The Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, reviewed positively by MusiQuE
The Faculty of Music of the University of Arts in Belgrade underwent an institutional quality enhancement review MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement, European independent accreditation and external evaluation body for music, affiliate of European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education – ENQA and registered on the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR), dedicated to the continuous improvement of the quality of higher music education across Europe and beyond. As a result, the Faculty of Music in Belgrade has become the only higher education institution in country and region reviewed positively by MusiQuE, confirming in such a way high level of alignment with European standards of higher music education.
Institutional evaluation of the Faculty of Music was conducted as an activity of the DEMUSIS project concerning preparation for modernization of the music studies curricula by introducing digital and entrepreneurial skills essential for independent work of academic musicians and career management in the current general and cultural context. MusiQuE evaluation is highly significant for the Faculty of Music and the University of Arts, both as a important vehicle for quality enhancement and positioning within the higher music education international network, as well as valuable support and encouragement in campaign for new Faculty of Music campus.
The quality enhancement review was conducted following well-established MusiQuE procedures and standards, including evaluation of Faculty’s mission and vision, educational processes and study programs, teaching and non-teaching staff, facilities and financial resources, quality control procedures, and public interaction.
In Institutional Review Report, publicly available in the Completed reports section of the MusiQuE website, the evaluation team highlights the Faculty of Music extensive study programme portfolio, well structured curricula in line with intended learning outcomes. Furthermore, teaching processes and methods of delivery, “an impressive research output”, qualifications of teaching and support staff, along with wide variety opportunities offered to students to take part in educational and artistic activities within and outside the institutionwere also highly commended. The Review Team finds the Faculty of Music well integrated into wider cultural, artistic and educational contexts in Serbia, with a strong commitment to contribute in different ways to the cultural and educational sectors.
The Institutional review of the Faculty of Music of the University of Arts in Belgrade, concludes an important part of activities in work package 1 – Preparation and Analysis (WP 1.1) of the project Enhancing the digital competencies and entrepreneurship skills of academic musicians in Serbia for culturally more engaged society – DEMUSIS, the work package that setsthe foundation for further project activities in expanding the curriculum to include a greater focus on digital media and entrepreneurship.