocal practice of the Dinara region (Montenegro, Herzegovina, Bosnia, Lika, Dalmatia, Banija and Kordun) and of the Balkans people. Along with it, students will learn the most typical traditional music forms and singing techniques performed by the people of these regions. Pipe playing will imply work on the instrumental numbers of virtuoso characters.
Learning outcomes:
Students will be able, based on the acquired knowledge, to individually perform traditional songs and singing techniques from the Dinara region (Montenegro, Herzegovina, Bosnia, Lika, Dalmatia, Banija and Kordun), as well as typical examples of traditional music of other Balkan people. Upon learning singing techniques, students will be able to evaluate and recognize characteristic music forms typical for these regions, as well as perform complex instrumental (pipe) numbers.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OHAO5 4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Meeting with the innovative aspects of the music of the 20th century, as well as the strategies being applied in the analysis and interpretation of music form.
Learning outcomes:
Reaching students` capability of individual analyzing of music works written in the 20th century, above all in the first half of the century, written in the atonal, dodecaphonic or neoclassical language.
Meeting with the innovative aspects of the music of the 20th century, as well as the strategies being applied in the analysis and interpretation of music form.
Learning outcomes:
Reaching students` capability of individual analyzing of music works written in the 20th century, above all in the first half of the century, written in the atonal, dodecaphonic or neoclassical language.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OLSM1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Applying the knowledge acquired in Solfeggio to vocal-instrumental and theoretical teaching with the aim to train students to understand musical text and context, accurate and fluid thoughtful interpretation.
Theory classes Diatonic, diatonic modulation, chromatic, alterations (unison and polyphony). One and two voices dictations. Polyphony. Rhythm: breathing, articulation and phrasing. Rhythmic systematization. Different counting units; isochrony; ternary subdivision; fast tempo; slow tempo and eight-part subdivision; reading and singing music from the instructive and existing music literature. Music theory: to master what has already been learned. Practice sessions To notate one voice dictations and polyphony.
Learning outcomes:
Developed functional way of thinking and ability to interpret (sight reading), memorize and notate music text (instructive as well as examples from the music literature).
Applying the knowledge acquired in Solfeggio to vocal-instrumental and theoretical teaching with the aim to train students to understand musical text and context, accurate and fluid thoughtful interpretation.
Theory classes Diatonic, diatonic modulation, chromatic, alterations (unison and polyphony). One and two voices dictations. Polyphony. Rhythm: breathing, articulation and phrasing. Rhythmic systematization. Different counting units; isochrony; ternary subdivision; fast tempo; slow tempo and eight-part subdivision; reading and singing music from the instructive and existing music literature. Music theory: to master what has already been learned. Practice sessions To notate one voice dictations and polyphony.
Learning outcomes:
Developed functional way of thinking and ability to interpret (sight reading), memorize and notate music text (instructive as well as examples from the music literature).
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Solfeggio 2 – Practical work
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OLSM2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Applying the knowledge acquired in Solfegge to vocal-instrumental and theoretical teaching with the aim to train students to understand musical text and context, accurate and fluid thoughtful interpretation. Theory classes Diatonic, diatonic modulation, chromatic, alterations, chromatic modulations (unison and polyphony); modality and bitonality. One, two and three voice dictations. Polyphony. Rhythm: fast tempo – the relation between the tempo, texture and music character; metrical changes; non-isochrony; slow tempo and metric subdivision. Metrical changes; moderate tempo – the relation between the tempo, texture and music character; metric and tempo changes; fast tempo; non-isochrony. Music theory. Practice sessions To notate one voice dictations and polyphony.
Learning outcomes:
Developed functional way of thinking and ability to interpret (sight reading), memorize and notate music text (instructive as well as examples from music literature).
Applying the knowledge acquired in Solfegge to vocal-instrumental and theoretical teaching with the aim to train students to understand musical text and context, accurate and fluid thoughtful interpretation. Theory classes Diatonic, diatonic modulation, chromatic, alterations, chromatic modulations (unison and polyphony); modality and bitonality. One, two and three voice dictations. Polyphony. Rhythm: fast tempo – the relation between the tempo, texture and music character; metrical changes; non-isochrony; slow tempo and metric subdivision. Metrical changes; moderate tempo – the relation between the tempo, texture and music character; metric and tempo changes; fast tempo; non-isochrony. Music theory. Practice sessions To notate one voice dictations and polyphony.
Learning outcomes:
Developed functional way of thinking and ability to interpret (sight reading), memorize and notate music text (instructive as well as examples from music literature).
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OLMS1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
The student acquired theoretical knowledge and is able to demonstrate analytical and critical thinking through an understanding of the given topic. The student is aware of the possibilities to hold solfeggio and music theory lessons through the music education system hierarchy. The student understands and is able to apply criteria for knowledge evaluation.
Theory classes The content of a syllabus is based on linking and interpreting knowledge from different scientific fields in order to explain in a clearer way all phases of the cognitive and educational aspect of teaching, as well as to introduce methods and forms of teaching. Practice sessions To simulate lessons, to make instructive compositions for teaching, short presentations to the given topics.
Learning outcomes:
The aim of the subject is to establish professional staff to teach solfeggio and music theory according to the needs of the general music education.
The student acquired theoretical knowledge and is able to demonstrate analytical and critical thinking through an understanding of the given topic. The student is aware of the possibilities to hold solfeggio and music theory lessons through the music education system hierarchy. The student understands and is able to apply criteria for knowledge evaluation.
Theory classes The content of a syllabus is based on linking and interpreting knowledge from different scientific fields in order to explain in a clearer way all phases of the cognitive and educational aspect of teaching, as well as to introduce methods and forms of teaching. Practice sessions To simulate lessons, to make instructive compositions for teaching, short presentations to the given topics.
Learning outcomes:
The aim of the subject is to establish professional staff to teach solfeggio and music theory according to the needs of the general music education.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OLOM1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
The aim of the study program is to form teaching staff in the field of music pedagogy according to the needs of the educational process in general education primary schools. Music education in Serbia's education system: standards, general competencies, inter-pre-scientific competencies, specific competencies, incomes, curriculum and the Program. The developmental role of MUSIC. Education through art, UNESCO program and Harvard "Project 0 ". Methodical access to teaching topics from advanced programs. Evaluation of knowledge. Training and realization of teaching in cooperation with institutions of Culture. Examples of various successful Practices. Practice Classes Acquiring experience in the design and realization of school hours with different themes in elementary school, applying different teaching methods. Acquiring insight into the developmental, educational and inclusive role of music Education. Design and realization of different activities that enrich and deepen the music experience (vocal-instrumental ensemble, dance, musical drama, Etc.)
Learning outcomes:
The student has acquired theoretical knowledge and is able to reasonably problematize the topics from the field, demonstrating analytical and critical thinking. Students can create and make time-based on any teaching unit from music art materials within the pre-school and elementary school system. The student has an insight into the possibilities of realization of music teaching in the framework of cooperation with the cultural institutions The student understands and can apply criteria for evaluating knowledge The student can create and perform various activities that enrich and deepen the musical experience of pupils in elementary school.
The aim of the study program is to form teaching staff in the field of music pedagogy according to the needs of the educational process in general education primary schools. Music education in Serbia's education system: standards, general competencies, inter-pre-scientific competencies, specific competencies, incomes, curriculum and the Program. The developmental role of MUSIC. Education through art, UNESCO program and Harvard "Project 0 ". Methodical access to teaching topics from advanced programs. Evaluation of knowledge. Training and realization of teaching in cooperation with institutions of Culture. Examples of various successful Practices. Practice Classes Acquiring experience in the design and realization of school hours with different themes in elementary school, applying different teaching methods. Acquiring insight into the developmental, educational and inclusive role of music Education. Design and realization of different activities that enrich and deepen the music experience (vocal-instrumental ensemble, dance, musical drama, Etc.)
Learning outcomes:
The student has acquired theoretical knowledge and is able to reasonably problematize the topics from the field, demonstrating analytical and critical thinking. Students can create and make time-based on any teaching unit from music art materials within the pre-school and elementary school system. The student has an insight into the possibilities of realization of music teaching in the framework of cooperation with the cultural institutions The student understands and can apply criteria for evaluating knowledge The student can create and perform various activities that enrich and deepen the musical experience of pupils in elementary school.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OLSO1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 18
Applying the knowledge acquired in Solfeggio to vocal-instrumental and theoretical teaching with the aim to train students to understand musical text and context, accurate and fluid thoughtful interpretation.
Learning outcomes:
Developed functional way of thinking and ability to interpret (sight reading), memorize and notate music text (instructive as well as examples from the music literature).
Applying the knowledge acquired in Solfeggio to vocal-instrumental and theoretical teaching with the aim to train students to understand musical text and context, accurate and fluid thoughtful interpretation.
Learning outcomes:
Developed functional way of thinking and ability to interpret (sight reading), memorize and notate music text (instructive as well as examples from the music literature).
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OLSO2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 18
Applying the knowledge acquired in Solfegge to vocal-instrumental and theoretical teaching in aim to train students to understand musical text and context, accurate and fluid thoughtful interpretation
Theory classes Diatonic, diatonic modulation, chromatic, alterations, chromatic modulations (unison and polyphony); modality and bitonality. One, two and three-voice dictations. Polyphony. Rhythm: fast tempo – the relation between the tempo, texture and music character; metrical changes; non-isochrony; slow tempo and metric subdivision. Metrical changes; moderate tempo – the relation between the tempo, texture and music character; metric and tempo changes; fast tempo; non-isochrony. Music theory. Practice sessions To notate one voice dictations and polyphony.
Learning outcomes:
Developed functional way of thinking and ability to interpret (sight reading), memorize and notate music text (instructive as well as examples from music literature).
Applying the knowledge acquired in Solfegge to vocal-instrumental and theoretical teaching in aim to train students to understand musical text and context, accurate and fluid thoughtful interpretation
Theory classes Diatonic, diatonic modulation, chromatic, alterations, chromatic modulations (unison and polyphony); modality and bitonality. One, two and three-voice dictations. Polyphony. Rhythm: fast tempo – the relation between the tempo, texture and music character; metrical changes; non-isochrony; slow tempo and metric subdivision. Metrical changes; moderate tempo – the relation between the tempo, texture and music character; metric and tempo changes; fast tempo; non-isochrony. Music theory. Practice sessions To notate one voice dictations and polyphony.
Learning outcomes:
Developed functional way of thinking and ability to interpret (sight reading), memorize and notate music text (instructive as well as examples from music literature).
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OLSO3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Applying the knowledge acquired in Solfegge to vocal-instrumental and theoretical teaching with the aim to train students to understand musical text and context, accurate and fluid thoughtful interpretation.
Chromatic and enharmonic modulations (unison and polyphony); polytonality, polymodality; repetitorium – alterations – instructive literature; diatonic (different musical clefs), modulations, alterations, bitonality. Folklore scales. Introducing tonal lability. One, two and three voices dictations. Rhythm: the alto clef; metric and tempo changes; metric and tempo changes in different rhythmic and melodic examples; the rhythms of Balkan. The tenor clef; polyrhythm and polimetria; non-metric etudes. Practice sessions To notate one voice dictations and polyphony.
Learning outcomes:
Developed functional way of thinking and ability to interpret (sight reading), memorize and notate music text (instructive as well as examples from music literature).
Applying the knowledge acquired in Solfegge to vocal-instrumental and theoretical teaching with the aim to train students to understand musical text and context, accurate and fluid thoughtful interpretation.
Chromatic and enharmonic modulations (unison and polyphony); polytonality, polymodality; repetitorium – alterations – instructive literature; diatonic (different musical clefs), modulations, alterations, bitonality. Folklore scales. Introducing tonal lability. One, two and three voices dictations. Rhythm: the alto clef; metric and tempo changes; metric and tempo changes in different rhythmic and melodic examples; the rhythms of Balkan. The tenor clef; polyrhythm and polimetria; non-metric etudes. Practice sessions To notate one voice dictations and polyphony.
Learning outcomes:
Developed functional way of thinking and ability to interpret (sight reading), memorize and notate music text (instructive as well as examples from music literature).
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OLSM1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Applying knowledge acquired in Solfeggio to vocal-instrumental and theoretical teaching with the aim to train students to understand musical text and context, acc
Theory classes Diatonic, diatonic modulation, chromatic, alterations, chromatic modulations (unison and polyphony); modality and bitonality. One, two and three voices dictations. Polyphony. Rhythm: fast tempo – the relation between the tempo, texture and music character; metrical changes; non-isochrony; slow tempo and metric subdivision. Metrical changes; moderate tempo – the relation between the tempo, texture and music character; metric and tempo changes; fast tempo; non-isochrony. Music theory.
Learning outcomes:
Practice sessions To notate one voice dictations and polyphonyurate and fluid thoughtful interpretation
Developed functional way of thinking and ability to interpret (sight reading), memorize and notate music text (instructive as well as examples from music literature).
Applying knowledge acquired in Solfeggio to vocal-instrumental and theoretical teaching with the aim to train students to understand musical text and context, acc
Theory classes Diatonic, diatonic modulation, chromatic, alterations, chromatic modulations (unison and polyphony); modality and bitonality. One, two and three voices dictations. Polyphony. Rhythm: fast tempo – the relation between the tempo, texture and music character; metrical changes; non-isochrony; slow tempo and metric subdivision. Metrical changes; moderate tempo – the relation between the tempo, texture and music character; metric and tempo changes; fast tempo; non-isochrony. Music theory.
Learning outcomes:
Practice sessions To notate one voice dictations and polyphonyurate and fluid thoughtful interpretation
Developed functional way of thinking and ability to interpret (sight reading), memorize and notate music text (instructive as well as examples from music literature).
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OLRM1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
To train students for integrative teaching, i.e. to connect music or solfeggio teachers with teachers of non-musical subjects for easier learning non-musical terms with the elements of musical: singing, acting and movement/dance. Introducing musical in music education and methodology of solfeggio contributes to personal integration through the simultaneous development of all senses and the skills necessary for artistic creation. Through the group performance, the individual gains experience in the public performance that results in: self-confidence, sense of organization, personal and collective responsibility, empathy, toleration, communicativeness, balanced relation between the individual and group contribution to the artistic creation.
Learning outcomes:
Develops capability of analytical listening and critical reaction to personal and colleagues interpretation. Establishes and develops the theoretical and practical side of performing musical numbers by giving a personal touch to music interpretation. Stimulates multidimensional approaches to music interpretation. Establishes and develops the theoretical and practical side of performing musical numbers publicly. Develops capability of performing a short repertoire - a certain number of short musicals in the form of genre-scenes, as well as the Serbian musical, i.e. the so-called "piece with singing". Offers better understanding involving music with other arts
To train students for integrative teaching, i.e. to connect music or solfeggio teachers with teachers of non-musical subjects for easier learning non-musical terms with the elements of musical: singing, acting and movement/dance. Introducing musical in music education and methodology of solfeggio contributes to personal integration through the simultaneous development of all senses and the skills necessary for artistic creation. Through the group performance, the individual gains experience in the public performance that results in: self-confidence, sense of organization, personal and collective responsibility, empathy, toleration, communicativeness, balanced relation between the individual and group contribution to the artistic creation.
Learning outcomes:
Develops capability of analytical listening and critical reaction to personal and colleagues interpretation. Establishes and develops the theoretical and practical side of performing musical numbers by giving a personal touch to music interpretation. Stimulates multidimensional approaches to music interpretation. Establishes and develops the theoretical and practical side of performing musical numbers publicly. Develops capability of performing a short repertoire - a certain number of short musicals in the form of genre-scenes, as well as the Serbian musical, i.e. the so-called "piece with singing". Offers better understanding involving music with other arts
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 9
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OLIS1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
The interdisciplinary nature of the music contributes to personal integration through the simultaneous development of all senses and capabilities necessary for artistic creativity. Through solo and group musicianship an individual gains experience in a public appearance, leading to self-assurance, ability to organize, personal and collective responsibility, empathy, tolerance, communicativeness, balanced relationship between individual and team involved in mutual artistic creativity as well as developing abilities for teamwork.
Learning outcomes:
Enables students to be well informed in XX century musical trends and latest achievements as well as understanding the role of the musical as historic and cultural phenomena. Develops capability of analytical listening and critical reaction to personal and colleagues interpretation. Establishes and develops the theoretical and practical side of performing musical numbers publicly. Develops capability of performing a short repertoire - a choice of musical numbers from well-known musicals. Offers better understanding involving music with other arts
The interdisciplinary nature of the music contributes to personal integration through the simultaneous development of all senses and capabilities necessary for artistic creativity. Through solo and group musicianship an individual gains experience in a public appearance, leading to self-assurance, ability to organize, personal and collective responsibility, empathy, tolerance, communicativeness, balanced relationship between individual and team involved in mutual artistic creativity as well as developing abilities for teamwork.
Learning outcomes:
Enables students to be well informed in XX century musical trends and latest achievements as well as understanding the role of the musical as historic and cultural phenomena. Develops capability of analytical listening and critical reaction to personal and colleagues interpretation. Establishes and develops the theoretical and practical side of performing musical numbers publicly. Develops capability of performing a short repertoire - a choice of musical numbers from well-known musicals. Offers better understanding involving music with other arts
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: MULMK1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Nada O Brajen
Formation of teaching staff for the teaching of music in general and secondary vocational schools.
Learning outcomes:
Adopting knowledge and methods related to teaching subject Music culture with special emphasis on the developmental role of music, aesthetic aspect and social responsibility. Acquiring skills in transferring knowledge about music, performing and creating music within the general education system, as well as carrying out curriculum in cooperation with cultural institutions. The student has acquired theoretical knowledge and is able to reasonably problematize the topics from the field, demonstrating analytical and critical thinking. Student can create and realize a class based on any teaching unit from Music culture materials within the pre-school and elementary school system. The student understands the teaching of music within the framework of educational competencies, standards, outcomes and curriculum The student understands and can apply criteria for evaluating knowledge.
Formation of teaching staff for the teaching of music in general and secondary vocational schools.
Learning outcomes:
Adopting knowledge and methods related to teaching subject Music culture with special emphasis on the developmental role of music, aesthetic aspect and social responsibility. Acquiring skills in transferring knowledge about music, performing and creating music within the general education system, as well as carrying out curriculum in cooperation with cultural institutions. The student has acquired theoretical knowledge and is able to reasonably problematize the topics from the field, demonstrating analytical and critical thinking. Student can create and realize a class based on any teaching unit from Music culture materials within the pre-school and elementary school system. The student understands the teaching of music within the framework of educational competencies, standards, outcomes and curriculum The student understands and can apply criteria for evaluating knowledge.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: MHAR1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Having in mind the ultimate goal of studying in the music program Music Pedagogy (primarily future music teachers in elementary and secondary schools), the course should enable students to master school choral ensembles.
1. Introduction and arranging for mixed, male, female and children choir. 2. Processing of compositions intended for mixed choirs for female/male choir. 3. Types and composition of choirs. Characteristics and separation of voices; Mixed choir. 4. Choral facture, choral arrangement, choral "orchestration". 5. Folklore melody; Various types of factures in compositions for mixed choir. 6. Factors of choral arrangement; Doubling and division of choral sections. 7. Colloquium. 8. Melody highlighting of one voice; Contrast of voice groups. 9. The use of solo voice; Special voice effects. 10. Treatment of text in choral polyphony; 11, 12, 13, 14. Arranging for mixed choir; Male choir; Female Choir; Children's Choir; 15. Principles and issues of processing choral composition for another type of choir.
Learning outcomes:
The ability of the student to creatively arrange primarily folklore melodies for mixed choir (using different factures) as well as for men, women and children. Ability to process a suitable composition intended for mixed choir for female/male choir. Readiness for work in elementary and secondary school and with amateur vocal (and instrumental) ensembles.
Having in mind the ultimate goal of studying in the music program Music Pedagogy (primarily future music teachers in elementary and secondary schools), the course should enable students to master school choral ensembles.
1. Introduction and arranging for mixed, male, female and children choir. 2. Processing of compositions intended for mixed choirs for female/male choir. 3. Types and composition of choirs. Characteristics and separation of voices; Mixed choir. 4. Choral facture, choral arrangement, choral "orchestration". 5. Folklore melody; Various types of factures in compositions for mixed choir. 6. Factors of choral arrangement; Doubling and division of choral sections. 7. Colloquium. 8. Melody highlighting of one voice; Contrast of voice groups. 9. The use of solo voice; Special voice effects. 10. Treatment of text in choral polyphony; 11, 12, 13, 14. Arranging for mixed choir; Male choir; Female Choir; Children's Choir; 15. Principles and issues of processing choral composition for another type of choir.
Learning outcomes:
The ability of the student to creatively arrange primarily folklore melodies for mixed choir (using different factures) as well as for men, women and children. Ability to process a suitable composition intended for mixed choir for female/male choir. Readiness for work in elementary and secondary school and with amateur vocal (and instrumental) ensembles.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: MHAR2 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Having in mind the ultimate goal of studying in the music program Music Pedagogy (primarily future music teachers in elementary and secondary schools), the course should enable students to master school choral ensembles.
1. Introduction and arranging for mixed, male, female and children choir. 2. Processing of compositions intended for mixed choirs for female/male choir. 3. Types and composition of choirs. Characteristics and separation of voices; Mixed choir. 4. Choral facture, choral arrangement, choral "orchestration". 5. Folklore melody; Various types of factures in compositions for mixed choir. 6. Factors of choral arrangement; Doubling and division of choral sections. 7. Colloquium. 8. Melody highlighting of one voice; Contrast of voice groups. 9. The use of solo voice; Special voice effects. 10. Treatment of text in choral polyphony; 11, 12, 13, 14. Arranging for mixed choir; Male choir; Female Choir; Children's Choir; 15. Principles and issues of processing choral composition for another type of choir.
Learning outcomes:
Ability of the student to creatively arrange primarily folklore melodies for mixed choir (using different factures) as well as for men, women and children. Ability to process a suitable composition intended for mixed choir for female/male choir. Readiness for work in elementary and secondary school and with amateur vocal (and instrumental) ensembles.
Having in mind the ultimate goal of studying in the music program Music Pedagogy (primarily future music teachers in elementary and secondary schools), the course should enable students to master school choral ensembles.
1. Introduction and arranging for mixed, male, female and children choir. 2. Processing of compositions intended for mixed choirs for female/male choir. 3. Types and composition of choirs. Characteristics and separation of voices; Mixed choir. 4. Choral facture, choral arrangement, choral "orchestration". 5. Folklore melody; Various types of factures in compositions for mixed choir. 6. Factors of choral arrangement; Doubling and division of choral sections. 7. Colloquium. 8. Melody highlighting of one voice; Contrast of voice groups. 9. The use of solo voice; Special voice effects. 10. Treatment of text in choral polyphony; 11, 12, 13, 14. Arranging for mixed choir; Male choir; Female Choir; Children's Choir; 15. Principles and issues of processing choral composition for another type of choir.
Learning outcomes:
Ability of the student to creatively arrange primarily folklore melodies for mixed choir (using different factures) as well as for men, women and children. Ability to process a suitable composition intended for mixed choir for female/male choir. Readiness for work in elementary and secondary school and with amateur vocal (and instrumental) ensembles.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: MLPD1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 6
Introduction to the relevant theoretical conceptions of giftedness, main conceptions, principles and knowledge, in different domains of giftedness (music, science, arts, sports)
Attaining knowledge about conditions and relevant factors of the long-term (non) successful development of musically gifted individuals and acquirement of music performance competencies and music creating competencies.
Learning outcomes:
Acquiring knowledge about ways of gifted identification and their education, and strategies to support the development of gifted
-Knowing of the main conceptions, principles and fields of studies in different domains of giftedness (music, science, sport, dance, visual arts) -- Knowing about long term music development / from prenatal to a professional career
- Knowing about the identification of gifted individuals and the developmental course of their education and expertise
Introduction to the relevant theoretical conceptions of giftedness, main conceptions, principles and knowledge, in different domains of giftedness (music, science, arts, sports)
Attaining knowledge about conditions and relevant factors of the long-term (non) successful development of musically gifted individuals and acquirement of music performance competencies and music creating competencies.
Learning outcomes:
Acquiring knowledge about ways of gifted identification and their education, and strategies to support the development of gifted
-Knowing of the main conceptions, principles and fields of studies in different domains of giftedness (music, science, sport, dance, visual arts) -- Knowing about long term music development / from prenatal to a professional career
- Knowing about the identification of gifted individuals and the developmental course of their education and expertise
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Elective Courses
Code: MGIT1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 6
Introducing students to the language of libretto and various librettists’ styles from 17th to 20th century. Understanding of poetic language and sentence construction different from the standard Italian language. Libretto text comprehension with translation to the standard Italian language instead of direct translation to the native language, for the purpose of better understanding of certain words and correct artistic interpretation. Introducing students to the professional language. Reading the journal articles, newspapers or texts from professional websites. Comprehension of opera and concert reviews. Listening and understanding of audio and video material. Correct pronunciation.
Learning outcomes:
Student Individually translates libretto parts to standard Italian and then to native language; is acquainted with the content of operas passed throughout the course; discusses on characters from specific operas and their relation; observes syntactic and lexical differences between the opera language and standard Italian; understands professional terminology.
Introducing students to the language of libretto and various librettists’ styles from 17th to 20th century. Understanding of poetic language and sentence construction different from the standard Italian language. Libretto text comprehension with translation to the standard Italian language instead of direct translation to the native language, for the purpose of better understanding of certain words and correct artistic interpretation. Introducing students to the professional language. Reading the journal articles, newspapers or texts from professional websites. Comprehension of opera and concert reviews. Listening and understanding of audio and video material. Correct pronunciation.
Learning outcomes:
Student Individually translates libretto parts to standard Italian and then to native language; is acquainted with the content of operas passed throughout the course; discusses on characters from specific operas and their relation; observes syntactic and lexical differences between the opera language and standard Italian; understands professional terminology.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 7
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Code: MJIP1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Ethnochoreology is a growing science advancing primarily in the English-speaking countries. Therefore the main subject of interest of ethnochoreologists is traditional dance of wider (Indo-) European language region. The main course objective is to introduce students to the body concept development in Europecentered cultures aiming at establishing direct analogies with the national forms of traditional dance.
1. Introductory class (introduction to the work schedule, course requirements and content); 2. Methodology of historiographical analysis of dance cultures and dance iconography; 3. Dance in Ancient Civilizations (Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt); 4. Biblical references on dance; 5. Dance in Ancient Greece; 6. Dance in Ancient Egypt; 7. Etruscan and Roman Dances; 8. Dance in Byzantium; 9. Dance in Medieval Serbia; 10. Dance in Medieval Age in Europe; 11. Dance in the Age of Renaissance; 12. Dance in the Age of Renaissance; 13. Baroque dance and the origin of ballet; 14. Dances in the first half of the 20th century; Practical work. Introduction to the basic choreology patterns of the historical epochs in question.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to understand diachronic changes of body-related attitude: from the first presentations on the pre-historic cave drawings, forms, past forms and notions on dance in the Ancient and Medieval Age and Renaissance to the expansion of the ballet.
Ethnochoreology is a growing science advancing primarily in the English-speaking countries. Therefore the main subject of interest of ethnochoreologists is traditional dance of wider (Indo-) European language region. The main course objective is to introduce students to the body concept development in Europecentered cultures aiming at establishing direct analogies with the national forms of traditional dance.
1. Introductory class (introduction to the work schedule, course requirements and content); 2. Methodology of historiographical analysis of dance cultures and dance iconography; 3. Dance in Ancient Civilizations (Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt); 4. Biblical references on dance; 5. Dance in Ancient Greece; 6. Dance in Ancient Egypt; 7. Etruscan and Roman Dances; 8. Dance in Byzantium; 9. Dance in Medieval Serbia; 10. Dance in Medieval Age in Europe; 11. Dance in the Age of Renaissance; 12. Dance in the Age of Renaissance; 13. Baroque dance and the origin of ballet; 14. Dances in the first half of the 20th century; Practical work. Introduction to the basic choreology patterns of the historical epochs in question.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to understand diachronic changes of body-related attitude: from the first presentations on the pre-historic cave drawings, forms, past forms and notions on dance in the Ancient and Medieval Age and Renaissance to the expansion of the ballet.
Entry requirements: English language – B2 level
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: MJPS1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
General overview of various dance cultures of the world: people of South Africa, Native Americans, Hawaii (Hula), New Zeeland (Haka), dances of the Tonga people, dances from Bali (Ketchak), classical Indian dance, China, Japan, Belly Dance, Turkey, etc.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to understand the complex and heterogeneous relation to the body, movement and dance music in different cultures of the world, as well as to consider the broad communicative potential of the world dance in arts and media
General overview of various dance cultures of the world: people of South Africa, Native Americans, Hawaii (Hula), New Zeeland (Haka), dances of the Tonga people, dances from Bali (Ketchak), classical Indian dance, China, Japan, Belly Dance, Turkey, etc.
Learning outcomes:
Students are expected to understand the complex and heterogeneous relation to the body, movement and dance music in different cultures of the world, as well as to consider the broad communicative potential of the world dance in arts and media
Entry requirements: English language – B2 level
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: MHPM1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Srđan Teparić
Expanding of the knowledge acquired in the bachelor studies on methods of music analysis.
Musical Analysis: Speaking of music, scientific means; 2. Methods of music analysis Gestalt theory (Marks, Černi, Šering) 3. Music stylistics of the early 20th century: the deductive method (Adler); 4. Inductive-empirical method (Jepesen); 5. Theory tensions (Kurt), formal structure(Lorenc), phraseological theory(Riman); 6. The technique of reduction and linear analysis (Šenker); 7. Empirical methods (Tovej), of thematic analysis process (Reti), psychological analysis (Reti and Meyer), and functional analysis (Kepler); 8. The intersection of Russian music theory of the 20th century (Tanjeev, Javorski Garbuzov, Asafiev, Holopov); 9. Intonation theory (Asafiev); 10. Anglo-Saxon stylistics second half of the 20th century (Meyer, Rozen, La Ru); 11. Workshop: application of the selected analytical method in the examples; 12. Workshop: application of the selected analytical method in the examples; 13. A sample from the literature; 14. A sample from the literature.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the basic music analysis methods and gaining the ability to implement them in the final work on the master studies.
Expanding of the knowledge acquired in the bachelor studies on methods of music analysis.
Musical Analysis: Speaking of music, scientific means; 2. Methods of music analysis Gestalt theory (Marks, Černi, Šering) 3. Music stylistics of the early 20th century: the deductive method (Adler); 4. Inductive-empirical method (Jepesen); 5. Theory tensions (Kurt), formal structure(Lorenc), phraseological theory(Riman); 6. The technique of reduction and linear analysis (Šenker); 7. Empirical methods (Tovej), of thematic analysis process (Reti), psychological analysis (Reti and Meyer), and functional analysis (Kepler); 8. The intersection of Russian music theory of the 20th century (Tanjeev, Javorski Garbuzov, Asafiev, Holopov); 9. Intonation theory (Asafiev); 10. Anglo-Saxon stylistics second half of the 20th century (Meyer, Rozen, La Ru); 11. Workshop: application of the selected analytical method in the examples; 12. Workshop: application of the selected analytical method in the examples; 13. A sample from the literature; 14. A sample from the literature.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the basic music analysis methods and gaining the ability to implement them in the final work on the master studies.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: MGSM1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Acquiring the applicable knowledge in the field of music criticism, with the particular focus on the placement of professional writing on music in contemporary media (including social networks).
Upon completing the course, students will be able to put to practice the acquired knowledge in the field of music sciences, particularly music criticism, creating indirectly or directly various media platforms for the placement of artistic and cultural values which correspond both to the criteria of music profession as well as to the demands of the contemporary society.
Learning outcomes:
Students will gain practical experience in writing music critics, reviews, features, concert programs and music blogs. Furthermore, the course matter will encourage teamwork and enable students to develop project thinking (such as creating and planning concert tours, coverage of musicians in various media, proposals for concert series or shows within a music institution and so on), as well as the possibility to make such projects available on social media.
Special attention will be paid to the following of the current Faculty of Music concert season, with an aim to raise consciousness and sense of responsibility in students toward the academic and social community they belong to.
Acquiring the applicable knowledge in the field of music criticism, with the particular focus on the placement of professional writing on music in contemporary media (including social networks).
Upon completing the course, students will be able to put to practice the acquired knowledge in the field of music sciences, particularly music criticism, creating indirectly or directly various media platforms for the placement of artistic and cultural values which correspond both to the criteria of music profession as well as to the demands of the contemporary society.
Learning outcomes:
Students will gain practical experience in writing music critics, reviews, features, concert programs and music blogs. Furthermore, the course matter will encourage teamwork and enable students to develop project thinking (such as creating and planning concert tours, coverage of musicians in various media, proposals for concert series or shows within a music institution and so on), as well as the possibility to make such projects available on social media.
Special attention will be paid to the following of the current Faculty of Music concert season, with an aim to raise consciousness and sense of responsibility in students toward the academic and social community they belong to.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: MHIP1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 5
The course objective is to introduce the students to paradigms of the cultural industry, music industry (production, post-production, distribution and reception), music industry legal and production regulations, possible forms of working with music in the field of new media, digital media and post-media (documentation and distribution of artistic work through various audio and audio-visual formats), as well as monitoring of performance/consummation of the work of art. Furthermore, students gain insight into the forms of creating an image of artists in the digital world by representing social and cultural values, social engagement and intercultural dialogue. The practical part of the course includes analysis of audio and audio-visual formats, along with development and group realization of a project and its placement on streaming platforms.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students will be able to put to practice the acquired knowledge in the field of the music industry by identification, formulation, development and practical implementation of ideas creating social, economic, cultural and artistic values. Students will be capable of independent entrepreneurial activity, development of music projects based on the Logical Framework Approach and their implementation through new media, digital media and post-media in the cultural market.
The course objective is to introduce the students to paradigms of the cultural industry, music industry (production, post-production, distribution and reception), music industry legal and production regulations, possible forms of working with music in the field of new media, digital media and post-media (documentation and distribution of artistic work through various audio and audio-visual formats), as well as monitoring of performance/consummation of the work of art. Furthermore, students gain insight into the forms of creating an image of artists in the digital world by representing social and cultural values, social engagement and intercultural dialogue. The practical part of the course includes analysis of audio and audio-visual formats, along with development and group realization of a project and its placement on streaming platforms.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students will be able to put to practice the acquired knowledge in the field of the music industry by identification, formulation, development and practical implementation of ideas creating social, economic, cultural and artistic values. Students will be capable of independent entrepreneurial activity, development of music projects based on the Logical Framework Approach and their implementation through new media, digital media and post-media in the cultural market.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: MGMU1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 8
Introduce students to various areas of contemporary, interdisciplinary, European-oriented musicology and upgrade their knowledge acquired during basic academic studies.
Learning outcomes:
Gain upgraded knowledge in selected areas of musicology, develop the ability to problematize research subject matter and render students capable of applying obtained knowledge in preparation of the Master Studies final paper.
Introduce students to various areas of contemporary, interdisciplinary, European-oriented musicology and upgrade their knowledge acquired during basic academic studies.
Learning outcomes:
Gain upgraded knowledge in selected areas of musicology, develop the ability to problematize research subject matter and render students capable of applying obtained knowledge in preparation of the Master Studies final paper.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: MGZR1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 10
Mastering the ability to create and realize the musicological paper of an overall volume of 50 to 100 pages of text.
Learning outcomes:
Structuring and developing the ability to problematize research subjects, functional determining of musicological text of greater volume and clear formulation of ideas, practically mastering the methodology and technique of scientific work.
Mastering the ability to create and realize the musicological paper of an overall volume of 50 to 100 pages of text.
Learning outcomes:
Structuring and developing the ability to problematize research subjects, functional determining of musicological text of greater volume and clear formulation of ideas, practically mastering the methodology and technique of scientific work.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: DGPE1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
The objective of the course is to introduce Ph.D. students with research work on analysis, interpretation, and discussion of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary studies of art through comparative research of the theory of art, applied aesthetics, philosophy of art, and art sciences.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge and learn about methods of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary studies of art.
The objective of the course is to introduce Ph.D. students with research work on analysis, interpretation, and discussion of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary studies of art through comparative research of the theory of art, applied aesthetics, philosophy of art, and art sciences.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge and learn about methods of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary studies of art.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: DGPE2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
The objective of the course is to introduce Ph.D. students with research work on analysis, interpretation and discussion of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary relations of music, other arts, and culture.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge and learn about methods of analyzing the relations between music and other arts.
The objective of the course is to introduce Ph.D. students with research work on analysis, interpretation and discussion of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary relations of music, other arts, and culture.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge and learn about methods of analyzing the relations between music and other arts.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: DUGPS2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
The objective of the course is to introduce Ph.D. students with research work on analysis, interpretation and discussion of disciplinary and interdisciplinary aesthetic, poetic, and stylistic approaches to contemporary art music.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge and methods of analyzing the discourse of aesthetics, poetics, and stylistics of contemporary art music.
The objective of the course is to introduce Ph.D. students with research work on analysis, interpretation and discussion of disciplinary and interdisciplinary aesthetic, poetic, and stylistic approaches to contemporary art music.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge and methods of analyzing the discourse of aesthetics, poetics, and stylistics of contemporary art music.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: DGMU1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
The course objective is to introduce the students with tendencies in musicology development, as well as analytical, theoretical and practical training the students for understanding and applying modes of its interdisciplinarity.
1) Definition, branches of music science and the ‘model’ for interdisciplinary musicological interpretation and competence;
2) Data theory in musicology (overview of the data types and technologies, empirical data in musicology, internet databases, institutional data storage);
3) Sociological music theories of Max Weber and Theodor Adorno; 4) American music minimalism. Various types of knowledge assessment
Learning outcomes:
The course outcome is theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of contemporary musicology as an interdisciplinary science.
The course objective is to introduce the students with tendencies in musicology development, as well as analytical, theoretical and practical training the students for understanding and applying modes of its interdisciplinarity.
1) Definition, branches of music science and the ‘model’ for interdisciplinary musicological interpretation and competence;
2) Data theory in musicology (overview of the data types and technologies, empirical data in musicology, internet databases, institutional data storage);
3) Sociological music theories of Max Weber and Theodor Adorno; 4) American music minimalism. Various types of knowledge assessment
Learning outcomes:
The course outcome is theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of contemporary musicology as an interdisciplinary science.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: DGMU2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
The course objective is to introduce the students with tendencies in musicology development, as well as analytical, theoretical and practical training the students for understanding and applying modes of its interdisciplinarity.
1) Musicology and the popular music studies; 2) Musicological disciplines and the development of musicology worldwide. Biography – method approach; 3) Significance and the interpretation of music in the context of new musicology. Musicology of post/post/postmodern age on post/post/postmodern music; 4) Canon in musicology. Creation and development of “big narratives” related to the musicological canons.
Learning outcomes:
The course outcome is theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of contemporary musicology as an interdisciplinary science.
The course objective is to introduce the students with tendencies in musicology development, as well as analytical, theoretical and practical training the students for understanding and applying modes of its interdisciplinarity.
1) Musicology and the popular music studies; 2) Musicological disciplines and the development of musicology worldwide. Biography – method approach; 3) Significance and the interpretation of music in the context of new musicology. Musicology of post/post/postmodern age on post/post/postmodern music; 4) Canon in musicology. Creation and development of “big narratives” related to the musicological canons.
Learning outcomes:
The course outcome is theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of contemporary musicology as an interdisciplinary science.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: DGMU3 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 10
Intensified study of the chosen segments of European oriented interdisciplinary musicology and “interdisciplinary understanding” of its scientific, theoretical and interpretative potentials.
First semester: 1) European music in between its avant-garde identities: preconditions, contributions, intersections; 2) Musicology and the popular music studies; 3) European compositors of the 20th and 21st century: correlations between biographical moments and compositional strategies; 4) Musical identities and the intertextuality. Interdisciplinary approach to music – creation, interpretation, perception, reception. Phenomena of the ‘story’ and ‘fantasy’ in music. Second semester: 1) Applied music semiotics: traces of European music postmodernism in Serbian postmodern music; 2) Slavic opera in the 19th and 20th-century music; 3) Nineteenth-century opera and revolution in the European context. Revolutionary movements in Europe in the first half of the 19th century. Revolutionary conservativism in the Third Reich; 4) Musical identities – historical perspective. Identities in music/music in identities.
Learning outcomes:
Training students for critical and creative thinking, as well as the creative analysis of music using new scientific competencies of contemporary, European-oriented interdisciplinary musicology.
Intensified study of the chosen segments of European oriented interdisciplinary musicology and “interdisciplinary understanding” of its scientific, theoretical and interpretative potentials.
First semester: 1) European music in between its avant-garde identities: preconditions, contributions, intersections; 2) Musicology and the popular music studies; 3) European compositors of the 20th and 21st century: correlations between biographical moments and compositional strategies; 4) Musical identities and the intertextuality. Interdisciplinary approach to music – creation, interpretation, perception, reception. Phenomena of the ‘story’ and ‘fantasy’ in music. Second semester: 1) Applied music semiotics: traces of European music postmodernism in Serbian postmodern music; 2) Slavic opera in the 19th and 20th-century music; 3) Nineteenth-century opera and revolution in the European context. Revolutionary movements in Europe in the first half of the 19th century. Revolutionary conservativism in the Third Reich; 4) Musical identities – historical perspective. Identities in music/music in identities.
Learning outcomes:
Training students for critical and creative thinking, as well as the creative analysis of music using new scientific competencies of contemporary, European-oriented interdisciplinary musicology.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: DHAA1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Mastering strategies of analysis of atonal music, especially in the domain of organization of tonal heights.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course students should:
• Master the techniques of the theory of sets
• Being able to logically and musically apply the theory of sets in the given compositions
• Understand the relationship between the music surface and the depth structure
• Develop the ability to critically assess the range of the analytical method
Mastering strategies of analysis of atonal music, especially in the domain of organization of tonal heights.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course students should:
• Master the techniques of the theory of sets
• Being able to logically and musically apply the theory of sets in the given compositions
• Understand the relationship between the music surface and the depth structure
• Develop the ability to critically assess the range of the analytical method
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: DHAA2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Mastering strategies of analysis of atonal music, especially in the domain of organization of tonal heights
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course students should:
• Master concepts and techniques of prolongation
• Being able to logically and musically apply prolongation analysis in the given compositions
• Improve the ability to critically assess the scope of the analytical method and the possibility of combining different analytical approaches.
• Get an idea of the historical, psychological and ideological basis of prolongation analysis.
Mastering strategies of analysis of atonal music, especially in the domain of organization of tonal heights
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course students should:
• Master concepts and techniques of prolongation
• Being able to logically and musically apply prolongation analysis in the given compositions
• Improve the ability to critically assess the scope of the analytical method and the possibility of combining different analytical approaches.
• Get an idea of the historical, psychological and ideological basis of prolongation analysis.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: DHPM1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Deepening of knowledge gained at bachelor and master academic studies with emphasis on tendencies of 20th-century music theory and analysis as well as on contemporary tendencies.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course, there are expected from students to be capable of applying and combining analytical methods in approach to the musical piece.
Deepening of knowledge gained at bachelor and master academic studies with emphasis on tendencies of 20th-century music theory and analysis as well as on contemporary tendencies.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course, there are expected from students to be capable of applying and combining analytical methods in approach to the musical piece.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: DHPM2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Deepening of knowledge gained at bachelor and master academic studies with emphasis on tendencies of 20th-century music theory and analysis as well as on contemporary tendencies.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course, there is expected from students to be capable of applying and combining analytical methods in approach to the musical piece.
Deepening of knowledge gained at bachelor and master academic studies with emphasis on tendencies of 20th-century music theory and analysis as well as on contemporary tendencies.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course, there is expected from students to be capable of applying and combining analytical methods in approach to the musical piece.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: DLTD1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Understanding of all music parameters (tempo, character, meter, rhythmic structure, harmonic language, form, articulation, dynamics, agogics…). Musical hearing development – the perception of wind instruments sound in all register and timbre from the highest (piccolo) to the lowest (bass trombone, tube). Establishment of the system of active listening, detection and understanding of all music parameters, as well as the complete (given) music’s flow. Memorizing the sound and translation of music to the musical notation image, performed on the woodwind and brass instrument from the orchestra setting “a tre”.
Theory Introduction to the music timbre phenomenon and peculiarities. Pointing out the specific sonority, register and notation typical for certain wind music instruments. Insight in the role of timbre in the recognition of wind music instruments identity or, sound genesis in general. Timbral factor relevant for perception judgment. Psychological and psychophysical attributes relevant for timbral perception. Timbral multifunctionality in music. Practice Development of music memory and skills for translation of memorized sound to the notation image – music writing/ musical dictation. Practicing memory and writing down the music being listened to by work on the instructive examples along with compositions selected from the artistic music literature chosen in consideration of the best sound range, tonal and technical capacities and specifics of each instrument from “a tre” orchestra setting
Learning outcomes:
The ability to understand the music content based on the sound. Developed capability for the woodwind instruments' sound perception in all the ranges and timbres from the highest (piccolo flute) to the lowest (bass trombone, tuba) ranging from 20-20000 Hz. Developed music memory – unhindered translation of woodwind and brass music instruments from the orchestra setting “a tre” to the notation image.
Understanding of all music parameters (tempo, character, meter, rhythmic structure, harmonic language, form, articulation, dynamics, agogics…). Musical hearing development – the perception of wind instruments sound in all register and timbre from the highest (piccolo) to the lowest (bass trombone, tube). Establishment of the system of active listening, detection and understanding of all music parameters, as well as the complete (given) music’s flow. Memorizing the sound and translation of music to the musical notation image, performed on the woodwind and brass instrument from the orchestra setting “a tre”.
Theory Introduction to the music timbre phenomenon and peculiarities. Pointing out the specific sonority, register and notation typical for certain wind music instruments. Insight in the role of timbre in the recognition of wind music instruments identity or, sound genesis in general. Timbral factor relevant for perception judgment. Psychological and psychophysical attributes relevant for timbral perception. Timbral multifunctionality in music. Practice Development of music memory and skills for translation of memorized sound to the notation image – music writing/ musical dictation. Practicing memory and writing down the music being listened to by work on the instructive examples along with compositions selected from the artistic music literature chosen in consideration of the best sound range, tonal and technical capacities and specifics of each instrument from “a tre” orchestra setting
Learning outcomes:
The ability to understand the music content based on the sound. Developed capability for the woodwind instruments' sound perception in all the ranges and timbres from the highest (piccolo flute) to the lowest (bass trombone, tuba) ranging from 20-20000 Hz. Developed music memory – unhindered translation of woodwind and brass music instruments from the orchestra setting “a tre” to the notation image.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: DLTD2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Understanding of all music parameters (tempo, character, meter, rhythmic structure, harmonic language, form, articulation, dynamics, agogics…). Musical hearing development – the perception of string instruments and percussions with definite pitch sound in all register and timbres. Establishment of the system of active listening, detection and understanding of all music parameters, as well as the complete (given) music’s flow. Memorizing the sound and translation of music to the musical notation image
Theory Introduction to the music timbre phenomenon and peculiarities. Pointing out the specific sonority, register and notation typical for certain wind music instruments. Insight in the role of timbre in the recognition of wind music instruments identity or, sound genesis in general. Timbral factor relevant for perception judgment. Psychological and psychophysical attributes relevant for timbral perception. Timbral multifunctionality in music. Practice Development of music memory and skills for translation of memorized sound to the notation image – music writing/ musical dictation. Practicing memory and writing down the music being listened to by work on the instructive examples along with compositions selected from the artistic music literature chosen in consideration of the best sound range, tonal and technical capacities and specifics of each instrument.
Learning outcomes:
The ability to understand the music content based on the sound. Developed capability for string instruments and percussions with definite pitch sound. Developed music memory – unhindered translation of sound to the notation image.
Understanding of all music parameters (tempo, character, meter, rhythmic structure, harmonic language, form, articulation, dynamics, agogics…). Musical hearing development – the perception of string instruments and percussions with definite pitch sound in all register and timbres. Establishment of the system of active listening, detection and understanding of all music parameters, as well as the complete (given) music’s flow. Memorizing the sound and translation of music to the musical notation image
Theory Introduction to the music timbre phenomenon and peculiarities. Pointing out the specific sonority, register and notation typical for certain wind music instruments. Insight in the role of timbre in the recognition of wind music instruments identity or, sound genesis in general. Timbral factor relevant for perception judgment. Psychological and psychophysical attributes relevant for timbral perception. Timbral multifunctionality in music. Practice Development of music memory and skills for translation of memorized sound to the notation image – music writing/ musical dictation. Practicing memory and writing down the music being listened to by work on the instructive examples along with compositions selected from the artistic music literature chosen in consideration of the best sound range, tonal and technical capacities and specifics of each instrument.
Learning outcomes:
The ability to understand the music content based on the sound. Developed capability for string instruments and percussions with definite pitch sound. Developed music memory – unhindered translation of sound to the notation image.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: DLMO1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Analytical observation of the main features of general theoretic and vocal-instrumental teaching as an organic whole, at all levels of professional music education, with the aim to deepen the practical readiness and to develop scientific abilities.
Learning outcomes:
Basic knowledge in music education and its understanding; connecting and applying knowledge from different education fields; solving teaching problems by following and applying achievements and using scientific methods and procedures; developing skills and using knowledge on music and music education with the aim to successfully harmonize vocal-instrumental and theoretic teaching at the all levels of music education.
Analytical observation of the main features of general theoretic and vocal-instrumental teaching as an organic whole, at all levels of professional music education, with the aim to deepen the practical readiness and to develop scientific abilities.
Learning outcomes:
Basic knowledge in music education and its understanding; connecting and applying knowledge from different education fields; solving teaching problems by following and applying achievements and using scientific methods and procedures; developing skills and using knowledge on music and music education with the aim to successfully harmonize vocal-instrumental and theoretic teaching at the all levels of music education.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: DLMO2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Analytical observation of the main features of general theoretic and vocal-instrumental teaching as an organic whole, at all levels of professional music education, with the aim to deepen the practical readiness and to develop scientific abilities. To introduce the world contemporary educational practices; critical review of the world's schools and methods; review of the most important scientific achievements.
Learning outcomes:
Basic knowledge in music education and its understanding; connecting and applying knowledge from different education fields; solving teaching problems by following and applying achievements and using scientific methods and procedures; developing skills and using knowledge on music and music education with the aim to successfully harmonize vocal-instrumental and theoretic teaching at the all levels of music education.
Analytical observation of the main features of general theoretic and vocal-instrumental teaching as an organic whole, at all levels of professional music education, with the aim to deepen the practical readiness and to develop scientific abilities. To introduce the world contemporary educational practices; critical review of the world's schools and methods; review of the most important scientific achievements.
Learning outcomes:
Basic knowledge in music education and its understanding; connecting and applying knowledge from different education fields; solving teaching problems by following and applying achievements and using scientific methods and procedures; developing skills and using knowledge on music and music education with the aim to successfully harmonize vocal-instrumental and theoretic teaching at the all levels of music education.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Composition
Code: OAKZ1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 16
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity in the field of composition and the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Analytical presentation of the relevant musical pieces in the subject area. Continuous work with a student on the creation of musical pieces of different structural complexity and for different instrumentation - work on a composition starting from the concept, form and compositional technique to notation, the realization of the score and presentation-performance. Classes are organized in the form of practical and individual lectures, which is the best form for gaining the knowledge necessary for successful engagement in creative work.
Learning outcomes:
The student gains knowledge about contemporary compositional practices and about different creative orientations and poetics present in contemporary art. He/she is qualified for the creative use of various compositional techniques as well as for understanding and mastering the process that involves formulation of a musical idea, its development and full realization in the form of musical notation – score. The student has mastered the process of composing for voice (with obligatory text) and a harmonic instrument (or voice, harmonic instrument and another instrument of choice) and for choir a cappella (with text).
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity in the field of composition and the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Analytical presentation of the relevant musical pieces in the subject area. Continuous work with a student on the creation of musical pieces of different structural complexity and for different instrumentation - work on a composition starting from the concept, form and compositional technique to notation, the realization of the score and presentation-performance. Classes are organized in the form of practical and individual lectures, which is the best form for gaining the knowledge necessary for successful engagement in creative work.
Learning outcomes:
The student gains knowledge about contemporary compositional practices and about different creative orientations and poetics present in contemporary art. He/she is qualified for the creative use of various compositional techniques as well as for understanding and mastering the process that involves formulation of a musical idea, its development and full realization in the form of musical notation – score. The student has mastered the process of composing for voice (with obligatory text) and a harmonic instrument (or voice, harmonic instrument and another instrument of choice) and for choir a cappella (with text).
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her compositions.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Composition
Code: OAKZ 2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 16
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity in the field of composition and the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Analytical presentation of the relevant musical pieces in the subject area. Continuous work with a student on the creation of musical pieces of different structural complexity and for different instrumentation - work on a composition starting from the concept, form and compositional technique to notation, the realization of the score and presentation-performance. Classes are organized in the form of practical and individual lectures, which is the best form for gaining the knowledge necessary for successful engagement in creative work
Learning outcomes:
The student gains knowledge about contemporary compositional practices and about different creative orientations and poetics present in contemporary art. He/she is qualified for the creative use of various compositional techniques as well as for understanding and mastering the process that involves formulation of a musical idea, its development and full realization in the form of musical notation – score. The student has mastered the process of composing for voice (with obligatory text) and a harmonic instrument (or voice, harmonic instrument and another instrument of choice) and for choir a cappella (with text).
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity in the field of composition and the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Analytical presentation of the relevant musical pieces in the subject area. Continuous work with a student on the creation of musical pieces of different structural complexity and for different instrumentation - work on a composition starting from the concept, form and compositional technique to notation, the realization of the score and presentation-performance. Classes are organized in the form of practical and individual lectures, which is the best form for gaining the knowledge necessary for successful engagement in creative work
Learning outcomes:
The student gains knowledge about contemporary compositional practices and about different creative orientations and poetics present in contemporary art. He/she is qualified for the creative use of various compositional techniques as well as for understanding and mastering the process that involves formulation of a musical idea, its development and full realization in the form of musical notation – score. The student has mastered the process of composing for voice (with obligatory text) and a harmonic instrument (or voice, harmonic instrument and another instrument of choice) and for choir a cappella (with text).
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her compositions.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Composition
Code: OAKZ 3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 22
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity in the field of composition and the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Analytical presentation of the relevant musical pieces in the subject area. Continuous work with a student on creation of musical pieces of different structural complexity and for different instrumentation - work on a composition starting from the concept, form and compositional technique to notation, the realization of the score and presentation-performance.
Learning outcomes:
The student gains knowledge about contemporary compositional practices and about different creative orientations and poetics present in contemporary art. He/she is qualified for the creative use of various compositional techniques as well as for understanding and mastering the process that involves formulation of musical idea, its development and full realization in the form of musical notation – score. The student mastered the process of composing a complex development form based on a contract for one or more (2, 3) instruments or for string orchestra; composing of vocal compositions for voice, voice with accompaniment of one, two or three instruments or voice and string orchestra (without obligatory text) and composition for choir and string orchestra
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity in the field of composition and the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Analytical presentation of the relevant musical pieces in the subject area. Continuous work with a student on creation of musical pieces of different structural complexity and for different instrumentation - work on a composition starting from the concept, form and compositional technique to notation, the realization of the score and presentation-performance.
Learning outcomes:
The student gains knowledge about contemporary compositional practices and about different creative orientations and poetics present in contemporary art. He/she is qualified for the creative use of various compositional techniques as well as for understanding and mastering the process that involves formulation of musical idea, its development and full realization in the form of musical notation – score. The student mastered the process of composing a complex development form based on a contract for one or more (2, 3) instruments or for string orchestra; composing of vocal compositions for voice, voice with accompaniment of one, two or three instruments or voice and string orchestra (without obligatory text) and composition for choir and string orchestra
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her compositions.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Composition
Code: OAKZ 4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 20
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity in the field of composition and the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Analytical presentation of the relevant musical pieces in the subject area. Continuous work with a student on the creation of musical pieces of different structural complexity and for different instrumentation - work on a composition starting from the concept, form and compositional technique to notation, realization of the score and presentation-performance. Exam requirements: Composing one piece or part of a free form piece for chamber ensemble (4 – 9 instruments), in which at least four have to be melodic instruments, duration at least 15 minutes
Learning outcomes:
The student gains knowledge about contemporary compositional practices and about different creative orientations and poetics present in contemporary art. He/she is qualified for the creative use of various compositional techniques as well as for understanding and mastering the process that involves formulation of musical idea, its development and full realization in the form of musical notation – score. Composing one free form piece for chamber ensemble of 4 – 9 instruments of free choice
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity in the field of composition and the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Analytical presentation of the relevant musical pieces in the subject area. Continuous work with a student on the creation of musical pieces of different structural complexity and for different instrumentation - work on a composition starting from the concept, form and compositional technique to notation, realization of the score and presentation-performance. Exam requirements: Composing one piece or part of a free form piece for chamber ensemble (4 – 9 instruments), in which at least four have to be melodic instruments, duration at least 15 minutes
Learning outcomes:
The student gains knowledge about contemporary compositional practices and about different creative orientations and poetics present in contemporary art. He/she is qualified for the creative use of various compositional techniques as well as for understanding and mastering the process that involves formulation of musical idea, its development and full realization in the form of musical notation – score. Composing one free form piece for chamber ensemble of 4 – 9 instruments of free choice
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her compositions.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Composition
Code: MAKO1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 16
Acquiring knowledge and skills essential for composing at a high professional level a piece for symphony orchestra with or without a choir or a soloist instrument or voice, or stage work (an opera act, a ballet), with or without the use of electronics.
Course content covers specifics and compositional-technical methods for composing for symphonic orchestra, as well as analysis of creative endeavors in this field.
The course covers a selection of tonal material for a composition, organization of chosen material, outlining the course of shaping the composition in terms of its form and content based on the selected tonal material, for the purpose of creation of final piece.
Learning outcomes:
The student has acquired a high level of knowledge about contemporary compositional practices, along with various creative approaches and poetics in contemporary arts. He/she is qualified for individual creative application of various compositional techniques, with complete understanding and mastering of practical and theoretical processes including formulation of a musical idea, its development and full realization in the form of a music score. The student has mastered composing for orchestra with or without choir or soloist(s), with or without the electronics, at a high level
Acquiring knowledge and skills essential for composing at a high professional level a piece for symphony orchestra with or without a choir or a soloist instrument or voice, or stage work (an opera act, a ballet), with or without the use of electronics.
Course content covers specifics and compositional-technical methods for composing for symphonic orchestra, as well as analysis of creative endeavors in this field.
The course covers a selection of tonal material for a composition, organization of chosen material, outlining the course of shaping the composition in terms of its form and content based on the selected tonal material, for the purpose of creation of final piece.
Learning outcomes:
The student has acquired a high level of knowledge about contemporary compositional practices, along with various creative approaches and poetics in contemporary arts. He/she is qualified for individual creative application of various compositional techniques, with complete understanding and mastering of practical and theoretical processes including formulation of a musical idea, its development and full realization in the form of a music score. The student has mastered composing for orchestra with or without choir or soloist(s), with or without the electronics, at a high level
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her compositions.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Composition
Code: MAPM1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Acquiring basic knowledge about significant artistic achievements in the field of applied music. Developing the necessary skills for professional work in the field of theater and film music
The topic of the course is applied (theater and film) music as a specific form of musical composition, which is an integral part of theater or film artwork - project. The course includes training in analyzing, selecting and composing shorter music for a part of the theater play and a shorter insert from the film. Also, the course addresses the most important stages of this creative act and answers to the most important issues related to it (conversation with the director, getting to know the text or scenario, determining the sound potential and the sound environment of the theater or film set, determining the type of music which should be written, determining the presence of music at a particular location, determining the place where the music starts and when it ends, the selection of the music artist that is written, etc.).
Production of music for selected parts of theatrical performance and film.
Learning outcomes:
The student has acquired basic information and knowledge about contemporary compositional practice in the field of theater and film music and is able to cooperate successfully in the realization of the theater or film project
Acquiring basic knowledge about significant artistic achievements in the field of applied music. Developing the necessary skills for professional work in the field of theater and film music
The topic of the course is applied (theater and film) music as a specific form of musical composition, which is an integral part of theater or film artwork - project. The course includes training in analyzing, selecting and composing shorter music for a part of the theater play and a shorter insert from the film. Also, the course addresses the most important stages of this creative act and answers to the most important issues related to it (conversation with the director, getting to know the text or scenario, determining the sound potential and the sound environment of the theater or film set, determining the type of music which should be written, determining the presence of music at a particular location, determining the place where the music starts and when it ends, the selection of the music artist that is written, etc.).
Production of music for selected parts of theatrical performance and film.
Learning outcomes:
The student has acquired basic information and knowledge about contemporary compositional practice in the field of theater and film music and is able to cooperate successfully in the realization of the theater or film project
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her compositions.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Composition
Code: DAKZ1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 17
Acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for the highest level of professional engagement in independent artistic work in the field of composition, as well as acquiring competencies for teaching at the university level.
Learning outcomes:
The student has gained the highest level of knowledge about the contemporary compositional practice and different creative orientations and poetics present in modern art. He is capable of completely independent creative use of various compositional techniques, as well as for deep understanding and mastering of practical and theoretical processes that involve the formulation of the musical idea, its development and its full realization in the form of a note record - score
Acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for the highest level of professional engagement in independent artistic work in the field of composition, as well as acquiring competencies for teaching at the university level.
Learning outcomes:
The student has gained the highest level of knowledge about the contemporary compositional practice and different creative orientations and poetics present in modern art. He is capable of completely independent creative use of various compositional techniques, as well as for deep understanding and mastering of practical and theoretical processes that involve the formulation of the musical idea, its development and its full realization in the form of a note record - score
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her compositions.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Composition
Code: DAKZ2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 15
Acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for the highest level of professional engagement in independent artistic work in the field of composition, as well as acquiring competences for teaching at the university level.
Learning outcomes:
The student has gained the highest level of knowledge about the contemporary compositional practice and different creative orientations and poetics present in modern art. He is capable of completely independent creative use of various compositional techniques, as well as for deep understanding and mastering of practical and theoretical processes that involve the formulation of the musical idea, its development and its full realization in the form of a note record - score
Acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for the highest level of professional engagement in independent artistic work in the field of composition, as well as acquiring competences for teaching at the university level.
Learning outcomes:
The student has gained the highest level of knowledge about the contemporary compositional practice and different creative orientations and poetics present in modern art. He is capable of completely independent creative use of various compositional techniques, as well as for deep understanding and mastering of practical and theoretical processes that involve the formulation of the musical idea, its development and its full realization in the form of a note record - score
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her compositions.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Composition
Code: DAPM1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
The student has gained knowledge of contemporary compositional practice and various creative orientations and poetics present in the theater art of our time. He was trained for creative participation in the theater project either as a composer or as a sound designer.
Learning outcomes:
The course is focused on applied (theater) music as a specific form of musical composition, which is an integral part of the theater project. The purpose of applied music: participates in creating an atmosphere, highlights significant dramatic moments, "covers" the changes in scenery in the theater, affects the emotional status of the viewer. The course includes analyzing, selecting and composing applied music. Also, the most important stages of the organization of this creative act are addressed and answers are given to the most important issues related to it. Work on music for theater play. Conversation with the director. Getting to know the text or scenario and determining the sound potential and sound environment of the theater piece.
Making music for selected parts of the theater performance
The student has gained knowledge of contemporary compositional practice and various creative orientations and poetics present in the theater art of our time. He was trained for creative participation in the theater project either as a composer or as a sound designer.
Learning outcomes:
The course is focused on applied (theater) music as a specific form of musical composition, which is an integral part of the theater project. The purpose of applied music: participates in creating an atmosphere, highlights significant dramatic moments, "covers" the changes in scenery in the theater, affects the emotional status of the viewer. The course includes analyzing, selecting and composing applied music. Also, the most important stages of the organization of this creative act are addressed and answers are given to the most important issues related to it. Work on music for theater play. Conversation with the director. Getting to know the text or scenario and determining the sound potential and sound environment of the theater piece.
Making music for selected parts of the theater performance
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her compositions.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Composition
Code: DAPM2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
The student has acquired knowledge of contemporary compositional practice and the various creative orientations and poetics present in the film art of our time. He was trained for creative participation in a film project either as a composer or as a sound designer.
Learning outcomes:
The course is focused on applied (film) music as a specific form of musical composition, which is an integral part of the film project. The purpose of applied music: participates in creating an atmosphere, highlights significant dramatic moments, and dominantly affects the emotional status of the viewer. The course includes analyzing, selecting and composing applied music. Also, the most important stages of the organization of this creative act are addressed and answers are given to the most important issues related to it. Working on film music. Conversation with the director. Getting to know the scenario and determining the sound potential and the sound environment of the movie. How to compose music for a movie? What type of music to write? Who will perform the music that is written? What are the reasons for the presence of music at a certain place in the movie? How to choose the moment when music starts and ends?
Making music for selected parts of the movie
The student has acquired knowledge of contemporary compositional practice and the various creative orientations and poetics present in the film art of our time. He was trained for creative participation in a film project either as a composer or as a sound designer.
Learning outcomes:
The course is focused on applied (film) music as a specific form of musical composition, which is an integral part of the film project. The purpose of applied music: participates in creating an atmosphere, highlights significant dramatic moments, and dominantly affects the emotional status of the viewer. The course includes analyzing, selecting and composing applied music. Also, the most important stages of the organization of this creative act are addressed and answers are given to the most important issues related to it. Working on film music. Conversation with the director. Getting to know the scenario and determining the sound potential and the sound environment of the movie. How to compose music for a movie? What type of music to write? Who will perform the music that is written? What are the reasons for the presence of music at a certain place in the movie? How to choose the moment when music starts and ends?
Making music for selected parts of the movie
Entry requirements: Student should submit recording of his/her compositions.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 11
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Digital Nonlinear Editing
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Editing
Code: 23OMO05 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Miodrag Medigović, Nenad Popović
Students learn about audio/video analog and digital technology, parameters of the signal, position of picture editing in the Film and TV production chain, all aspects and processes of digital nonlinear video editing. They complete two practical works from existing video footage (one in each semester). The number of class hours is 3+3 per week.
Learning outcomes:
After completing the course students are able to fully understand all parameters of analog and digital audio/video signals and to properly and efficiently use computer-based video editing software.
Students learn about audio/video analog and digital technology, parameters of the signal, position of picture editing in the Film and TV production chain, all aspects and processes of digital nonlinear video editing. They complete two practical works from existing video footage (one in each semester). The number of class hours is 3+3 per week.
Learning outcomes:
After completing the course students are able to fully understand all parameters of analog and digital audio/video signals and to properly and efficiently use computer-based video editing software.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge and skills in computer use. Basic knowledge of video production and editing process.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Film Editing II
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Editing
Code: 216 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
Professor: Aleksandar Jaćić
Theory: the whole process of film making from preproduction to postproduction, giving students detailed insight into all film departments and their workflow. Theoretical approach and defining film language from basic structure (shot, scene, sequence) to different types of editing and film genres. Analyzing and researching film stereotypes through editing sequence using materials Practice: 1) editing of one movie scene with an emphasis on the relation between sound, music and picture. 2) changing the narrative meaning of short scenes using different sounds or music from different films.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding of film workflow as important know-how for all filmmakers being a part of one team working together for best professional and artistic goals. Developing editing skills from dialog editing to using music and sound effects in the process of editing. Gaining a wide perspective of film language through theory and film analysis. Emphasis is on non-dialogue storytelling using visual and sound tools, by comparing the film with other arts. Learning and practicing film editing rhythm and tempo, climax and anticlimax.
Theory: the whole process of film making from preproduction to postproduction, giving students detailed insight into all film departments and their workflow. Theoretical approach and defining film language from basic structure (shot, scene, sequence) to different types of editing and film genres. Analyzing and researching film stereotypes through editing sequence using materials Practice: 1) editing of one movie scene with an emphasis on the relation between sound, music and picture. 2) changing the narrative meaning of short scenes using different sounds or music from different films.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding of film workflow as important know-how for all filmmakers being a part of one team working together for best professional and artistic goals. Developing editing skills from dialog editing to using music and sound effects in the process of editing. Gaining a wide perspective of film language through theory and film analysis. Emphasis is on non-dialogue storytelling using visual and sound tools, by comparing the film with other arts. Learning and practicing film editing rhythm and tempo, climax and anticlimax.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge and practice of film editing. Practical knowledge of Adobe Premeire is recommended.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Editing in Various TV Program Types
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Editing
Code: 211 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
Professor: Nebojša Savićević, Romana Vujasinović
Students learn about editing various television formats focusing on documentary archive footage with voice-over narration. The goal is to explore creative storytelling using documentary elements that fit in with television standards. They also complete a few practical works per semester. The number of class hours is 3+3 per week.
Learning outcomes:
After completing the course, students will have a better understanding of creating television narratives by writing a voice-over script, selecting and editing various types of archive footage and a creative approach to editing montage sequences. They will acquire practical knowledge in all steps of creating a visually compelling television story.
Students learn about editing various television formats focusing on documentary archive footage with voice-over narration. The goal is to explore creative storytelling using documentary elements that fit in with television standards. They also complete a few practical works per semester. The number of class hours is 3+3 per week.
Learning outcomes:
After completing the course, students will have a better understanding of creating television narratives by writing a voice-over script, selecting and editing various types of archive footage and a creative approach to editing montage sequences. They will acquire practical knowledge in all steps of creating a visually compelling television story.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge and practice of film editing. Practical knowledge of Adobe Premeire is recommended.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Multi-Camera Television Editing
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Editing
Code: 214 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
Professor: Dragan Dimčić
The course is based mainly on practical exercises in real-life conditions. In this semester students go through training in multi-camera editing of live events in various TV genres: musical concert, sitcom, talent show programs, theater production, TV drama, corporate events. Students work in small teams which is made in collaboration with students of directing, camera, sound and production. The number of class hours is 3+3 per week.
Learning outcomes:
Students will be able to work competently and efficiently in the productions of live TV events and multi-camera editing environments. Also, they will be able to analyze aesthetically and technically all aspects of this kind of TV productions.
The course is based mainly on practical exercises in real-life conditions. In this semester students go through training in multi-camera editing of live events in various TV genres: musical concert, sitcom, talent show programs, theater production, TV drama, corporate events. Students work in small teams which is made in collaboration with students of directing, camera, sound and production. The number of class hours is 3+3 per week.
Learning outcomes:
Students will be able to work competently and efficiently in the productions of live TV events and multi-camera editing environments. Also, they will be able to analyze aesthetically and technically all aspects of this kind of TV productions.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge and skills of editing.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Digital picture manipulation in Video Editing
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Editing
Code: 23OMO08 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Miodrag Medigović, Nenad Popović
Through the form of seminars, students learn and teach other students about topics like Graphics for Film and TV, Digital photography and manipulation, Video compositing. Students are trained to use specific Adobe software in order to complete 5 practical works during the semester.
The number of class hours is 3+3 per week.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the students are expected to be able to successfully apply certain techniques and specialized computer software for graphic, photo and video manipulation in the process of video editing.
Through the form of seminars, students learn and teach other students about topics like Graphics for Film and TV, Digital photography and manipulation, Video compositing. Students are trained to use specific Adobe software in order to complete 5 practical works during the semester.
The number of class hours is 3+3 per week.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the students are expected to be able to successfully apply certain techniques and specialized computer software for graphic, photo and video manipulation in the process of video editing.
Entry requirements: Advanced knowledge and practice of Film and Video editing. Practical knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and After Effects software.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Editing of the Interactive Audio/Video Programmes
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Editing
Code: 23OMO09 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Miodrag Medigović, Nenad Popović
Students hold seminars on the possibilities of creative expression through interactive audio/video forms such as Multimedia computer design, WEB design, Interactive film. For practical work they have to complete a short interactive feature movie from screenplay to the final movie.
The number of class hours is 3+3 per week.
Learning outcomes:
It is expected that the student will be successful in practical and creative ways, using specialized computer programs for the design of interactive content in the form of Computer Multimedia, WEB designs and Interactive films.
Students hold seminars on the possibilities of creative expression through interactive audio/video forms such as Multimedia computer design, WEB design, Interactive film. For practical work they have to complete a short interactive feature movie from screenplay to the final movie.
The number of class hours is 3+3 per week.
Learning outcomes:
It is expected that the student will be successful in practical and creative ways, using specialized computer programs for the design of interactive content in the form of Computer Multimedia, WEB designs and Interactive films.
Entry requirements: Advanced knowledge and practice of Film and Video editing. Practical knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and After Effects software.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Documentary Filmmaking III
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Film and TV Directing
Code: 17O152 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
Professor: Andrijana Stojković
Through examples and analyzes of documentaries, students gain insight into the richness of genres and author approaches to documentaries. The objective of the course is to train students to work on the production of an author's documentary in a team, preparing and developing the script and budgeting.
Learning outcomes:
The student gained basic knowledge of the genres of documentary film and the historical interaction of TV media and documentary form. It recognizes the specifics of this relationship and creatively reflects on the future of this relationship in the context of new technology development.
Through examples and analyzes of documentaries, students gain insight into the richness of genres and author approaches to documentaries. The objective of the course is to train students to work on the production of an author's documentary in a team, preparing and developing the script and budgeting.
Learning outcomes:
The student gained basic knowledge of the genres of documentary film and the historical interaction of TV media and documentary form. It recognizes the specifics of this relationship and creatively reflects on the future of this relationship in the context of new technology development.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of documentary methods, history of cinema, preferably one short documentary made
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
The Basics of Radio Production
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Management and production in theatre, radio and culture
Code: 126 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Mirjana Nikolić
Definition and classification of media; Electronic media, broadcasting, radio;; Characteristics of radio and comparison with other traditional and new media; Radio as a social and technical subsystem; Radio as information and communication system; Types, forms and models of communication; The technical aspects of production and reproduction of radio signals; New technologies in the production, transmission and reception of audio-visual content; Acoustic means of radio expression - speech, music, sound effects, silence; The production forms and genres in radio programs - monologic, dialogic, polyphonic.; Authentic radiophonic forms and genres; The history and the beginnings of radio world and in Balkan.
Learning outcomes:
After passing the exam, students should know the basic characteristics of the radio as a medium and social subsystem, the basic radiophonic means of expression and form, function, historical origins and contemporary moment. At the same time they need to be enabled to contextualize its position in relation to other media, comparing the advantages and disadvantages, knowing the technical characteristics of broadcasting radio programs.
Definition and classification of media; Electronic media, broadcasting, radio;; Characteristics of radio and comparison with other traditional and new media; Radio as a social and technical subsystem; Radio as information and communication system; Types, forms and models of communication; The technical aspects of production and reproduction of radio signals; New technologies in the production, transmission and reception of audio-visual content; Acoustic means of radio expression - speech, music, sound effects, silence; The production forms and genres in radio programs - monologic, dialogic, polyphonic.; Authentic radiophonic forms and genres; The history and the beginnings of radio world and in Balkan.
Learning outcomes:
After passing the exam, students should know the basic characteristics of the radio as a medium and social subsystem, the basic radiophonic means of expression and form, function, historical origins and contemporary moment. At the same time they need to be enabled to contextualize its position in relation to other media, comparing the advantages and disadvantages, knowing the technical characteristics of broadcasting radio programs.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Contemporary Theatre – Directing the Classics – a
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Theory of Dramatic Arts and Media
Code: 278 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Ivan Medenica
The goal of the course is primarily to theoretically elaborate the concept of “classic drama” by referring to the contemporary literary theories and philosophical concepts (Barthes, Derrida, Eco), and then to determine what the possibilities are in staging this kind of drama. By referring to the French school of theatre semiotics (Dort, Übersfeld, Pavis) three main models in the directors‘ interpretation of drama classics are established - reconstruction, actualization and deconstruction.
In the context of post-dramatic theatre (Lehmann), there are different approaches, those who give up the hermeneutic understanding of “directing as interpretation” and treat (classical) drama on the basis of its non-discursive, associative, energetic and audio qualities.
Learning outcomes:
Students should understand the status and nature of the classical drama as multiply “unfinished”, in constant retreat from any fixed meaning (not a determined piece of art but a textual network), and understand what kind of different approaches/models of interpretation the drama classics in this sense can conjure in contemporary theatre, referring to contemporary literary theories and philosophical concepts. It is also important that students understand that no specific performance can unambiguously be reduced to any of those models (this is just a tendency towards some of the models), and that there are approaches that elude this classification, especially in the most recent, post-dramatic manners of directing.
The goal of the course is primarily to theoretically elaborate the concept of “classic drama” by referring to the contemporary literary theories and philosophical concepts (Barthes, Derrida, Eco), and then to determine what the possibilities are in staging this kind of drama. By referring to the French school of theatre semiotics (Dort, Übersfeld, Pavis) three main models in the directors‘ interpretation of drama classics are established - reconstruction, actualization and deconstruction.
In the context of post-dramatic theatre (Lehmann), there are different approaches, those who give up the hermeneutic understanding of “directing as interpretation” and treat (classical) drama on the basis of its non-discursive, associative, energetic and audio qualities.
Learning outcomes:
Students should understand the status and nature of the classical drama as multiply “unfinished”, in constant retreat from any fixed meaning (not a determined piece of art but a textual network), and understand what kind of different approaches/models of interpretation the drama classics in this sense can conjure in contemporary theatre, referring to contemporary literary theories and philosophical concepts. It is also important that students understand that no specific performance can unambiguously be reduced to any of those models (this is just a tendency towards some of the models), and that there are approaches that elude this classification, especially in the most recent, post-dramatic manners of directing.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Contemporary Theatre – Directing the Classics – a
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Theory of Dramatic Arts, Media, and Culture
Code: 278 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Ivan Medenica
Goal of the course is primarily to theoretically elaborate the concept of “classic drama” by referring to the contemporary literary theories and philosophical concepts (Barthes, Derrida, Eco), and then to determine what the possibilities are in staging this kind of drama. By referring to the French school of theatre semiotics (Dort, Übersfeld, Pavis) three main models in the directors‘ interpretation of drama classics are established - reconstruction, actualization and deconstruction.
In the context of post-dramatic theatre (Lehmann), there are different approaches, those who give up the hermeneutic understanding of “directing as interpretation” and treat (classical) drama on the basis of its non-descursive, associative, energetic and audio qualities.
Learning outcomes:
Students should understand the status and nature of the classical drama as multiply “unfinished”, in constant retreat from any fixed meaning (not a determined piece of art but a textual network), and understand what kind of different approaches/models of interpretation the drama classics in this sense can conjure in contemporary theatre, referring to contemporary literary theories and philosophical concepts. It is also important that students understand that no specific performance can unambiguously be reduced to any of those models (this is just a tendency towards some of the models), and that there are approaches that elude this classification, especially in the most recent, post-dramatic manners of directing.
Goal of the course is primarily to theoretically elaborate the concept of “classic drama” by referring to the contemporary literary theories and philosophical concepts (Barthes, Derrida, Eco), and then to determine what the possibilities are in staging this kind of drama. By referring to the French school of theatre semiotics (Dort, Übersfeld, Pavis) three main models in the directors‘ interpretation of drama classics are established - reconstruction, actualization and deconstruction.
In the context of post-dramatic theatre (Lehmann), there are different approaches, those who give up the hermeneutic understanding of “directing as interpretation” and treat (classical) drama on the basis of its non-descursive, associative, energetic and audio qualities.
Learning outcomes:
Students should understand the status and nature of the classical drama as multiply “unfinished”, in constant retreat from any fixed meaning (not a determined piece of art but a textual network), and understand what kind of different approaches/models of interpretation the drama classics in this sense can conjure in contemporary theatre, referring to contemporary literary theories and philosophical concepts. It is also important that students understand that no specific performance can unambiguously be reduced to any of those models (this is just a tendency towards some of the models), and that there are approaches that elude this classification, especially in the most recent, post-dramatic manners of directing.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Media Ethics
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Management in Culture and Media
Code: 22.DMG07 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Milena Dragićević Šešić, Mirjana Nikolić
The course deals with very current problems of the contemporary media scene - media ethics. The problem of media ethics is approached from aspects such as: normative ethics, analysis of media content, production of media content, effects - unethical/ethical that the media create on the audience. Application of philosophical discourse in the study of media ethics. From classics to professional ethics. Defining the problem of ethics and social values. Normative ethics. The problem of media ethics from a historical perspective. Ethics at the beginning of media history, deregulation and the value of trust in the media. Ethics of online space and digital media. Protection of personal data. Duopoly: the strengthening of state and private powers. Media and surveillance. Ethics and VR. Professional ethics and the media's need for a code of ethics. Ethics and different advertising practices. Ethics and media management. Ethics of art. Stereotypes in media texts. Moral panic.
Learning outcomes:
Course outcome: Students will acquire theoretical knowledge that will enable them to see ethical problems in the production, placement and effects of the media. Students will be able to approach the problem of media ethics as creators of content/programs, as media managers ready to recognize and prevent manipulations and ethical lapses in the functioning of media outlets and oppositional media houses. communication.
The course deals with very current problems of the contemporary media scene - media ethics. The problem of media ethics is approached from aspects such as: normative ethics, analysis of media content, production of media content, effects - unethical/ethical that the media create on the audience. Application of philosophical discourse in the study of media ethics. From classics to professional ethics. Defining the problem of ethics and social values. Normative ethics. The problem of media ethics from a historical perspective. Ethics at the beginning of media history, deregulation and the value of trust in the media. Ethics of online space and digital media. Protection of personal data. Duopoly: the strengthening of state and private powers. Media and surveillance. Ethics and VR. Professional ethics and the media's need for a code of ethics. Ethics and different advertising practices. Ethics and media management. Ethics of art. Stereotypes in media texts. Moral panic.
Learning outcomes:
Course outcome: Students will acquire theoretical knowledge that will enable them to see ethical problems in the production, placement and effects of the media. Students will be able to approach the problem of media ethics as creators of content/programs, as media managers ready to recognize and prevent manipulations and ethical lapses in the functioning of media outlets and oppositional media houses. communication.
Entry requirements: enrolled in doctoral studies
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Film theory I
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Dramatic and audio-visual arts
Code: 285 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Prof. Nevena Daković, PhD; Aleksandra Milovanović, PhD, associate professor
The aim of the course is to present to students the basic concepts of Film Theory; to provide synchronic and diachronic insight into the development of various theoretical, critical and historical approaches in film and cinema studies; to map out its development from first theoretical texts in early twentieth century until the academic insitutionalisation of Filmology in the fifties. The lectures follow the (re)contextualization of Film Theory in other theoretical fields and disciplines (art history, media history, theory of literature, Cultural Studies, Visual Arts Studies…).
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to:
- recognise and define the basic concepts of film theory as well as develop a way of theoretical and analytical thinking;
- conceive independent theoretical problematisation and criticism;
- understand, analyse and interpret models of development of the Film Theory as discipline;
- conceptualise theoretical and analytical models of contemporary film practice.
The aim of the course is to present to students the basic concepts of Film Theory; to provide synchronic and diachronic insight into the development of various theoretical, critical and historical approaches in film and cinema studies; to map out its development from first theoretical texts in early twentieth century until the academic insitutionalisation of Filmology in the fifties. The lectures follow the (re)contextualization of Film Theory in other theoretical fields and disciplines (art history, media history, theory of literature, Cultural Studies, Visual Arts Studies…).
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to:
- recognise and define the basic concepts of film theory as well as develop a way of theoretical and analytical thinking;
- conceive independent theoretical problematisation and criticism;
- understand, analyse and interpret models of development of the Film Theory as discipline;
- conceptualise theoretical and analytical models of contemporary film practice.
Entry requirements: Attending the required year of the studies
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: SER/ENG
Film theory II
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Dramatic and audio-visual arts
Code: 286 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Prof. Nevena Daković, PhD; Aleksandra Milovanović, PhD, associate professor
The aim of the course is to present to students the main concepts of contemporary film studies (semiology, phenomenology, narratology and psychoanalysis), with emphasis on comprehensive diachronic perspective and comparative synchronic insight. The course defines the basic principles of film language and offers an introduction to the complex structure of film narratives. Film analyses is positioned in relation to other theoretical and scientific disciplines - Cultural Studies, Media and Communication Studies.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to:
- recognise and define the basic concepts of film theory as well as develop a way of theoretical and analytical thinking;
- conceive independent theoretical problematisation and criticism;
- understand, analyse and interpret models of development of the Film Theory as discipline;
- conceptualise theoretical and analytical models of contemporary film practice.
The aim of the course is to present to students the main concepts of contemporary film studies (semiology, phenomenology, narratology and psychoanalysis), with emphasis on comprehensive diachronic perspective and comparative synchronic insight. The course defines the basic principles of film language and offers an introduction to the complex structure of film narratives. Film analyses is positioned in relation to other theoretical and scientific disciplines - Cultural Studies, Media and Communication Studies.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to:
- recognise and define the basic concepts of film theory as well as develop a way of theoretical and analytical thinking;
- conceive independent theoretical problematisation and criticism;
- understand, analyse and interpret models of development of the Film Theory as discipline;
- conceptualise theoretical and analytical models of contemporary film practice.
Entry requirements: Attending the required year of the studies
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: SER/ENG
Contemporary Film Theory and Analysis
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Theory of Dramatic Arts and Media
Code: 277 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Prof. Nevena Daković, PhD; Aleksandra Milovanović, PhD, associate professor
The aim of the course is to provide the detailed knowledge of the contemporary film theories and the development of the analytical competences and skills of MA students demanded for the research of the contemporary world cinema. The applied theories range from classical to post-classical with an emphasis on genre hybridization, fragmentary narration, inter- and transtextuality as well as complex relationship of text and context (cultural, ideological, etc.).
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to have mastered contemporary theories of interpretation and analysis of the film texts.
The aim of the course is to provide the detailed knowledge of the contemporary film theories and the development of the analytical competences and skills of MA students demanded for the research of the contemporary world cinema. The applied theories range from classical to post-classical with an emphasis on genre hybridization, fragmentary narration, inter- and transtextuality as well as complex relationship of text and context (cultural, ideological, etc.).
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to have mastered contemporary theories of interpretation and analysis of the film texts.
Entry requirements: Enrolled in master studies
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: SER/ENG
Introduction to Film and Screen Media studies
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Theory of Dramatic Arts, Media and Culture
Code: D32 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 20
Professor: Prof. Nevena Daković, PhD; Aleksandra Milovanović, PhD, associate professor
The aim of the course is to present diverse theoretical and interpretive frameworks of contemporary Film and Screen Media studies, that primarily research the cinema and screen media from textual and political-economic optiques. Film and Screen media studies are conceived as part of the broad interdisciplinary field of Cultural Studies, Social Humanities and Digital Humanism.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to:
- understand basic theoretical and interpretive frameworks; master the methods of (textual) analysis
- learn the rules and the techniques of writing a scientific essay;
- follow and apply the concept of double interpretive movement: textualisation of the context and contextualisation of the text.
The aim of the course is to present diverse theoretical and interpretive frameworks of contemporary Film and Screen Media studies, that primarily research the cinema and screen media from textual and political-economic optiques. Film and Screen media studies are conceived as part of the broad interdisciplinary field of Cultural Studies, Social Humanities and Digital Humanism.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to:
- understand basic theoretical and interpretive frameworks; master the methods of (textual) analysis
- learn the rules and the techniques of writing a scientific essay;
- follow and apply the concept of double interpretive movement: textualisation of the context and contextualisation of the text.
Entry requirements: Attending the first year of doctoral studies
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: SER/ENG
String Instruments Teaching Methods 1
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: EME01 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Rastko Popović
Organology of bowed string instruments. European and Non-European bowed string instruments from the 10th century till the present time. Writing and presenting an essay.
Learning outcomes:
Student is familiarized with string instruments teaching basics in the fields of bowed instruments construction, technological and physical principles, historical development, violin and bow making history, as well as instrument accessories and maintenance. Student has gained knowledge and is able to problematize learned topics by demonstrating analytical and critical thought.
Organology of bowed string instruments. European and Non-European bowed string instruments from the 10th century till the present time. Writing and presenting an essay.
Learning outcomes:
Student is familiarized with string instruments teaching basics in the fields of bowed instruments construction, technological and physical principles, historical development, violin and bow making history, as well as instrument accessories and maintenance. Student has gained knowledge and is able to problematize learned topics by demonstrating analytical and critical thought.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: SER/ENG
String Instruments Teaching Methods 2
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: EME02 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Rastko Popović
Bowed string instruments repertoire and performance practices from 17th to 21st Centuries. Writing and presenting an essay.
Learning outcomes:
The student is familiarized with bowed string instruments teaching basics in the fields of repertoire, literature and performance practices from 17th to 21st Centuries. Student has gained knowledge and is able to problematize learned topics by demonstrating analytical and critical thought.
Bowed string instruments repertoire and performance practices from 17th to 21st Centuries. Writing and presenting an essay.
Learning outcomes:
The student is familiarized with bowed string instruments teaching basics in the fields of repertoire, literature and performance practices from 17th to 21st Centuries. Student has gained knowledge and is able to problematize learned topics by demonstrating analytical and critical thought.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: SER/ENG
String Instruments Teaching Methods 3
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: EME03 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Rastko Popović
History and development of pedagogy and teaching methods for bowed strings. Theoretical works and instructive literature for string instruments from the 18th to the 20th century. Review of the most significant historical schools for bowed string instruments. Fundaments of historically-informed performance practice. Writing and presenting an essay.
Learning outcomes:
The student is familiarized with string instruments teaching basics in the field of string instruments teaching history and is able to recognize and differentiate instrumental/pedagogical theories and methods of various schools and authors up to the 20th century, as well as the relation of these theories with performance practice.
History and development of pedagogy and teaching methods for bowed strings. Theoretical works and instructive literature for string instruments from the 18th to the 20th century. Review of the most significant historical schools for bowed string instruments. Fundaments of historically-informed performance practice. Writing and presenting an essay.
Learning outcomes:
The student is familiarized with string instruments teaching basics in the field of string instruments teaching history and is able to recognize and differentiate instrumental/pedagogical theories and methods of various schools and authors up to the 20th century, as well as the relation of these theories with performance practice.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Number of semesters: 3 | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: SER/ENG
String Instruments Teaching Methods 4
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: EME04 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Rastko Popović
This course is designed to equip students with basic bowed string instruments teaching theories and methods. Contemporary pedagogy and string instruments teaching methods. Review of the most significant string schools, theoretical, didactical and methodical works, books and papers from the second half of the 20th century to the present day. Learning and teaching performance on bowed string instruments. Writing and presenting an essay.
Learning outcomes:
The student is familiarized with the most significant contemporary schools of thought, theoretical works, books and papers in the field of bowed string instruments pedagogy and teaching methods and has adopted their essential elements. The student has gained knowledge and is able to problematize learned topics by demonstrating analytical and critical thought.
This course is designed to equip students with basic bowed string instruments teaching theories and methods. Contemporary pedagogy and string instruments teaching methods. Review of the most significant string schools, theoretical, didactical and methodical works, books and papers from the second half of the 20th century to the present day. Learning and teaching performance on bowed string instruments. Writing and presenting an essay.
Learning outcomes:
The student is familiarized with the most significant contemporary schools of thought, theoretical works, books and papers in the field of bowed string instruments pedagogy and teaching methods and has adopted their essential elements. The student has gained knowledge and is able to problematize learned topics by demonstrating analytical and critical thought.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: SER/ENG
String Instruments Teaching Methods 5
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: EME05 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Rastko Popović
This course is designed to prepare students for teaching beginners. Introduction and review of the pedagogical repertoire and syllabi for beginners - textbooks, schools and methods in national and international context. Forming the ability of analytical, critical and methodical thinking in bowed string instruments teaching perspectives. Sketching an instructional textbook for violin, viola, cello or double bass.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to critically reflect on past musical training and combine it with contemporary pedagogical theories and methods for teaching beginners. The student is familiarized with different approaches in designing individual programs and repertoire for teaching bowed string instruments at the entry level.
This course is designed to prepare students for teaching beginners. Introduction and review of the pedagogical repertoire and syllabi for beginners - textbooks, schools and methods in national and international context. Forming the ability of analytical, critical and methodical thinking in bowed string instruments teaching perspectives. Sketching an instructional textbook for violin, viola, cello or double bass.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to critically reflect on past musical training and combine it with contemporary pedagogical theories and methods for teaching beginners. The student is familiarized with different approaches in designing individual programs and repertoire for teaching bowed string instruments at the entry level.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: SER/ENG
String Instruments Teaching Methods 6
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: EME06 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Rastko Popović
This course is designed to prepare students for teaching beginners. Methodical analysis of the pedagogical repertoire for beginners - various songs and pieces, etudes, scales and exercises. Forming the ability of analytical, critical and methodical thinking in bowed string instruments teaching perspectives. Producing teaching content in the form of lesson preparations.
Learning outcomes:
The student has adopted theoretical and practical knowledge and is able to problematize learned topics by demonstrating analytical and critical thought. The student is familiarized with different approaches in designing individual programs and repertoire for teaching bowed string instruments beginners, and is able to produce teaching content in the form of lesson preparations.
This course is designed to prepare students for teaching beginners. Methodical analysis of the pedagogical repertoire for beginners - various songs and pieces, etudes, scales and exercises. Forming the ability of analytical, critical and methodical thinking in bowed string instruments teaching perspectives. Producing teaching content in the form of lesson preparations.
Learning outcomes:
The student has adopted theoretical and practical knowledge and is able to problematize learned topics by demonstrating analytical and critical thought. The student is familiarized with different approaches in designing individual programs and repertoire for teaching bowed string instruments beginners, and is able to produce teaching content in the form of lesson preparations.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: SER/ENG
Bowed string instruments performance practices and theories
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: SITM01 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Rastko Popović
Fundaments of historically-informed performance practice. Bowed string instruments repertoire and performance practices from 17th to 21st Centuries. Writing and presenting an essay. Theoretical works and instructive literature for string instruments from the 18th to the 20th century. Review of the most significant historical schools for bowed string instruments. Writing and presenting an essay
Learning outcomes:
The student is familiarized with basics in the fields of repertoire, literature and performance practices from 17th to 21st Centuries and is able to recognize and differentiate instrumental/pedagogical theories and methods of various schools and authors up to the 20th century, as well as the relation of these theories with performance practice.
Fundaments of historically-informed performance practice. Bowed string instruments repertoire and performance practices from 17th to 21st Centuries. Writing and presenting an essay. Theoretical works and instructive literature for string instruments from the 18th to the 20th century. Review of the most significant historical schools for bowed string instruments. Writing and presenting an essay
Learning outcomes:
The student is familiarized with basics in the fields of repertoire, literature and performance practices from 17th to 21st Centuries and is able to recognize and differentiate instrumental/pedagogical theories and methods of various schools and authors up to the 20th century, as well as the relation of these theories with performance practice.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: SER/ENG
Contemporary bowed string instruments teaching and learning
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: STIM02 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Rastko Popović
This course is designed to equip students with basic bowed string instruments teaching theories and methods. Contemporary pedagogy and string instruments teaching methods. Review of the most significant string schools, theoretical, didactical and methodical works, books and papers from the second half of the 20th century to the present day. Learning and teaching performance on bowed string instruments. Writing and presenting an essay.
Learning outcomes:
The student is familiarized with the most significant contemporary schools of thought, theoretical works, books and papers in the field of bowed string instruments pedagogy and teaching methods and has adopted their essential elements. The student has gained knowledge and is able to problematize learned topics by demonstrating analytical and critical thought.
This course is designed to equip students with basic bowed string instruments teaching theories and methods. Contemporary pedagogy and string instruments teaching methods. Review of the most significant string schools, theoretical, didactical and methodical works, books and papers from the second half of the 20th century to the present day. Learning and teaching performance on bowed string instruments. Writing and presenting an essay.
Learning outcomes:
The student is familiarized with the most significant contemporary schools of thought, theoretical works, books and papers in the field of bowed string instruments pedagogy and teaching methods and has adopted their essential elements. The student has gained knowledge and is able to problematize learned topics by demonstrating analytical and critical thought.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: SER/ENG
Materials Technology 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Conservation and restoration of paintings and art on paper, Conservation and restoration of sculptures and archaeological objects
Code: O160 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Irena Živković
POLYMER AND COMPOSITE MATERIALS: Structure and Properties. Technological characteristics and processing. Clasification of polymer and composite materials. Synthetic thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers. Elastomers. Fibers. Natural organic polymer materials. Amber. Natural and synthetic adhesives and binders. Oils and resins. Varnishes and coatings.Organic pigments and dyes. Paper. Wood and wood-based materials. Pearls. Synthetic composite materials.
Learning outcomes:
Introduction to basic chemical, physical and mechanical properties, characterization methods. Basics of chemical and mechanical technology and processing of natural organic, polymer sinthetyc and composite materials in the field of conservation and restoration. Introduction to the systematic analysis of the chemical, physical and biological causes of degradation, as well as the technological development of products and materials for professional interventions, with the merging of tradition and experimentation with new materials.
POLYMER AND COMPOSITE MATERIALS: Structure and Properties. Technological characteristics and processing. Clasification of polymer and composite materials. Synthetic thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers. Elastomers. Fibers. Natural organic polymer materials. Amber. Natural and synthetic adhesives and binders. Oils and resins. Varnishes and coatings.Organic pigments and dyes. Paper. Wood and wood-based materials. Pearls. Synthetic composite materials.
Learning outcomes:
Introduction to basic chemical, physical and mechanical properties, characterization methods. Basics of chemical and mechanical technology and processing of natural organic, polymer sinthetyc and composite materials in the field of conservation and restoration. Introduction to the systematic analysis of the chemical, physical and biological causes of degradation, as well as the technological development of products and materials for professional interventions, with the merging of tradition and experimentation with new materials.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing 3/1 (Sculpture)
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC48 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Radoš Antonijević, Zdravko Joksimović, Olivera Parlić, Dunja Trutin
The course curriculum is focused primarily on drawing as an individual research practice, developed simultaneously with works in other media. Students receive guidance through the process based on their individual interests, references and methodologies. Along with exploration of a wide range of drawing techniques and subjects, the course program allows students to explore drawing in the expanded field.
Learning outcomes:
Development of individual poetics and research methodologies in drawing as an artistic medium; gaining new skills in multiple traditional or experimental drawing techniques, as well as methods relevant in contemporary drawing practice.
The course curriculum is focused primarily on drawing as an individual research practice, developed simultaneously with works in other media. Students receive guidance through the process based on their individual interests, references and methodologies. Along with exploration of a wide range of drawing techniques and subjects, the course program allows students to explore drawing in the expanded field.
Learning outcomes:
Development of individual poetics and research methodologies in drawing as an artistic medium; gaining new skills in multiple traditional or experimental drawing techniques, as well as methods relevant in contemporary drawing practice.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: SER/ENG
Drawing 3/2 (Sculpture)
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC49 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Radoš Antonijević, Zdravko Joksimović, Olivera Parlić, Dunja Trutin
The course curriculum is focused primarily on drawing as an individual research practice, developed simultaneously with works in other media. Students receive guidance through the process based on their individual interests, references and methodologies. Along with exploration of a wide range of drawing techniques and subjects, the course program allows students to explore drawing in the expanded field.
Learning outcomes:
Development of individual poetics and research methodologies in drawing as an artistic medium; gaining new skills in multiple traditional or experimental drawing techniques, as well as methods relevant in contemporary drawing practice.
The course curriculum is focused primarily on drawing as an individual research practice, developed simultaneously with works in other media. Students receive guidance through the process based on their individual interests, references and methodologies. Along with exploration of a wide range of drawing techniques and subjects, the course program allows students to explore drawing in the expanded field.
Learning outcomes:
Development of individual poetics and research methodologies in drawing as an artistic medium; gaining new skills in multiple traditional or experimental drawing techniques, as well as methods relevant in contemporary drawing practice.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: SER/ENG
Drawing 4/1 (Sculpture)
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC50 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Radoš Antonijević, Zdravko Joksimović, Olivera Parlić, Dunja Trutin
The course curriculum is focused primarily on drawing as an individual research practice, developed simultaneously with works in other media. Students receive guidance through the process based on their individual interests, references and methodologies. Along with exploration of a wide range of drawing techniques and subjects, the course program allows students to explore drawing in the expanded field.
Learning outcomes:
Development of individual poetics and research methodologies in drawing as an artistic medium; gaining new skills in multiple traditional or experimental drawing techniques, as well as methods relevant in contemporary drawing practice.
The course curriculum is focused primarily on drawing as an individual research practice, developed simultaneously with works in other media. Students receive guidance through the process based on their individual interests, references and methodologies. Along with exploration of a wide range of drawing techniques and subjects, the course program allows students to explore drawing in the expanded field.
Learning outcomes:
Development of individual poetics and research methodologies in drawing as an artistic medium; gaining new skills in multiple traditional or experimental drawing techniques, as well as methods relevant in contemporary drawing practice.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: ENG
Drawing 4/2 (Sculpture)
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC51 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Radoš Antonijević, Zdravko Joksimović, Olivera Parlić, Dunja Trutin
The course curriculum is focused primarily on drawing as an individual research practice, developed simultaneously with works in other media. Students receive guidance through the process based on their individual interests, references and methodologies. Along with exploration of a wide range of drawing techniques and subjects, the course program allows students to explore drawing in the expanded field.
Learning outcomes:
Development of individual poetics and research methodologies in drawing as an artistic medium; gaining new skills in multiple traditional or experimental drawing techniques, as well as methods relevant in contemporary drawing practice.
The course curriculum is focused primarily on drawing as an individual research practice, developed simultaneously with works in other media. Students receive guidance through the process based on their individual interests, references and methodologies. Along with exploration of a wide range of drawing techniques and subjects, the course program allows students to explore drawing in the expanded field.
Learning outcomes:
Development of individual poetics and research methodologies in drawing as an artistic medium; gaining new skills in multiple traditional or experimental drawing techniques, as well as methods relevant in contemporary drawing practice.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: SER/ENG
Drawing 5/1 (Sculpture)
Faculty of Fine ArtsStudy Programme: Sculpture
Code: ULC52 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Radoš Antonijević, Zdravko Joksimović, Olivera Parlić, Dunja Trutin
The course curriculum is focused primarily on drawing as an individual research practice, developed simultaneously with works in other media. Students receive guidance through the process based on their individual interests, references and methodologies. Along with exploration of a wide range of drawing techniques and subjects, the course program allows students to explore drawing in the expanded field.
Learning outcomes:
Development of individual poetics and research methodologies in drawing as an artistic medium; gaining new skills in multiple traditional or experimental drawing techniques, as well as methods relevant in contemporary drawing practice.
The course curriculum is focused primarily on drawing as an individual research practice, developed simultaneously with works in other media. Students receive guidance through the process based on their individual interests, references and methodologies. Along with exploration of a wide range of drawing techniques and subjects, the course program allows students to explore drawing in the expanded field.
Learning outcomes:
Development of individual poetics and research methodologies in drawing as an artistic medium; gaining new skills in multiple traditional or experimental drawing techniques, as well as methods relevant in contemporary drawing practice.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: SER/ENG
Theories of cultural management and cultural policy
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Management in Culture and Media
Code: 22.DMG01 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 14
Professor: Milena Dragićević Šešić, Ljiljana Rogač Mijatović, Nina Mihaljinac
The course focuses on the topics of contemporary scientific theories of cultural management and cultural policy; Theories of globalization: cultural changes, transcultural flows, creative capital, knowledge society, new cosmopolitanism, experience economy; Distinction between cultural management and business management; non-profit and for-profit management in culture; Theoretical foundations of cultural policy; Political, economic, social and technological context of contemporary cultural policies; Management of culture and art systems; key problems of cultural management in transition; Management and innovative production models in contemporary culture; conceptualization of new organizational models; Organizational cultures and innovative organizations; types of leadership in arts management; Social dichotomies and strategic dilemmas of contemporary cultural policies.
Learning outcomes:
After the course, students are able to: identify different theoretical approaches to management in culture and cultural policy; to independently analyze and critically reflect on the theoretical and practical aspects of the culture system, cultural policy and cultural development, and the organizational forms through which cultural and artistic practice is realized; to consider the problems of cultural development and cultural practices on a scientific basis, as well as ethical issues of decision-making in culture.
The course focuses on the topics of contemporary scientific theories of cultural management and cultural policy; Theories of globalization: cultural changes, transcultural flows, creative capital, knowledge society, new cosmopolitanism, experience economy; Distinction between cultural management and business management; non-profit and for-profit management in culture; Theoretical foundations of cultural policy; Political, economic, social and technological context of contemporary cultural policies; Management of culture and art systems; key problems of cultural management in transition; Management and innovative production models in contemporary culture; conceptualization of new organizational models; Organizational cultures and innovative organizations; types of leadership in arts management; Social dichotomies and strategic dilemmas of contemporary cultural policies.
Learning outcomes:
After the course, students are able to: identify different theoretical approaches to management in culture and cultural policy; to independently analyze and critically reflect on the theoretical and practical aspects of the culture system, cultural policy and cultural development, and the organizational forms through which cultural and artistic practice is realized; to consider the problems of cultural development and cultural practices on a scientific basis, as well as ethical issues of decision-making in culture.
Entry requirements: enrolled PhD studies
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: SER/ENG
Psychology of Art
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Theory of Dramatic Arts and Media
Code: 16M272a | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Irena Ristć
The course is focused on examining the phenomenon of art, taking into account three elements: an artist, an artwork and an audience, as well as two paths: from artist to the artwork (research of the creative process), and from artwork to the audience (research of aesthetic perception). With a review of psychodynamic interpretations in the study of motivation, gestalt and cognitive theory of art, but also the reach of new experimental aesthetics among others, students are introduced to contemporary psychological research and dynamic models that tend to explain art, its functions and outcomes. A special focus is on analysis of psychological portraits in dramatic structures.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to independently analyze relevant theories and research in the field of psychology of art and experimental aesthetics, with the competence of applying the acquired psychological knowledge creatively and developing critical thinking in a historical-cultural context.
The course is focused on examining the phenomenon of art, taking into account three elements: an artist, an artwork and an audience, as well as two paths: from artist to the artwork (research of the creative process), and from artwork to the audience (research of aesthetic perception). With a review of psychodynamic interpretations in the study of motivation, gestalt and cognitive theory of art, but also the reach of new experimental aesthetics among others, students are introduced to contemporary psychological research and dynamic models that tend to explain art, its functions and outcomes. A special focus is on analysis of psychological portraits in dramatic structures.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to independently analyze relevant theories and research in the field of psychology of art and experimental aesthetics, with the competence of applying the acquired psychological knowledge creatively and developing critical thinking in a historical-cultural context.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciencie of Music
Code: DJWS1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Mladen Marković
Course objective: The phenomenon of World Music is one of the most disseminated and discussed phenomena in the vast field of popular music, coming to prominence in the last decade of the past century. The term encompasses numerous and different insights, and concepts, as well as genres – from traditional music of the world thru contemporary pop-music, all of which can be seen in Serbian popular music. The students of the course are to be presented with various musical examples, as well as different concepts and discussions on this specific topic, and its history and poetics since the end of 19th century.
Learning outcomes:
Course outcomes: The students are to be expected to show knowledge on specific historical development, principles of analysis and usage of musical folklore on various levels, as well as comprehension of the phenomenon of world music and its position in the vast body of popular music in Serbia.
Course objective: The phenomenon of World Music is one of the most disseminated and discussed phenomena in the vast field of popular music, coming to prominence in the last decade of the past century. The term encompasses numerous and different insights, and concepts, as well as genres – from traditional music of the world thru contemporary pop-music, all of which can be seen in Serbian popular music. The students of the course are to be presented with various musical examples, as well as different concepts and discussions on this specific topic, and its history and poetics since the end of 19th century.
Learning outcomes:
Course outcomes: The students are to be expected to show knowledge on specific historical development, principles of analysis and usage of musical folklore on various levels, as well as comprehension of the phenomenon of world music and its position in the vast body of popular music in Serbia.
Entry requirements: English language – B2 level
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: SER/ENG
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciencie of Music
Code: DJWS2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Mladen Marković
The phenomenon of World Music is one of the most disseminated and discussed phenomena in the vast field of popular music, coming to prominence in the last decade of the past century. The term encompasses numerous and different insights and concepts, as well as genres – from traditional music of the world thru contemporary pop-music. The students of the course are to be presented with various musical traditions (according to the first meaning of the term), as well as different concepts and discussions on this specific topic, and its history and poetics.
Learning outcomes:
The students are to be expected to show knowledge on specific musical traditions, as well as comprehension of the phenomenon of world music and its position in the vast body of popular music.
The phenomenon of World Music is one of the most disseminated and discussed phenomena in the vast field of popular music, coming to prominence in the last decade of the past century. The term encompasses numerous and different insights and concepts, as well as genres – from traditional music of the world thru contemporary pop-music. The students of the course are to be presented with various musical traditions (according to the first meaning of the term), as well as different concepts and discussions on this specific topic, and its history and poetics.
Learning outcomes:
The students are to be expected to show knowledge on specific musical traditions, as well as comprehension of the phenomenon of world music and its position in the vast body of popular music.
Entry requirements: English language – B2 level
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: SER/ENG
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Science of Music
Code: DLMM1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 5
Acquiring knowledge in the field of media theory, understanding the place of music in the media, knowing different types of "reading" the media and determining the creative space of musicians in the media.
Learning outcomes:
Connecting music with literary, poetic and documentary content. Establishing the relationship between auditory and visual plans. Exercises in writing journalistic forms. Exercises in shaping radio and television shows. Attending the recording of shows in RTS. Analysis of examples from domestic and foreign radio and television programs. Seminar paper synopsis for a music show for radio and script for a music show for television - done on the same topic.
Acquiring knowledge in the field of media theory, understanding the place of music in the media, knowing different types of "reading" the media and determining the creative space of musicians in the media.
Learning outcomes:
Connecting music with literary, poetic and documentary content. Establishing the relationship between auditory and visual plans. Exercises in writing journalistic forms. Exercises in shaping radio and television shows. Attending the recording of shows in RTS. Analysis of examples from domestic and foreign radio and television programs. Seminar paper synopsis for a music show for radio and script for a music show for television - done on the same topic.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DIUD2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level.
Achieving the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: SER/ENG
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DIUD1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Building and improving personal music language by using all the potential of modern and contemporary styles. Technical and musical work on literature. Students develop their own music personality; they improve the ability to understand form and content of compositions, to analyze composers’ styles, to work on diversity and complexity of tones, phrasing, intonation, articulation, agogics and dynamic capabilities of the instrument. Public performance is organized at least once a year. Students achieve the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level.
Building and improving personal music language by using all the potential of modern and contemporary styles. Technical and musical work on literature. Students develop their own music personality; they improve the ability to understand form and content of compositions, to analyze composers’ styles, to work on diversity and complexity of tones, phrasing, intonation, articulation, agogics and dynamic capabilities of the instrument. Public performance is organized at least once a year. Students achieve the highest quality in interpretation of pieces from all epochs.
Learning outcomes:
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level. Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: SER/ENG
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DFFL2 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level.
Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level.
Learning outcomes:
Students reach the highest professional standards of interpretation; they are enabled to manage interdisciplinary, artistic-research and artistic-scientific teams. Students are enabled to conduct lectures at university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: SER/ENG
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: DFFL 1 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 12
Learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes: Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level.
Learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes: Students gain competencies for independent artistic-research work; enhance his/her repertoire; they reach the highest artistic standards of interpretation and gain competencies for work at the university level.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: SER/ENG
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MFFL1/1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 11
Students gain capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional performance level, through a technical interpretative production of musical literature for trombones and building individuality of the student through the unity of the technical and musical element. The process of work includes the understanding of the styles of composers of different epochs, the interpretation of content and form of compositions, research in the field of tonal design and the dynamic possibilities of the instrument, as well as work on phrasing, intonation, and articulation. The selection of the program and the work plan depend on the current possibilities of each student and they are in line with the level of previously acquired knowledge and their intellectual, emotional, mental and physical predispositions. Special attention is paid to the creating of a free personality of individual expression and autonomy in the process of work. At least once, a public performance is organized, which can also be within the class.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression. Students gain a high professional level of
ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand the repertoire and deepen their knowledge in the field of repertoire, are able to take on leading
roles in ensembles, master the comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and can use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, negotiation and organization.
Students gain capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional performance level, through a technical interpretative production of musical literature for trombones and building individuality of the student through the unity of the technical and musical element. The process of work includes the understanding of the styles of composers of different epochs, the interpretation of content and form of compositions, research in the field of tonal design and the dynamic possibilities of the instrument, as well as work on phrasing, intonation, and articulation. The selection of the program and the work plan depend on the current possibilities of each student and they are in line with the level of previously acquired knowledge and their intellectual, emotional, mental and physical predispositions. Special attention is paid to the creating of a free personality of individual expression and autonomy in the process of work. At least once, a public performance is organized, which can also be within the class.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of musical content, individuality in expression. Students gain a high professional level of
ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, expand the repertoire and deepen their knowledge in the field of repertoire, are able to take on leading
roles in ensembles, master the comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire of the main subject, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and can use this knowledge in further artistic development. They acquire the ability to fully learn and perform complex tasks, have critical self-awareness and are able to initiate joint projects, to manage joint projects and participate in teamwork, negotiation and organization.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MIUD1/1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 10
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical piece, reaching a high professional percussion performance level and building individuality of percussionist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Controlling the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of music content. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, extend the repertoire and expand their knowledge in the field of repertoire, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and are able to use this knowledge in further artistic development.
Development of all components of the student's musical personality through the process of independent acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for layered understanding and realization of musical piece, reaching a high professional percussion performance level and building individuality of percussionist through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering all the segments of the professional requirements necessary for the successful and comprehensive realization of a musical work. Controlling the instrument, knowledge of styles and forms, understanding of music content. Students gain a high professional level of ability to realize and express their own artistic concepts, extend the repertoire and expand their knowledge in the field of repertoire, have a deep understanding of practical and theoretical studies and are able to use this knowledge in further artistic development.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MIDU1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Students gain the ability for independent artistic activity and performance in various ensembles. Training for working in the orchestra. The direct objective of the course is to master forms and styles of different epochs through the introduction and performance of Orchestra literature for percussions.
Learning outcomes:
Introduction to symphonic, ballet and opera orchestra literature, gaining skills of reading and playing Orchestra sections. Use of various instruments in different orchestral compositions. Work on various orchestral materials. At least once, a public appearance is organized, which can also be within the class. Practical lectures. Skillful reading and playing the scores, as well as direct application of learned techniques to specific spots in Orchestra literature. Practical work on Orchestra literature with focus on technique and method of performance. Because of the small number of students per year, and due to the economics of teaching and the nature of the subjects that emphasize interpersonal performance communication within the same course, all students of percussion will be integrated due to meticulous work on all curricula units.
Students gain the ability for independent artistic activity and performance in various ensembles. Training for working in the orchestra. The direct objective of the course is to master forms and styles of different epochs through the introduction and performance of Orchestra literature for percussions.
Learning outcomes:
Introduction to symphonic, ballet and opera orchestra literature, gaining skills of reading and playing Orchestra sections. Use of various instruments in different orchestral compositions. Work on various orchestral materials. At least once, a public appearance is organized, which can also be within the class. Practical lectures. Skillful reading and playing the scores, as well as direct application of learned techniques to specific spots in Orchestra literature. Practical work on Orchestra literature with focus on technique and method of performance. Because of the small number of students per year, and due to the economics of teaching and the nature of the subjects that emphasize interpersonal performance communication within the same course, all students of percussion will be integrated due to meticulous work on all curricula units.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MFOB1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 11
Students gain capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional performance level, through a technical interpretative production of musical literature for oboe and building individuality of the student through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
The process of work includes the understanding of the styles of composers of different epochs, the interpretation of content and form of compositions, research in the field of tonal design and the dynamic possibilities of the instrument, as well as work on phrasing, agogic, intonation, and articulation. The selection of the program and the work plan depend on the current possibilities of each student and they are in line with the level of previously acquired knowledge and their intellectual, emotional, mental and physical predispositions. Special attention is paid to the creating of a free personality of individual expression and autonomy in the process of work. At least once, a public performance is organized, which can also be within the class.
Students gain capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in secondary music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional performance level, through a technical interpretative production of musical literature for oboe and building individuality of the student through the unity of the technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
The process of work includes the understanding of the styles of composers of different epochs, the interpretation of content and form of compositions, research in the field of tonal design and the dynamic possibilities of the instrument, as well as work on phrasing, agogic, intonation, and articulation. The selection of the program and the work plan depend on the current possibilities of each student and they are in line with the level of previously acquired knowledge and their intellectual, emotional, mental and physical predispositions. Special attention is paid to the creating of a free personality of individual expression and autonomy in the process of work. At least once, a public performance is organized, which can also be within the class.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: MULPD1/1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Introduction to the relevant theoretical conceptions of giftedness, main conceptions, principles and knowledge, in different domains of giftedness (music, science, arts, sports) Attaining knowledge about conditions and relevant factors of the long term (non)successful development of musically gifted individuals and acquirement of music performance competences and music creating competences. Acquiring knowledge about ways of gifted identification and their education, and strategies to support development of gifted.
Learning outcomes:
Knowing of the main conceptions, principles and fields of studies in different domains of giftedness (music, science, sport, dance, visual arts)
Knowing about long term music development / from prenatal to professional career
Knowing about identification of gifted individuals and the developmental course of their education and expertise.
Introduction to the relevant theoretical conceptions of giftedness, main conceptions, principles and knowledge, in different domains of giftedness (music, science, arts, sports) Attaining knowledge about conditions and relevant factors of the long term (non)successful development of musically gifted individuals and acquirement of music performance competences and music creating competences. Acquiring knowledge about ways of gifted identification and their education, and strategies to support development of gifted.
Learning outcomes:
Knowing of the main conceptions, principles and fields of studies in different domains of giftedness (music, science, sport, dance, visual arts)
Knowing about long term music development / from prenatal to professional career
Knowing about identification of gifted individuals and the developmental course of their education and expertise.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Code: MFAD1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Mastering theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the areas of artistic expression, playing in symphonic and opera orchestras, public appearances, practicing and participation at rehearsals, theoretical knowledge and understanding the repertoire and the stylistic and performing context of the work.
Learning outcomes:
Acquiring autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and the art of mutual artistic and psychological communication.
Mastering theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the areas of artistic expression, playing in symphonic and opera orchestras, public appearances, practicing and participation at rehearsals, theoretical knowledge and understanding the repertoire and the stylistic and performing context of the work.
Learning outcomes:
Acquiring autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and the art of mutual artistic and psychological communication.
Entry requirements: The student should submit a recording of his/her performance.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Music direction
Code: MAFF1 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Understanding the importance of the post-production phase of work in music production. Getting to know post-production procedures and defining the term production master. The impact of acoustics and audio technology in the mastering process. Advantages and disadvantages of digital mastering. Advantages and disadvantages of analog mastering. Combining digital and analog processing to get the best production master. Creating a production master depending on where the music will be used. (CD, You tube, WEB, stock, film, television, radio, advertising...)
Learning outcomes:
The student has acquired basic knowledge in the field of post-production and is ready to create a production master of a musical piece. He has mastered the technical and aesthetic criteria for evaluating the quality of a recording of a piece of music and is ready to apply creative procedures himself in the mastering phase.
Understanding the importance of the post-production phase of work in music production. Getting to know post-production procedures and defining the term production master. The impact of acoustics and audio technology in the mastering process. Advantages and disadvantages of digital mastering. Advantages and disadvantages of analog mastering. Combining digital and analog processing to get the best production master. Creating a production master depending on where the music will be used. (CD, You tube, WEB, stock, film, television, radio, advertising...)
Learning outcomes:
The student has acquired basic knowledge in the field of post-production and is ready to create a production master of a musical piece. He has mastered the technical and aesthetic criteria for evaluating the quality of a recording of a piece of music and is ready to apply creative procedures himself in the mastering phase.
Entry requirements: English language – B2 level
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFFL1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Lectures are held by the professor. During the first module, the focus is on technical and tonal practice, etudes and scales, with a special emphasis on determining the setting and technique of breathing, and then on the meticulous introduction and mastering of the scores. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for musical communication, processing artistic problems on actual works. At least once, a public appearance is organized, which can also be a performance within the class.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Lectures are held by the professor. During the first module, the focus is on technical and tonal practice, etudes and scales, with a special emphasis on determining the setting and technique of breathing, and then on the meticulous introduction and mastering of the scores. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for musical communication, processing artistic problems on actual works. At least once, a public appearance is organized, which can also be a performance within the class.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFFL2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Work on tonal practice, etudes and scales continue during the second module. Lectures are orientated toward interpreting and learning styles with a particular emphasis on the individuality of each student. Learning scores by heart, working on a formal-structural analysis of the selected compositions. Lectures are held by the professor. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for mutual performing, processing artistic problems on actual pieces.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Work on tonal practice, etudes and scales continue during the second module. Lectures are orientated toward interpreting and learning styles with a particular emphasis on the individuality of each student. Learning scores by heart, working on a formal-structural analysis of the selected compositions. Lectures are held by the professor. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for mutual performing, processing artistic problems on actual pieces.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFFL3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Work on tonal practice, etudes and scales continue during the second module. Lectures are orientated toward interpreting and learning styles with a particular emphasis on the individuality of each student. Learning scores by heart, working on a formal-structural analysis of the selected compositions. Lectures are held by the professor. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for mutual performing, processing artistic problems on actual pieces.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Work on tonal practice, etudes and scales continue during the second module. Lectures are orientated toward interpreting and learning styles with a particular emphasis on the individuality of each student. Learning scores by heart, working on a formal-structural analysis of the selected compositions. Lectures are held by the professor. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for mutual performing, processing artistic problems on actual pieces.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFFL4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Work on tonal practice, etudes and scales continue during the second module. Lectures are orientated toward interpreting and learning styles with a particular emphasis on the individuality of each student. Learning scores by heart, working on a formal-structural analysis of the selected compositions. Lectures are held by the professor. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for mutual performing, processing artistic problems on actual pieces.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Work on tonal practice, etudes and scales continue during the second module. Lectures are orientated toward interpreting and learning styles with a particular emphasis on the individuality of each student. Learning scores by heart, working on a formal-structural analysis of the selected compositions. Lectures are held by the professor. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for mutual performing, processing artistic problems on actual pieces.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFFL5 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Work on tonal practice, etudes and scales continue during the second module. Lectures are orientated toward interpreting and learning styles with a particular emphasis on the individuality of each student. Learning scores by heart, working on a formal-structural analysis of the selected compositions. Lectures are held by the professor. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for mutual performing, processing artistic problems on actual pieces.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Work on tonal practice, etudes and scales continue during the second module. Lectures are orientated toward interpreting and learning styles with a particular emphasis on the individuality of each student. Learning scores by heart, working on a formal-structural analysis of the selected compositions. Lectures are held by the professor. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for mutual performing, processing artistic problems on actual pieces.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFFL6 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Work on tonal practice, etudes and scales continue during the second module. Lectures are orientated toward interpreting and learning styles with a particular emphasis on the individuality of each student. Learning scores by heart, working on a formal-structural analysis of the selected compositions. Lectures are held by the professor. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for mutual performing, processing artistic problems on actual pieces.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Work on tonal practice, etudes and scales continue during the second module. Lectures are orientated toward interpreting and learning styles with a particular emphasis on the individuality of each student. Learning scores by heart, working on a formal-structural analysis of the selected compositions. Lectures are held by the professor. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for mutual performing, processing artistic problems on actual pieces.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFFL7 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Work on tonal practice, etudes and scales continue during the second module. Lectures are orientated toward interpreting and learning styles with a particular emphasis on the individuality of each student. Learning scores by heart, working on a formal-structural analysis of the selected compositions. Lectures are held by the professor. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for mutual performing, processing artistic problems on actual pieces.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Work on tonal practice, etudes and scales continue during the second module. Lectures are orientated toward interpreting and learning styles with a particular emphasis on the individuality of each student. Learning scores by heart, working on a formal-structural analysis of the selected compositions. Lectures are held by the professor. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for mutual performing, processing artistic problems on actual pieces.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFFL8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Work on tonal practice, etudes and scales continue during the second module. Lectures are orientated toward interpreting and learning styles with a particular emphasis on the individuality of each student. Learning scores by heart, working on a formal-structural analysis of the selected compositions. Lectures are held by the professor. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for mutual performing, processing artistic problems on actual pieces.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of flute playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. Work on tonal practice, etudes and scales continue during the second module. Lectures are orientated toward interpreting and learning styles with a particular emphasis on the individuality of each student. Learning scores by heart, working on a formal-structural analysis of the selected compositions. Lectures are held by the professor. Practice lessons are held by an associate. Within practice students are trained for mutual performing, processing artistic problems on actual pieces.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: ODKB1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Mastering the knowledge and skill of playing on the piano according to the construction of a professional educated person in the profession.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the student's studies, mastering the performance skills is expected, knowledge of the expressive possibilities of piano sound gained through the work on the literature of various epochs, the combination of theoretical knowledge with the practical, the use of the instrument in accordance with the requirements of the study program.
Mastering the knowledge and skill of playing on the piano according to the construction of a professional educated person in the profession.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the student's studies, mastering the performance skills is expected, knowledge of the expressive possibilities of piano sound gained through the work on the literature of various epochs, the combination of theoretical knowledge with the practical, the use of the instrument in accordance with the requirements of the study program.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OEDN1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Training a student to work in the orchestra, acquiring the necessary knowledge for fast and accurate reading of the scores and a meticulous introduction of sections of significant works of symphonic literature. Mastering the technique for quick and accurate reading the music text without prior preparation, through a studious introduction to significant works of symphonic literature from different epochs. The curriculum and program of this course are closely related to the work of the FoM Symphony Orchestra during the year and the program units are coordinated with each other, for the purpose of both necessary communication and actions, with the aim of better and (for students) more useful realization of public performances during year. Methods of teaching: Joint theoretical practical lectures for all violin students (from all study years) are performed in order to introduce students not only to their own group, but also to other violin groups, in purpose of creating habits of joint work, maintaining the necessary discipline during the rehearsal, intonational harmonization, stylistic uniformity and common act of performance of artistic work and constant psychic and performing communication among performers and instruments. Practice is performed separately in Orchestra groups- first and second violins. At the practice selected topics are analyzed: position of fingers, bow direction and phrasing. Lecturer insists on the tone and intonation uniformity within the group, identical articulation and dynamic shading. In addition to the programs that are performed at the concerts of the FoM Symphony Orchestra, during the semester students are working on more important sections from the symphonic and opera literature.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills - in the fields of artistic expression, playing in the orchestra, practicing and participation at the rehearsals, public performance, theoretical knowledge - analyzing, knowing and understanding the repertoire and the context of the composition, developing communication skills.
Training a student to work in the orchestra, acquiring the necessary knowledge for fast and accurate reading of the scores and a meticulous introduction of sections of significant works of symphonic literature. Mastering the technique for quick and accurate reading the music text without prior preparation, through a studious introduction to significant works of symphonic literature from different epochs. The curriculum and program of this course are closely related to the work of the FoM Symphony Orchestra during the year and the program units are coordinated with each other, for the purpose of both necessary communication and actions, with the aim of better and (for students) more useful realization of public performances during year. Methods of teaching: Joint theoretical practical lectures for all violin students (from all study years) are performed in order to introduce students not only to their own group, but also to other violin groups, in purpose of creating habits of joint work, maintaining the necessary discipline during the rehearsal, intonational harmonization, stylistic uniformity and common act of performance of artistic work and constant psychic and performing communication among performers and instruments. Practice is performed separately in Orchestra groups- first and second violins. At the practice selected topics are analyzed: position of fingers, bow direction and phrasing. Lecturer insists on the tone and intonation uniformity within the group, identical articulation and dynamic shading. In addition to the programs that are performed at the concerts of the FoM Symphony Orchestra, during the semester students are working on more important sections from the symphonic and opera literature.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering practical skills - in the fields of artistic expression, playing in the orchestra, practicing and participation at the rehearsals, public performance, theoretical knowledge - analyzing, knowing and understanding the repertoire and the context of the composition, developing communication skills.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIUD1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIUD2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIUD3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIUD4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIUD5 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIUD6 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIUD7 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIUD8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 12
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensemble as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions. The aim is also to achieve a high professional level through the technical-interpretative production of music literature for percussion and building individuality through the unity of technical and musical element.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIDU1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Students gain the ability for independent artistic activity and performance in various ensembles. Training for working in the orchestra. The direct objective of the course is to master forms and styles of different epochs through the introduction and performance of Orchestra literature for percussions.
Learning outcomes:
Introduction to symphonic, ballet and opera orchestra literature, gaining skills of reading and playing orchestra sections. Use of various instruments in different orchestral compositions. Work on various orchestral materials. At least once, a public appearance is organized, which can also be within the class. Practical lectures. Skillful reading and playing the scores, as well as direct application of learned techniques to specific spots in Orchestra literature. Practical work on orchestra literature with special emphasis on technique and method of performance. Because of the small number of students per year, and due to the economics of teaching and the nature of the subjects that emphasize interpersonal performance communication within the same course, all students of percussion will be integrated due to meticulous work on all curricula units.
Students gain the ability for independent artistic activity and performance in various ensembles. Training for working in the orchestra. The direct objective of the course is to master forms and styles of different epochs through the introduction and performance of Orchestra literature for percussions.
Learning outcomes:
Introduction to symphonic, ballet and opera orchestra literature, gaining skills of reading and playing orchestra sections. Use of various instruments in different orchestral compositions. Work on various orchestral materials. At least once, a public appearance is organized, which can also be within the class. Practical lectures. Skillful reading and playing the scores, as well as direct application of learned techniques to specific spots in Orchestra literature. Practical work on orchestra literature with special emphasis on technique and method of performance. Because of the small number of students per year, and due to the economics of teaching and the nature of the subjects that emphasize interpersonal performance communication within the same course, all students of percussion will be integrated due to meticulous work on all curricula units.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIDU2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Students gain the ability for independent artistic activity and performance in various ensembles. Training for working in the orchestra. The direct objective of the course is to master forms and styles of different epochs through the introduction and performance of Orchestra literature for percussions.
Learning outcomes:
Introduction to symphonic, ballet and opera orchestra literature, gaining skills of reading and playing orchestra sections. Use of various instruments in different orchestral compositions. Work on various orchestral materials. At least once, a public appearance is organized, which can also be within the class. Practical lectures. Skillful reading and playing the scores, as well as direct application of learned techniques to specific spots in Orchestra literature. Practical work on orchestra literature with special emphasis on technique and method of performance. Because of the small number of students per year, and due to the economics of teaching and the nature of the subjects that emphasize interpersonal performance communication within the same course, all students of percussion will be integrated due to meticulous work on all curricula units.
Students gain the ability for independent artistic activity and performance in various ensembles. Training for working in the orchestra. The direct objective of the course is to master forms and styles of different epochs through the introduction and performance of Orchestra literature for percussions.
Learning outcomes:
Introduction to symphonic, ballet and opera orchestra literature, gaining skills of reading and playing orchestra sections. Use of various instruments in different orchestral compositions. Work on various orchestral materials. At least once, a public appearance is organized, which can also be within the class. Practical lectures. Skillful reading and playing the scores, as well as direct application of learned techniques to specific spots in Orchestra literature. Practical work on orchestra literature with special emphasis on technique and method of performance. Because of the small number of students per year, and due to the economics of teaching and the nature of the subjects that emphasize interpersonal performance communication within the same course, all students of percussion will be integrated due to meticulous work on all curricula units.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIDU3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Students gain the ability for independent artistic activity and performance in various ensembles. Training for working in the orchestra. The direct objective of the course is to master forms and styles of different epochs through the introduction and performance of Orchestra literature for percussions.
Learning outcomes:
Introduction to symphonic, ballet and opera orchestra literature, gaining skills of reading and playing orchestra sections. Use of various instruments in different orchestral compositions. Work on various orchestral materials. At least once, a public appearance is organized, which can also be within the class. Practical lectures. Skillful reading and playing the scores, as well as direct application of learned techniques to specific spots in Orchestra literature. Practical work on orchestra literature with special emphasis on technique and method of performance. Because of the small number of students per year, and due to the economics of teaching and the nature of the subjects that emphasize interpersonal performance communication within the same course, all students of percussion will be integrated due to meticulous work on all curricula units.
Students gain the ability for independent artistic activity and performance in various ensembles. Training for working in the orchestra. The direct objective of the course is to master forms and styles of different epochs through the introduction and performance of Orchestra literature for percussions.
Learning outcomes:
Introduction to symphonic, ballet and opera orchestra literature, gaining skills of reading and playing orchestra sections. Use of various instruments in different orchestral compositions. Work on various orchestral materials. At least once, a public appearance is organized, which can also be within the class. Practical lectures. Skillful reading and playing the scores, as well as direct application of learned techniques to specific spots in Orchestra literature. Practical work on orchestra literature with special emphasis on technique and method of performance. Because of the small number of students per year, and due to the economics of teaching and the nature of the subjects that emphasize interpersonal performance communication within the same course, all students of percussion will be integrated due to meticulous work on all curricula units.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIDU4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Students gain the ability for independent artistic activity and performance in various ensembles. Training for working in the orchestra. The direct objective of the course is to master forms and styles of different epochs through the introduction and performance of Orchestra literature for percussions.
Learning outcomes:
Introduction to symphonic, ballet and opera orchestra literature, gaining skills of reading and playing orchestra sections. Use of various instruments in different orchestral compositions. Work on various orchestral materials. At least once, a public appearance is organized, which can also be within the class. Practical lectures. Skillful reading and playing the scores, as well as direct application of learned techniques to specific spots in Orchestra literature. Practical work on orchestra literature with special emphasis on technique and method of performance. Because of the small number of students per year, and due to the economics of teaching and the nature of the subjects that emphasize interpersonal performance communication within the same course, all students of percussion will be integrated due to meticulous work on all curricula units
Students gain the ability for independent artistic activity and performance in various ensembles. Training for working in the orchestra. The direct objective of the course is to master forms and styles of different epochs through the introduction and performance of Orchestra literature for percussions.
Learning outcomes:
Introduction to symphonic, ballet and opera orchestra literature, gaining skills of reading and playing orchestra sections. Use of various instruments in different orchestral compositions. Work on various orchestral materials. At least once, a public appearance is organized, which can also be within the class. Practical lectures. Skillful reading and playing the scores, as well as direct application of learned techniques to specific spots in Orchestra literature. Practical work on orchestra literature with special emphasis on technique and method of performance. Because of the small number of students per year, and due to the economics of teaching and the nature of the subjects that emphasize interpersonal performance communication within the same course, all students of percussion will be integrated due to meticulous work on all curricula units
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIMU1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Meticulous mastering of the acquisition of knowledge from the artistic field of percussion and the practical application of acquired experiences in artistic and pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Methodological and pedagogical processing of literature for membrane, melodic and rhythmic percussion. During fifteen weeks the material is processed on selected examples through the discovery of answers and conclusions by practical application and the use of acquired knowledge: instrument - history and role, student approach - motivation for learning, beginning of playing - technique of setting hands depending on instrument type, Membranophone literature, melodic and rhythmic percussion.
Meticulous mastering of the acquisition of knowledge from the artistic field of percussion and the practical application of acquired experiences in artistic and pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Methodological and pedagogical processing of literature for membrane, melodic and rhythmic percussion. During fifteen weeks the material is processed on selected examples through the discovery of answers and conclusions by practical application and the use of acquired knowledge: instrument - history and role, student approach - motivation for learning, beginning of playing - technique of setting hands depending on instrument type, Membranophone literature, melodic and rhythmic percussion.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIMU2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Meticulous mastering of the acquisition of knowledge from the artistic field of percussion and the practical application of acquired experiences in artistic and pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Methodological and pedagogical processing of literature for membrane, melodic and rhythmic percussion. During fifteen weeks the material is processed on selected examples through the discovery of answers and conclusions by practical application and the use of acquired knowledge: instrument - history and role, student approach - motivation for learning, beginning of playing - technique of setting hands depending on instrument type, Membranophone literature, melodic and rhythmic percussion.
Meticulous mastering of the acquisition of knowledge from the artistic field of percussion and the practical application of acquired experiences in artistic and pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Methodological and pedagogical processing of literature for membrane, melodic and rhythmic percussion. During fifteen weeks the material is processed on selected examples through the discovery of answers and conclusions by practical application and the use of acquired knowledge: instrument - history and role, student approach - motivation for learning, beginning of playing - technique of setting hands depending on instrument type, Membranophone literature, melodic and rhythmic percussion.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIMU3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Meticulous mastering of the acquisition of knowledge from the artistic field of percussion and the practical application of acquired experiences in artistic and pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Methodological and pedagogical processing of literature for membrane, melodic and rhythmic percussion. During fifteen weeks the material is processed on selected examples through the discovery of answers and conclusions by practical application and the use of acquired knowledge: instrument - history and role, student approach - motivation for learning, beginning of playing - technique of setting hands depending on instrument type, Membranophone literature, melodic and rhythmic percussion.
Meticulous mastering of the acquisition of knowledge from the artistic field of percussion and the practical application of acquired experiences in artistic and pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Methodological and pedagogical processing of literature for membrane, melodic and rhythmic percussion. During fifteen weeks the material is processed on selected examples through the discovery of answers and conclusions by practical application and the use of acquired knowledge: instrument - history and role, student approach - motivation for learning, beginning of playing - technique of setting hands depending on instrument type, Membranophone literature, melodic and rhythmic percussion.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OIMU4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Meticulous mastering of the acquisition of knowledge from the artistic field of percussion and the practical application of acquired experiences in artistic and pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Methodological and pedagogical processing of literature for membrane, melodic and rhythmic percussion. During fifteen weeks the material is processed on selected examples through the discovery of answers and conclusions by practical application and the use of acquired knowledge: instrument - history and role, student approach - motivation for learning, beginning of playing - technique of setting hands depending on instrument type, Membranophone literature, melodic and rhythmic percussion.
Meticulous mastering of the acquisition of knowledge from the artistic field of percussion and the practical application of acquired experiences in artistic and pedagogical work.
Learning outcomes:
Methodological and pedagogical processing of literature for membrane, melodic and rhythmic percussion. During fifteen weeks the material is processed on selected examples through the discovery of answers and conclusions by practical application and the use of acquired knowledge: instrument - history and role, student approach - motivation for learning, beginning of playing - technique of setting hands depending on instrument type, Membranophone literature, melodic and rhythmic percussion.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFOB1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFOB2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFOB3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFOB4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFOB5 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFOB6 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFOB7 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFOB8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
The aim of the course is primarily to master the technique of oboe playing through interpretative and artistic work on literature, through different stylistic epochs. Students gain the capacity for independent artistic activity and participation in the work of the ensembles as well as the ability for pedagogical and creative work in music schools, general education schools and cultural institutions.
Learning outcomes:
Students master practical skills (in the fields of artistic expression, playing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and playing at rehearsals), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the music piece), and gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness and communication skills.
Entry requirements: Students have to submit the recording of his/ her performance.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OULPS1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Gaining basic psychological knowledge in the field of ability, motivation, and personality. Acquiring knowledge about basic approaches to psychological study of music (psychometric, cognitive, developmental, social psychological). Understanding basic psychological principles within receptive, performing and creative musical activities and psychological aspects of musical skills.
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge of basic psychological terms and concepts of psychology of music. Understanding and applying psychological principles in the framework of their own musical activities (performance and creation) and in the practice of music education. Development of critical thinking and ability to evaluate music experiences.
Gaining basic psychological knowledge in the field of ability, motivation, and personality. Acquiring knowledge about basic approaches to psychological study of music (psychometric, cognitive, developmental, social psychological). Understanding basic psychological principles within receptive, performing and creative musical activities and psychological aspects of musical skills.
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge of basic psychological terms and concepts of psychology of music. Understanding and applying psychological principles in the framework of their own musical activities (performance and creation) and in the practice of music education. Development of critical thinking and ability to evaluate music experiences.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OBPD1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
The aim of the subject is to read the score and to tidy up its essential elements in order to gain the impression of the artistic qualities of the work. The subject is designed in such a way that by continuous work and by playing a large number of examples, the student acquires in the shortest time all the essential elements of the artwork. In the first semester, the student is introduced to playing old keys and classical string quartets, and in the second semester, through practical introduction to the transpositions of wind instruments and the basics of the orchestra of the classical little symphony orchestra, the student is able to perform the score of a small symphony orchestra.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to screen important elements of the score in the shortest possible time and to get to know the artistic qualities of the work and as a composer or music theoretician, the student will be able to analyze the compositional procedures and stylistic characteristics of the composition. Student compositions of playing scores also enable him to gain insight into the artistic musical heritage of the world and to create his own music based on this knowledge.
The aim of the subject is to read the score and to tidy up its essential elements in order to gain the impression of the artistic qualities of the work. The subject is designed in such a way that by continuous work and by playing a large number of examples, the student acquires in the shortest time all the essential elements of the artwork. In the first semester, the student is introduced to playing old keys and classical string quartets, and in the second semester, through practical introduction to the transpositions of wind instruments and the basics of the orchestra of the classical little symphony orchestra, the student is able to perform the score of a small symphony orchestra.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to screen important elements of the score in the shortest possible time and to get to know the artistic qualities of the work and as a composer or music theoretician, the student will be able to analyze the compositional procedures and stylistic characteristics of the composition. Student compositions of playing scores also enable him to gain insight into the artistic musical heritage of the world and to create his own music based on this knowledge.
Entry requirements: Students have to send the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OBPD2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
The aim of the course is to read the score and to analyze its essential elements in an effort to gain an impression of the artistic qualities of the work, as part of the preparation for working with different ensembles. The subject is designed in such a way that by continuous work and by playing a large number of examples, the student acquires in the shortest time all the essential elements of the artwork. In the first semester, the student becomes acquainted with the symphony of the classical epoch. In the second semester, the student becomes acquainted with the use of a small symphony orchestra in early romantics and with the playing and singing of operatic songs from the piano excerpt.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to screen important elements of the score in the shortest possible time and to learn the artistic qualities of the works and to be able to analyze the compositional procedures and stylistic characteristics of the composition as a conductor with the aim of more efficient work with choral, orchestral and vocal-instrumental ensembles in preparing the work for its performance.
The aim of the course is to read the score and to analyze its essential elements in an effort to gain an impression of the artistic qualities of the work, as part of the preparation for working with different ensembles. The subject is designed in such a way that by continuous work and by playing a large number of examples, the student acquires in the shortest time all the essential elements of the artwork. In the first semester, the student becomes acquainted with the symphony of the classical epoch. In the second semester, the student becomes acquainted with the use of a small symphony orchestra in early romantics and with the playing and singing of operatic songs from the piano excerpt.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to screen important elements of the score in the shortest possible time and to learn the artistic qualities of the works and to be able to analyze the compositional procedures and stylistic characteristics of the composition as a conductor with the aim of more efficient work with choral, orchestral and vocal-instrumental ensembles in preparing the work for its performance.
Entry requirements: Students have to send the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OBPD3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
The aim of the course is to read the score and to analyze its essential elements in an effort to gain an impression of the artistic qualities of the work, as part of the preparation for working with different ensembles. The subject is designed in such a way that by continuous work and by playing a large number of examples, the student acquires in the shortest time all the essential elements of the artwork. In the first semester, symphonic examples composed for the great romantic symphony orchestra are played. The student becomes acquainted with the basics of instrumentation for the big symphony orchestra. In the second semester, the student is also acquainted with playing and singing a romantic opera from a vocal score.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to screen important elements of the score in the shortest possible time and to learn the artistic qualities of the works and to be able to analyze the compositional procedures and stylistic characteristics of the composition as a conductor with the aim of more efficient work with choral, orchestral and vocal-instrumental ensembles in preparing the work for its performance.
The aim of the course is to read the score and to analyze its essential elements in an effort to gain an impression of the artistic qualities of the work, as part of the preparation for working with different ensembles. The subject is designed in such a way that by continuous work and by playing a large number of examples, the student acquires in the shortest time all the essential elements of the artwork. In the first semester, symphonic examples composed for the great romantic symphony orchestra are played. The student becomes acquainted with the basics of instrumentation for the big symphony orchestra. In the second semester, the student is also acquainted with playing and singing a romantic opera from a vocal score.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to screen important elements of the score in the shortest possible time and to learn the artistic qualities of the works and to be able to analyze the compositional procedures and stylistic characteristics of the composition as a conductor with the aim of more efficient work with choral, orchestral and vocal-instrumental ensembles in preparing the work for its performance.
Entry requirements: Students have to send the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OBPD4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
The aim of the course is to read the score and to analyze its essential elements in an effort to gain an impression of the artistic qualities of the work, as part of the preparation for working with different ensembles. The subject is designed in such a way that by continuous work and by playing a large number of examples, the student acquires in the shortest time all the essential elements of the artwork. In the first semester, symphonic examples composed for the great romantic symphony orchestra are played. The student becomes acquainted with the basics of instrumentation for the big symphony orchestra. In the second semester, the student is also acquainted with playing and singing a romantic opera from a vocal score.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to screen important elements of the score in the shortest possible time and to learn the artistic qualities of the works and to be able to analyze the compositional procedures and stylistic characteristics of the composition as a conductor with the aim of more efficient work with choral, orchestral and vocal-instrumental ensembles in preparing the work for its performance.
The aim of the course is to read the score and to analyze its essential elements in an effort to gain an impression of the artistic qualities of the work, as part of the preparation for working with different ensembles. The subject is designed in such a way that by continuous work and by playing a large number of examples, the student acquires in the shortest time all the essential elements of the artwork. In the first semester, symphonic examples composed for the great romantic symphony orchestra are played. The student becomes acquainted with the basics of instrumentation for the big symphony orchestra. In the second semester, the student is also acquainted with playing and singing a romantic opera from a vocal score.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to screen important elements of the score in the shortest possible time and to learn the artistic qualities of the works and to be able to analyze the compositional procedures and stylistic characteristics of the composition as a conductor with the aim of more efficient work with choral, orchestral and vocal-instrumental ensembles in preparing the work for its performance.
Entry requirements: Students have to send the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OFDD1, OFDD2, OFDD3, OFDD4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Mastering theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the areas of artistic expression, playing in symphonic and opera orchestras, public appearances, practicing and participation at rehearsals, theoretical knowledge and understanding the repertoire and the stylistic and performing context of the work.
Learning outcomes:
Training students to independently (and with a wide knowledge of literature for their instrument) attend auditions in orchestras and perform as professional flutists, oboists, clarinetists and bassoonists in the symphony, opera or chamber orchestra, and to teach related subjects in schools (Sight reading, Orchestral parts). Psychological understanding of performing arts, acquisition of critical awareness and the art of mutual artistic and psychological communication during rehearsals and concerts, performances and other public appearances.
Mastering theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the areas of artistic expression, playing in symphonic and opera orchestras, public appearances, practicing and participation at rehearsals, theoretical knowledge and understanding the repertoire and the stylistic and performing context of the work.
Learning outcomes:
Training students to independently (and with a wide knowledge of literature for their instrument) attend auditions in orchestras and perform as professional flutists, oboists, clarinetists and bassoonists in the symphony, opera or chamber orchestra, and to teach related subjects in schools (Sight reading, Orchestral parts). Psychological understanding of performing arts, acquisition of critical awareness and the art of mutual artistic and psychological communication during rehearsals and concerts, performances and other public appearances.
Entry requirements: Students have to send the recording of his/ her performance
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Science of Music
Code: OGNR1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
The course on Serbian music up to 1914. Includes mapping the basic political, social, cultural and artistic mechanisms and consideration, within that framework, of Serbian music from the aspect of creative output and performance. Serbian music romanticism is also considered from the theory of style aspect based on the music discourse defined by semiotics, in intertextual relations with European music romanticism(s), bearing in mind the institutional music life network.
Learning outcomes:
Attending the course about Serbian 19th century music should enable student to look into music production and performance in Serbia and geographical regions populated with Serbian population in 19th century from historical, analytical, cultural aspects, and to express the results of their study in a written paper or oral presentation.
The course on Serbian music up to 1914. Includes mapping the basic political, social, cultural and artistic mechanisms and consideration, within that framework, of Serbian music from the aspect of creative output and performance. Serbian music romanticism is also considered from the theory of style aspect based on the music discourse defined by semiotics, in intertextual relations with European music romanticism(s), bearing in mind the institutional music life network.
Learning outcomes:
Attending the course about Serbian 19th century music should enable student to look into music production and performance in Serbia and geographical regions populated with Serbian population in 19th century from historical, analytical, cultural aspects, and to express the results of their study in a written paper or oral presentation.
Entry requirements: nglish language – B2 level
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Science of Music
Code: OGOK1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Course objective is obtaining knowledge, understanding of historical processes, key phenomena and distinctiveness of early classic music. Developing capacities for creative application of acquired knowledge and qualifying for analytic and synthetic insights to the material. The emphasis is on the interpretative teaching model which favors understanding and creative approach to the material. Early classicism: historical, social and cultural context. The Age of Enlightenment and music. Early music classicism: inspiration, reason, enthusiasm and rules. Early classicism: transition or independent style? Rococo, emotional style, Sturm un Drang, Galant style. Early classic “schools”: Manheim, Vienna, Berlin, Hamburg. Early classicism in Italy and France. Establishment of instrumental music genres: symphony, concert, chamber music. Vocal-instrumental music, opera.
Learning outcomes:
Upon finishing the module students are expected to show capability to put to practice historical, analytical, theoretical and critical knowledge on early classicism music practice. Students will be enabled to apply the terminology specific for the epoch of early classicism and for critical understanding of the phenomena relevant for the development of the music practice in this period.
Course objective is obtaining knowledge, understanding of historical processes, key phenomena and distinctiveness of early classic music. Developing capacities for creative application of acquired knowledge and qualifying for analytic and synthetic insights to the material. The emphasis is on the interpretative teaching model which favors understanding and creative approach to the material. Early classicism: historical, social and cultural context. The Age of Enlightenment and music. Early music classicism: inspiration, reason, enthusiasm and rules. Early classicism: transition or independent style? Rococo, emotional style, Sturm un Drang, Galant style. Early classic “schools”: Manheim, Vienna, Berlin, Hamburg. Early classicism in Italy and France. Establishment of instrumental music genres: symphony, concert, chamber music. Vocal-instrumental music, opera.
Learning outcomes:
Upon finishing the module students are expected to show capability to put to practice historical, analytical, theoretical and critical knowledge on early classicism music practice. Students will be enabled to apply the terminology specific for the epoch of early classicism and for critical understanding of the phenomena relevant for the development of the music practice in this period.
Entry requirements: English language – B2 level
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Science of Music
Code: OGNI1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Adoption of the basic principles of scientific editions. Collection and study of relevant sources, selection and preparation of articles for publication. Through theoretical and practical work on the preparation of the edition, students will be introduced to the types of editing (critical, scientific, academic editing), the conditions for publication of manuscripts and the necessary properties of academic editions that include accuracy, credibility, accuracy, consistency and transparency.
Learning outcomes:
Building and developing skills for editing scientific publications. Adoption of all elements in the process of preparing scientific editions for publishing, from collecting texts, through their selection, to prepress for the press.
Adoption of the basic principles of scientific editions. Collection and study of relevant sources, selection and preparation of articles for publication. Through theoretical and practical work on the preparation of the edition, students will be introduced to the types of editing (critical, scientific, academic editing), the conditions for publication of manuscripts and the necessary properties of academic editions that include accuracy, credibility, accuracy, consistency and transparency.
Learning outcomes:
Building and developing skills for editing scientific publications. Adoption of all elements in the process of preparing scientific editions for publishing, from collecting texts, through their selection, to prepress for the press.
Entry requirements: English language – B2 level
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Science of Music
Code: OJET1 , OJET 2, OJET 3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
The course topics are historical precursors and scientific development of Ethnology and Anthropology as a science with a special consideration of the basic foundations of the ethnology of Balkan societies. In the first semester, the course examines the basic development of Anglo-Saxon ethnological theories as well as the historical development of Serbian ethnology. Within the framework of the discussion on the history of Serbian ethnology, special attention is paid to the issue of the origin of the population and the settlement of the Balkan Peninsula. In the second semester, the course examines the basic characteristics of social structure and the material culture of the Balkan societies. Within these units, students will have the opportunity to find out about main social institutions that represent the basis of the development of the Balkan patriarchal culture, such as economy, family relations and customary law. These units will introduce students to the aspects of material folk creation. The focus is on traditional architecture and folk costume.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students will acquire basic knowledge related to the development of Ethnology and Anthropology as a science in various academic traditions. In addition to the basic knowledge of precursors and beginnings of scientific discipline, students will gain an understanding of basic social, cultural and historical processes that have contributed to the creation of Balkan social and material culture.
The course topics are historical precursors and scientific development of Ethnology and Anthropology as a science with a special consideration of the basic foundations of the ethnology of Balkan societies. In the first semester, the course examines the basic development of Anglo-Saxon ethnological theories as well as the historical development of Serbian ethnology. Within the framework of the discussion on the history of Serbian ethnology, special attention is paid to the issue of the origin of the population and the settlement of the Balkan Peninsula. In the second semester, the course examines the basic characteristics of social structure and the material culture of the Balkan societies. Within these units, students will have the opportunity to find out about main social institutions that represent the basis of the development of the Balkan patriarchal culture, such as economy, family relations and customary law. These units will introduce students to the aspects of material folk creation. The focus is on traditional architecture and folk costume.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students will acquire basic knowledge related to the development of Ethnology and Anthropology as a science in various academic traditions. In addition to the basic knowledge of precursors and beginnings of scientific discipline, students will gain an understanding of basic social, cultural and historical processes that have contributed to the creation of Balkan social and material culture.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Science of Music
Code: OJNI1, OJNI2, OJNI3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Acquiring basic knowledge of national aerophon instruments: simple, type of folk flute and folk clarinet.
Learning outcomes:
Acquiring insights into the characteristics of instrumental music on aerofonics instruments: simple, types of folk flutes and folk clarinets.
Acquiring basic knowledge of national aerophon instruments: simple, type of folk flute and folk clarinet.
Learning outcomes:
Acquiring insights into the characteristics of instrumental music on aerofonics instruments: simple, types of folk flutes and folk clarinets.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Science of Music
Code: OJNK1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Introduction with the development of some specific genres and phenomena in Serbian popular music from the last quarter of 19th century. Common principles and characteristics of the genres, as well as methods of approaching and analysis.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding of history and development of popular music genres processed, their relation relative to traditional music, especially of urban provenience, as well as musical consequences of the globalization.
Introduction with the development of some specific genres and phenomena in Serbian popular music from the last quarter of 19th century. Common principles and characteristics of the genres, as well as methods of approaching and analysis.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding of history and development of popular music genres processed, their relation relative to traditional music, especially of urban provenience, as well as musical consequences of the globalization.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Science of Music
Code: OJNK1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Introduction with the development of some specific genres and phenomena in Serbian popular music from the last quarter of 19th century. Common principles and characteristics of the genres, as well as methods of approaching and analysis.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding of history and development of popular music genres processed, their relation relative to traditional music, especially of urban provenience, as well as musical consequences of the globalization.
Introduction with the development of some specific genres and phenomena in Serbian popular music from the last quarter of 19th century. Common principles and characteristics of the genres, as well as methods of approaching and analysis.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding of history and development of popular music genres processed, their relation relative to traditional music, especially of urban provenience, as well as musical consequences of the globalization.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Composition
Code: OASM1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Course description: Introducing the concept of music production, the differences between music recording and sound recording. Three stages of music production: pre-production, studio production and post-production. The role of the music producer. Studio production: recording, recording and mixing. Instrument sound components from the aspect of music production Technical characteristics and use of studio technique: Microphones Microphone placement as a creative process – the role of the music producer Remote microphone placement, obtaining a natural sound.
Learning outcomes:
The student acquired basic knowledge about the process of music production as a set of procedures by which the artistic message of the composer and the interpretation of the performer are transferred in the best way to a recording of a piece of music. Student is able to record the performance elements that correspond to the task at each stage of the recording and is encouraged to incorporate his interpretation of the musical piece into the final sound image and thereby complete the role of the music producer as a co-author.
Course description: Introducing the concept of music production, the differences between music recording and sound recording. Three stages of music production: pre-production, studio production and post-production. The role of the music producer. Studio production: recording, recording and mixing. Instrument sound components from the aspect of music production Technical characteristics and use of studio technique: Microphones Microphone placement as a creative process – the role of the music producer Remote microphone placement, obtaining a natural sound.
Learning outcomes:
The student acquired basic knowledge about the process of music production as a set of procedures by which the artistic message of the composer and the interpretation of the performer are transferred in the best way to a recording of a piece of music. Student is able to record the performance elements that correspond to the task at each stage of the recording and is encouraged to incorporate his interpretation of the musical piece into the final sound image and thereby complete the role of the music producer as a co-author.
Entry requirements: B2 English Language
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Science of Music
Code: OLMM1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Media theory. Applied music. Journalistic forms. Types of broadcasts on radio and television. Musical dramaturgy. Dramaturgy of the music show. Media as a space for popularizing music. Artistic forms of music in the media – radio, televised opera, televised ballet, video dance, video. Connecting music with literary, poetic and documentary content. Establishing the relationship between auditory and visual plans. Exercises in writing journalistic forms. Exercises in shaping radio and television shows. Attending the recording of TV shows in RTS. Analysis of examples from domestic and foreign radio and television programs.
Learning outcomes:
Acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of media theory, knowledge of the place of music in the media, knowledge of different types of media "reading" and determination of the creative space of musicians in the media.
Media theory. Applied music. Journalistic forms. Types of broadcasts on radio and television. Musical dramaturgy. Dramaturgy of the music show. Media as a space for popularizing music. Artistic forms of music in the media – radio, televised opera, televised ballet, video dance, video. Connecting music with literary, poetic and documentary content. Establishing the relationship between auditory and visual plans. Exercises in writing journalistic forms. Exercises in shaping radio and television shows. Attending the recording of TV shows in RTS. Analysis of examples from domestic and foreign radio and television programs.
Learning outcomes:
Acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of media theory, knowledge of the place of music in the media, knowledge of different types of media "reading" and determination of the creative space of musicians in the media.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Science of Music
Code: OLIM1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
a) To create a harmony between singing and piano accompaniment as tools for music interpretation
b) To harmonize music by ear
c) To transpose, to create children's songs with the aim to educate children
d) To perform songs with the piano accompaniment
e) To perform in public.
Learning outcomes:
To use the piano unrestrictedly as a support to own and other's singing by ear and score.
To be able to reduce the piano part by keeping the harmonic progression.
To make a script to integrate students songs within the stage piece to be perform in public.
a) To create a harmony between singing and piano accompaniment as tools for music interpretation
b) To harmonize music by ear
c) To transpose, to create children's songs with the aim to educate children
d) To perform songs with the piano accompaniment
e) To perform in public.
Learning outcomes:
To use the piano unrestrictedly as a support to own and other's singing by ear and score.
To be able to reduce the piano part by keeping the harmonic progression.
To make a script to integrate students songs within the stage piece to be perform in public.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Artist Books and Artistic Publications
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Visual Communications
Code: 22М003 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Olivera Batajić Sretenović
Historical development of artistic publications. Classification of artist publications. Fairs of artist publications. Independent publishing houses. Authors of artist publications. Working concepts. Visual representations and visual narration. Research of borders of an artist publication. Structures and forms. Interactive elements. Formatting of publications with special requirements. The elements of art publications. Presentation and promotion of the work. Realization of a work based on one's own idea and writing an essay on the topic of artists engaged in these types of publications or on the topic of independent publishers or individual works.
Learning outcomes:
Students know the historical development of artist publications and connect them with the social context in which they were published. Based on the creation of their individual artistic concept, visualization, and verbalization of personal ideas, or some written work, students publish their individual artist publications.
Historical development of artistic publications. Classification of artist publications. Fairs of artist publications. Independent publishing houses. Authors of artist publications. Working concepts. Visual representations and visual narration. Research of borders of an artist publication. Structures and forms. Interactive elements. Formatting of publications with special requirements. The elements of art publications. Presentation and promotion of the work. Realization of a work based on one's own idea and writing an essay on the topic of artists engaged in these types of publications or on the topic of independent publishers or individual works.
Learning outcomes:
Students know the historical development of artist publications and connect them with the social context in which they were published. Based on the creation of their individual artistic concept, visualization, and verbalization of personal ideas, or some written work, students publish their individual artist publications.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of desktop publishing programs, typography, and book design.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Publication Design
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design
Code: 22О068 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Olivera Batajić Sretenović
Presentation of different types of publications. Basic typographical rules. Typographic hierarchy and page structure. Stylistic consistency. Graphic elements and their mutual relations. Terminology. Communication with the client. Finalization and product presentation processes. Forming a portfolio. Realization of practical project tasks and publications of different types.
Learning outcomes:
Students are familiar with graphic elements of the publication and successfully combine them, respecting the graphic rules. They can graphically shape the publication in appropriate computer programs and independently control the process of its finalization.
Presentation of different types of publications. Basic typographical rules. Typographic hierarchy and page structure. Stylistic consistency. Graphic elements and their mutual relations. Terminology. Communication with the client. Finalization and product presentation processes. Forming a portfolio. Realization of practical project tasks and publications of different types.
Learning outcomes:
Students are familiar with graphic elements of the publication and successfully combine them, respecting the graphic rules. They can graphically shape the publication in appropriate computer programs and independently control the process of its finalization.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of desktop publishing programs.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Analysis in Product Design 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Industrial Design)
Code: 22О019 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Vladimir Zagorac
Introduction to the process of analysis of existing designed objects to acquire basic knowledge about the structural requirements of products. Learning the basic techniques of creating 3D and 2D representations of designed objects on a computer using CAD and graphic software. Introduction to the basics of technical drawing, visualization, and 3D and 2D presentation of industrial products.
Learning outcomes:
Students are familiar with the basic formal and technical requirements that affect the structure and external appearance of designed products. Students are able to analyze an existing object of use and further explore a simple design solution through 3D and 2D digital media. They have acquired basic knowledge and presentation skills to depict a design solution in digital and printed form.
Introduction to the process of analysis of existing designed objects to acquire basic knowledge about the structural requirements of products. Learning the basic techniques of creating 3D and 2D representations of designed objects on a computer using CAD and graphic software. Introduction to the basics of technical drawing, visualization, and 3D and 2D presentation of industrial products.
Learning outcomes:
Students are familiar with the basic formal and technical requirements that affect the structure and external appearance of designed products. Students are able to analyze an existing object of use and further explore a simple design solution through 3D and 2D digital media. They have acquired basic knowledge and presentation skills to depict a design solution in digital and printed form.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Analysis in Product Design 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Industrial Design)
Code: 22О020 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Vladimir Zagorac
Developing analytical thinking about existing designed objects of use and expanding the knowledge about structural requirements of industrial products through analysis of function. Further developing 3D and 2D presentation skills of depicting designed objects on a computer using advanced capabilities of CAD and graphic software. Expanding the knowledge of technical drawing, learning new methods of visualization, and presentation of 3D and 2D depictions of industrial products.
Learning outcomes:
Students have developed their knowledge of formal and functional requirements that affect the structure and external appearance of designed products. They are capable of independently and thoroughly analyzing an existing product and further research and development of design solutions through 3D and 2D digital media. They have acquired deeper knowledge and skills needed to explain and present the design solution in a visually rich manner in digital and printed form.
Developing analytical thinking about existing designed objects of use and expanding the knowledge about structural requirements of industrial products through analysis of function. Further developing 3D and 2D presentation skills of depicting designed objects on a computer using advanced capabilities of CAD and graphic software. Expanding the knowledge of technical drawing, learning new methods of visualization, and presentation of 3D and 2D depictions of industrial products.
Learning outcomes:
Students have developed their knowledge of formal and functional requirements that affect the structure and external appearance of designed products. They are capable of independently and thoroughly analyzing an existing product and further research and development of design solutions through 3D and 2D digital media. They have acquired deeper knowledge and skills needed to explain and present the design solution in a visually rich manner in digital and printed form.
Entry requirements: Analysis in Product Design 1 passed
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Materials Knowledge 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art, Design, Conservation and Restoration
Code: 22О241 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Irena Živković
METAL MATERIALS. Concept and importance of material science and engineering in artistic, design and conservation-restoration practices. Classification of materials according to the type of chemical bond and material tetrahedron. Atomic structure of materials. Color as a material element of painting. Nanostructure and microstructure of metallic materials. Dependence of the structure and properties of metallic materials. Properties of metallic materials. Technological characteristics and processes of metal processing. Metal processing by casting. Metal processing without casting. Welding and mechanical processing. Types and methods of protection of metal materials. Application of metallic materials. Classification of metallic materials. Non-ferrous metals and alloys. Aluminum and aluminum alloys. Copper and copper alloys. Titanium. Magnesium and magnesium alloys. Precious metals. Nickel. Superalloys. Carbon steels. Alloy steels. Cast iron. Metallic pigments. Metal plates as carriers of painting.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire basic knowledge about the structure and properties of metal materials. They know the technological characteristics and processing of metal materials, the technological development of products and materials for professional interventions, with the merging of tradition and experimentation with new materials. With the help of knowledge of metal materials used in art, design and conservation and restoration, students are able to predict independently the optimal selection of metal materials.
METAL MATERIALS. Concept and importance of material science and engineering in artistic, design and conservation-restoration practices. Classification of materials according to the type of chemical bond and material tetrahedron. Atomic structure of materials. Color as a material element of painting. Nanostructure and microstructure of metallic materials. Dependence of the structure and properties of metallic materials. Properties of metallic materials. Technological characteristics and processes of metal processing. Metal processing by casting. Metal processing without casting. Welding and mechanical processing. Types and methods of protection of metal materials. Application of metallic materials. Classification of metallic materials. Non-ferrous metals and alloys. Aluminum and aluminum alloys. Copper and copper alloys. Titanium. Magnesium and magnesium alloys. Precious metals. Nickel. Superalloys. Carbon steels. Alloy steels. Cast iron. Metallic pigments. Metal plates as carriers of painting.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire basic knowledge about the structure and properties of metal materials. They know the technological characteristics and processing of metal materials, the technological development of products and materials for professional interventions, with the merging of tradition and experimentation with new materials. With the help of knowledge of metal materials used in art, design and conservation and restoration, students are able to predict independently the optimal selection of metal materials.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Materials Knowledge 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art, Design, Conservation and Restoration
Code: 22O242 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Irena Živković
CERAMIC MATERIALS. Nanostructure and microstructure of ceramic materials. Dependence of the structure and properties of ceramic materials. Properties of ceramic materials. Technological stages of ceramic production and drying and firing processes. Technological characteristics and processing of ceramic materials. Classification of ceramic materials.
Minerals and stone. Igneous rocks. Sedimentary rocks. Metamorphic rocks. Stone processing. Technical stone. Decorative stone. Artificial stone. Gemstones. Inorganic pigments. Clay and pottery. Application of clay in painting and sculpture, clay in ceramics. Terracotta, majolica, faience, porcelain. Inorganic glass. Gypsum, plasters, mortars, cements, lime. Types and properties of plaster. Casting plaster and technical characteristics of gypsum products. Application of plaster in painting and sculpture. Binder as a material element of a wall painting. Types of binders according to their origin. Inorganic binders, lime, types of lime. Visit to the Museum of Minerals and Rocks of the Faculty of Mining and Geology of the University of Belgrade.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge about the structure, properties, technological characteristics and processing of ceramic materials, the technological development of products and materials for professional interventions, with the merging of tradition and experimentation with new materials. With the help of knowledge of ceramic materials used in art, design and conservation and restoration, students are able to predict independently the optimal selection of ceramic materials, glass, gems and stones.
CERAMIC MATERIALS. Nanostructure and microstructure of ceramic materials. Dependence of the structure and properties of ceramic materials. Properties of ceramic materials. Technological stages of ceramic production and drying and firing processes. Technological characteristics and processing of ceramic materials. Classification of ceramic materials.
Minerals and stone. Igneous rocks. Sedimentary rocks. Metamorphic rocks. Stone processing. Technical stone. Decorative stone. Artificial stone. Gemstones. Inorganic pigments. Clay and pottery. Application of clay in painting and sculpture, clay in ceramics. Terracotta, majolica, faience, porcelain. Inorganic glass. Gypsum, plasters, mortars, cements, lime. Types and properties of plaster. Casting plaster and technical characteristics of gypsum products. Application of plaster in painting and sculpture. Binder as a material element of a wall painting. Types of binders according to their origin. Inorganic binders, lime, types of lime. Visit to the Museum of Minerals and Rocks of the Faculty of Mining and Geology of the University of Belgrade.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge about the structure, properties, technological characteristics and processing of ceramic materials, the technological development of products and materials for professional interventions, with the merging of tradition and experimentation with new materials. With the help of knowledge of ceramic materials used in art, design and conservation and restoration, students are able to predict independently the optimal selection of ceramic materials, glass, gems and stones.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Line in Printmaking
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Visual Communications, Design, Applied Art, Conservation and Restoration
Code: 22О166 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Gordana Petrović, Mirjana Tomašević, Gabrijela Bulatović
The aim of the course is for students to acquire basic knowledge in classical printmaking techniques, familiarize themselves with the concepts of multi-originals, manual printing and the limited edition of a print. Additional aim is to encourage students to use linear drawing as an important personal signature in traditional hand printing.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the program, students will demonstrate the ability to create printing plate based on their sketches. They will show mastery in hand printing limited editions using both – relief and intaglio printing techniques. Students will master composing by creatively using the linear drawing, focused on techniques that correspond to their personal artistic poetics.
The aim of the course is for students to acquire basic knowledge in classical printmaking techniques, familiarize themselves with the concepts of multi-originals, manual printing and the limited edition of a print. Additional aim is to encourage students to use linear drawing as an important personal signature in traditional hand printing.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the program, students will demonstrate the ability to create printing plate based on their sketches. They will show mastery in hand printing limited editions using both – relief and intaglio printing techniques. Students will master composing by creatively using the linear drawing, focused on techniques that correspond to their personal artistic poetics.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Visual Communications, Design, Applied Art, Conservation and Restoration
Code: 22О050 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Gordana Petrović, Mirjana Tomašević, Gabrijela Bulatović
The aim of the course is for students to acquire basic knowledge in classical, manual printmaking techniques and to familiarize themselves with the concepts of multi-originals. Students will expand and apply knowledge, skills and experience by interpreting elements of arts in artistic ideas trough the techniques of relief and intaglio miniprint.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the study program, student will demonstrate mastery of basic principles of printmaking. They will have gained the ability to individually render and successfully impress a limited edition of a small size print. Students will learn to recognize artistic and aesthetic values as well as expressive possibilities of different printmaking techniques of miniprint.
The aim of the course is for students to acquire basic knowledge in classical, manual printmaking techniques and to familiarize themselves with the concepts of multi-originals. Students will expand and apply knowledge, skills and experience by interpreting elements of arts in artistic ideas trough the techniques of relief and intaglio miniprint.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the study program, student will demonstrate mastery of basic principles of printmaking. They will have gained the ability to individually render and successfully impress a limited edition of a small size print. Students will learn to recognize artistic and aesthetic values as well as expressive possibilities of different printmaking techniques of miniprint.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Animation Basics
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Visual Communications
Code: 22O210 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Iva Ćirić
Students learn the principles of animation, taking the basic exercises and pushing them to the next level, where they gain the knowledge and skills needed to create the illusion of motion of objects, atmospheric phenomena and visual effects.
Learning outcomes:
Students will have a solid understanding of the principles of animation and how to apply them to their own animation projects. And finally, chose the techniques according to their own poetics and art inclinations.
Students learn the principles of animation, taking the basic exercises and pushing them to the next level, where they gain the knowledge and skills needed to create the illusion of motion of objects, atmospheric phenomena and visual effects.
Learning outcomes:
Students will have a solid understanding of the principles of animation and how to apply them to their own animation projects. And finally, chose the techniques according to their own poetics and art inclinations.
Entry requirements: Basic drawing and painting skills.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Basics of Conservation and Restoration
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Conservation and Restoration
Code: 220233 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Bojana Savić
The basic contents of the program material include the following thematic areas: Definition of the profession, Ways and principles of conservator-restorer education, Principles of conservation and restoration throughout history, Modern theories of conservation and restoration, Ethical principles in conservation and restoration, Contemporary principles of conservation-restoration treatments, Legal aspects of the protection of cultural property, The beginnings of international cooperation on the preservation of cultural heritage, UNESCO conventions and charters, History of protection of cultural heritage in Serbia and Yugoslavia.
Learning outcomes:
After completing the Basics of Conservation and Restoration course, students have certain knowledge in the field of history, theory, ethics and philosophy of conservation and restoration. It is expected that students will be able to form attitudes that are in accordance with contemporary philosophy and the principles of contemporary conservation ethics, as well as to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in interpreting the problems of professional conservation practice.
The basic contents of the program material include the following thematic areas: Definition of the profession, Ways and principles of conservator-restorer education, Principles of conservation and restoration throughout history, Modern theories of conservation and restoration, Ethical principles in conservation and restoration, Contemporary principles of conservation-restoration treatments, Legal aspects of the protection of cultural property, The beginnings of international cooperation on the preservation of cultural heritage, UNESCO conventions and charters, History of protection of cultural heritage in Serbia and Yugoslavia.
Learning outcomes:
After completing the Basics of Conservation and Restoration course, students have certain knowledge in the field of history, theory, ethics and philosophy of conservation and restoration. It is expected that students will be able to form attitudes that are in accordance with contemporary philosophy and the principles of contemporary conservation ethics, as well as to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in interpreting the problems of professional conservation practice.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing B
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Visual Communications
Code: 220424 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Selma Đulizarević Karanović
Subject Drawing B is concerned with studying formal elements and their relations by means of theoretical knowledge, analysis of the relevant contemporary works of art, as well as the works of art of the past and the practical works of students based on observation. The realization of assignments is based on observation of human figure, still life and the interior of the faculty’s classroom. The assignment is involving preparatory phase (sketches) and then executing the given motif in the large life-size format. Students have to try to use different drawing techniques and materials: charcoal, crayons, pencils, ink wash, pastels, etc.
Learning outcomes:
Every student is able to define and understand different problems of plastic form and apply the acquired knowledge of elements of plastic form (line, tone, chiaroscuro, shadow, form, texture and composition) by creating the inventive results in the medium of drawing. Students are able to apply the acquired knowledge in solving problems of other subjects.
Subject Drawing B is concerned with studying formal elements and their relations by means of theoretical knowledge, analysis of the relevant contemporary works of art, as well as the works of art of the past and the practical works of students based on observation. The realization of assignments is based on observation of human figure, still life and the interior of the faculty’s classroom. The assignment is involving preparatory phase (sketches) and then executing the given motif in the large life-size format. Students have to try to use different drawing techniques and materials: charcoal, crayons, pencils, ink wash, pastels, etc.
Learning outcomes:
Every student is able to define and understand different problems of plastic form and apply the acquired knowledge of elements of plastic form (line, tone, chiaroscuro, shadow, form, texture and composition) by creating the inventive results in the medium of drawing. Students are able to apply the acquired knowledge in solving problems of other subjects.
Entry requirements: Basic drawing skills
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting B
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Visual Communications
Code: 220344 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Selma Đulizarević Karanović
Subject Painting B involves studying the values of the color of the formal elements and their relations by means of theoretical and practical knowledge. The students are studying examples of artworks of the relevant artists through art history. The study of painting is created by using analytical reception of the motif of the assignment (still life, human figure, the interior of the classroom). The assignment is developed in two phases. The first one is the analysis of the problem in a small format, then in the second phase, the sketches are transferred into the large format. Students are encouraged to use different painting techniques and materials: pastel, water colors, gouache, acrylics, etc.
Learning outcomes:
The outcome of the subject Painting B is to enable each student to apply the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the course of work of the life-size format of painting, starting with monochrome study and proceeding to full color.
Subject Painting B involves studying the values of the color of the formal elements and their relations by means of theoretical and practical knowledge. The students are studying examples of artworks of the relevant artists through art history. The study of painting is created by using analytical reception of the motif of the assignment (still life, human figure, the interior of the classroom). The assignment is developed in two phases. The first one is the analysis of the problem in a small format, then in the second phase, the sketches are transferred into the large format. Students are encouraged to use different painting techniques and materials: pastel, water colors, gouache, acrylics, etc.
Learning outcomes:
The outcome of the subject Painting B is to enable each student to apply the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the course of work of the life-size format of painting, starting with monochrome study and proceeding to full color.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of painting
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Textile Technology 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22O379 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Snežana Stanković
The course discusses the basic properties of yarns, as well as the basic principles of yarn manufacturing. The structure and properties of fancy yarns are discussed. A short overview of the production processes of fancy yarns is given.
Learning outcomes:
Based on the acquired knowledge, the student will be able to make an appropriate selection of yarns according to their design parameters and to independently create various visual effects on woven and textile fabrics using different fancy yarns.
The course discusses the basic properties of yarns, as well as the basic principles of yarn manufacturing. The structure and properties of fancy yarns are discussed. A short overview of the production processes of fancy yarns is given.
Learning outcomes:
Based on the acquired knowledge, the student will be able to make an appropriate selection of yarns according to their design parameters and to independently create various visual effects on woven and textile fabrics using different fancy yarns.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge about textile fibers
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Textile Technology 3
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22O380 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Snežana Stanković
The course covers the basic principles of fabric formation as well as the preparation of documentation including reed, drafting, and healds lifting plan. Basic and derivative weave structures are studied. Two distinct knitting technologies are discussed. The primary weft knitted structures and their derivatives are given. The knitted structures notation is explained.
Learning outcomes:
Students are trained to be capable of independent design of desired visual effects on textile material using the possibilities provided by weaving and knitting technologies.
The course covers the basic principles of fabric formation as well as the preparation of documentation including reed, drafting, and healds lifting plan. Basic and derivative weave structures are studied. Two distinct knitting technologies are discussed. The primary weft knitted structures and their derivatives are given. The knitted structures notation is explained.
Learning outcomes:
Students are trained to be capable of independent design of desired visual effects on textile material using the possibilities provided by weaving and knitting technologies.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge about textile yarns
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Applied Sculpture 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art
Code: 22О286 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Julijana Protić
Students are introduced to basic art and practical knowledge in applied sculpture, necessary for solving sculptural, aesthetic and functional problems. Students develop individual expression and individual poetics through critical and creative thinking and synthesis in solving sculptural problems. The teaching process includes the realization of artistic works, development of conceptual solutions, study and realization in material.
1. Sculpture, figural composition. Free interpretation of the figure.
2. Plaque. Relief, portrait, torso, figure.
Learning outcomes:
Students have basic knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to solve sculpture shapes in Applied Sculpture.
Students are introduced to basic art and practical knowledge in applied sculpture, necessary for solving sculptural, aesthetic and functional problems. Students develop individual expression and individual poetics through critical and creative thinking and synthesis in solving sculptural problems. The teaching process includes the realization of artistic works, development of conceptual solutions, study and realization in material.
1. Sculpture, figural composition. Free interpretation of the figure.
2. Plaque. Relief, portrait, torso, figure.
Learning outcomes:
Students have basic knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to solve sculpture shapes in Applied Sculpture.
Entry requirements: Knowledge of working with traditional sculpting techniques
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Applied Sculpture 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art
Code: 22О287 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Julijana Protić
Students acquire artistic and practical knowledge necessary for solving more complex spatial sculptural tasks. They will have mastered to the techniques necessary for the realization of tasks in the material related to the shaping of the complex in the open space and for the relief as part of the architectural structures of the space:
1. Sculpture as a part of the spatial whole of the exterior. Sculpture for space. The emphasis is on the realization of sculptures in the material.
2. Sculpture as an integral part of architecture. A sculptural solution that will form an integral part of the architecture and space in terms of concept and design.
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired necessary basic knowledge to solve more complex spatial sculptural issues. They know about the materials and techniques necessary for the realization of sculptural solutions.
Students acquire artistic and practical knowledge necessary for solving more complex spatial sculptural tasks. They will have mastered to the techniques necessary for the realization of tasks in the material related to the shaping of the complex in the open space and for the relief as part of the architectural structures of the space:
1. Sculpture as a part of the spatial whole of the exterior. Sculpture for space. The emphasis is on the realization of sculptures in the material.
2. Sculpture as an integral part of architecture. A sculptural solution that will form an integral part of the architecture and space in terms of concept and design.
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired necessary basic knowledge to solve more complex spatial sculptural issues. They know about the materials and techniques necessary for the realization of sculptural solutions.
Entry requirements: Knowledge of working with traditional sculpting techniques
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Applied Sculpture 3
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art
Code: 22О288 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Julijana Protić
Students develop creative thinking and innovative problem solving. They develop the ability to explore the unique unit of a sculptural composition, a specific space and spatial solution:
1. Sculpture in a space. Realization of sculptural solutions that, with their artistic concept and structure, form an integral part of architectural spaces, interiors and exteriors.
2. Medal. Dedicated plastic with predetermined motifs, as part of small plastic and decorations.
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired necessary knowledge for the realization of the tasks and challenges of the profession in the field of Applied Sculpture. Students are capable of solving basic art problems, sculpture in space and architecture, memorial sculpture and small plastic and medal work.
Students develop creative thinking and innovative problem solving. They develop the ability to explore the unique unit of a sculptural composition, a specific space and spatial solution:
1. Sculpture in a space. Realization of sculptural solutions that, with their artistic concept and structure, form an integral part of architectural spaces, interiors and exteriors.
2. Medal. Dedicated plastic with predetermined motifs, as part of small plastic and decorations.
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired necessary knowledge for the realization of the tasks and challenges of the profession in the field of Applied Sculpture. Students are capable of solving basic art problems, sculpture in space and architecture, memorial sculpture and small plastic and medal work.
Entry requirements: Knowledge of working with traditional sculpting techniques
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Applied Sculpture 4
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art
Code: 22О289 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Julijana Protić
Emphasis on personal expression and independence in the selection and content of topics, techniques and ways of realizing tasks. Developing a feeling for complex sculptural spatial entities. Learning the methods and gaining experience necessary for a comprehensive solution to a specific task:
1. Sculptural solution as part of an urban spatial entity. The creation of a unique artistic unit of sculpture, a spatial solution and an urban unit and architecture through which the conditioning of sculpture artwork in the city space.
2. Small and disposable plastic. Souvenir, sign, medallion, candlestick, trophy, cup. From idea to realization in material. Unique and serial.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to materialize sculptural solutions through modern means of production. They have acquired competences for professional work in collaborative work in the areas of applied sculpture: sculpture in space and architecture, memorial sculpture and small plastic and medal work.
Emphasis on personal expression and independence in the selection and content of topics, techniques and ways of realizing tasks. Developing a feeling for complex sculptural spatial entities. Learning the methods and gaining experience necessary for a comprehensive solution to a specific task:
1. Sculptural solution as part of an urban spatial entity. The creation of a unique artistic unit of sculpture, a spatial solution and an urban unit and architecture through which the conditioning of sculpture artwork in the city space.
2. Small and disposable plastic. Souvenir, sign, medallion, candlestick, trophy, cup. From idea to realization in material. Unique and serial.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to materialize sculptural solutions through modern means of production. They have acquired competences for professional work in collaborative work in the areas of applied sculpture: sculpture in space and architecture, memorial sculpture and small plastic and medal work.
Entry requirements: Knowledge of working with traditional sculpting techniques
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing B1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Industrial Design)
Code: 22О420 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Jovanka Stanojević
Course Drawing B1 consists of theoretical and practical studies of artistic elements, their relation through observing objects, figure and space in a Faculty studio. Prior to the execution of drawing study, a preparatory phase is conducted, it consists of research and idea development through application of diverse techniques and artistic approaches. Work on various formats and materials is practiced. Thematic units include linear depiction of observed measures, proportions, relations and character of one or more objects (1), analysis of gradient values by utilizing surfaces and lines (2), achieving full plasticity of shapes and surfaces by tonal assonance (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students overcome complex artistic aspects of drawing and drawing techniques. Using analytical and synthetic methods, they build a linear representation of proportion, dimensions and character in the drawing, tonal values and achieves objects` full plasticity. Students are directed towards developing individual drawing expression and are enabled to establish an analytical relationship with their own and other drawing practices. Acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of drawing students independently apply in other courses of modules/study programs.
Course Drawing B1 consists of theoretical and practical studies of artistic elements, their relation through observing objects, figure and space in a Faculty studio. Prior to the execution of drawing study, a preparatory phase is conducted, it consists of research and idea development through application of diverse techniques and artistic approaches. Work on various formats and materials is practiced. Thematic units include linear depiction of observed measures, proportions, relations and character of one or more objects (1), analysis of gradient values by utilizing surfaces and lines (2), achieving full plasticity of shapes and surfaces by tonal assonance (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students overcome complex artistic aspects of drawing and drawing techniques. Using analytical and synthetic methods, they build a linear representation of proportion, dimensions and character in the drawing, tonal values and achieves objects` full plasticity. Students are directed towards developing individual drawing expression and are enabled to establish an analytical relationship with their own and other drawing practices. Acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of drawing students independently apply in other courses of modules/study programs.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing B2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Industrial Design)
Code: 22О421 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Jovanka Stanojević
The contents of the course Drawing B2 is focused on studying artistic elements and their relationships by using a variety of drawing approaches, techniques and formats, from the preparatory phase of research, development of an idea, to gaining theoretical and practical knowledge towards the task completion. Drawing studies are conducted by direct observation of the assigned task in the form of objects, figure and studio space. Thematic units include texture, gradient values and their mutual effects in the process of building surfaces, shapes and complex relations of elements in the drawing (1), familiarization with various types of lighting, and their utilization in creating plastic values (2). In addition to the monochrome drawing, by integrating line, surface and color, gradual introduction of color drawing is conducted in the form of a new artistic practice (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students have mastered drawing skills as well as drawing techniques according to the methodological units of the course. They are able to perceive, analyze and build structures, textures, gradient values, different types of lighting while composing a more complex monochrome and coloristic drawings. Students are able to explicate their own and other drawing practices with arguments and can independently and creatively apply knowledge in other courses of modules/study programs.
The contents of the course Drawing B2 is focused on studying artistic elements and their relationships by using a variety of drawing approaches, techniques and formats, from the preparatory phase of research, development of an idea, to gaining theoretical and practical knowledge towards the task completion. Drawing studies are conducted by direct observation of the assigned task in the form of objects, figure and studio space. Thematic units include texture, gradient values and their mutual effects in the process of building surfaces, shapes and complex relations of elements in the drawing (1), familiarization with various types of lighting, and their utilization in creating plastic values (2). In addition to the monochrome drawing, by integrating line, surface and color, gradual introduction of color drawing is conducted in the form of a new artistic practice (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students have mastered drawing skills as well as drawing techniques according to the methodological units of the course. They are able to perceive, analyze and build structures, textures, gradient values, different types of lighting while composing a more complex monochrome and coloristic drawings. Students are able to explicate their own and other drawing practices with arguments and can independently and creatively apply knowledge in other courses of modules/study programs.
Entry requirements: Completed course Drawing B1
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting B1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Industrial Design)
Code: 22О309 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Jovanka Stanojević
Theoretical and practical teaching; Content of the course Painting B1 involves studying coloristic values of art elements and their relationships within the painting by applying basic theoretical and practical knowledge of forms and colors, analyzing examples of representative artworks and works created by students. Assignments and studies are carried out in different formats and techniques, through direct observation of objects, figure and studio space. Thematic units of the course include studying monochrome painting by gradation of tones from white to black, by gradation of tones within a certain color value, studying the procedure of showing the relationship of surfaces, shapes, and forms (1) Transitions from monochrome to polychrome painting by introducing warm-cold color relations (2). In more complex tasks and image studies, the creation of harmonious cohesion with and without accented color using glaze, semi-paste and paste (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to apply acquired theoretical knowledge of form and color and practical knowledge planned by the methodical units of the course. Students solve simpler art problems, by analyzing monochrome, polychrome coloristic values and the relationship of artistic elements. They establish analytical relationship with their own works and within the possible level of acquired knowledge and skill, apply it within other courses of modules / study programs.
Theoretical and practical teaching; Content of the course Painting B1 involves studying coloristic values of art elements and their relationships within the painting by applying basic theoretical and practical knowledge of forms and colors, analyzing examples of representative artworks and works created by students. Assignments and studies are carried out in different formats and techniques, through direct observation of objects, figure and studio space. Thematic units of the course include studying monochrome painting by gradation of tones from white to black, by gradation of tones within a certain color value, studying the procedure of showing the relationship of surfaces, shapes, and forms (1) Transitions from monochrome to polychrome painting by introducing warm-cold color relations (2). In more complex tasks and image studies, the creation of harmonious cohesion with and without accented color using glaze, semi-paste and paste (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to apply acquired theoretical knowledge of form and color and practical knowledge planned by the methodical units of the course. Students solve simpler art problems, by analyzing monochrome, polychrome coloristic values and the relationship of artistic elements. They establish analytical relationship with their own works and within the possible level of acquired knowledge and skill, apply it within other courses of modules / study programs.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting B2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Industrial Design)
Code: 22О310 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Jovanka Stanojević
Theoretical and practical teaching; Content of the course Painting B2 includes studying of the coloristic values of art elements and their relationships by applying basic theoretical and practical knowledge of forms and colors, upgrading knowledge from the course Painting B1, examples of representative artworks and works created by students. By working on tasks and studies in different formats and techniques, the content of the Painting B2 course is demonstrated for the purpose of developing the creative potential of students. The thematic units of the course include studying and creation within the framework of painting spatial plans using various artistic elements of coloristic values (1), the coloristic materialization of form by expressing it with color in the analysis of structures, texture of observed surfaces and volumes (2) and analyzing the relationship between light and shadow in the painting as a whole by using full color (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to apply the acquired knowledge of theory of forms and colors and their practical knowledge planned in methodical units according to the lesson plan through working on tasks and image studies in order to solve different and more complex art problems in the domain of image plans, materialization of forms and light relations. They have established analytical approach to their own work and can apply the acquired knowledge and skills within other courses of modules / study programs.
Theoretical and practical teaching; Content of the course Painting B2 includes studying of the coloristic values of art elements and their relationships by applying basic theoretical and practical knowledge of forms and colors, upgrading knowledge from the course Painting B1, examples of representative artworks and works created by students. By working on tasks and studies in different formats and techniques, the content of the Painting B2 course is demonstrated for the purpose of developing the creative potential of students. The thematic units of the course include studying and creation within the framework of painting spatial plans using various artistic elements of coloristic values (1), the coloristic materialization of form by expressing it with color in the analysis of structures, texture of observed surfaces and volumes (2) and analyzing the relationship between light and shadow in the painting as a whole by using full color (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to apply the acquired knowledge of theory of forms and colors and their practical knowledge planned in methodical units according to the lesson plan through working on tasks and image studies in order to solve different and more complex art problems in the domain of image plans, materialization of forms and light relations. They have established analytical approach to their own work and can apply the acquired knowledge and skills within other courses of modules / study programs.
Entry requirements: Completed course Painting B1
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Textile Design 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22О184 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Maja S. Gecić
Students are learning basic design skills, e.g. Basic concepts of textile design; Correlations of art visual elements; Textile surface patterns; Principles of composing simple shapes; Principles of composing patterns through repetition with simple shapes; Rhythm and repetition; Color in textiles and its effect on constructing a surface design pattern.
Learning outcomes:
After completing and passing the course, students should be able to create and apply simple visual shapes and design (textile) surface patterns using different materials and manual techniques.
Students are learning basic design skills, e.g. Basic concepts of textile design; Correlations of art visual elements; Textile surface patterns; Principles of composing simple shapes; Principles of composing patterns through repetition with simple shapes; Rhythm and repetition; Color in textiles and its effect on constructing a surface design pattern.
Learning outcomes:
After completing and passing the course, students should be able to create and apply simple visual shapes and design (textile) surface patterns using different materials and manual techniques.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Textile Design 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22О185 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
Professor: Maja S. Gecić
Students are learning and expanding design skills knowledge: Correlation and importance of texture in designing textiles; Textile surface and structure patterns; Principles of composing simple structural units through repetition; Color and texture in a composition with repetition; Basic elements of textile woven structures; Stripes in textiles.
Learning outcomes:
After completing and passing the course, students should be able to create and apply visual elements, basic structures when designing textiles and have mastered elementary weaving skills.
Students are learning and expanding design skills knowledge: Correlation and importance of texture in designing textiles; Textile surface and structure patterns; Principles of composing simple structural units through repetition; Color and texture in a composition with repetition; Basic elements of textile woven structures; Stripes in textiles.
Learning outcomes:
After completing and passing the course, students should be able to create and apply visual elements, basic structures when designing textiles and have mastered elementary weaving skills.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Textile Design 3
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22О186 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
Professor: Maja S. Gecić
The curriculum encompasses study and analysis of continuous compositions in textiles: Students are exploring correlation between elements in repetition, complex patterns, visual and tactile properties; Natural shapes and possibility of transposing them into designs; Basic use of raster and vector formats in textile design; Color in the digital environment.
Learning outcomes:
After completing and passing the course, students should be able to work independently, create their own research methods and make textile patterns according to the task. They have mastered basic digital knowledge in textile design.
The curriculum encompasses study and analysis of continuous compositions in textiles: Students are exploring correlation between elements in repetition, complex patterns, visual and tactile properties; Natural shapes and possibility of transposing them into designs; Basic use of raster and vector formats in textile design; Color in the digital environment.
Learning outcomes:
After completing and passing the course, students should be able to work independently, create their own research methods and make textile patterns according to the task. They have mastered basic digital knowledge in textile design.
Entry requirements: Completed course Textile Design 2 (or equivalent).
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Textile Design 4
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22О187 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
Professor: Maja S. Gecić
The curriculum encompasses study and analysis of complex textile patterns and compositions: Correlation of structural elements in composition; Exploration of visual and tactile properties of visual elements, shape and structure in digital (raster/vector) format and via traditional weaving techniques; Textile (closed vs. continuous) patterns; Texture in the digital environment.
Learning outcomes:
After completing and passing the course, students should be able to work independently, employ traditional loom weaving techniques and do technical preparations on their own; Create their own research methods, to use and combine digital and manual design skills according to the task.
The curriculum encompasses study and analysis of complex textile patterns and compositions: Correlation of structural elements in composition; Exploration of visual and tactile properties of visual elements, shape and structure in digital (raster/vector) format and via traditional weaving techniques; Textile (closed vs. continuous) patterns; Texture in the digital environment.
Learning outcomes:
After completing and passing the course, students should be able to work independently, employ traditional loom weaving techniques and do technical preparations on their own; Create their own research methods, to use and combine digital and manual design skills according to the task.
Entry requirements: Completed course Textile Design 3 (or equivalent).
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Art Elements and Geometric Structures
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Visual Communications, Applied Art, Design, Conservation and Restoration
Code: 22О165 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Marijana Paunović
Theoretical teaching: proportions, line, composition, value, color, texture, unity and harmony, balance, contrast, accent, geometric images in the plane (geometry of spirals, polygons, conics...), parallel projections, polyhedra, surfaces. Practical teaching takes place in the form of exercises and workshops following the thematic units from lectures. Student choose project topics according to their personal interests and directions.
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired knowledge of certain elements and design principles and can use an abstract geometric way of thinking in creative expression. They can apply the learned methods of representing geometric and free forms in the realization of an artistic project. They know how to model simple layouts and forms out of paper.
Theoretical teaching: proportions, line, composition, value, color, texture, unity and harmony, balance, contrast, accent, geometric images in the plane (geometry of spirals, polygons, conics...), parallel projections, polyhedra, surfaces. Practical teaching takes place in the form of exercises and workshops following the thematic units from lectures. Student choose project topics according to their personal interests and directions.
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired knowledge of certain elements and design principles and can use an abstract geometric way of thinking in creative expression. They can apply the learned methods of representing geometric and free forms in the realization of an artistic project. They know how to model simple layouts and forms out of paper.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Image Space and Optical Illusions
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Visual Communications, Applied Art, Design, Conservation and Restoration
Code: 22О251 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Marijana Paunović
Theoretical teaching: repetition (ornament, tessellation, fractal), metamorphosis, Renaissance perspective and camera obscura, linear perspective, curvilinear perspective, optical-physiological perspective, painting perspective (aerial, color perspective...), optical illusions. Practical teaching takes place in the form of exercises and workshops following the thematic units from the lectures. Students choose project topics according to their personal interests and directions.
Learning outcomes:
Student have acquired knowledge of the influence of different aspects of perspective on the representation and understanding of space. By using the appropriate perspective method students are capable of achieving certain visual effects. By using the adopted abstract geometric way of thinking and theoretical knowledge students have developed creative abilities. They can use repetition systematically in their work.
Theoretical teaching: repetition (ornament, tessellation, fractal), metamorphosis, Renaissance perspective and camera obscura, linear perspective, curvilinear perspective, optical-physiological perspective, painting perspective (aerial, color perspective...), optical illusions. Practical teaching takes place in the form of exercises and workshops following the thematic units from the lectures. Students choose project topics according to their personal interests and directions.
Learning outcomes:
Student have acquired knowledge of the influence of different aspects of perspective on the representation and understanding of space. By using the appropriate perspective method students are capable of achieving certain visual effects. By using the adopted abstract geometric way of thinking and theoretical knowledge students have developed creative abilities. They can use repetition systematically in their work.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing B1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22О420 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Dragan B. Zdravković
Course Drawing B1 consists of theoretical and practical studies of artistic elements, their relation through observing objects, figure and space in a Faculty studio. Prior to the execution of drawing study, a preparatory phase is conducted, it consists of research and idea development through application of diverse techniques and artistic approaches. Work on various formats and materials is practiced. Thematic units include linear depiction of observed measures, proportions, relations and character of one or more objects (1), analysis of gradient values by utilizing surfaces and lines (2), achieving full plasticity of shapes and surfaces by tonal assonance (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired knowledge of complex artistic aspects of drawing and drawing techniques. By using analytical and synthetic methods, they build linear representation of proportion, dimensions and character in the drawing, tonal values and achieve objects` full plasticity. Students are directed towards developing individual drawing expressions and are enabled to establish analytical relationship with their own and other drawing practices. Acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of drawing students independently apply in other courses of modules/study programs.
Course Drawing B1 consists of theoretical and practical studies of artistic elements, their relation through observing objects, figure and space in a Faculty studio. Prior to the execution of drawing study, a preparatory phase is conducted, it consists of research and idea development through application of diverse techniques and artistic approaches. Work on various formats and materials is practiced. Thematic units include linear depiction of observed measures, proportions, relations and character of one or more objects (1), analysis of gradient values by utilizing surfaces and lines (2), achieving full plasticity of shapes and surfaces by tonal assonance (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired knowledge of complex artistic aspects of drawing and drawing techniques. By using analytical and synthetic methods, they build linear representation of proportion, dimensions and character in the drawing, tonal values and achieve objects` full plasticity. Students are directed towards developing individual drawing expressions and are enabled to establish analytical relationship with their own and other drawing practices. Acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of drawing students independently apply in other courses of modules/study programs.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Drawing B2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22О421 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Dragan B. Zdravković
The content of the course Drawing B2 is focused on studying artistic elements and their relationships by using a variety of drawing approaches, techniques and formats, from the preparatory phase of research, development of an idea, gaining theoretical and practical knowledge toward the task completion. Drawing studies are conducted by direct observation of the assigned task in the form of objects, figure and studio space. Thematic units include texture, gradient values and their mutual effects in the process of building surfaces, shapes and complex relations of elements in the drawing (1), familiarization with various types of lighting, and their utilization in creating plastic values (2). In addition to the monochrome drawing, by integrating line, surface and color, gradual introduction of color drawing is conducted in the form of a new artistic practice (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students have mastered drawing skills as well as drawing techniques according to the methodological units of the course. They are able to perceive, analyze and build structures, textures, gradient values, different types of lighting while composing a more complex monochrome and coloristic drawings. Students are able to explicate their own and other drawing practices with arguments and can independently and creatively apply knowledge in other courses of modules/study programs.
The content of the course Drawing B2 is focused on studying artistic elements and their relationships by using a variety of drawing approaches, techniques and formats, from the preparatory phase of research, development of an idea, gaining theoretical and practical knowledge toward the task completion. Drawing studies are conducted by direct observation of the assigned task in the form of objects, figure and studio space. Thematic units include texture, gradient values and their mutual effects in the process of building surfaces, shapes and complex relations of elements in the drawing (1), familiarization with various types of lighting, and their utilization in creating plastic values (2). In addition to the monochrome drawing, by integrating line, surface and color, gradual introduction of color drawing is conducted in the form of a new artistic practice (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students have mastered drawing skills as well as drawing techniques according to the methodological units of the course. They are able to perceive, analyze and build structures, textures, gradient values, different types of lighting while composing a more complex monochrome and coloristic drawings. Students are able to explicate their own and other drawing practices with arguments and can independently and creatively apply knowledge in other courses of modules/study programs.
Entry requirements: Completed course Drawing B1
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting B1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design, Visual Communication, Applied Art, Conservation and Restoration
Code: 22О309 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Dragan B. Zdravković
Theoretical and practical teaching; Content of the course Painting B1 involves studying coloristic values of art elements and their relationships within the painting by applying basic theoretical and practical knowledge of forms and colors, analyzing examples of representative artworks and works created by students. Assignments and studies are carried out in different formats and techniques, through direct observation of objects, figure and studio space. Thematic units of the course include studying monochrome painting by gradation of tones from white to black, by gradation of tones within a certain color value, studying the procedure of showing the relationship of surfaces, shapes, and forms (1) Transitions from monochrome to polychrome painting by introducing warm-cold color relations (2). In more complex tasks and image studies, the creation of harmonious cohesion with and without accented color using glaze, semi-paste and paste (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to apply acquired theoretical knowledge of form and color and practical knowledge planned by the methodical units of the course. Students solve simpler art issues by analyzing monochrome, polychrome coloristic values and the relationship of artistic elements. They establish analytical relationship with their own work and, within the possible level of acquired knowledge and skill, apply it within other courses of modules / study programs.
Theoretical and practical teaching; Content of the course Painting B1 involves studying coloristic values of art elements and their relationships within the painting by applying basic theoretical and practical knowledge of forms and colors, analyzing examples of representative artworks and works created by students. Assignments and studies are carried out in different formats and techniques, through direct observation of objects, figure and studio space. Thematic units of the course include studying monochrome painting by gradation of tones from white to black, by gradation of tones within a certain color value, studying the procedure of showing the relationship of surfaces, shapes, and forms (1) Transitions from monochrome to polychrome painting by introducing warm-cold color relations (2). In more complex tasks and image studies, the creation of harmonious cohesion with and without accented color using glaze, semi-paste and paste (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to apply acquired theoretical knowledge of form and color and practical knowledge planned by the methodical units of the course. Students solve simpler art issues by analyzing monochrome, polychrome coloristic values and the relationship of artistic elements. They establish analytical relationship with their own work and, within the possible level of acquired knowledge and skill, apply it within other courses of modules / study programs.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting B2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22О310 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Dragan B. Zdravković
Theoretical and practical teaching; Content of the course Painting B2 includes studying of the coloristic values of art elements and their relationships by applying basic theoretical and practical knowledge of forms and colors, upgrading knowledge from the subject Painting B1, examples of representative artworks and works created by students. By working on tasks and studies in different formats and techniques, the content of the Painting B2 course is demonstrated for the purpose of developing the creative potential of students. The thematic units of the course include studying and creation within the framework of painting spatial plans using various artistic elements of coloristic values (1), the coloristic materialization of form by expressing it with color in the analysis of structures, texture of observed surfaces and volumes (2) and analyzing the relationship between light and shadow in the painting as a whole by using full color (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge of theory of forms and colors and his practical knowledge planned in methodical units according to the lesson plan through working on tasks and image studies in order to solve different and more complex art problems in the domain of image plans, materialization of forms and light relations. They establish analytical relationship in their own work and apply the acquired knowledge and skills within other courses of modules / study programs.
Theoretical and practical teaching; Content of the course Painting B2 includes studying of the coloristic values of art elements and their relationships by applying basic theoretical and practical knowledge of forms and colors, upgrading knowledge from the subject Painting B1, examples of representative artworks and works created by students. By working on tasks and studies in different formats and techniques, the content of the Painting B2 course is demonstrated for the purpose of developing the creative potential of students. The thematic units of the course include studying and creation within the framework of painting spatial plans using various artistic elements of coloristic values (1), the coloristic materialization of form by expressing it with color in the analysis of structures, texture of observed surfaces and volumes (2) and analyzing the relationship between light and shadow in the painting as a whole by using full color (3).
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge of theory of forms and colors and his practical knowledge planned in methodical units according to the lesson plan through working on tasks and image studies in order to solve different and more complex art problems in the domain of image plans, materialization of forms and light relations. They establish analytical relationship in their own work and apply the acquired knowledge and skills within other courses of modules / study programs.
Entry requirements: Completed course Painting B1
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Woven and Knitted Textile Design 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22O189 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Zlatko M. Cvetković
Sublimation of knowledge in the field of handloom weaving through research into the specificity of compositions and structures in textiles of defined purpose and dimensions. Acquiring knowledge and mastering the basic processes of designing machine-knitted structures. Getting to know the influence of the quality of the yarn and interweaving on the visual and aesthetic value of the structure of the designed knitwear. Getting to know the basics of digital design of knitwear in preparation for industrial production.
Learning outcomes:
The student is qualified for the design and realisation of knitted structures for mechanical production. Competency of students for the basics of digital design of knitwear.
Sublimation of knowledge in the field of handloom weaving through research into the specificity of compositions and structures in textiles of defined purpose and dimensions. Acquiring knowledge and mastering the basic processes of designing machine-knitted structures. Getting to know the influence of the quality of the yarn and interweaving on the visual and aesthetic value of the structure of the designed knitwear. Getting to know the basics of digital design of knitwear in preparation for industrial production.
Learning outcomes:
The student is qualified for the design and realisation of knitted structures for mechanical production. Competency of students for the basics of digital design of knitwear.
Entry requirements: Completed Basic design woven and knitting
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Studio Photography 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Visual Communications
Code: 22О348 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Vladimir Tatarević
Encouraging, developing and multifaceted improvement of students' original work. With the assumption that photography is the main motive and future professional commitment. Differences in light settings are processed according to the photographed subject and needs. Photographic approach to the visual materialization of different art directions. Reading and designing artificial light setups as well as using natural conditions in photography. The work is done in the photography studio of the faculty.
Learning outcomes:
Students will know how to demonstrate advanced lighting setups in the studio and in the field. Students will be able to organize a shoot, make creative photographic sketches, and understand the basics of digital photography and the post-production process. Their knowledge in the field of communication advertising photography will be enriched. Another course outcome is to enable students to professionally create, organize and produce visual solutions in contemporary advertising photography.
Encouraging, developing and multifaceted improvement of students' original work. With the assumption that photography is the main motive and future professional commitment. Differences in light settings are processed according to the photographed subject and needs. Photographic approach to the visual materialization of different art directions. Reading and designing artificial light setups as well as using natural conditions in photography. The work is done in the photography studio of the faculty.
Learning outcomes:
Students will know how to demonstrate advanced lighting setups in the studio and in the field. Students will be able to organize a shoot, make creative photographic sketches, and understand the basics of digital photography and the post-production process. Their knowledge in the field of communication advertising photography will be enriched. Another course outcome is to enable students to professionally create, organize and produce visual solutions in contemporary advertising photography.
Entry requirements: Intermediate knowledge in the use of studio lighting and photographic rules. Owning a digital camera with different lenses.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Tapestry Design 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: О253 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
Professor: Leonora J. Vekić
Exploring the tapestry through two tasks. 1. Figuration: Guided development of each value aspect of the work (contents – concept, aesthetic values, visual artistic and textile expression). 2. Structuring: Handles the phenomena of space and build of a textile form, while directing attention towards their individual components (light and shade as elements of space, transparency, tactile quality et al. as tapestry’s qualitative properties).
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to apply the gained knowledge in practice, while freely using traditional execution techniques in order to come up with diverse creative solutions. Students have expanded their skills and mastered the processes of analysing and reasoning, as well as those of independent decision-making and adequate manipulation of materials.
Exploring the tapestry through two tasks. 1. Figuration: Guided development of each value aspect of the work (contents – concept, aesthetic values, visual artistic and textile expression). 2. Structuring: Handles the phenomena of space and build of a textile form, while directing attention towards their individual components (light and shade as elements of space, transparency, tactile quality et al. as tapestry’s qualitative properties).
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to apply the gained knowledge in practice, while freely using traditional execution techniques in order to come up with diverse creative solutions. Students have expanded their skills and mastered the processes of analysing and reasoning, as well as those of independent decision-making and adequate manipulation of materials.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Design Methodology
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Industrial Design)
Code: 22М052 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Jelena Ristić Trajković
The course aims to develop and improve students' design methodology knowledge and skills through more complex and independent tasks in which creativity should be emphasized and directed towards innovative concepts and products. The focus is to further develop and improve individual design methodology in line with student's particular interests.
Learning outcomes:
The ability to: 1) understand the complex conditions and contemporary context of the task, 2) creatively and comprehensively research and understand relevant aspects and issues for a selected design task, 3) independently and critically set up, conceive, design and realize new artefacts and products through an objectified design process and its methodology.
The course aims to develop and improve students' design methodology knowledge and skills through more complex and independent tasks in which creativity should be emphasized and directed towards innovative concepts and products. The focus is to further develop and improve individual design methodology in line with student's particular interests.
Learning outcomes:
The ability to: 1) understand the complex conditions and contemporary context of the task, 2) creatively and comprehensively research and understand relevant aspects and issues for a selected design task, 3) independently and critically set up, conceive, design and realize new artefacts and products through an objectified design process and its methodology.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Design Methodology
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Industrial Design)
Code: О206 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Jelena Ristić Trajković
The course aims to acquaint students with: 1) basics of design methodology, 2) systematic and objective design approach, and 3) elements of the design process. It emphasizes practical application of theoretical principles and knowledge, and encourage students to be creative and innovative within the framework of a rational, objective and critical problem-solving approach.
Learning outcomes:
Ability to: 1) understand and interpret the structure and phases of the methodological approach to the process of creating, designing and evaluating each phase of the project; 2) apply and evaluate adequate methods of designing and preparing project tasks in different design contexts, as well as their role in the corresponding design phase, 3) understand the sequence of processes, and combine them with an intuitive, personal artistic process, and to develop own design methodology.
The course aims to acquaint students with: 1) basics of design methodology, 2) systematic and objective design approach, and 3) elements of the design process. It emphasizes practical application of theoretical principles and knowledge, and encourage students to be creative and innovative within the framework of a rational, objective and critical problem-solving approach.
Learning outcomes:
Ability to: 1) understand and interpret the structure and phases of the methodological approach to the process of creating, designing and evaluating each phase of the project; 2) apply and evaluate adequate methods of designing and preparing project tasks in different design contexts, as well as their role in the corresponding design phase, 3) understand the sequence of processes, and combine them with an intuitive, personal artistic process, and to develop own design methodology.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Printed Textile Design 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: O214 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 7
Professor: Ivana D. Veljović
The course has clearly defined goals within solving and performing project assignments, designing various application and theme printed textiles while employing basic techniques close to industrial processes and the available technology. Simultaneously, students are referred to the importance of employing new technologies. Exploring options and specificities of applying basic steps and methods of screen-printing and other available digital technologies upon textile fabrics.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to realise design projects in printed textiles according to their application and theme; they have learned and mastered the basic laws, methods and steps of design procedure. They can recognise possibilities of creative and practical application of elementary textile techniques and technologies in printed textiles. They have gained insight into professional practice and approach, constant and active further training.
The course has clearly defined goals within solving and performing project assignments, designing various application and theme printed textiles while employing basic techniques close to industrial processes and the available technology. Simultaneously, students are referred to the importance of employing new technologies. Exploring options and specificities of applying basic steps and methods of screen-printing and other available digital technologies upon textile fabrics.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to realise design projects in printed textiles according to their application and theme; they have learned and mastered the basic laws, methods and steps of design procedure. They can recognise possibilities of creative and practical application of elementary textile techniques and technologies in printed textiles. They have gained insight into professional practice and approach, constant and active further training.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting Techniques 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Applied Painting), Conservation and Restoration (Conservation and Restauration of Paintings and Art on Paper)
Code: 22О359 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Slobodan B. Kajtez, Mina M. Glogovac
The course aims at educating students through theory and practice on the fundamental techniques of easel painting, from traditional to modern methods. Students will get a theoretical introduction to the structural layers of paintings from different eras, on solid and elastic bearers and their characteristics, as well as practical application in the techniques of drawing, watercolor, gouache, egg tempera and acrylic in accordance with the acquired knowledge. The goal of the course is to develop creative abilities based on the connection of artistic and technological approaches in the creation of a work of art, as well as the acquisition of practical foundations for work within other professional courses.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the program, students will acquire highly specialized knowledge in the field of painting techniques: toned drawing, watercolor, gouache, egg tempera and acrylic. Students will master technology basics of painting materials and their application, as well as the technology of working within these painting techniques. Students will be able to independently create artworks by working within the scope of the painting techniques as well as to be able to connect subsequent knowledge with the knowledge already acquired.
The course aims at educating students through theory and practice on the fundamental techniques of easel painting, from traditional to modern methods. Students will get a theoretical introduction to the structural layers of paintings from different eras, on solid and elastic bearers and their characteristics, as well as practical application in the techniques of drawing, watercolor, gouache, egg tempera and acrylic in accordance with the acquired knowledge. The goal of the course is to develop creative abilities based on the connection of artistic and technological approaches in the creation of a work of art, as well as the acquisition of practical foundations for work within other professional courses.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the program, students will acquire highly specialized knowledge in the field of painting techniques: toned drawing, watercolor, gouache, egg tempera and acrylic. Students will master technology basics of painting materials and their application, as well as the technology of working within these painting techniques. Students will be able to independently create artworks by working within the scope of the painting techniques as well as to be able to connect subsequent knowledge with the knowledge already acquired.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting Techniques 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Arts (Applied Painting), Conservation and Restoration (Conservation and Restauration of Paintings and Art on Paper)
Code: 22О360 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Slobodan B. Kajtez, Mina M. Glogovac
The course aims at educating students through theory and practice on the fundamental techniques of easel painting, from traditional to modern methods. Students will get theoretical introduction to the structural layers of paintings in the renaissance era as well as practical application in the technique of egg tempera on wood, including gilding with mixtures. The goal of the course is to develop creative abilities based on the connection of artistic and technological approaches in the creation of a work of art, as well as the acquisition of practical foundations for work within other professional courses.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course program, students will acquire highly specialized knowledge in the field of painting in egg tempera technique. They will be able to independently create artworks by working within the scope of this painting technique as well as to be able to connect subsequent knowledge with the knowledge already acquired.
The course aims at educating students through theory and practice on the fundamental techniques of easel painting, from traditional to modern methods. Students will get theoretical introduction to the structural layers of paintings in the renaissance era as well as practical application in the technique of egg tempera on wood, including gilding with mixtures. The goal of the course is to develop creative abilities based on the connection of artistic and technological approaches in the creation of a work of art, as well as the acquisition of practical foundations for work within other professional courses.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course program, students will acquire highly specialized knowledge in the field of painting in egg tempera technique. They will be able to independently create artworks by working within the scope of this painting technique as well as to be able to connect subsequent knowledge with the knowledge already acquired.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Easel Painting Techniques
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art and Design
Code: Д195 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Slobodan B. Kajtez, Mina M. Glogovac
The work on this course includes professional education of students to work on an independent individual artwork. Through theoretical and practical exercises, students expand their knowledge about structural parts of the painting and their characteristics. In addition, students expand their knowledge about the application of classic and modern painting materials and ways of combining them. The goal of the course is to master artistic and technological processes within certain techniques, as well as to explore the potential that these procedures provide in the creation of a work of art.
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired artistic and technological knowledge in the field of painting technology: the correct use of painting materials and tools, as well as the possibilities of their combinations in the execution of a work of art.
The work on this course includes professional education of students to work on an independent individual artwork. Through theoretical and practical exercises, students expand their knowledge about structural parts of the painting and their characteristics. In addition, students expand their knowledge about the application of classic and modern painting materials and ways of combining them. The goal of the course is to master artistic and technological processes within certain techniques, as well as to explore the potential that these procedures provide in the creation of a work of art.
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired artistic and technological knowledge in the field of painting technology: the correct use of painting materials and tools, as well as the possibilities of their combinations in the execution of a work of art.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Textile Techniques 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22О382 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Marija S. Labudović Pantelić
During the lectures, students learn about the concepts of textile techniques. They get to understand the basic principles of forming textile structures. They develop skills for manual processes in textile production.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to recognize textile structures and master their production. They gain the ability to apply the knowledge in independent work in the field of textiles.
During the lectures, students learn about the concepts of textile techniques. They get to understand the basic principles of forming textile structures. They develop skills for manual processes in textile production.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to recognize textile structures and master their production. They gain the ability to apply the knowledge in independent work in the field of textiles.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Textile Techniques 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22О383 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Marija S. Labudović Pantelić
The lectures are an introduction to the development of textile techniques. The goal is to understand the principles of the formation of specific textile structures. Students are guided in mastering professional knowledge and skills in the manual production of textile surfaces.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to identify type of textile structures and to identify their way of production. They acquire the skills of applying simple tools in the production of textile surfaces. They gain the ability to apply the knowledge and skills in independent work in the field of textiles.
The lectures are an introduction to the development of textile techniques. The goal is to understand the principles of the formation of specific textile structures. Students are guided in mastering professional knowledge and skills in the manual production of textile surfaces.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to identify type of textile structures and to identify their way of production. They acquire the skills of applying simple tools in the production of textile surfaces. They gain the ability to apply the knowledge and skills in independent work in the field of textiles.
Entry requirements: Completed course Textile Techniques 1 (or equivalent)
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Textile Techniques 3
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22О384 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Marija S. Labudović Pantelić
During the lectures, students get acquainted with the cultural and historical development of textiles. They acquire understanding of cultural values and their transmission through cultural creativity. They master the special techniques of forming textile surfaces and the use of manual textile accessories, as well as forming documentation. Students are guided to gain knowledge and skills independently in the field of work and research.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to independently identify a wider range of textile structures and techniques for their production. They gain the ability to reproduce them, document them, and to apply them in the context of creative work.
During the lectures, students get acquainted with the cultural and historical development of textiles. They acquire understanding of cultural values and their transmission through cultural creativity. They master the special techniques of forming textile surfaces and the use of manual textile accessories, as well as forming documentation. Students are guided to gain knowledge and skills independently in the field of work and research.
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to independently identify a wider range of textile structures and techniques for their production. They gain the ability to reproduce them, document them, and to apply them in the context of creative work.
Entry requirements: Completed course Textile Techniques 2 (or equivalent)
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Textile Techniques 4
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22О385 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Marija S. Labudović Pantelić
Students get acquainted with the cultural and historical development of ethnographic textiles. They develop sense of traditional values of folk creativity which they research and transmit through textiles. They are encouraged to master and apply professional knowledge to work and research independently.
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired the ability to independently identify textile techniques on collected items. They know the principles of reproducing given textile structures and are trained to apply them in independent research.
Students get acquainted with the cultural and historical development of ethnographic textiles. They develop sense of traditional values of folk creativity which they research and transmit through textiles. They are encouraged to master and apply professional knowledge to work and research independently.
Learning outcomes:
Students have acquired the ability to independently identify textile techniques on collected items. They know the principles of reproducing given textile structures and are trained to apply them in independent research.
Entry requirements: Completed course Textile techniques 3 (or equivalent)
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Photographic Image 3
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Camera
Code: 200 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Aleksandar Kostić
The goal of the course is to introduce students to the process of creating an author's photographic image. Through creative solutions of idea and subject selection, research, preparation, shooting and processing of photographs and presentation of the work, the student realizes several complete photographic projects ready for public presentation. Some of the subjects and assigments are: Author's access to photographs; Internet as a form of visual communication; Photo diary (updating the website of the course); Photographic project; Descriptive and transformative role of the photographic image; Truth and manipulation in the photographic medium; Photographic narrative; Complex light settings; Exibition
Learning outcomes:
After successfully mastering the Photographic Image 3 program, the student is conceptually, aesthetically and technologically equipped to think and make decisions with the aim of quality realization of the photography project and to offer it to public evaluation and critical judgment.
The goal of the course is to introduce students to the process of creating an author's photographic image. Through creative solutions of idea and subject selection, research, preparation, shooting and processing of photographs and presentation of the work, the student realizes several complete photographic projects ready for public presentation. Some of the subjects and assigments are: Author's access to photographs; Internet as a form of visual communication; Photo diary (updating the website of the course); Photographic project; Descriptive and transformative role of the photographic image; Truth and manipulation in the photographic medium; Photographic narrative; Complex light settings; Exibition
Learning outcomes:
After successfully mastering the Photographic Image 3 program, the student is conceptually, aesthetically and technologically equipped to think and make decisions with the aim of quality realization of the photography project and to offer it to public evaluation and critical judgment.
Entry requirements: Advanced photography skills
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Photographic Image 4
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Camera
Code: 201 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Aleksandar Kostić
The goal of the course is to introduce students to the process of creating a work of visual art. Through creative solutions of idea and subject selection, research, preparation, shooting and post-processing and presentation of the work, the student realizes several complete art projects ready for public presentation. Some of the subjects and assigments are: Photography and contemporary art; Contextual practices in contemporary photography; Photography and archive; Photo book; Photography and film; Photography in motion, cinemagraph; Post-photography, multimedia and contemporary art practices.
Learning outcomes:
After successfully mastering the Photographic Image 4 program, the student is conceptually, aesthetically and technologically equipped to think and make decisions with the aim of quality realization of the artistic goal and to offer it to public evaluation and critical judgment.
The goal of the course is to introduce students to the process of creating a work of visual art. Through creative solutions of idea and subject selection, research, preparation, shooting and post-processing and presentation of the work, the student realizes several complete art projects ready for public presentation. Some of the subjects and assigments are: Photography and contemporary art; Contextual practices in contemporary photography; Photography and archive; Photo book; Photography and film; Photography in motion, cinemagraph; Post-photography, multimedia and contemporary art practices.
Learning outcomes:
After successfully mastering the Photographic Image 4 program, the student is conceptually, aesthetically and technologically equipped to think and make decisions with the aim of quality realization of the artistic goal and to offer it to public evaluation and critical judgment.
Entry requirements: Advanced photography skills
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Sciences of Music
Code: OJMR1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Iva Nenić
General objective of the course is to acquaint students with the methodology of scientific work in context of the science of music, especially with methodological aspects of social sciences and humanities. Special course objectives are to acquaint students with the methodology of music research and theories of scientific work along with the basics in methodology of scientific research work as well as to train them to apply adequate methodology of scientific work. Mastering to the basic terminology, concepts and procedures related to scientific research and production of scientific work, developing critical and analytical thinking. Mastering the ability of independent use of basic scientific premise, procedures, methods and techniques, as well as general knowledge in the field of methodology in the context of contemporary ethnomusicology, as a science and as a field of professional work.
Learning outcomes:
Theoretical classes: General characteristics of scientific methodology: the concept of science, methodology, methods and techniques; The structure and goals of scientific knowledge (selected epistemologically, ethical, logical aspects of pragmatic). Classification of scientific research toward the goal, qualitative and quantitative mix-methods research, empirical, theoretical, ethnographic research, work in archives and online ethnography. Basic methods and techniques of scientific research, with a special focus on the qualitative method and their use. Planning of scientific research: the structure of scientific research (phase setting research problems, classification, search and compilation of source, definition, hypothesis and research question). Carrying out research; processing, classification, analysing and interpretation of the data. Search database of scientific data. Creating of scientific text: skills, techniques and standards of academic writing, types and styles of scientific text, planning and writing, developing of formal structure and elements of handwriting, the most common technical and logical errors, the term argument, editing text…. Practical classes Creating a list of bibliographic units, making short scientific study, oral presentation, interview simulations, an elementary introduction to the software category Digital humanities.
General objective of the course is to acquaint students with the methodology of scientific work in context of the science of music, especially with methodological aspects of social sciences and humanities. Special course objectives are to acquaint students with the methodology of music research and theories of scientific work along with the basics in methodology of scientific research work as well as to train them to apply adequate methodology of scientific work. Mastering to the basic terminology, concepts and procedures related to scientific research and production of scientific work, developing critical and analytical thinking. Mastering the ability of independent use of basic scientific premise, procedures, methods and techniques, as well as general knowledge in the field of methodology in the context of contemporary ethnomusicology, as a science and as a field of professional work.
Learning outcomes:
Theoretical classes: General characteristics of scientific methodology: the concept of science, methodology, methods and techniques; The structure and goals of scientific knowledge (selected epistemologically, ethical, logical aspects of pragmatic). Classification of scientific research toward the goal, qualitative and quantitative mix-methods research, empirical, theoretical, ethnographic research, work in archives and online ethnography. Basic methods and techniques of scientific research, with a special focus on the qualitative method and their use. Planning of scientific research: the structure of scientific research (phase setting research problems, classification, search and compilation of source, definition, hypothesis and research question). Carrying out research; processing, classification, analysing and interpretation of the data. Search database of scientific data. Creating of scientific text: skills, techniques and standards of academic writing, types and styles of scientific text, planning and writing, developing of formal structure and elements of handwriting, the most common technical and logical errors, the term argument, editing text…. Practical classes Creating a list of bibliographic units, making short scientific study, oral presentation, interview simulations, an elementary introduction to the software category Digital humanities.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Elective courses
Code: OGEN2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Jelena Ličina
The aim of the course is to capacitate students to use professional music literature in English, informative reading in order to understand the content of the text, as well as independent expression in English.
Learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes: At the end of the course, the student is expected to master the envisaged grammar and lexical units of the English language and adopt a general and musical vocabulary that will enable him to read the texts readily, to independently reproduce the text in the form of related exposure or conversational exchange of attitudes, as well as a critical review and presentation own attitudes regarding a particular topic from different study programs.
The aim of the course is to capacitate students to use professional music literature in English, informative reading in order to understand the content of the text, as well as independent expression in English.
Learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes: At the end of the course, the student is expected to master the envisaged grammar and lexical units of the English language and adopt a general and musical vocabulary that will enable him to read the texts readily, to independently reproduce the text in the form of related exposure or conversational exchange of attitudes, as well as a critical review and presentation own attitudes regarding a particular topic from different study programs.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: ENG
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Elective courses
Code: OGNE2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Zorana Kozomarić
Expanding and enriching language communicative competencies; Developing the ability to engage in an area specific to everyday and future professional activities - the language of the profession; Improving language skills (reading, understanding ...) Development of language skills in the language of the profession (reading and understanding of shorter texts); Improvement of communication competence in the field of profession (understanding of speech); Understanding, expressing and interacting in a professional context.
Learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes: Mastering the techniques of understanding written texts of general themes and texts in the field of profession (spoting specific lexical, grammatical and expressive tools); Adoption of basic professional terminology; Expanding speaking patterns Overcoming extended forms of speech activity - ability to discuss professional issues; Further development of the ability to read specific expert texts at the level of global, selective and orientational
Expanding and enriching language communicative competencies; Developing the ability to engage in an area specific to everyday and future professional activities - the language of the profession; Improving language skills (reading, understanding ...) Development of language skills in the language of the profession (reading and understanding of shorter texts); Improvement of communication competence in the field of profession (understanding of speech); Understanding, expressing and interacting in a professional context.
Learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes: Mastering the techniques of understanding written texts of general themes and texts in the field of profession (spoting specific lexical, grammatical and expressive tools); Adoption of basic professional terminology; Expanding speaking patterns Overcoming extended forms of speech activity - ability to discuss professional issues; Further development of the ability to read specific expert texts at the level of global, selective and orientational
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Science of Arts
Code: OJVT1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Mirjana Zakić
Writing a seminar paper under mentorship, based on the ethnomusicological coursework covered during the current academic year.
Learning outcomes:
A seminar paper of at least 12 typed pages (without examples) and its oral presentation. Extending the knowledge on techniques and principles of realization of short research papers.
Writing a seminar paper under mentorship, based on the ethnomusicological coursework covered during the current academic year.
Learning outcomes:
A seminar paper of at least 12 typed pages (without examples) and its oral presentation. Extending the knowledge on techniques and principles of realization of short research papers.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OCME1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Aleksandra Jovanović
Preparation diverse interpretative knowledge aimed at developing the creative personality of a music pedagogue. Students master techniques and practical skills (in the area of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (familiarity with and understanding the repertoire and the context of a piece of music), gain independence in their work, psychological understanding of performance, critical thinking and communication skills. Through these classes students should acquire necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of vocal pedagogy, the ability to analytically consolidate their own performing experience with achievements of the world pedagogy in this field and the ability to independently impact students in primary and secondary school with whom they will directly work in their pedagogical practice.
Learning outcomes:
Methodology of teaching solo singing prepares students for independent professional career, creative work and develops the ability to design written preparations, class simulations and introduces students to the criteria of knowledge evaluation.
Preparation diverse interpretative knowledge aimed at developing the creative personality of a music pedagogue. Students master techniques and practical skills (in the area of artistic expression, singing in ensembles, public performance, practicing and rehearsing), theoretical knowledge (familiarity with and understanding the repertoire and the context of a piece of music), gain independence in their work, psychological understanding of performance, critical thinking and communication skills. Through these classes students should acquire necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of vocal pedagogy, the ability to analytically consolidate their own performing experience with achievements of the world pedagogy in this field and the ability to independently impact students in primary and secondary school with whom they will directly work in their pedagogical practice.
Learning outcomes:
Methodology of teaching solo singing prepares students for independent professional career, creative work and develops the ability to design written preparations, class simulations and introduces students to the criteria of knowledge evaluation.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OBDI1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 22
Study of basic elements of conducting technique (preparatory movement, schemes, articulation, agogics...) and practical application in vocal, three and four voices part pieces (motets, madrigals and pieces of domestic composers of simpler structure). Introduction to stylistic directions, characteristics and types of choral ensembles, practical application of beforehand acquired knowledge (harmony analysis, musical forms, counterpoint). Theoretical processing of more complex choral works of various stylistic epochs and musical directions (liturgies, operas, spiritual concerts, choral suites and similar).Through practical work with the ensemble (mixed and female choir), students further improve their conducting technique, get acquainted with the process of work (from the initial sight reading piece with the ensemble, to the final mastering of the basic elements of the interpretation).
Learning outcomes:
Students will master practical skills (allocated within artistic expressions, public performances, rehearsal and ensembles conducting, and practice sessions), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of interpretations, awareness of criticisms and communication skills.
Study of basic elements of conducting technique (preparatory movement, schemes, articulation, agogics...) and practical application in vocal, three and four voices part pieces (motets, madrigals and pieces of domestic composers of simpler structure). Introduction to stylistic directions, characteristics and types of choral ensembles, practical application of beforehand acquired knowledge (harmony analysis, musical forms, counterpoint). Theoretical processing of more complex choral works of various stylistic epochs and musical directions (liturgies, operas, spiritual concerts, choral suites and similar).Through practical work with the ensemble (mixed and female choir), students further improve their conducting technique, get acquainted with the process of work (from the initial sight reading piece with the ensemble, to the final mastering of the basic elements of the interpretation).
Learning outcomes:
Students will master practical skills (allocated within artistic expressions, public performances, rehearsal and ensembles conducting, and practice sessions), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of interpretations, awareness of criticisms and communication skills.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: ENG
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OBDI2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 22
Study of basic elements of conducting technique (preparatory movement, schemes, articulation, agogics...) and practical application in vocal, three and four voices part pieces (motets, madrigals and pieces of domestic composers of simpler structure). Introduction to stylistic directions, characteristics and types of choral ensembles, practical application of beforehand acquired knowledge (harmony analysis, musical forms, counterpoint). Theoretical processing of more complex choral works of various stylistic epochs and musical directions (liturgies, operas, spiritual concerts, choral suites and similar).Through practical work with the ensemble (mixed and female choir), students further improve their conducting technique, get acquainted with the process of work (from the initial sight reading piece with the ensemble, to the final mastering of the basic elements of the interpretation).
Learning outcomes:
Students will master practical skills (allocated within artistic expressions, public performances, rehearsal and ensembles conducting, and practice sessions), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of interpretations, awareness of criticisms and communication skills.
Study of basic elements of conducting technique (preparatory movement, schemes, articulation, agogics...) and practical application in vocal, three and four voices part pieces (motets, madrigals and pieces of domestic composers of simpler structure). Introduction to stylistic directions, characteristics and types of choral ensembles, practical application of beforehand acquired knowledge (harmony analysis, musical forms, counterpoint). Theoretical processing of more complex choral works of various stylistic epochs and musical directions (liturgies, operas, spiritual concerts, choral suites and similar).Through practical work with the ensemble (mixed and female choir), students further improve their conducting technique, get acquainted with the process of work (from the initial sight reading piece with the ensemble, to the final mastering of the basic elements of the interpretation).
Learning outcomes:
Students will master practical skills (allocated within artistic expressions, public performances, rehearsal and ensembles conducting, and practice sessions), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of interpretations, awareness of criticisms and communication skills.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: ENG
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OBDI3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 22
Study of basic elements of conducting technique (preparatory movement, schemes, articulation, agogics...) and practical application in vocal, three and four voices part pieces (motets, madrigals and pieces of domestic composers of simpler structure). Introduction to stylistic directions, characteristics and types of choral ensembles, practical application of beforehand acquired knowledge (harmony analysis, musical forms, counterpoint). Theoretical processing of more complex choral works of various stylistic epochs and musical directions (liturgies, operas, spiritual concerts, choral suites and similar).Through practical work with the ensemble (mixed and female choir), students further improve their conducting technique, get acquainted with the process of work (from the initial sight reading piece with the ensemble, to the final mastering of the basic elements of the interpretation).
Learning outcomes:
Students will master practical skills (allocated within artistic expressions, public performances, rehearsal and ensembles conducting, and practice sessions), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of interpretations, awareness of criticisms and communication skills.
Study of basic elements of conducting technique (preparatory movement, schemes, articulation, agogics...) and practical application in vocal, three and four voices part pieces (motets, madrigals and pieces of domestic composers of simpler structure). Introduction to stylistic directions, characteristics and types of choral ensembles, practical application of beforehand acquired knowledge (harmony analysis, musical forms, counterpoint). Theoretical processing of more complex choral works of various stylistic epochs and musical directions (liturgies, operas, spiritual concerts, choral suites and similar).Through practical work with the ensemble (mixed and female choir), students further improve their conducting technique, get acquainted with the process of work (from the initial sight reading piece with the ensemble, to the final mastering of the basic elements of the interpretation).
Learning outcomes:
Students will master practical skills (allocated within artistic expressions, public performances, rehearsal and ensembles conducting, and practice sessions), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of interpretations, awareness of criticisms and communication skills.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: ENG
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OBDI4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 22
Study of basic elements of conducting technique (preparatory movement, schemes, articulation, agogics...) and practical application in vocal, three and four voices part pieces (motets, madrigals and pieces of domestic composers of simpler structure). Introduction to stylistic directions, characteristics and types of choral ensembles, practical application of beforehand acquired knowledge (harmony analysis, musical forms, counterpoint). Theoretical processing of more complex choral works of various stylistic epochs and musical directions (liturgies, operas, spiritual concerts, choral suites and similar).Through practical work with the ensemble (mixed and female choir), students further improve their conducting technique, get acquainted with the process of work (from the initial sight reading piece with the ensemble, to the final mastering of the basic elements of the interpretation).
Learning outcomes:
Students will master practical skills (allocated within artistic expressions, public performances, rehearsal and ensembles conducting, and practice sessions), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of interpretations, awareness of criticisms and communication skills.
Study of basic elements of conducting technique (preparatory movement, schemes, articulation, agogics...) and practical application in vocal, three and four voices part pieces (motets, madrigals and pieces of domestic composers of simpler structure). Introduction to stylistic directions, characteristics and types of choral ensembles, practical application of beforehand acquired knowledge (harmony analysis, musical forms, counterpoint). Theoretical processing of more complex choral works of various stylistic epochs and musical directions (liturgies, operas, spiritual concerts, choral suites and similar).Through practical work with the ensemble (mixed and female choir), students further improve their conducting technique, get acquainted with the process of work (from the initial sight reading piece with the ensemble, to the final mastering of the basic elements of the interpretation).
Learning outcomes:
Students will master practical skills (allocated within artistic expressions, public performances, rehearsal and ensembles conducting, and practice sessions), theoretical knowledge (knowledge and understanding of the repertoire and the context of the piece), gain autonomy in work, psychological understanding of interpretations, awareness of criticisms and communication skills.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: ENG
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMIJ1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Dragan Ćalina
Understanding and identifying different jazz styles and jazz languages. Historical and analytical aspects. Jazz origins, Afro-American folklore: blues, spiritual music, archaic jazz, ragtime. Early styles: New Orleans jazz, Dixieland, Chicago style, revival, New York style, swing, bebop, progressive jazz, cool jazz, West coast jazz, mainstream jazz. Understanding and identifying different jazz styles and jazz languages. Historical and analytical aspects. New tendencies: hard bop, modal playing, free jazz, different styles in jazz music from 1980s until today. World music. Jazz in Serbia.
Learning outcomes:
Students can identify and analytically observe different jazz styles.
Understanding and identifying different jazz styles and jazz languages. Historical and analytical aspects. Jazz origins, Afro-American folklore: blues, spiritual music, archaic jazz, ragtime. Early styles: New Orleans jazz, Dixieland, Chicago style, revival, New York style, swing, bebop, progressive jazz, cool jazz, West coast jazz, mainstream jazz. Understanding and identifying different jazz styles and jazz languages. Historical and analytical aspects. New tendencies: hard bop, modal playing, free jazz, different styles in jazz music from 1980s until today. World music. Jazz in Serbia.
Learning outcomes:
Students can identify and analytically observe different jazz styles.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMKL1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Sava Miletić
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMKL2 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Sava Miletić
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMKL3 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Professor: Sava Miletić
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMKL4 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 13
Professor: Sava Miletić
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMKL5 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Professor: Sava Miletić
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMKL6 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Professor: Sava Miletić
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMKL7 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Professor: Sava Miletić
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMKL7 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Professor: Sava Miletić
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: OMKL8 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 11
Professor: Sava Miletić
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Work on jazz language (bebop, blues). Jazz standards and Broadway songs. Work on chords and scales. Program and work plan depend on students’ individual capabilities at the time and they are adjusted to the level of their knowledge, intellectual, emotional and psychophysical abilities. Jazz department organizes concerts of the entire class or Department once a week. Students are obliged to participate at the concerts: either as performers or as audience. Student has to publicly perform minimum once a month. Final exam: half recital of free program (30-35 minutes).
Learning outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to express themselves in the most important traditional and modern jazz styles. Students gain the ability to actualize their artistic ideas.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Catalogue and Brochure Design
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Visual communications
Code: 22О075 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Olivera Batajić Sretenović
Defining ideas. Presentation of ideas. Basic setting of simple publications. Basic graphic rules in publication design. Types of publications. Specificities of publications. Target groups and creating customer questionnaires. Financial definition of the project. Settings of typographic forms. Typographic hierarchy. The relationship between image and text. The colour. Image, illustration, or photograph. Graphic composition. Simple websites. Observer and rules of observation. Pushing boundaries within grid rules. Arrangement of elements. Defining the budget. Communication with the printer and creation of requests. Ecological approach in the production process. Finalisation. Presentation.
Learning outcomes:
The student can demonstrate and understand approaches to designing different complex texts. He/she can plan and graphically design demanding editorial projects. He/she can visually articulate his/her ideas, through sketches and computer work in appropriate computer programs. He/she can present and explain his/her idea verbally and visually and conceptualise the process from idea to finished product.
Defining ideas. Presentation of ideas. Basic setting of simple publications. Basic graphic rules in publication design. Types of publications. Specificities of publications. Target groups and creating customer questionnaires. Financial definition of the project. Settings of typographic forms. Typographic hierarchy. The relationship between image and text. The colour. Image, illustration, or photograph. Graphic composition. Simple websites. Observer and rules of observation. Pushing boundaries within grid rules. Arrangement of elements. Defining the budget. Communication with the printer and creation of requests. Ecological approach in the production process. Finalisation. Presentation.
Learning outcomes:
The student can demonstrate and understand approaches to designing different complex texts. He/she can plan and graphically design demanding editorial projects. He/she can visually articulate his/her ideas, through sketches and computer work in appropriate computer programs. He/she can present and explain his/her idea verbally and visually and conceptualise the process from idea to finished product.
Entry requirements: Knowledge in Typography, and usage of desktop publishing programs
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Newspaper and Magazine Design
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Visual communications
Code: 22О076 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Olivera Batajić Sretenović
The emergence of newspapers and the role of design at the beginning of development. A brief history of newspaper and magazine graphic design, with references that defined development. Specifics of the development of newspaper typeface and typefaces for magazines. Contemporary design of newspapers and magazines. Analog and digital approaches. Process in newspaper and magazine design. Work organisation and planning. Defining the target group. Market research. Magazine and newspaper formats. Organization of the party. The structures of such publications and the importance of the application of graphic networks. Grid division by columns. Fracture problems. Appearance of possible opposite sides. Header. Rails or rubrics. Lines and frames as graphic elements. Typographical rules (headings, subtitles, signature of the author of the text, introduction to the text, main text, intertitles, interviews, glosses, short news, special titles). Infographics. The photo. Illustration. The colour. Magazine and Newspaper Stylebook. Exclusive and luxury editions. Printing process and printing types. Finalisation, with special reference to special finishes. During the exercises, the student through his/her own publication project goes through all the stages of its creation.
Learning outcomes:
The student can plan a publication with a complex structure, following all graphic rules and applying a visible hierarchy. In this work, he adheres to the aesthetic as well as the functional role of the product for the audience it is intended for. He can define digital editions through analog editions and realise them for digital distribution. He participates in teamwork and understands the importance of accurate planning and good organisation of work. He is familiar with the printing and finalisation processes and actively participates in defining those processes.
The emergence of newspapers and the role of design at the beginning of development. A brief history of newspaper and magazine graphic design, with references that defined development. Specifics of the development of newspaper typeface and typefaces for magazines. Contemporary design of newspapers and magazines. Analog and digital approaches. Process in newspaper and magazine design. Work organisation and planning. Defining the target group. Market research. Magazine and newspaper formats. Organization of the party. The structures of such publications and the importance of the application of graphic networks. Grid division by columns. Fracture problems. Appearance of possible opposite sides. Header. Rails or rubrics. Lines and frames as graphic elements. Typographical rules (headings, subtitles, signature of the author of the text, introduction to the text, main text, intertitles, interviews, glosses, short news, special titles). Infographics. The photo. Illustration. The colour. Magazine and Newspaper Stylebook. Exclusive and luxury editions. Printing process and printing types. Finalisation, with special reference to special finishes. During the exercises, the student through his/her own publication project goes through all the stages of its creation.
Learning outcomes:
The student can plan a publication with a complex structure, following all graphic rules and applying a visible hierarchy. In this work, he adheres to the aesthetic as well as the functional role of the product for the audience it is intended for. He can define digital editions through analog editions and realise them for digital distribution. He participates in teamwork and understands the importance of accurate planning and good organisation of work. He is familiar with the printing and finalisation processes and actively participates in defining those processes.
Entry requirements: Knowledge in Typography, and usage of desktop publishing programs
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Materials Knowledge 3
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Arts, Design & Conservation and Restoration
Code: 22O243 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Irena Živković
POLYMER MATERIALS. Structure of polymer materials. Dependence of the structure and properties of polymeric materials. Properties of polymer materials. Glass transition temperature. Viscoelastic state of polymeric materials. Liquid crystalline polymer materials. Technological characteristics and processing of polymer materials. Ageing and protection of polymer materials. Classification of polymeric materials. Synthetic thermoplastic polymers: Polyethylene. Polypropylene. Polystyrene and copolymers. Poly (vinyl chloride). Poly (vinyl acetate). Poly (vinyl alcohol). Poly (tetrafluoro-ethylene). Acrylic polymers. Thermoplastic polyesters. Polycarbonate. Polyamides. Aromatic polyimides. Aromatic polyethers. Polyurethanes. Synthetic thermosetting polymers. Unsaturated polyesters. Alkyd resins. Phenol-formaldehyde resins. Amino resins. Epoxy resins. Elastomeric materials. Natural rubber. Synthetic rubbers. Thermoplastic elastomers. Natural organic polymers. Cellulose and starch - composition, origin, properties, application. Amber. Cellulose ethers and esters. Dextrin - composition, origin, properties, application. Proteins. Collagen and elastin. Organic hydrophilic binders of animal origin. Animal glue and gelatin - composition, origin, properties, application. Organic lipophilic adhesives. Polymer coatings and varnishes. Organic pigments and dyes.
Learning outcomes:
The student acquires knowledge about the structure, properties, technological characteristics and processing of polymer materials, the technological development of products and materials for professional interventions, with the merging of tradition and experimentation with new materials. With the help of knowledge of polymer materials used in art, design and conservation and restoration, the student is able to predict independently the optimal selection of synthetic and natural organic polymer materials.
POLYMER MATERIALS. Structure of polymer materials. Dependence of the structure and properties of polymeric materials. Properties of polymer materials. Glass transition temperature. Viscoelastic state of polymeric materials. Liquid crystalline polymer materials. Technological characteristics and processing of polymer materials. Ageing and protection of polymer materials. Classification of polymeric materials. Synthetic thermoplastic polymers: Polyethylene. Polypropylene. Polystyrene and copolymers. Poly (vinyl chloride). Poly (vinyl acetate). Poly (vinyl alcohol). Poly (tetrafluoro-ethylene). Acrylic polymers. Thermoplastic polyesters. Polycarbonate. Polyamides. Aromatic polyimides. Aromatic polyethers. Polyurethanes. Synthetic thermosetting polymers. Unsaturated polyesters. Alkyd resins. Phenol-formaldehyde resins. Amino resins. Epoxy resins. Elastomeric materials. Natural rubber. Synthetic rubbers. Thermoplastic elastomers. Natural organic polymers. Cellulose and starch - composition, origin, properties, application. Amber. Cellulose ethers and esters. Dextrin - composition, origin, properties, application. Proteins. Collagen and elastin. Organic hydrophilic binders of animal origin. Animal glue and gelatin - composition, origin, properties, application. Organic lipophilic adhesives. Polymer coatings and varnishes. Organic pigments and dyes.
Learning outcomes:
The student acquires knowledge about the structure, properties, technological characteristics and processing of polymer materials, the technological development of products and materials for professional interventions, with the merging of tradition and experimentation with new materials. With the help of knowledge of polymer materials used in art, design and conservation and restoration, the student is able to predict independently the optimal selection of synthetic and natural organic polymer materials.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Materials Knowledge 4
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Arts, Design & Conservation and Restoration
Code: 22O244 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Irena Živković
COMPOSITE MATERIALS. Natural leather - structure, properties, processing and protection. Synthetic leather. Natural fibres. Chemical fibres. Fabric structure. Fabric in fine arts - painter's canvas. Technological characteristics of the fabric. Linen, jute, hemp, cotton and natural silk fabric. Glue as a material element of painting. Glue function. Classification of adhesives. Organic hydrophilic adhesives. Properties of binders - optical influence of binders on colours, chemical and physical properties. Structure and properties of composite materials. Classification of composite materials. Composite materials reinforced with particles. Fibre reinforced composite materials. Processing of composite materials. Wood and wood-based materials. Wood as a carrier of a work of art - nano, micro and macrostructure of wood, chemical composition, types, physical, thermal, mechanical properties, defects in wood, processing. Paper as a carrier of a work of art - nano, micro and macrostructure, chemical composition, types, physical and mechanical properties. Technological characteristics of paper. Paper production process - manual and industrial. Type of paper.
Learning outcomes:
The student acquires knowledge about the structure, properties, technological characteristics and processing of composite materials, the technological development of products and materials for professional interventions, with the merging of tradition and experimentation with new materials. With the help of knowledge of composite materials used in art, design and conservation and restoration, the student is able to predict independently the optimal selection of synthetic and natural composite materials.
COMPOSITE MATERIALS. Natural leather - structure, properties, processing and protection. Synthetic leather. Natural fibres. Chemical fibres. Fabric structure. Fabric in fine arts - painter's canvas. Technological characteristics of the fabric. Linen, jute, hemp, cotton and natural silk fabric. Glue as a material element of painting. Glue function. Classification of adhesives. Organic hydrophilic adhesives. Properties of binders - optical influence of binders on colours, chemical and physical properties. Structure and properties of composite materials. Classification of composite materials. Composite materials reinforced with particles. Fibre reinforced composite materials. Processing of composite materials. Wood and wood-based materials. Wood as a carrier of a work of art - nano, micro and macrostructure of wood, chemical composition, types, physical, thermal, mechanical properties, defects in wood, processing. Paper as a carrier of a work of art - nano, micro and macrostructure, chemical composition, types, physical and mechanical properties. Technological characteristics of paper. Paper production process - manual and industrial. Type of paper.
Learning outcomes:
The student acquires knowledge about the structure, properties, technological characteristics and processing of composite materials, the technological development of products and materials for professional interventions, with the merging of tradition and experimentation with new materials. With the help of knowledge of composite materials used in art, design and conservation and restoration, the student is able to predict independently the optimal selection of synthetic and natural composite materials.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: spring | Number of semesters: 3 | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Interdisciplinary Drawing and Painting
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art, Visual Communications
Code: 22O096 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Branka Kuzmanović
Interdisciplinary Drawing and Painting is an elective undergraduate subject from the Field of Drawing and Painting. It involves combining different artistic disciplines in order to create a complex work of art in the medium of drawing or painting in the sense of composite collage, assemblage, ready-made, as well as different types of spatial interventions in the interior and/or exterior.
Learning outcomes:
After completing the Interdisciplinary Drawing and Painting course program, the student is able to implement various knowledge and other related audio-visual disciplines in her/his own achievement in the field of drawing and painting.
Interdisciplinary Drawing and Painting is an elective undergraduate subject from the Field of Drawing and Painting. It involves combining different artistic disciplines in order to create a complex work of art in the medium of drawing or painting in the sense of composite collage, assemblage, ready-made, as well as different types of spatial interventions in the interior and/or exterior.
Learning outcomes:
After completing the Interdisciplinary Drawing and Painting course program, the student is able to implement various knowledge and other related audio-visual disciplines in her/his own achievement in the field of drawing and painting.
Entry requirements: Study experience in the Field of Drawing and Painting. A portfolio is required.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Woven and Knitted Textile Design 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22О188 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Zlatko M. Cvetković
Acquiring knowledge and mastering the basic processes for the design of industrial and handmade (unique) woven surfaces. Getting to know the influence of the quality of yarn and interweaving on the visual and aesthetic value of the structure of the designed fabrics. Getting to know the basics of digital fabric design in preparation for industrial production.
Learning outcomes:
The student is qualified for the design and realisation of textile surfaces on handloom and shaft looms for industrial and unique production. Competency of students for the basics of digital design for more complex types of looms.
Acquiring knowledge and mastering the basic processes for the design of industrial and handmade (unique) woven surfaces. Getting to know the influence of the quality of yarn and interweaving on the visual and aesthetic value of the structure of the designed fabrics. Getting to know the basics of digital fabric design in preparation for industrial production.
Learning outcomes:
The student is qualified for the design and realisation of textile surfaces on handloom and shaft looms for industrial and unique production. Competency of students for the basics of digital design for more complex types of looms.
Entry requirements: Completed Basic design woven and knitting
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Tapestry 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Leonora J. Vekić
Introduction into the discipline; basic principles and possibilities of creative expression in the field of tapestry. Acquiring knowledge about: the possibilities of applying principles and textile techniques; expressive properties of the material; types, preparation and application of materials in the process of realisation of the conceptual solution; basic principles and methods of tapestry weaving.
Learning outcomes:
After completing the course, the student established and developed the ability to: establish an idea through an aesthetic composition, develop a conceptual solution through the characteristics and properties of materials and apply adequate technical capabilities. The student acquired basic artistic, technical and technological knowledge and the possibility of their successful creative and practical application in compositions.
Introduction into the discipline; basic principles and possibilities of creative expression in the field of tapestry. Acquiring knowledge about: the possibilities of applying principles and textile techniques; expressive properties of the material; types, preparation and application of materials in the process of realisation of the conceptual solution; basic principles and methods of tapestry weaving.
Learning outcomes:
After completing the course, the student established and developed the ability to: establish an idea through an aesthetic composition, develop a conceptual solution through the characteristics and properties of materials and apply adequate technical capabilities. The student acquired basic artistic, technical and technological knowledge and the possibility of their successful creative and practical application in compositions.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Tapestry 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22O373 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Leonora J. Vekić
The aim of the course is to develop the ability to apply basic principles and creative expression in the field of tapestry and textile art. Through various stages of application of techniques and materials, the student develops skills and divergent thinking about the possibilities of transposing the conceptual solution into the textile medium.
First unit: Possibilities of expression in tapestry creation; mastering and improvement of technical procedures, material and colour, structural relationships in the essential characteristics of the tapestry medium.
Second unit: Developing the conceptual content in a closed composition and finding an adequate textile way of realising the idea. Application of basic technical procedures and principles. Possibilities of free use, combining, developing forms by applying textile principles in order to achieve an adequate aesthetic combination of all elements.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to:
- observe, analyse and combine structures in the material in relation to the conceptual template;
- recognize the elements and their connections, which are important for the ways of transposition using basic textile principles and materials;
- understands the basic artistic - constructive - structural relationships;
- has knowledge of the essential specificities of creativity related to the field of tapestry and textile art.
The aim of the course is to develop the ability to apply basic principles and creative expression in the field of tapestry and textile art. Through various stages of application of techniques and materials, the student develops skills and divergent thinking about the possibilities of transposing the conceptual solution into the textile medium.
First unit: Possibilities of expression in tapestry creation; mastering and improvement of technical procedures, material and colour, structural relationships in the essential characteristics of the tapestry medium.
Second unit: Developing the conceptual content in a closed composition and finding an adequate textile way of realising the idea. Application of basic technical procedures and principles. Possibilities of free use, combining, developing forms by applying textile principles in order to achieve an adequate aesthetic combination of all elements.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to:
- observe, analyse and combine structures in the material in relation to the conceptual template;
- recognize the elements and their connections, which are important for the ways of transposition using basic textile principles and materials;
- understands the basic artistic - constructive - structural relationships;
- has knowledge of the essential specificities of creativity related to the field of tapestry and textile art.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Printed Textile Design 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22О193 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Rade Pejović
Acquiring knowledge, understanding and mastering the process of unique textile design through creative application of specific textile traditional and modern manual procedures and work methods.
Developing individual creative processes, ability to evaluate, research principles of work, practical skills in creating textile compositions by applying specific interventions on textiles.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to independently apply and creatively improve skills with understanding, acquired knowledge and experience in the realisation of a project of the basic level of complexity.
Through research procedures, the student improves creative thinking, develops visual perception and tactile values of specific manual textile techniques applied to textile materials in the context of unique design.
Acquiring knowledge, understanding and mastering the process of unique textile design through creative application of specific textile traditional and modern manual procedures and work methods.
Developing individual creative processes, ability to evaluate, research principles of work, practical skills in creating textile compositions by applying specific interventions on textiles.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to independently apply and creatively improve skills with understanding, acquired knowledge and experience in the realisation of a project of the basic level of complexity.
Through research procedures, the student improves creative thinking, develops visual perception and tactile values of specific manual textile techniques applied to textile materials in the context of unique design.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Printed Textile Design 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Design (Textile Design)
Code: 22О193 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Rade Pejović
Developing creative potential and artistic sensibility, deepening knowledge and practical experience in the context of clothing and/or decorative textiles. Creation of authentic concepts, using specific manual traditional interventions on textiles, modern techniques and technologies. Batik and other related techniques on textile materials. Application of combined textile media.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to independently apply and creatively develop the acquired knowledge and skills in the realisation of a more complex project. The student integrates knowledge and experience, deepens the ability of critical reasoning and the ability to create textile compositions for all purposes. It improves visual perception, tactile sensitivity and develops a new aesthetic sensibility.
Developing creative potential and artistic sensibility, deepening knowledge and practical experience in the context of clothing and/or decorative textiles. Creation of authentic concepts, using specific manual traditional interventions on textiles, modern techniques and technologies. Batik and other related techniques on textile materials. Application of combined textile media.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to independently apply and creatively develop the acquired knowledge and skills in the realisation of a more complex project. The student integrates knowledge and experience, deepens the ability of critical reasoning and the ability to create textile compositions for all purposes. It improves visual perception, tactile sensitivity and develops a new aesthetic sensibility.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting Techniques 3
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Arts – Applied Painting, Conservation and Restoration – Conservation and Restoration of Paintings and Art on Paper
Code: 22О361 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Slobodan B. Kajtez; Mina M. Glogovac
This subject is educating students through theory and practice on the fundamental techniques of easel painting, by traditional to modern methods. The student is expected to get a theoretical introduction to the structural layers of paintings from different eras, on solid and elastic bearers and their characteristics, as well as practical application in the oil technique on wood or canvas. The goal of the course is to develop creative abilities based on the connection of artistic and technological approaches in the creation of a work of art, as well as the acquisition of practical foundations for work on other professional subjects.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the subject program, the student will acquire highly specialised knowledge in the field of oil painting techniques. The student will master technology basics from knowledge of painting materials and their application, as well as the technology of working in these painting techniques. The student will be able to independently create works of art by working in withing the scope of this painting technique as well as to be able to connect subsequent knowledge with already acquired
This subject is educating students through theory and practice on the fundamental techniques of easel painting, by traditional to modern methods. The student is expected to get a theoretical introduction to the structural layers of paintings from different eras, on solid and elastic bearers and their characteristics, as well as practical application in the oil technique on wood or canvas. The goal of the course is to develop creative abilities based on the connection of artistic and technological approaches in the creation of a work of art, as well as the acquisition of practical foundations for work on other professional subjects.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the subject program, the student will acquire highly specialised knowledge in the field of oil painting techniques. The student will master technology basics from knowledge of painting materials and their application, as well as the technology of working in these painting techniques. The student will be able to independently create works of art by working in withing the scope of this painting technique as well as to be able to connect subsequent knowledge with already acquired
Entry requirements: None
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Painting Techniques
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Scenography)
Code: 22О358 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Milan M. Glogovac
Professional education of students through the theory and practice of basic techniques of easel painting, from traditional to modern methods; getting to know the theory of the structural layers of paintings of different epochs, on various supports and their characteristics; using certain techniques of painting on various types of solid and elastic bearers in accordance with the acquired knowledge, including preparing bearers, primers, binders, paints, varnishes and their application; mastering fine art and technological procedures within the framework of the given technique; developing creative abilities based on connecting artistic and technological approaches in producing a work of art; acquiring practical bases for work on other professional courses.
Learning outcomes:
Acquiring high professional knowledge and skills in the field of basic painting techniques of easel painting, both traditional and contemporary; mastering the basics of painting materials and their applications, from the fine art and technology perspectives, as well as the technology of work in basic painting techniques and methods of their implementation.
Professional education of students through the theory and practice of basic techniques of easel painting, from traditional to modern methods; getting to know the theory of the structural layers of paintings of different epochs, on various supports and their characteristics; using certain techniques of painting on various types of solid and elastic bearers in accordance with the acquired knowledge, including preparing bearers, primers, binders, paints, varnishes and their application; mastering fine art and technological procedures within the framework of the given technique; developing creative abilities based on connecting artistic and technological approaches in producing a work of art; acquiring practical bases for work on other professional courses.
Learning outcomes:
Acquiring high professional knowledge and skills in the field of basic painting techniques of easel painting, both traditional and contemporary; mastering the basics of painting materials and their applications, from the fine art and technology perspectives, as well as the technology of work in basic painting techniques and methods of their implementation.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Scenography Basics 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Scenography)
Code: 22О228 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Ninoslava Vićentić
To provide students with insight into scenography as spatial and narrative art discipline and acquaint them with basic visual, technical and academic knowledge necessary for their future art expression.
Learning outcomes:
Gradually, students improve analytical (theoretical-technical) and creative (artistic) reasoning as a foundation and equally important prerequisites for designing a stage or performance space.
To provide students with insight into scenography as spatial and narrative art discipline and acquaint them with basic visual, technical and academic knowledge necessary for their future art expression.
Learning outcomes:
Gradually, students improve analytical (theoretical-technical) and creative (artistic) reasoning as a foundation and equally important prerequisites for designing a stage or performance space.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Scenography Basics 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Scenography)
Code: 22О229 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Ninoslava Vićentić
To give students an overview of basic principles of scenography and possibilities of their art expression within a performance space; Students adapt their concepts and art solutions to performance space and gradually develop visual artistry and necessary technical competences.
Learning outcomes:
Enable students visual and technical skills required for artistic and scenographic intervention and practice.
To give students an overview of basic principles of scenography and possibilities of their art expression within a performance space; Students adapt their concepts and art solutions to performance space and gradually develop visual artistry and necessary technical competences.
Learning outcomes:
Enable students visual and technical skills required for artistic and scenographic intervention and practice.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Scenography 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Scenography)
Code: 22О366 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 10
Professor: Ninoslava Vićentić
By designing a classical Ancient Greek drama challenge and shape students’ artistry, technical and academic-theoretical knowledge. To acquaint students with the functioning, characteristics and conditionality of a specific performance space by matching the requirements of the given text and space.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to complete an one-act stage design in all aspects - visual and technical and to provide a contemporary art answer on requests of setting a classical drama text.
By designing a classical Ancient Greek drama challenge and shape students’ artistry, technical and academic-theoretical knowledge. To acquaint students with the functioning, characteristics and conditionality of a specific performance space by matching the requirements of the given text and space.
Learning outcomes:
Students are able to complete an one-act stage design in all aspects - visual and technical and to provide a contemporary art answer on requests of setting a classical drama text.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of Stage design-Scenography
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Theatre Scenography 1a
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Scenography)
Code: 22О274 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Milica Đurov
Students are learning to create entire production project for theatre. By designing scenography for Shakespeare's tragedy plays, students are developing artistic expression through creative thinking and training for independent work in the theatre. They are getting to know the technologies of classical theatre spaces and mastering the work process which includes quick scene changes.
Learning outcomes:
The student understands the role and importance of kinetic scenography in the theatre. He/she is capable of making scenographic projects that include: analysis of the stage work; creation of conceptual sketches; making technical elaboration; making scale models. He/she understands stage mechanisms and possibilities of scene changes within the theatrical act.
Students are learning to create entire production project for theatre. By designing scenography for Shakespeare's tragedy plays, students are developing artistic expression through creative thinking and training for independent work in the theatre. They are getting to know the technologies of classical theatre spaces and mastering the work process which includes quick scene changes.
Learning outcomes:
The student understands the role and importance of kinetic scenography in the theatre. He/she is capable of making scenographic projects that include: analysis of the stage work; creation of conceptual sketches; making technical elaboration; making scale models. He/she understands stage mechanisms and possibilities of scene changes within the theatrical act.
Entry requirements: Medium knowledge of Theatre stage design/Scenography
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Theatre Scenography 1b
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Scenography)
Code: 22О275 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Milica Đurov
Students are upgrading abilities to create complete production project for theatre. By creating scenography for A.P. Chekhov's plays, students are developing artistic expression through creative thinking and training for independent work in the theatre. They are mastering artistic knowledge of using stage technologies in the production process which includes quick scene changes.
Learning outcomes:
The student understands the role and importance of theatre scenography. He/she is able to create scenographic projects which include: analysis of the stage work; creation of conceptual sketches; preparation of a technical report; making models;
selection of materials for implementation. He/she mastered stage changes in relation to different types of theatre scene and their technical and technological potential. He/she mastered the application of rapid scene changes in theatrical performance with more complex images.
Students are upgrading abilities to create complete production project for theatre. By creating scenography for A.P. Chekhov's plays, students are developing artistic expression through creative thinking and training for independent work in the theatre. They are mastering artistic knowledge of using stage technologies in the production process which includes quick scene changes.
Learning outcomes:
The student understands the role and importance of theatre scenography. He/she is able to create scenographic projects which include: analysis of the stage work; creation of conceptual sketches; preparation of a technical report; making models;
selection of materials for implementation. He/she mastered stage changes in relation to different types of theatre scene and their technical and technological potential. He/she mastered the application of rapid scene changes in theatrical performance with more complex images.
Entry requirements: Medium knowledge of Theatre Stage design/Scenography
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Film and TV Scenography 1a
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Scenography)
Code: 22О414 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Milica Đurov
television production design. Developing design for simple TV production project. Development research, conceptual and critical way of thinking and fitting into teamwork. Training students for creative thinking and independent scenographic/production design work on film and television, with an accent on simple television studio shows.
Learning outcomes:
The student understands the role and importance of production design/scenography in television and film projects, and is able to independently design stage space for simple television shows and smaller film projects. The student is capable of designing and creating a complete scenographic project of a small scale for TV studio production.
television production design. Developing design for simple TV production project. Development research, conceptual and critical way of thinking and fitting into teamwork. Training students for creative thinking and independent scenographic/production design work on film and television, with an accent on simple television studio shows.
Learning outcomes:
The student understands the role and importance of production design/scenography in television and film projects, and is able to independently design stage space for simple television shows and smaller film projects. The student is capable of designing and creating a complete scenographic project of a small scale for TV studio production.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of film and TV Scenography/Production design for TV and film.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Film and TV Scenography 1b
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Scenography)
Code: 22О415 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Milica Đurov
Training students for creative thinking and independent work for film and television, with an emphasis on small film/TV projects in non-studio and studio conditions. Introducing the student to the specifics of film decor and filming. Mastering the production design project work process. Developing research, conceptual and critical way of thinking and fitting into teamwork.
Learning outcomes:
The student understands the role and importance of scenography/production design in film and television projects. He/she is able to independently design, create production designs, along with the creation of a complete scenographic elaboration, for smaller film or TV projects.
Training students for creative thinking and independent work for film and television, with an emphasis on small film/TV projects in non-studio and studio conditions. Introducing the student to the specifics of film decor and filming. Mastering the production design project work process. Developing research, conceptual and critical way of thinking and fitting into teamwork.
Learning outcomes:
The student understands the role and importance of scenography/production design in film and television projects. He/she is able to independently design, create production designs, along with the creation of a complete scenographic elaboration, for smaller film or TV projects.
Entry requirements: Medium knowledge of film and TV Scenography/Production design for TV and film
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Theatre scenography 3a
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Scenography)
Code: 22М063 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Vesna Popović
The students are being trained to work on independent research in the field of theatrical scenography. Through a comprehensive analysis of the chosen dramatic work, aria, ballet, or performance, they are obligated to be prepared for the realisation of their work in some perspective by developing a complete visual-technical presentation and a written essay.
Learning outcomes:
The candidate already has student or professional experience in the field of theatrical scenography, which involves contact with theatre practices, understanding the role of scenography in a performance, knowledge of visual elements, perspective, technical drawing, as well as a basic understanding of materials used in scenography.
The students are being trained to work on independent research in the field of theatrical scenography. Through a comprehensive analysis of the chosen dramatic work, aria, ballet, or performance, they are obligated to be prepared for the realisation of their work in some perspective by developing a complete visual-technical presentation and a written essay.
Learning outcomes:
The candidate already has student or professional experience in the field of theatrical scenography, which involves contact with theatre practices, understanding the role of scenography in a performance, knowledge of visual elements, perspective, technical drawing, as well as a basic understanding of materials used in scenography.
Entry requirements: Bachelor's studies in Stage Design, Light Design etc. Advanced knowledge in Theatre stage Design/Scenography.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Theatre scenography 3b
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Scenography)
Code: 22М063 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Vesna Popović
Guided by expertise through the chosen topic, relying on thorough research, attending theatre performances, discussions, and workshops, the student becomes ready to approach the development of a master's thesis or research responsibly, serving as a foundation for upcoming topics.
Learning outcomes:
The candidate has student and/or professional experience in theatrical practice. It is necessary to have an understanding of the functioning of all sectors in the production of a theatrical performance. The student is expected to provide visual sketches, a comprehensive technical presentation, and a written essay on a selected topic, with a minimum of 15 typed pages.
Guided by expertise through the chosen topic, relying on thorough research, attending theatre performances, discussions, and workshops, the student becomes ready to approach the development of a master's thesis or research responsibly, serving as a foundation for upcoming topics.
Learning outcomes:
The candidate has student and/or professional experience in theatrical practice. It is necessary to have an understanding of the functioning of all sectors in the production of a theatrical performance. The student is expected to provide visual sketches, a comprehensive technical presentation, and a written essay on a selected topic, with a minimum of 15 typed pages.
Entry requirements: Bachelor's studies in Stage Design, Light Design etc. Advanced knowledge in Theatre stage Design/Scenography.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Film and Television scenography 3a
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Scenography)
Code: 22М094 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Jelena Sopić
The course aims to equip students with the capacity for creative ideation and autonomous engagement in Television Set Design and Film Production Design. Introducing students to the specifics of television and film decor, studio techniques, and the technology of television and cinema. Mastering the project work process. Developing investigative, conceptual, and critical thinking skills and integrating into teamwork.
The aim of the course is to empower students in the conception and realisation of studio and location builds.
Learning outcomes:
The student understands the role and importance of scenography in television and film projects and can independently conceptualise sets for television programs and complex film projects. The student is capable of designing and creating a complete scenographic project for film and television.
The course aims to equip students with the capacity for creative ideation and autonomous engagement in Television Set Design and Film Production Design. Introducing students to the specifics of television and film decor, studio techniques, and the technology of television and cinema. Mastering the project work process. Developing investigative, conceptual, and critical thinking skills and integrating into teamwork.
The aim of the course is to empower students in the conception and realisation of studio and location builds.
Learning outcomes:
The student understands the role and importance of scenography in television and film projects and can independently conceptualise sets for television programs and complex film projects. The student is capable of designing and creating a complete scenographic project for film and television.
Entry requirements: Knowledge of film and TV Scenography/Production design for TV and film
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Film and Television scenography 3b
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Scenography)
Code: 22М094 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Jelena Sopić
The course aims to equip students with the capacity for creative ideation and autonomous engagement in Television Set Design and Film Production Design. Introducing students to the specifics of television and film decor, studio techniques, and the technology of television and cinema. Mastering the project work process. Developing investigative, conceptual, and critical thinking skills and integrating into teamwork.
The aim of the course is to empower students in the conception and realisation of studio and location builds.
Learning outcomes:
The student understands the role and importance of scenography in television and film projects and can independently conceptualise sets for television programs and complex film projects. The student is capable of designing and creating a complete scenographic project for film and television.
The course aims to equip students with the capacity for creative ideation and autonomous engagement in Television Set Design and Film Production Design. Introducing students to the specifics of television and film decor, studio techniques, and the technology of television and cinema. Mastering the project work process. Developing investigative, conceptual, and critical thinking skills and integrating into teamwork.
The aim of the course is to empower students in the conception and realisation of studio and location builds.
Learning outcomes:
The student understands the role and importance of scenography in television and film projects and can independently conceptualise sets for television programs and complex film projects. The student is capable of designing and creating a complete scenographic project for film and television.
Entry requirements: Knowledge of film and TV Scenography/Production design for TV and film
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Ceramic design 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Ceramics)
Code: 22О128 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Jasmina Pejčić
During this course, students are introduced with basic aesthetic and functional principles of designing and realising by slip casting simple ceramic products. They go through all stages from drawing conceptual sketches to making plaster models, mould making, slip casting, glazing and firing of a simple ceramic object – the vase.
Learning outcomes:
Covering all stages from conceptual sketches to the finished product, the aim of the course is to enable students to successfully design and realise the simplest ceramic products as part of a design team.
During this course, students are introduced with basic aesthetic and functional principles of designing and realising by slip casting simple ceramic products. They go through all stages from drawing conceptual sketches to making plaster models, mould making, slip casting, glazing and firing of a simple ceramic object – the vase.
Learning outcomes:
Covering all stages from conceptual sketches to the finished product, the aim of the course is to enable students to successfully design and realise the simplest ceramic products as part of a design team.
Entry requirements: Knowledge of basic ceramic techniques
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Ceramic design 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Ceramics)
Code: 22О129 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Jasmina Pejčić
During this course, students are introduced with basic aesthetic and functional principles of designing in the field of architectural ceramics and realisation of wall relief ceramic tiles using the pressing technique. Going through all the stages from drawing conceptual sketches to making plaster models, moulds, glazing and firing.
Learning outcomes:
Covering all stages from conceptual sketches to the finished product, the aim of the course is to enable students to successfully design and create wall relief ceramic tiles using the pressing technique as part of a design team.
During this course, students are introduced with basic aesthetic and functional principles of designing in the field of architectural ceramics and realisation of wall relief ceramic tiles using the pressing technique. Going through all the stages from drawing conceptual sketches to making plaster models, moulds, glazing and firing.
Learning outcomes:
Covering all stages from conceptual sketches to the finished product, the aim of the course is to enable students to successfully design and create wall relief ceramic tiles using the pressing technique as part of a design team.
Entry requirements: Knowledge of basic ceramic techniques
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Ceramic Sculpture 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Ceramics)
Code: 22О131 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Lana Tikveša, Ljubica Knežević
Mastering the transposition of complex forms and shapes from nature into authentic ceramic sculptures using all the expressive potential of the medium of ceramics. The process is carried out successfully from observation of the environment, identification and selection of appropriate elements to realisation of materials. Enrichment of the artistic language and its possibilities in conveying and expressing multi-layered messages, abstract ideas and emotions, as well as full training in the technical-technological knowledge and skills required for the realisation of demanding ceramic forms through the entire artistic process from conception to the final production.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the program, the student is able to create a ceramic sculpture using the process of transposition. The student is enabled to, with limited independence, with the support of the teacher, decide on the method of establishing the form and, with the
possible selection of techniques, choose the best technological procedures and artistic solutions that correspond to his ideas. They have all the basic aesthetic, technical and technological knowledge and skills necessary for the realisation of the work and are able to adapt them to their own ideas.
Mastering the transposition of complex forms and shapes from nature into authentic ceramic sculptures using all the expressive potential of the medium of ceramics. The process is carried out successfully from observation of the environment, identification and selection of appropriate elements to realisation of materials. Enrichment of the artistic language and its possibilities in conveying and expressing multi-layered messages, abstract ideas and emotions, as well as full training in the technical-technological knowledge and skills required for the realisation of demanding ceramic forms through the entire artistic process from conception to the final production.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the program, the student is able to create a ceramic sculpture using the process of transposition. The student is enabled to, with limited independence, with the support of the teacher, decide on the method of establishing the form and, with the
possible selection of techniques, choose the best technological procedures and artistic solutions that correspond to his ideas. They have all the basic aesthetic, technical and technological knowledge and skills necessary for the realisation of the work and are able to adapt them to their own ideas.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Ceramic Sculpture in the Exterior 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Ceramics)
Code: 22М032 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Lana Tikveša, Ljubica Knežević
Training for independent (theoretical and practical) research and finding authentic ideas and artistic solutions and possibilities related to the issue of ceramic sculpture, installations or wall panels in the exterior. Introduction to the artistic and technical - technological conditions of applying ceramics as a material in the realisation of projects of larger dimensions, in open space and within a larger architectural or natural entity. With an individual approach, the development of specific potentials and the formation of an independent artistic personality through the development of several conceptual solutions that rely on insight into the student’s previous work.
Learning outcomes:
The student is capable of independently coming up with completely new and authentic conceptual solutions related to ceramic sculpture/installation/wall panels in the exterior. They are able to develop, perfect and elaborate them in several directions in order to create ideologically and stylistically coherent spatial-architectural works, individual sculptures or sculptural units in accordance with the spatial, aesthetic and technical conditions of a specific location or architectural unit.
Training for independent (theoretical and practical) research and finding authentic ideas and artistic solutions and possibilities related to the issue of ceramic sculpture, installations or wall panels in the exterior. Introduction to the artistic and technical - technological conditions of applying ceramics as a material in the realisation of projects of larger dimensions, in open space and within a larger architectural or natural entity. With an individual approach, the development of specific potentials and the formation of an independent artistic personality through the development of several conceptual solutions that rely on insight into the student’s previous work.
Learning outcomes:
The student is capable of independently coming up with completely new and authentic conceptual solutions related to ceramic sculpture/installation/wall panels in the exterior. They are able to develop, perfect and elaborate them in several directions in order to create ideologically and stylistically coherent spatial-architectural works, individual sculptures or sculptural units in accordance with the spatial, aesthetic and technical conditions of a specific location or architectural unit.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge and skills in the field of ceramics sculpture.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Ceramic Sculpture in the Exterior 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Ceramics)
Code: 22М033 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Lana Tikveša, Ljubica Knežević
Introduction to the artistic and technical - technological conditions of applying ceramics as a material in the realisation of projects of larger dimensions, in an open space and within a larger architectural unit. Using individual approach, the development of specific potentials and the formation of an independent artistic personality through tasks that rely on insight into the student’s previous work and the upgrading of personal sensibility in accordance with the possibilities, requirements and limitations imposed by the realisation of ceramic sculpture in the exterior. Application of previous technical-technological knowledge and
experience and their expansion in accordance with the aesthetic and technical requirements of the task.
Learning outcomes:
The student is trained to independently devise and realise their own, original and creative aesthetic and technical-technological procedures in accordance with the basic idea at the level of a reduced model (maquette) and to plan and organise the realisation of a full-scale project. They are able to explain their views in writing and verbally, to defend their aesthetic positions and specific solutions, and to critically consider and improve them independently. The student is able to plan all aspects of project realisation and to adequately present and explain them through a presentation: verbally, in writing as well as through visual material.
Introduction to the artistic and technical - technological conditions of applying ceramics as a material in the realisation of projects of larger dimensions, in an open space and within a larger architectural unit. Using individual approach, the development of specific potentials and the formation of an independent artistic personality through tasks that rely on insight into the student’s previous work and the upgrading of personal sensibility in accordance with the possibilities, requirements and limitations imposed by the realisation of ceramic sculpture in the exterior. Application of previous technical-technological knowledge and
experience and their expansion in accordance with the aesthetic and technical requirements of the task.
Learning outcomes:
The student is trained to independently devise and realise their own, original and creative aesthetic and technical-technological procedures in accordance with the basic idea at the level of a reduced model (maquette) and to plan and organise the realisation of a full-scale project. They are able to explain their views in writing and verbally, to defend their aesthetic positions and specific solutions, and to critically consider and improve them independently. The student is able to plan all aspects of project realisation and to adequately present and explain them through a presentation: verbally, in writing as well as through visual material.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge and skills in the field of ceramics sculpture.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Ceramic Sculpture Basics 1
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Ceramics)
Code: 22О230 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Lana Tikveša, Ljubica Knežević
Students are introduced to the basic methods of constructing unique ceramic forms, to the basic ceramic techniques needed for the realisation of simpler solutions, as well as to the basic ways of treating the ceramic surface. They also become familiar with basic visual and aesthetic laws (the relationship between the elements that make up the form, the relationship between the form and the surface, etc), artistic elements and the possibilities of their application in the field of ceramic sculpture.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to build and construct simple desired or given ceramic forms with limited independence (with the help/supervision of the professor) with the use and application of basic techniques provided by the course material, basic surface treatment procedures and to practically apply knowledge of ceramic technology. At the level of a simpler solution, they are also able to understand and apply elementary laws of art, connecting them and adapting them to their own ideas and ways of working through the entire process, from making sketches to the final realisation of the art object.
Students are introduced to the basic methods of constructing unique ceramic forms, to the basic ceramic techniques needed for the realisation of simpler solutions, as well as to the basic ways of treating the ceramic surface. They also become familiar with basic visual and aesthetic laws (the relationship between the elements that make up the form, the relationship between the form and the surface, etc), artistic elements and the possibilities of their application in the field of ceramic sculpture.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able to build and construct simple desired or given ceramic forms with limited independence (with the help/supervision of the professor) with the use and application of basic techniques provided by the course material, basic surface treatment procedures and to practically apply knowledge of ceramic technology. At the level of a simpler solution, they are also able to understand and apply elementary laws of art, connecting them and adapting them to their own ideas and ways of working through the entire process, from making sketches to the final realisation of the art object.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Ceramic Sculpture Basics 2
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Ceramics)
Code: 22О231 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Lana Tikveša, Ljubica Knežević
Students get acquainted with more complex methods of constructing and shaping unique ceramic forms, with different ceramic procedures and techniques needed for the realisation of more complex artistic solutions, as well as with basic knowledge related to the use and potentials of ceramic glazes and the specifics of this part of the technical-technological process. They also develop knowledge about basic aesthetic and visual elements and laws, especially those related to the relationship between form, colour and decor.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able, with limited independence (with the help/supervision of the professor), to build and shape more complex desired or given ceramic forms with the
use and application of advanced techniques provided by the course material. The student has basic knowledge about ceramic glazes, procedures and techniques related to the glazing process, as well as the possibilities it provides. At the level of more complex
conceptual and practical solutions, they are also able to apply elementary artistic laws with understanding, throughout the entire work process, and to independently make a number of decisions related to the realisation of artworks.
Students get acquainted with more complex methods of constructing and shaping unique ceramic forms, with different ceramic procedures and techniques needed for the realisation of more complex artistic solutions, as well as with basic knowledge related to the use and potentials of ceramic glazes and the specifics of this part of the technical-technological process. They also develop knowledge about basic aesthetic and visual elements and laws, especially those related to the relationship between form, colour and decor.
Learning outcomes:
The student is able, with limited independence (with the help/supervision of the professor), to build and shape more complex desired or given ceramic forms with the
use and application of advanced techniques provided by the course material. The student has basic knowledge about ceramic glazes, procedures and techniques related to the glazing process, as well as the possibilities it provides. At the level of more complex
conceptual and practical solutions, they are also able to apply elementary artistic laws with understanding, throughout the entire work process, and to independently make a number of decisions related to the realisation of artworks.
Entry requirements: None
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Fashion Design 4
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Fashion Design)
Code: 22М075 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 9
Professor: Senka Kljakić, Tijana Milutinović, Jelena Stevančević
Professional development in the field of fashion design: synthesis of acquired knowledge and skills; nurturing of authorial sensibility and development of creative potentials through research practice, conceptual design, fashion illustration, and exploration of form in sample fabrics (setting up and preparing a collection for realisation). Creation and presentation of a portfolio of conceptual fashion collection projects.
Learning outcomes:
•The student is enabled to conceptualise a collection on a chosen theme.
•The student develops and applies both authentic visual and design expression in their work.
•The student identifies the target group, as well as the similarities and differences between commercial and unique collections.
•The student uses experiences of visual techniques, as well as digital tools for illustrating collections and preparing technical drawings for potential collection realisation.
Professional development in the field of fashion design: synthesis of acquired knowledge and skills; nurturing of authorial sensibility and development of creative potentials through research practice, conceptual design, fashion illustration, and exploration of form in sample fabrics (setting up and preparing a collection for realisation). Creation and presentation of a portfolio of conceptual fashion collection projects.
Learning outcomes:
•The student is enabled to conceptualise a collection on a chosen theme.
•The student develops and applies both authentic visual and design expression in their work.
•The student identifies the target group, as well as the similarities and differences between commercial and unique collections.
•The student uses experiences of visual techniques, as well as digital tools for illustrating collections and preparing technical drawings for potential collection realisation.
Entry requirements: Visiting students must be students of related studies.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Fashion Design 5
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Fashion Design)
Code: 22М076 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 9
Professor: Senka Kljakić, Tijana Milutinović, Jelena Stevančević
Professional development in creating a fashion collection according to an authentic conceptual project. Determining the profession's requirements and enabling the student for independent work within various needs/categories of the fashion industry. Encouraging the use of modern and innovative methods and procedures in creating/realising an authorial collection, as well as exploring new approaches/concepts/techniques in presenting one's own work. Encouraging the student to emphasise authorial integrity and critical thinking to develop an independent and bold creative personality in the field of fashion design.
Learning outcomes:
•The student is enabled to conceptualise and realise a fashion collection on a chosen theme.
•The student is enabled to correctly carry out all project phases according to professional standards.
•The student highlights the authentic value of the conceptual concept.
•The student is enabled for independent or team work as a fashion designer.
Professional development in creating a fashion collection according to an authentic conceptual project. Determining the profession's requirements and enabling the student for independent work within various needs/categories of the fashion industry. Encouraging the use of modern and innovative methods and procedures in creating/realising an authorial collection, as well as exploring new approaches/concepts/techniques in presenting one's own work. Encouraging the student to emphasise authorial integrity and critical thinking to develop an independent and bold creative personality in the field of fashion design.
Learning outcomes:
•The student is enabled to conceptualise and realise a fashion collection on a chosen theme.
•The student is enabled to correctly carry out all project phases according to professional standards.
•The student highlights the authentic value of the conceptual concept.
•The student is enabled for independent or team work as a fashion designer.
Entry requirements: Visiting students must be students of related studies.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Fashion on stage
Faculty of Applied ArtsStudy Programme: Applied Art (Fashion Design)
Code: 22М055 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Senka Kljakić, Tijana Milutinović, Jelena Stevančević
Mastering and understanding the similarities and differences in designing a fashion collection and stage costumes. Setting up and developing a conceptual project inspired by a specific dramatic work. Research and experimental approach in work through dual interpretations of the same source and different applications in the fields of stage costumes and fashion design.
Learning outcomes:
•The student understands the similarities and differences in the work phases when creating stage costumes and fashion collections.
•The student understands the relationship between fashion design and stage costumes in correlation with other related disciplines.
•The student uses various visual media (drawing, painting, digital techniques, video, photography, etc.) in designing conceptual solutions.
•The student successfully develops, transposes, and applies the same source within different conceptual solutions through unconventional approaches in research and visual work.
Mastering and understanding the similarities and differences in designing a fashion collection and stage costumes. Setting up and developing a conceptual project inspired by a specific dramatic work. Research and experimental approach in work through dual interpretations of the same source and different applications in the fields of stage costumes and fashion design.
Learning outcomes:
•The student understands the similarities and differences in the work phases when creating stage costumes and fashion collections.
•The student understands the relationship between fashion design and stage costumes in correlation with other related disciplines.
•The student uses various visual media (drawing, painting, digital techniques, video, photography, etc.) in designing conceptual solutions.
•The student successfully develops, transposes, and applies the same source within different conceptual solutions through unconventional approaches in research and visual work.
Entry requirements: Visiting students must be students of related studies.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Writing for Performance
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Dramaturgy
Code: 23МDR05 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: doc. Tanja Šljivar
The course offers an opportunity for students to develop and create a long-term artistic project based on text. The course also provides a special focus on the forms of performance texts (plays, no-longer-dramatic texts, postdramatic texts, performance texts, librettos, audio pieces, etc). Through familiarization with these different formats of performance texts, students are also asked to conceptualize possibilities for the presentation/staging of the texts.
Learning outcomes:
Students are enabled for individual and collaborative constructive and critical thinking, both regarding their own and also the texts of their colleagues. They would also be able to analyze all other complex phenomena and processes occurring in the field of contemporary artistic production, with a special focus on textual production.
The course offers an opportunity for students to develop and create a long-term artistic project based on text. The course also provides a special focus on the forms of performance texts (plays, no-longer-dramatic texts, postdramatic texts, performance texts, librettos, audio pieces, etc). Through familiarization with these different formats of performance texts, students are also asked to conceptualize possibilities for the presentation/staging of the texts.
Learning outcomes:
Students are enabled for individual and collaborative constructive and critical thinking, both regarding their own and also the texts of their colleagues. They would also be able to analyze all other complex phenomena and processes occurring in the field of contemporary artistic production, with a special focus on textual production.
Entry requirements: Enrolment in the MA studies in performing arts (directing, writing, production)
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
The Basics of Film Directing I
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Film and TV directing
Code: 22.OFR23 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Miloš P. Pavlović
Lectures: On the concept of directing and specifics of film directing. Specifics of the director's personality - who can be a director? The difference between the physical and the film space. Film shot - definition. A shot as an element of editing. Different of the shot types. The concept of camera angle. On the concept of the 180 rule. What is framing? Blocking systems. Film lenses. Classification and application principles. Film photography. Static and dynamic in the photographic and film expression. Movement on film - basic classification. Types of camera movement. The concept of mise-en-scène and specifics of film mise-en-scène. Mise en scene and film blocking. Mise-en-scène and TV blocking. Mise-en- scène and the one shot sequence.
Learning outcomes:
Students are introduced to basics of designing space in the film through lectures, demonstrations and examples.
Students know the basic rules of film language in space building.
Lectures: On the concept of directing and specifics of film directing. Specifics of the director's personality - who can be a director? The difference between the physical and the film space. Film shot - definition. A shot as an element of editing. Different of the shot types. The concept of camera angle. On the concept of the 180 rule. What is framing? Blocking systems. Film lenses. Classification and application principles. Film photography. Static and dynamic in the photographic and film expression. Movement on film - basic classification. Types of camera movement. The concept of mise-en-scène and specifics of film mise-en-scène. Mise en scene and film blocking. Mise-en-scène and TV blocking. Mise-en- scène and the one shot sequence.
Learning outcomes:
Students are introduced to basics of designing space in the film through lectures, demonstrations and examples.
Students know the basic rules of film language in space building.
Entry requirements: Attending the required degree and year of studies
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
The Basics of Film Directing II
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Film and TV directing
Code: 22.OFR24 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Miloš P. Pavlović
Students learn the basics of the construction of filmic time through lectures, demonstrations and examples. Filmic time - differences as opposed to physical time. The concept of rhythm and tempo of the film. The concept of film punctuation. Classical methods of punctuation. Contemporary methods of film punctuation. Overlapping, types and usage. The sound on the film - basic classification. Types of spoken text in a film. The classification of sound effects in a film. The silence. Music in a film - classification. Why do we write a scenario? Location scouting, cast, director's explication and other elements of shooting preparation. Storyboard. Directing the team, function and relation with the other members of the team. Genre in films - within the historical and production context. Genre as a codified means of expression.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the basic knowledge of time categories setting in directing a film.
Students know how to use elements of space and time in the construction of the narrative in the film.
Students learn the basics of the construction of filmic time through lectures, demonstrations and examples. Filmic time - differences as opposed to physical time. The concept of rhythm and tempo of the film. The concept of film punctuation. Classical methods of punctuation. Contemporary methods of film punctuation. Overlapping, types and usage. The sound on the film - basic classification. Types of spoken text in a film. The classification of sound effects in a film. The silence. Music in a film - classification. Why do we write a scenario? Location scouting, cast, director's explication and other elements of shooting preparation. Storyboard. Directing the team, function and relation with the other members of the team. Genre in films - within the historical and production context. Genre as a codified means of expression.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the basic knowledge of time categories setting in directing a film.
Students know how to use elements of space and time in the construction of the narrative in the film.
Entry requirements: Attending the required degree and year of studies; Completed attendance of The Basics of Film Directing I
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
The Basics of Film Directing III
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Film and TV directing
Code: 22.OFR25 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Miloš P. Pavlović
Lectures: Stages of directing work on the film. The first reading of the scenario. Topics and ideas. Dramaturgical work of directors. Basics of narration. The characters, conflicts. The main plot. Style and genre. Work on the extension - text adaptation. Directors' work on characters. The functions and tasks. Counter plot. Units. Breakpoints. The dramatic rhythm and visual rhythm. Overlapping and differences. Preparations for shooting. Work on the sound.
Workshops Exercises. Other forms of teaching. Study research paper.
Learning outcomes:
Student can actively analyze written templates - scenario and explicates directing vision based on it.
Students learn about the process of creating short film forms through lectures, demonstrations, examples and exercises.
Lectures: Stages of directing work on the film. The first reading of the scenario. Topics and ideas. Dramaturgical work of directors. Basics of narration. The characters, conflicts. The main plot. Style and genre. Work on the extension - text adaptation. Directors' work on characters. The functions and tasks. Counter plot. Units. Breakpoints. The dramatic rhythm and visual rhythm. Overlapping and differences. Preparations for shooting. Work on the sound.
Workshops Exercises. Other forms of teaching. Study research paper.
Learning outcomes:
Student can actively analyze written templates - scenario and explicates directing vision based on it.
Students learn about the process of creating short film forms through lectures, demonstrations, examples and exercises.
Entry requirements: Attending the required degree and year of studies; Completed attendance of The Basics of Film Directing II
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
The Basics of Film Directing IV
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Film and TV directing
Code: 22.OFR26 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Miloš P. Pavlović
Lectures: Work on the image in the preparation and shooting. Director of photography. Set designer. Costume designer. Mask. The elements of creating visual rhythm. The third dimension, perspective and movement. Working with the actor. Different techniques and methods (Stanislavsky, Brecht, contemporary methods). The work in the team. Working with the actor before the camera. Shooting and improvisation. Unplanned factors. Screenwriting work on the set. The director in post-production. Image editing. Different approaches depending on the shooting method. Working on the post-production of images. Work on the sound.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the basic craft knowledge in film directing.
Students know how to use the elements of space and time construction.
Lectures: Work on the image in the preparation and shooting. Director of photography. Set designer. Costume designer. Mask. The elements of creating visual rhythm. The third dimension, perspective and movement. Working with the actor. Different techniques and methods (Stanislavsky, Brecht, contemporary methods). The work in the team. Working with the actor before the camera. Shooting and improvisation. Unplanned factors. Screenwriting work on the set. The director in post-production. Image editing. Different approaches depending on the shooting method. Working on the post-production of images. Work on the sound.
Learning outcomes:
Mastering the basic craft knowledge in film directing.
Students know how to use the elements of space and time construction.
Entry requirements: Attending the required degree and year of studies; Completed attendance of The Basics of Film Directing III
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Documentary Filmmaking III
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Film and TV directing
Code: 22.OFR11 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 3
Professor: Andrijana Stojković
Through examples and analyzes of documentaries, students gain insight into the richness of genres and author approaches to documentary. The objective of the course is to train students to work on the production of an author's documentary in a team, preparing and developing the script and budgeting.
Learning outcomes:
The student gained basic knowledge of the genres of documentary film and the historical interaction of TV media and documentary form. It recognizes the specifics of this relationship and creatively reflects on the future of this relationship in the context of new technology development.
Through examples and analyzes of documentaries, students gain insight into the richness of genres and author approaches to documentary. The objective of the course is to train students to work on the production of an author's documentary in a team, preparing and developing the script and budgeting.
Learning outcomes:
The student gained basic knowledge of the genres of documentary film and the historical interaction of TV media and documentary form. It recognizes the specifics of this relationship and creatively reflects on the future of this relationship in the context of new technology development.
Entry requirements: Basic knowledge of documentary methods, history of cinema, preferably one short documentary made
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Cultural sustainability studies
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Management in Culture and Media
Code: 22.DMG05 | Course level: doctoral | ECTS credits: 8
Professor: Ljiljana Rogač Mijatović, Milena Dragićević Šešić, Milena Stefanović, Ksenija Marković Božović
The course includes the following topics: theoretical and conceptual frameworks of cultural sustainability: cultural history, identity studies, cultural capital, cultural geography, cultural policy; Clusters of cultural sustainability studies: cultural heritage; culture and environment; territorial development; tourism; cultural and creative industries, artistic practices; Processes of social transformations and sustainability (equality, consumption, values...); The roles of cultural policy and planning in the territorial development of regions, districts, cities, local communities, municipalities and villages; Research of cultural policies and practices from the point of view of cultural sustainability; Methods and techniques of cultural sustainability analysis: cultural mapping, statistics, discourses,...
Learning outcomes:
Аfter attending the course, the student has mastered theoretical knowledge and analytical-interpretive skills in the field of cultural sustainability research and culture-based sustainable development. Students will identify cultural and disciplinary perspectives on sustainability and be able to recognize the relationships between cultural sustainability and cultural policy, and thus they able to critically evaluate programs and projects aimed at improving cultural sustainability.
The course includes the following topics: theoretical and conceptual frameworks of cultural sustainability: cultural history, identity studies, cultural capital, cultural geography, cultural policy; Clusters of cultural sustainability studies: cultural heritage; culture and environment; territorial development; tourism; cultural and creative industries, artistic practices; Processes of social transformations and sustainability (equality, consumption, values...); The roles of cultural policy and planning in the territorial development of regions, districts, cities, local communities, municipalities and villages; Research of cultural policies and practices from the point of view of cultural sustainability; Methods and techniques of cultural sustainability analysis: cultural mapping, statistics, discourses,...
Learning outcomes:
Аfter attending the course, the student has mastered theoretical knowledge and analytical-interpretive skills in the field of cultural sustainability research and culture-based sustainable development. Students will identify cultural and disciplinary perspectives on sustainability and be able to recognize the relationships between cultural sustainability and cultural policy, and thus they able to critically evaluate programs and projects aimed at improving cultural sustainability.
Entry requirements: enrolled PhD studies
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Editing of Contemporary and Hybrid Documentary Forms
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Editing
Code: 23ММО01 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Romana Vujasinović, Docent; Nenad Popović, Docent
This course explores the diverse landscape of contemporary documentary filmmaking, focusing on the crucial role of editing. Students will analyse various documentary forms, deconstructing editing decisions and gaining insight into how contemporary documentaries engage with reality, often blending genres. Through such analysis and relying on their editing experience, students will develop control over editing techniques to construct their own perspectives on reality through documentary content.
Learning outcomes:
Students will be able to analyse diverse documentary forms, understand editing's impact, and gain control over practical editing skills to create their own documentary content. They will learn about different documentary styles, narrative strategies, and the use of interviews, narration, archival material, music, animation, new media, AR and other elements.
This course explores the diverse landscape of contemporary documentary filmmaking, focusing on the crucial role of editing. Students will analyse various documentary forms, deconstructing editing decisions and gaining insight into how contemporary documentaries engage with reality, often blending genres. Through such analysis and relying on their editing experience, students will develop control over editing techniques to construct their own perspectives on reality through documentary content.
Learning outcomes:
Students will be able to analyse diverse documentary forms, understand editing's impact, and gain control over practical editing skills to create their own documentary content. They will learn about different documentary styles, narrative strategies, and the use of interviews, narration, archival material, music, animation, new media, AR and other elements.
Entry requirements: Enrolled in MA studies in Editing or Film and TV direction
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Writing for Performance
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Dramaturgy
Code: 22МDR01 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Tanja Šljivar, MA, docent
The course offers an opportunity for students to develop and create a long-term artistic project based on text. The course also provides a special focus on the forms of performance texts (plays, no-longer-dramatic texts, postdramatic texts, performance texts, librettos, audio pieces, etc). Through familiarization with these different formats of performance texts, students are also asked to conceptualize possibilities for the presentation/staging of the texts.
Learning outcomes:
Students are enabled for individual and collaborative constructive and critical thinking, both regarding their own and also the texts of their colleagues. They would also be able to analyze all other complex phenomena and processes occurring in the field of contemporary artistic production, with a special focus on textual production.
The course offers an opportunity for students to develop and create a long-term artistic project based on text. The course also provides a special focus on the forms of performance texts (plays, no-longer-dramatic texts, postdramatic texts, performance texts, librettos, audio pieces, etc). Through familiarization with these different formats of performance texts, students are also asked to conceptualize possibilities for the presentation/staging of the texts.
Learning outcomes:
Students are enabled for individual and collaborative constructive and critical thinking, both regarding their own and also the texts of their colleagues. They would also be able to analyze all other complex phenomena and processes occurring in the field of contemporary artistic production, with a special focus on textual production.
Entry requirements: enrolment in the MA studies in performing arts (directing, writing, production)
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Theater Dramaturgy
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Dramaturgy
Code: 22.ODR03 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Tijana Grumić, Assistant Professor
This course provides an introduction to the techniques of writing an original full-length play, the fundamentals of theatre criticism, and the principles of dramaturgical work. It examines the collaboration between dramaturgs and directors while offering an overview of key dramatic theories from the 18th and 19th centuries. Through a combination of theoretical study and practical application, students will develop analytical and creative skills essential for engaging with contemporary theatre-making and criticism.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the semester of lectures and exercises, students are trained to write full-length theater plays. In addition, they are trained for dramaturgical work in the process of preparing a text for performance, as well as for writing theater criticism.
This course provides an introduction to the techniques of writing an original full-length play, the fundamentals of theatre criticism, and the principles of dramaturgical work. It examines the collaboration between dramaturgs and directors while offering an overview of key dramatic theories from the 18th and 19th centuries. Through a combination of theoretical study and practical application, students will develop analytical and creative skills essential for engaging with contemporary theatre-making and criticism.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the semester of lectures and exercises, students are trained to write full-length theater plays. In addition, they are trained for dramaturgical work in the process of preparing a text for performance, as well as for writing theater criticism.
Entry requirements: Enrolment in the BA studies in performing arts – playwriting, directing
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Radio Dramaturgy – practicum
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Dramaturgy
Code: 22.ODR09 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Tijana Grumić, Assistant Professor
This course introduces radio drama and experimental audio formats, focusing on both theoretical and practical aspects of audio storytelling. Students will engage in oral and written analysis, explore key techniques for writing radiophonic and other audio works, and participate in dramaturgical exercises across various audio media. Emphasis is placed on developing original ideas and synopses for radio dramas or other audio formats of the students' choice, fostering creative and critical engagement with sound-based storytelling.
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the semester, students will be equipped to write complex radiophonic and audio works. Through a workshop-based approach, they will develop analytical skills, receive guidance in writing audio texts, and engage in group discussions to refine their work through theoretical lectures and practical exercises.
This course introduces radio drama and experimental audio formats, focusing on both theoretical and practical aspects of audio storytelling. Students will engage in oral and written analysis, explore key techniques for writing radiophonic and other audio works, and participate in dramaturgical exercises across various audio media. Emphasis is placed on developing original ideas and synopses for radio dramas or other audio formats of the students' choice, fostering creative and critical engagement with sound-based storytelling.
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the semester, students will be equipped to write complex radiophonic and audio works. Through a workshop-based approach, they will develop analytical skills, receive guidance in writing audio texts, and engage in group discussions to refine their work through theoretical lectures and practical exercises.
Entry requirements: Enrolment in the BA studies in performing arts – playwriting, directing
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Fundamentals of Interactive Digital Content Creation
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Visual Effects, Animation, and Game Art
Code: 22.408 VEAGA | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Darko Subotin, Assistant Professor; Mina Cvetinović Pavkov, Associate Professor
Theoretical Instruction:
Levels and working with 3D objects
Project libraries
Functioning of levels and references with the project library
Overview of terrain tools and mass duplication tool for objects
Types of classes and their applications 3D models
Introduction to materials
Working with materials through practical examples
Lighting Types of lights and working with lights and cameras through practical examples
Lighting in the form of special textures
Basics of audio systems
Basics of animation systems
Basics of visual programming systems
Practical Instruction :
Practical lessons focus on applying theoretical knowledge. The task is to create a simple scene with a focus on one of the areas covered in theoretical instruction.
3 weeks: Project planning in consultation with the professor
10 weeks: Project development based on a previously defined idea
2 weeks: Final project presentation
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the semester, students will be able to use tools within game development software, particularly for creating 3D environments and rendering. They will understand principles that are universal to all programs utilizing real-time rendering technology and will possess foundational knowledge for further development in the field of computer graphics.
Theoretical Instruction:
Levels and working with 3D objects
Project libraries
Functioning of levels and references with the project library
Overview of terrain tools and mass duplication tool for objects
Types of classes and their applications 3D models
Introduction to materials
Working with materials through practical examples
Lighting Types of lights and working with lights and cameras through practical examples
Lighting in the form of special textures
Basics of audio systems
Basics of animation systems
Basics of visual programming systems
Practical Instruction :
Practical lessons focus on applying theoretical knowledge. The task is to create a simple scene with a focus on one of the areas covered in theoretical instruction.
3 weeks: Project planning in consultation with the professor
10 weeks: Project development based on a previously defined idea
2 weeks: Final project presentation
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the semester, students will be able to use tools within game development software, particularly for creating 3D environments and rendering. They will understand principles that are universal to all programs utilizing real-time rendering technology and will possess foundational knowledge for further development in the field of computer graphics.
Entry requirements: Understanding the fundamentals of computer graphics and experience in using 3D software.
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Digital transformation in media and culture
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Management in culture and media industry
Code: 23MMG22 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Martinoli, A, Ana, Phd, full professor
This course explores the diverse landscape of contemporary documentary filmmaking, focusing on the crucial role of editing. Students will analyse various documentary forms, deconstructing editing decisions and gaining insight into how contemporary documentaries engage with reality, often blending genres. Through such analysis and relying on their editing experience, students will develop control over editing techniques to construct their own perspectives on reality through documentary content.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to understand the basic concepts of digital media theory, to be capable to critically assess the overall dynamics and complexity of the media, cultural and artistic market reshaped by digital technologies, to understand the cause-and-effect relationship between industry, technology and audience, and to be acquainted with new media and art forms and types of content in digital environment.
This course will also prepare students for the analysis of organizational structure; identification of subcultural and alternative groups in the organization; assessment of their compliance with community values; proposing organizational changes; building proposals for a new organizational culture; planning the way it is adopted and developed by creative teams.
This course explores the diverse landscape of contemporary documentary filmmaking, focusing on the crucial role of editing. Students will analyse various documentary forms, deconstructing editing decisions and gaining insight into how contemporary documentaries engage with reality, often blending genres. Through such analysis and relying on their editing experience, students will develop control over editing techniques to construct their own perspectives on reality through documentary content.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to understand the basic concepts of digital media theory, to be capable to critically assess the overall dynamics and complexity of the media, cultural and artistic market reshaped by digital technologies, to understand the cause-and-effect relationship between industry, technology and audience, and to be acquainted with new media and art forms and types of content in digital environment.
This course will also prepare students for the analysis of organizational structure; identification of subcultural and alternative groups in the organization; assessment of their compliance with community values; proposing organizational changes; building proposals for a new organizational culture; planning the way it is adopted and developed by creative teams.
Entry requirements: Enrolled master studies
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Strategic Management and Marketing
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Management in culture and media industry
Code: 22.MMG01 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: dr Milena Stefanović, Assistant Professor
The aim of the subject is to familiarize students with the idea, concept, and process of strategic management and marketing, two closely related scientific disciplines of business economics that are combined here. Due to their universality, these concepts are applicable in organizations from the cultural and media industries, regardless of whether they are commercial, non-profit, or budget-funded organizations. Key thematic units: Strategic management – process, mission, and objectives; Strategic analysis; Entrepreneurship and Leadership; Organizational Culture and Values; Strategic Marketing, Branding and Storytelling.
Learning outcomes:
Acquiring specific knowledge about the roles of strategic management and marketing in the field of cultural and creative industry, which will enable them to enhance their overall competencies necessary for performing various tasks in variety of organizations and initiatives. The outcomes of the subject also reflect the improvement of their skills in using various instruments and techniques of strategic management and marketing employed in the process of analysis, formulation, and implementation of business and marketing strategies.
The aim of the subject is to familiarize students with the idea, concept, and process of strategic management and marketing, two closely related scientific disciplines of business economics that are combined here. Due to their universality, these concepts are applicable in organizations from the cultural and media industries, regardless of whether they are commercial, non-profit, or budget-funded organizations. Key thematic units: Strategic management – process, mission, and objectives; Strategic analysis; Entrepreneurship and Leadership; Organizational Culture and Values; Strategic Marketing, Branding and Storytelling.
Learning outcomes:
Acquiring specific knowledge about the roles of strategic management and marketing in the field of cultural and creative industry, which will enable them to enhance their overall competencies necessary for performing various tasks in variety of organizations and initiatives. The outcomes of the subject also reflect the improvement of their skills in using various instruments and techniques of strategic management and marketing employed in the process of analysis, formulation, and implementation of business and marketing strategies.
Entry requirements: Enrolled master studies
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 5
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Contemporary theatre systems
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Culture and Media Management and Theatre Production
Code: 22.OMG13 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5.5
Professor: Phd Jovana Karaulic
Introduce students to the fundamental principles of cultural policy application in theatre and contemporary theatre systems.
Prepare students for practical work in European and global theatre contexts.
Provide knowledge on participation in international projects and identifying funding sources, with a special focus on European programs.
Equip students with networking, promotion, and distribution skills for performing arts in an international context.
Analyze different project collaboration models through an overview of contemporary Serbian, European, and global theatre practices.
Develop an understanding of interculturality, intermediality, the role of new technologies, and the ecological shift in theatre.
Learning outcomes:
• Acquire fundamental knowledge of cultural policy application in theatre.
• Understand the dominant theatre systems, their typologies, and economic orientations.
• Analyze and critically evaluate international and project-based collaboration models in a globalized theatre context.
• Grasp the position of theatre in a digitalized world and its adaptation to climate challenges and green transformation in the performing arts
Introduce students to the fundamental principles of cultural policy application in theatre and contemporary theatre systems.
Prepare students for practical work in European and global theatre contexts.
Provide knowledge on participation in international projects and identifying funding sources, with a special focus on European programs.
Equip students with networking, promotion, and distribution skills for performing arts in an international context.
Analyze different project collaboration models through an overview of contemporary Serbian, European, and global theatre practices.
Develop an understanding of interculturality, intermediality, the role of new technologies, and the ecological shift in theatre.
Learning outcomes:
• Acquire fundamental knowledge of cultural policy application in theatre.
• Understand the dominant theatre systems, their typologies, and economic orientations.
• Analyze and critically evaluate international and project-based collaboration models in a globalized theatre context.
• Grasp the position of theatre in a digitalized world and its adaptation to climate challenges and green transformation in the performing arts
Entry requirements: Enrolled in BA studies in Culture and Media Management and Theatre Production
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Theatre Production Models 1
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Cultural and Media Management and Theatre Production
Code: 22.OMG06 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 5
Professor: Phd Jovana Karaulic
This course covers historical and theoretical considerations of production models and their transformation in the contemporary artistic context. Students will be introduced to the specificities of production models in both local and international environments. The course introduces students to the study of contemporary production models through the analysis of institutional and non-institutional practices.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students should:
• Recognize and differentiate the characteristics of various theater production models
• Understand the distinctions between institutional, independent, and commercial theater
• Be familiar with the work and specificities of the most significant national, municipal, and independent theaters in Europe and Serbia
This course covers historical and theoretical considerations of production models and their transformation in the contemporary artistic context. Students will be introduced to the specificities of production models in both local and international environments. The course introduces students to the study of contemporary production models through the analysis of institutional and non-institutional practices.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students should:
• Recognize and differentiate the characteristics of various theater production models
• Understand the distinctions between institutional, independent, and commercial theater
• Be familiar with the work and specificities of the most significant national, municipal, and independent theaters in Europe and Serbia
Entry requirements: Enrolled in BA studies in Culture and Media Management and Theatre Production
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 12
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Green Approaches in Artistic Practices
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Cultural and Media Management and Theatre Production
Code: 22.OMG21 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 4
Professor: Phd Jovana Karaulic
The aim of the course is to introduce students to contemporary possibilities for green transformation in the field of cultural production, with a special focus on theater and audiovisual arts. Additionally, the course aims to map eco-turns in artistic practices on a global scale and familiarize students with the possibilities of applying eco-sustainable production approaches in the local context. Finally, the course seeks to foster an understanding of the necessity of adaptation and the ways of rethinking the entire artistic field and its political nature in response to the challenges of climate change.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to:
Understand the basic concepts of green transition in culture
Critically assess its possibilities in relation to the societal context in which it takes place
Master fundamental tools for applying eco-turns in artistic disciplines
Conceptualize artistic projects that incorporate the principles of the green agenda in terms of content, programming, and production
The aim of the course is to introduce students to contemporary possibilities for green transformation in the field of cultural production, with a special focus on theater and audiovisual arts. Additionally, the course aims to map eco-turns in artistic practices on a global scale and familiarize students with the possibilities of applying eco-sustainable production approaches in the local context. Finally, the course seeks to foster an understanding of the necessity of adaptation and the ways of rethinking the entire artistic field and its political nature in response to the challenges of climate change.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to:
Understand the basic concepts of green transition in culture
Critically assess its possibilities in relation to the societal context in which it takes place
Master fundamental tools for applying eco-turns in artistic disciplines
Conceptualize artistic projects that incorporate the principles of the green agenda in terms of content, programming, and production
Entry requirements: Enrolled in MA studies in Culture and Media Management and Theatre Production
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
The Eco Transformation of Management in Theatre
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Management in culture and media industry
Code: 22.MMG14 | Course level: master | ECTS credits: 2
Professor: Phd Jovana Karaulic, PhD Ksenija Markovic Bozovic
The goal of this course is to familiarize students with the theory of the eco-turn in theatre and practices related to: 1) adapting theatre organizations to the consequences of climate change, and 2) their efforts to mitigate these effects (through infrastructure thinking about venues, technical capacities, work procedures, organizational culture, etc.). By introducing students to current policies in this context and the experiences of successful European and non-European practices in light of the specific socio-economic conditions of different cultural systems, the course enables an understanding of the process of the green transformation of theatre, which seeks to: initiate internal changes in the way theatre works—adopting more environmentally sustainable work procedures and establishing a new management philosophy—but also redirect the external activities of theatre as an agent of change, by reflecting on its additional social functions—animating the audience and the broader community, and encouraging their participation in content addressing current issues of the climate crisis and environmental sustainability.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students will acquire knowledge of the basic concepts of the eco-turn in theatre and master the fundamental tools of theatre management in a crisis ecological context. In this regard, the learning outcome of the course is the development of students' ability to critically reflect on and design the process of the green transformation of theatre organizations in relation to the broader social context in which it occurs. Students will also contribute to encouraging and developing artistic projects that, both content-wise, programmatically, and production-wise, will uphold the principles of the green agenda.
The goal of this course is to familiarize students with the theory of the eco-turn in theatre and practices related to: 1) adapting theatre organizations to the consequences of climate change, and 2) their efforts to mitigate these effects (through infrastructure thinking about venues, technical capacities, work procedures, organizational culture, etc.). By introducing students to current policies in this context and the experiences of successful European and non-European practices in light of the specific socio-economic conditions of different cultural systems, the course enables an understanding of the process of the green transformation of theatre, which seeks to: initiate internal changes in the way theatre works—adopting more environmentally sustainable work procedures and establishing a new management philosophy—but also redirect the external activities of theatre as an agent of change, by reflecting on its additional social functions—animating the audience and the broader community, and encouraging their participation in content addressing current issues of the climate crisis and environmental sustainability.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students will acquire knowledge of the basic concepts of the eco-turn in theatre and master the fundamental tools of theatre management in a crisis ecological context. In this regard, the learning outcome of the course is the development of students' ability to critically reflect on and design the process of the green transformation of theatre organizations in relation to the broader social context in which it occurs. Students will also contribute to encouraging and developing artistic projects that, both content-wise, programmatically, and production-wise, will uphold the principles of the green agenda.
Entry requirements: Enrolled in MA studies in Management in culture and media industry
Semester: spring | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: 2OCOU1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Musical-psychological interpretation of roles from opera repertoire (for vocal studies students). Piano accompaniment practice of piano excerpts from opera repertoire (for conducting students).
Learning outcomes:
This course is designed to develop students' opera performance skills. Students will work on mastering a variety of opera material, from short excerpts to entire roles, with a focus on the Bel Canto style. They will receive individualized instruction based on their unique vocal abilities and will have opportunities to perform publicly. The main goal of the course is to prepare students for professional careers in opera.
Musical-psychological interpretation of roles from opera repertoire (for vocal studies students). Piano accompaniment practice of piano excerpts from opera repertoire (for conducting students).
Learning outcomes:
This course is designed to develop students' opera performance skills. Students will work on mastering a variety of opera material, from short excerpts to entire roles, with a focus on the Bel Canto style. They will receive individualized instruction based on their unique vocal abilities and will have opportunities to perform publicly. The main goal of the course is to prepare students for professional careers in opera.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: 2OBOR1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Students acquire practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, ensemble playing, public performance, rehearsal techniques, and maintenance), theoretical knowledge (understanding and comprehension of repertoire and contextual works), develop independence in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness, and communication skills.
Learning outcomes:
Students develop the ability to work in professional chamber, symphony and opera orchestras, becoming familiar with the specific demands of orchestral playing, as well as the work process in a professional orchestra. They perform challenging works from the symphonic repertoire with the highest artistic standards.
Students acquire practical skills (in the areas of artistic expression, ensemble playing, public performance, rehearsal techniques, and maintenance), theoretical knowledge (understanding and comprehension of repertoire and contextual works), develop independence in work, psychological understanding of performance, critical awareness, and communication skills.
Learning outcomes:
Students develop the ability to work in professional chamber, symphony and opera orchestras, becoming familiar with the specific demands of orchestral playing, as well as the work process in a professional orchestra. They perform challenging works from the symphonic repertoire with the highest artistic standards.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 4
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Faculty of MusicStudy Programme: Performing Arts
Code: 2OCOU1 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 2
Piano accompaniment practice of piano excerpts from opera repertoire (for conducting students)
Learning outcomes:
This course is designed to develop students' opera performance skills. Students will work on mastering a variety of opera material, from short excerpts to entire roles, with a focus on the Bel Canto style. They will receive individualized instruction based on their unique vocal abilities and will have opportunities to perform publicly. The main goal of the course is to prepare students for professional careers in opera.
Piano accompaniment practice of piano excerpts from opera repertoire (for conducting students)
Learning outcomes:
This course is designed to develop students' opera performance skills. Students will work on mastering a variety of opera material, from short excerpts to entire roles, with a focus on the Bel Canto style. They will receive individualized instruction based on their unique vocal abilities and will have opportunities to perform publicly. The main goal of the course is to prepare students for professional careers in opera.
Semester: autumn | Maximum number of visiting students: 1
Language: Serbian – available for international students
Theatre Festival Management
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Cultural and Media Management and Theatre Production
Code: 22.OMG10 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 9
Professor: Phd Jovana Karaulić, Docent; Jelena Knežević, Teaching Assistant
This course introduces students to the theoretical and socio-cultural foundations of theatre festivals, with a focus on festival management practices. It combines critical analysis with practical training, equipping students with the skills and competencies needed to work in organizational, production, and leadership roles within theatre festivals. Emphasis is placed on understanding and addressing the specific challenges of festival management in contemporary cultural contexts.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students will be prepared to work in organization, production, and management roles within various types of theatre festivals and contexts. They will be able to analyze, classify, and evaluate historical and contemporary festival models and practices, and understand the processes involved in designing theatre festivals.
This course introduces students to the theoretical and socio-cultural foundations of theatre festivals, with a focus on festival management practices. It combines critical analysis with practical training, equipping students with the skills and competencies needed to work in organizational, production, and leadership roles within theatre festivals. Emphasis is placed on understanding and addressing the specific challenges of festival management in contemporary cultural contexts.
Learning outcomes:
Upon completing the course, students will be prepared to work in organization, production, and management roles within various types of theatre festivals and contexts. They will be able to analyze, classify, and evaluate historical and contemporary festival models and practices, and understand the processes involved in designing theatre festivals.
Entry requirements: Enrolled in undergraduate studies in the field of Performing Arts
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 3
Language: Serbian – available for international students
History of Theatre and Drama in the South Slavic Region II
Faculty of Dramatic ArtsStudy Programme: Theory and History
Code: 22.OTI06 | Course level: undergraduate | ECTS credits: 6
Professor: Nebojša Romčević, full professor and Ognjen Obradović, docent
This course focuses on the history of theatre and drama from the late 19th century to the present day. It examines, in chronological order, the most significant playwrights from this region whose works continue to form the backbone of theatre repertoires. These include Branislav Nušić, Miroslav Krleža, Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz, Dragoslav Mihajlović, Aleksandar Popović, Dušan Kovačević, Ljubomir Simović, Biljana Srbljanović, and others.
Since the history of drama cannot be studied in isolation from the broader theatrical context, the course also explores key moments in the history of domestic theatre, starting with the founding of the National Theatre in Belgrade. Special emphasis is placed on the history of directing and acting, highlighting the contributions of major theatres and artists.
Learning outcomes:
The goal of this course is to introduce students to the work of theatres and theatre artists who marked the late 19th and 20th centuries in the South Slavic region. At the same time, students develop hermeneutic skills, primarily focusing on their ability to analyze dramatic texts.
This course focuses on the history of theatre and drama from the late 19th century to the present day. It examines, in chronological order, the most significant playwrights from this region whose works continue to form the backbone of theatre repertoires. These include Branislav Nušić, Miroslav Krleža, Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz, Dragoslav Mihajlović, Aleksandar Popović, Dušan Kovačević, Ljubomir Simović, Biljana Srbljanović, and others.
Since the history of drama cannot be studied in isolation from the broader theatrical context, the course also explores key moments in the history of domestic theatre, starting with the founding of the National Theatre in Belgrade. Special emphasis is placed on the history of directing and acting, highlighting the contributions of major theatres and artists.
Learning outcomes:
The goal of this course is to introduce students to the work of theatres and theatre artists who marked the late 19th and 20th centuries in the South Slavic region. At the same time, students develop hermeneutic skills, primarily focusing on their ability to analyze dramatic texts.
Semester: Autumn & Spring | Number of semesters: 2 | Maximum number of visiting students: 2
Language: Serbian – available for international students