Creative Europe
MAST – Master Module in Art, Science and Technology
Creative Europe/Connect/2017/3346110
Audiovisual Industry & Media Support Programmes
The MAST project will develop an applied study module at the intersections of Art, Science and Technology, combining methodologies and practices that will intertwine the academic sphere closely with the industry realms of the Culture and Creative Sectors (CCS). Nurturing a competent perspective on the historical, economical, social and above all cultural relevance of this interdisciplinary blend within the new digital shift, the MAST project will apply innovative, ICT-enhanced teaching and learning methods. The developed model for interdisciplinary and collaborative entrepreneurship as well as career-management will answer the needs of both public (academic entrepreneurship, specialised institutions) and the private sector (companies, NGOs). Therefore it shall rest on a cultural-management savvy approach, combining specific techniques of creative thinking and collaboration for innovation, not least to assure quality, efficiency and equal access on both project and module levels. The developed international study module, shared among three universities and geared toward easy accreditation (transfer), will consist of between 30 and 60 ECTS worth of courses and other academic mechanisms for quality employment.
The activities of the MAST project are clustered into 5 work packages, each organised along a line of interconnected activities, throughout the 28 months. Based on a strategy of gradual work-placement combined with support for spin-out or start-up and career self-management, the module will instigate such innovation capacities in both students and the academy that are linked to the real and foreseeable CCS industry needs, but still critically reflect (its) realities and paradoxes. The developed master study module would comprise of a total of 30 ECTS of MAST-specific courses ranging from 4 to 8 ECTS such as workshops, seminars, an industry-challenge course, tandem mentorships etc., mostly focussing on the practical competencies, trans-disciplinary knowledge and transferable skills. The project would also develop guidelines for career-development to engage employment partners into the final academic work and integrate mechanisms of direct work placement, internship or scholarship schemes, including realm-specific residency, incubation and mobility schemes. The latter would cover another 10 to 30 ECTS (depending on the final thesis or project within the curriculum) of MAST-related concluding graduate work and mentoring support, such as within a master thesis and/or final project. The MAST project proposal has been developed considering the cost-benefit principle and maximizing good-household practices, such as sharing transport within the SEE/CE region, and technical resources on locations, as well as knowledge and skills, the re-using of existing EU-project legacy and a specific combining of excellence features of each of the partners.
Duration: 2017-2020
NXT – Making a Living from the Arts
European Cooperation Projects
The project is led by the European League of Institutes of the Arts-ELIA, together with European higher arts education organisations and partners from 14 countries, representing over 1,000 institutions and one million emerging artists. The Project creates transnational entry routes into international careers for generations of talented emerging artists, enabling them to make a living from creative production; Makes cultural/creative incubators more entrepreneurial, innovative and transnational; Boosts transnational mobility and entrepreneurial learning opportunities for arts graduates, art educators and incubator leaders; Celebrates cutting-edge artistic creation, transcending disciplines, genres, media and audiences; Connects young artists with cultural/creative players, sectors and businesses; Promotes national and European cultural and creative sectors as an engine of economic and social innovation. It makes the 3 editions of the NEU/NOW festival – showcasing the best work of recent art graduates – a major European cultural event. Collaboration with Prix Europa Berlin, Foam Photography Museum, Southbank London and Art Basel results in new arenas for NEU/NOW artists to show their work. It develops a Digital Support Interface, providing NEU/NOW alumni with unique opportunities to display work, drawing attention from international curators, directors, businesspeople and other cultural players. The Incubator Programme researches cultural/creative incubators, tests innovative models and initiates a Support Network, making incubating practices innovative and transnational. Recurring project themes: ‘international career training’, ‘innovative incubating’, ‘cultural entrepreneurship’, ‘new business models’, ‘access to finance and crowdfunding and ‘new ways of looking at creativity and audiences’ are translated into training formats, building an attractive learning and exchange environment.
Duration: 2015-2018

European Cooperation projects
Rostrum+ is a cooperation project lead by the European Music Council and co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union which aims to rethink the ways in which contemporary music connects with audiences through radio network by exploring new strategies to develop audiences, promote new music, enhance the skills of radio professionals and inspire cooperation between musicians, higher music education institutions and broadcasting companies throughout Europe and beyond. The springboard for the project is the International Rostrum of Composers, an annual event uniting some 40 delegates of national broadcasting companies. Building upon this existing foundation, the project will introduce new activities that connect with other operators of the genre, the end goal being the expansion and durable growth/sustaining of the contemporary music sector in Europe and beyond. The Rostrum+ project sets out a diverse set of activities:
-Listen: a series of listening sessions for national public radio broadcasters
-Live!: a series of 13 concerts performed by students
-Create: co-commissions to 6 composers
-Forum: a series of activities will be implemented to enhance the capacity of radio producers to deal with the new challenges, explore possibilities and develop solutions
-Lab:an unprecedented activity in which radio producers will be invited to experiment innovative approaches to present contemporary compositions to the public and allow them to interact with it
-Edu: academic training, live concerts and meetings with composers, professionals from radio and concert halls to develop a dynamic link with the musicians of tomorrow
Duration: 2015-2018