MY TEACHING MOBILITY IN BELGRADE: Azra Medić, University of Sarajevo
Azra Medić
University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Erasmus+ Mobility for Teaching at:
University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Music
In april 2022 as part of the Erasmus + Teachnig mobility I had the opportunity to visit University of Fine Arts in Belgrad and give a mastrerclass for piano students. It was part of a wonderful collaboration that started in December 2021 when we had the pleasure to listen the inspiring masterclass that prof. Lidija Stanković gave at the Music Academy in Sarajevo.
In five days which I spent teaching at the University in Belgrad I thoroughly enjoyd every day of the exchange. I worked with 20 students who played very demanding and diverse programs, including major works written for piano (Schumann: Carneval, Skrjabin: Sonata no.2, Grieg: Concerto, Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart Sonatas….). We had one-to-one lessons and there were always other students and teachers who were listening to the masterclass. Students were very open, responsive and highly professional which made my work with them extremely productive. It was a rewarding experience to be part of their music making and music thinking.
Thanks to the amazing prof. Lidija Stanković, all the university stuff and wonderful piano students I felt extremely welcome and happy. I hope that the connection and exchange between the two universities will remain active in years to come and that students and teachers from Sarajevo and Belgrad will get the chance to be part of the future Erasmus exchange programs.