Welcome Week – Spring 19-20
Welcome Week 2019-2020, Spring Semester
Welcome Week is a formal start of your studies at the University of Arts in Belgrade (UAB), intended for all incoming students. We are happy to inform you that we have organized the first joint Welcome Week in collaboration with the University of Belgrade and the Erasmus Student Network ESN BelUPgrade.
During this Welcome Week, actually, Welcome Month, we offer a program of events and activities to students of both universities, designed to help you adapt, make friends and ease you into university life:
18th – 21st February – Survival week – reserved for the registration at the university, joint reception and cocktail at the University of Belgrade, guided city walk, meetings with professors and ECTS coordinators, last but not least – various social gatherings
24th – 28th February – Culture Week – reserved for exploring the context – history and culture of Belgrade and Serbia
2nd – 6th March – Art Week – reserved for understanding both public and independent art scene in Belgrade
18/02/2020 Joint reception at the University of Belgrade
18th – 21st February programme of student activities
26th February – 1rd March programme of student activities
2nd – 6th March – Art Week – programme of student activities