Una Pajić
University of Montenegro, Academy of Music
Erasmus+ Mobility for Studies at:
University of Arts, Faculty of Music
I choose this university because I wanted to see and also learn more about music in Belgrade and see more options to study modern music. I was required to bring my health certificate in case something bad happens. We were suggested to come a few days earlier and my partner university offered introduction courses, and also there were some mentor programmes. I was using my finances for my apartment and some essentials, also concert cards. Usually, I would carefully see everything and how much cost and use more useful things for less money. I was told that in Belgrade the cheapest apartments are from 300 – 400 euros, so I found one at that price on Booking and is also very near the centre of the city.
Teaching methods impressed me, as much as the study environment. Professors are patient and are free for any questions. I choose Musical, where I was in touch with that for the first time in my life and really enjoyed acting singing and playing, all at once! Solfeggio and methods of Solfeggio and General music pedagogy opened my eyes, to what everything we can do after Academy, not only teaching kids music. Analysis of music taught me their little but interesting difference during listening and analyzing. The history of music was so interesting, they presented it in a more creative and interesting way, better to remember important things. Musical instruments presented me with a better picture of every instrument and also how to play them. The piano was so nice to teach some new techniques, also as Choral conducted where I learned new techniques and I am proud now to have new abilities. Choral singing was special in Collegium, such a wonderful experience.
This language is close to my mother language, so I haven’t had a problem with communication, but they offered courses in the Serbian language in case someone was struggling during communication. Yes, I was listening to their cultural music, and dance and tried the food which is delicious. I also visited lots of museums, which I was enjoying. We had activities with the choir and orchestra of Music Academy, choirs Collegium Musicum and Obilic. We all together were performing at Kolarac with the composition Carmina Burana, which was the greatest of all in my personal. There were also some performances with Collegium Musicum, which was such an experience. I met lots of new friends here, and people in general.