Barcelona-Belgrade synergies
Manel Clemente, Carles Torné and Santi Erill
EA Pau Gargallo
Erasmus+ Mobility for Teaching at:
University of Arts in Belgrade
Professors Manel Clemente, Carles Torné and Santi Erill visited the University of Arts in Belgrade from 28 February to 2 March 2022 as part of the ERASMUS+ programme. The purpose of this visit was to hold a lecture on contemporary photography in Spain and a presentation on memorial heritage commemorating the Spanish Civil War in Catalonia. Also, the focus of this mobility was to get to know the Faculty of Applied Arts and the University in order to share possible international projects. During this semester, the student of this faculty Sofija Stojanovic is carrying out an ERASMUS+ mobility in the Animation Department of our school. The host of this visit was International Relations Office at central and departmental levels.
We had an opportunity to visit the Department of Applied Painting, give presentation of our institutions EA Pau Gargallo and ESDAPC, as well as to hold a lecture about Spanish contemporary Photography (selection: Chema Madoz, Jordi Bernadó, Joan Fontcuberta) and about Memorial monumental heritage of the Spanish Civil War in Catalonia.
This mobility will definitely strengthen the relationship between our schools and soon we are expecting new visits in Barcelona.