MY TEACHING MOBILITY IN BELGRADE: Saša Pavlović, University of Banja Luka
Saša Pavlović
University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Erasmus+ Mobility for Training at:
University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Music
On the 8th of May 2022, I arrived in Belgrade in my own vehicle. On Monday, 9th of May, after applying and submitting documents to the Office for International Cooperation of the University of Arts in Belgrade, I went to the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, where I was met by my colleague Jelena Dubljevic, assistant, who helped me and attended all my lectures. I would like to thank my colleague Dubljević for her help in the realization of all my activities. I successfully realized the complete planned teaching for the subject Solfeggio and Methodology of teaching solfeggio (13 hours of lectures and 2 hours of class visits) at the Faculty of Music according to the following schedule and in the following classes:
Monday, 9th of May
2.15 to 4.00 pm (2 classes), class of prof. Ph.D. Milena Petrović, a second-year student from the Department of Music Pedagogy, subject Solfeggio.
17:45 to 19:15 (2 classes) – Class visit and lecture, class of Aleksandar Cvetković, ma, second-year students, Department of Jazz and Popular Music, subject Jazz Solfeggio.
Tuesday, 10th of May
11.00 – 12.00 am (1 class), class of Ph.D. professor Ivana Hrpka Veškovac, second-year students Department of Ethnomusicology, subject Solfeggio.
12.30-2.00 pm (2 classes), class of Ph.D. professor Ivana Hrpka Veškovac, students of the IV year of the first cycle and students of the second cycle of studies, subject Methodology of teaching music theory and Methodology of teaching solfeggio.
4.00 – 5.30 pm (2 classes), class of Ph.D. professor Gordana Karan, first-year students of the Performing Arts study program (Department of Wind Instruments), subject Solfeggio.
Wednesday, 11th of May
10.45 am -12.15 pm (2 classes), class of Dragana Todorović, MA, first-year students of the module Music Pedagogy, subject, Solfeggio.
12.30 to 2.00 pm – conversation with members of the Department of Solfeggio and Music Pedagogy.
Thursday, 12th of May
1.00 to 2.00 pm Visit to the library of the Faculty of Music in Belgrade.
Friday, 13th of May
10.45 am -12.15 pm (2 classes), class of Ph.D. professor Ivana Drobni, third-year students of the module Music Pedagogy, subject Methodology of teaching solfeggio.
The teaching content for both subjects that I held was very rich in content and diverse, depending on the field and year of study. It covered the areas of teaching melody, rhythm, dictation and music theory.
Content of the teaching programme:
– From meta-rhythm in folk music to horizontal polarimetry in art/classic music,
– Serbian folk singing – a) interpretation depends on finalis; b) work on Dual-layer musical examples,
– Possibility of implementing ICT in teaching music literacy (Software: Auralia 7 and Musition 7),
– Work on the intonation of chords,
– A different approach to working on intervals,
– Melodic examples of dictation and sight-singing that contain modulations and alterations,
– Cadence from cliché to improvisation,
– Possible use of Bloom’s Taxonomy in teaching music literacy,
– Attendance of the classes on the subject Methodology of Teaching Solfeggio and Solfeggio teaching at the Solfeggio and Music Pedagogy Department, Department of Ethnomusicology, and the Department of Jazz and Popular Music.
During a working meeting with members of the Department of Solfeggio and Music Pedagogy, we discussed several topics and came to the following conclusions:
– To continue work on increasing the mobility of teachers and students between higher education institutions in the same or a similar speaking area,
– To work on further modernization of teaching,
– Work should be started on creating joint textbooks,
– Encourage the possibility of studying in the second or third studying cycle,
– To enrich and strengthen the current cooperation and establish an even closer connection between the Academy of Arts of the University of Banja Luka and the Faculty of Music of the University of Arts in Belgrade.
On Friday, 13th of May, at 1 pm, I went to a check-out meeting at the Office for International Cooperation of the University of the Arts, where I received the Confirmation of Arrival and Departure and the Certificate of Attendance. I returned to Banja Luka on the 15th of May.
In the end, I would, once again, like to congratulate and praise all those who participated in the organization and realization of my participation in the ERASMUS + project.