MY TRAINING MOBILITY IN BELGRADE: Jelena Rožić, University of Banja Luka
Jelena Rožić
University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Erasmus+ Mobility for Training at:
University of Arts in Belgrade, Rectorate
Even though Belgrade is the city I have visited many times before, this was the visit with a lot of firsts. So, for the first time I have traveled during the pandemic, for the first time I had the feeling of liberty and restriction in the same time, for the first time I have visited colleagues at the University of Arts in Belgrade, for the first time colleagues from different universities gathered.
I have an excellent cooperation with colleagues from the University of Arts in Belgrade for almost a decade but I have never had the opportunity to visit them. So, this was the main reason for my mobility within the Erasmus+ program. We have worked together on different projects, but we didn’t have opportunity to visit each other and to discuss all possibilities of our cooperation. Since the University of Banja Luka is general university with all disciplines including the Academy of Arts it was more than beneficial to learn the specifics between general and art universities, when it comes to organization over mobility rules, regulations and procedures to results.
Very important part of my training was topic about differences of roles and responsibilities of being partner and program country in the Erasmus+ program. Since, Serbia became program country 2 years ago and hopefully Bosnia and Herzegovina will soon become program country, experience of the University of Arts in Belgrade in this change of position is very valuable and very important for my institution. During the training colleagues from the University of Arts in Belgrade organized a joint meeting with colleagues from the University of Belgrade and the University of Novi Sad. We have talked about impact on mobilites of students and staff due to pandemic, challenges we have faced as well as new practices we have introduced. Also, this was the opportunity to discuss our further cooperation within the Erasmus+ program and beyond.
I have strengthened professional links with the University of Arts in Belgrade, and also I have learned a lot and hope that I will have the opportunity to transfer gained knowledge.