MY TEACHING MOBILITY IN LJUBLJANA: Adam Pantić, Faculty of Fine Arts
Adam Pantić
University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Fine Arts
Erasmus+ Mobility for Teaching at:
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
I spent five days, from the 20th to the 25th of March, at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. At first, I visited the Academy’s ateliers and met my colleagues. During the discussions, we compared the similarities and distinctions between our academic programs. I also had a meeting with the Dean of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Alen Ožbolt. We discussed the possibilities of enhancing student mobility, within the Erasmus programs, among the academies we represent. During the meeting, I represented the program of Doctoral Art Studies at Belgrade’s Academy.
My first lecture, at the printmaking department, was devoted to my own artistic methodology, as well as pedagogical principles that I apply in my work with students at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade. In this lecture, we discussed the universality of printmaking language, and its increasing influence on shaping contemporary artistic, but also life practices. We also discussed the growing need for connecting science and art, through interactive workshops and summer camps.
In the second lecture, I demonstrated some of the hybrid printmaking techniques. These techniques developed as a result of the availability of new technological solutions which are mostly used in industry, above all, methods of photoprocedure. The conclusion of this lecture was that new techniques are not a surrogate of classical methods, but a new language of new generations.
The following segment of the lecture was devoted to contemporary printmaking publishing activities, such as short forms of leaflet, fanzine and artist’s book. It was also said about applying printmaking to new occurrences of artistic expression, primarily tattooing. On the same day, at the printmaking department, the curator of MGLC (The International Centre of Graphic Arts), Breda Škerjanec, delivered a talk about the history of artist’s book, and experiences of modern presentations and archiving these artistic editions.
Together with the Professor Zora Stančić, I had a mutual work with students, discussing the dialogue with the public and the presentation of my own work. Also, with Professor Stančić, I visited the current exhibition at MGLC. With the kindness of the curators, I was able to enter lithography and silkscreen workshops and see a part of the Graphic Centre’s collection. In her own atelier, professor Stančić presented me her artwork. That moment we used to discuss a return visit, of professors and students to Belgrade’s academy.
By the courtesy of my colleagues, I also met other prominent artists. One of them, Damjan Kracina, was my host during the tour of Ljubljana’s art scene: Metelkova Art Centre, Museum of Modern Art, Cukrarna Art Gallery and others.
I owe a special thanks to my colleague Admir Ganić, an Art associate at the Academy of Fine Art and Design, who supported the realization of my objectives, throughout my entire stay in Ljubljana.
These thematic visits to related institutions, in the Western Balkans, are very valuable in order to establish a cultural exchange at all levels. On this path, working with young artists is certainly a first-class goal, and therefore greater convergence of school systems.