Towards a performative turn in heritage studies. Case of WWII Monuments and Memorials in Western Balkans
Unesco Chair in Cultural Policy and Management has organized the Summer Seminar Towards a performative turn in heritage: Case of WWII Monuments and Memorials in Western Balkans, which took place in different locations in Serbia from 12-24th of September 2021. The Summer Seminar was organized in cooperation between University of Hildesheim (Germany), UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management of the University of Arts in Belgrade (Serbia), Europa Nostra Serbia and SEE Heritage Network and is funded by DAAD.
The Summer Seminar consisted of four-day lecture sessions, two-day preparatory workshops, three-day field-work project and final group presentations. All the planned activities investigated monuments and memorials dedicated to WWII events, at several locations in Serbia – in Belgrade, Čačak, Kragujevac, Kruševac, and Užice. The program offered both the new theoretical insights as well as field work with practical production of final deliverables, made through moderated and direct collaboration and exchanged between students from Hildesheim and Belgrade and heritage practitioners from the Western Balkans region.
There were in total 17 participants, out which 7 were from Serbia, 6 from Germany, 2 from North Macedonia and 2 from Montenegro.