Call for papers – 2018 IFTR World Congress Theatre and Migration Theatre, Nation and Identity: Between Migration and Stasis
Theatre and Migration Theatre, Nation and Identity: Between Migration and Stasis
9th July – 13th July 2018, Belgrade
Studio-laboratory for performing arts, Faculty of Dramatic Arts
We hereby invite you to submit your abstracts for the 2018 IFTR World Congress organized by the Studio-Laboratory for performing arts of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, Serbia.
As a city with a complex and turbulent history and an important migratory route, with its constantly liminal position (East – West, EU – non-EU, old-fashioned – modern, intimate – metropolitan…), Belgrade will provide an opportunity to explore important issues of the contemporary world at the 2018 IFTR World Congress.
Deadline for abstract submission: January 31 2018
Abstract submission via Cambridge Core.
Please direct any questions you may have about the conference to iftr2018@fdu.bg.ac.rs
For more information please visit www.iftr.org/conference.