Welcome Week for Erasmus+ Students 22/23.
The International Relations Office of the University of Arts in Belgrade organized the Welcome Week in the Autumn semester of the academic 2022/23. The Welcome Week was realized in collaboration with the International Relations Office of the University of Belgrade and Erasmus Student Network in Belgrade (ESN BelUpGrade).
In order to welcome incoming students in Belgrade, the International relations Office of the University of Arts in Belgrade in collaboration with the International relations Office of the University of Belgrade and ESN BelUpgrade organized the Welcome Week for the Autumn semester of academic 2022/23.
On 29 September 2022, the students were welcomed by the University of Belgrade in the Solemn Hall of the Rectorate. Erasmus+ students of the University of Arts had an opportunity to meet all the Erasmus+ students in Belgrade in Autumn semester and get acquainted with the higher education institutions in Belgrade.
On October 3, students attended the reception at the University of Arts in Belgrade. Students had the chance to meet the leadership of the University of Arts in Belgrade and get to know their host faculties better.
On 6 and 7 October, International Relations Office of the University of Arts in Belgrade organized guided tours to the National Museum and Museum of Yugoslavia. The Erasmus+ students in Belgrade learned about the cultural life, artistic life and history of region and Serbia and enjoyed engaging exhibitions.